Download latest Junit for Maven - maven

I have Maven and Nexus configured in my project and now I need to get the latest version of JUnit into my Nexus.
If I search Nexus, it shows the latest version available on Maven Central, but how do I download it ?
I don't even know in which repository the existing JUnit lies. I have about 15 repositories in Nexus and I'm not able to really find it.
So, in short:
Where do I find my existing JUnit version in Nexus local and how?
When I do find it and want to upgrade to latest, how to do it?

Just use the search feature. For that to work nicely you will have to have remote index download configured. Once you found it the results will show in which repository it is.
What JUnit version you use will depend on the dependency declared in your build system. E.g. if you use Maven it might look like this
In general I would suggest to read up on Nexus usage and repository manager basics in the free book Repository Management with Nexus and maybe on your build system as well. If it is Maven a good start are the Maven books at .
Disclaimer: I am co-author of the Nexus book.


How to fix The POM for XXX:jar:1.0 is missing, no dependency information available

We tried to build our project(Spring Boot 2.0.3 with Maven 3.3.9 dependency management)Jenkins Tool(Linux environment).Its saying build failure showing the following message in console "The POM for org.actus:ACTUS-Core-1.0:jar:1.0 is missing, no dependency information available".ACTUS is our custom java library developed by us and its in the local repository also.
This is the first time we started using Jenkins Tool. There are some other modules which depends on this same ACTUS jar.Those are also failing.I have searched for solution on internet.Some people said,make changes to settings.xml file.But in our development machine ,we cant find any such type of settings.xml file(in .m2)
remaining all dependencies are normal spring boot dependencies only.This is the only one external or custom jar.Using mvn install, we kept in maven local repo.
I will try to explain as much I can to solve your problem. I hope you are looking for settings.xml to update your maven Nexus repository. If you don't know about nexus repository, it's kind of public repo where you will get all open source dependency.
In your case, from your organization, you should have a private nexus repository and upload ACTUS-Core jar to there.
Then update your settings.xml file to use your company nexus repository. (Please check comments, it will be available in M2_HOME location)
So while you execute mvn install automatically it will upload in your private repository.
Now, in your pom.xml mention the same nexus repository. (It's optional)
Then, in your Jenkins script, you have updated this nexus repo.
So, the key point is you should have your own repo to upload ACTUS-Core jar and need to access the same while you building in Jenkin tool.
If you find all the above activities in pain / not possible then I can suggest a short cut solution.
Create a lib folder under your project name ( same hierarchy as src) then add your ACTUS-Core.jar and commit that file along with your source code.
Then, update your pom file like below. It will work.

selenium-central-framework in pom.xml

I am not able to find any hint about the issue that I am facing and hence posting my question here. Please apologize if it is something silly.
I have some working experience in selenium webdriver. However in my new project, I was asked to use an existing Selenium framework.
In the pom.xml, I am seeing the below dependency (I have edited xxx to avoid displaying the company name)
Question :
I couldn't understand from where that dependancy was taken from ?
Solution Tried :
I have tried searching in the maven repository still couldn't find
anything related to "selenium-central-framework"
I have checked the dependencies of selenium RC, but they seems to be different from the one that is present above.
I have researched whether any local jars were used and were linked
as dependancy. However I understand from maven repository, local
repositories will be linked with the tag "systemPath"
Note that the depedency used in my project doesn't have the tag "systemPath".
Is there anyway the external repositories could be added without mentioning systemPath ??
Please help, what could be that dependency ? How to find more information about it. Thanks a ton for your help.
I suggest you one of these approaches:
Jar file
If you have access to the jar file called : selenium-central-framework-2.0.18.jar, open a command line pointing to the folder of this jar and execute:
mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=selenium-central-framework-2.0.18.jar \
-DgroupId=com.xxxqa.selenium \
-DartifactId=selenium-central-framework \
-Dversion=2.0.18 -Dpackaging=jar
Source code file
If you have the source code of : selenium-central-framework-2.0.18.jar, open a command line pointing to the folder of this source code and execute:
mvn clean install
After one of these approaches, selenium-central-framework-2.0.18.jar will be available in you local maven repository ($HOME/.m2) and your other java maven projects will be ready to use it as dependency:
This is a workaround if you don't have a server to host an artifact repository management server like :
Almost all free, public, safe, useful and cool java libraries are hosted in . So any person in the world can use it in their maven project with this piece in their pom.xml:
But in some cases, publish your source code to is not an option:
Oracle Driver. This driver (.jar) can only be downloaded from the official Oracle page. Private source code like IBM, Microsfot,etc
Source code of your company that should not be public.
Some super cool library that is only in github but not in the maven central repository.
So in this cases, the best and scalable solution is host and configure some artifact repository management server like :
This platforms are an emulation of . So with a minimal configuration:
You can host your special or private jars
Your maven projects could use this jars with the standrad xml dependency in pom.xml.
If you don't have a server to implement one of these platforms, the previous approaches could help you and get the same results

How to include jar in Maven Netbeans proj that doesnt exist in maven repo

I am using Netbeans to build a Maven project, and have the JTidy java library as a dependency. It turns out JTidy doesnt exist in any maven repos, so I can't just add a "normal" depedency entry for it.
What is the best way of handling dependencies to libraries in Maven projects that arent available on repos?
I've currently tried adding it to my maven pom as such (after copying the jar to my projects /libs folder)
However it complains that it will be unresolvable by dependent projects.
First of all, it's under another groupId, that's why you didn't find it.
But to answer your question, one way of doing this is to manually install it in your local repo as described here.
The best way IMHO is to add it to a proxy like Nexus. That way other people can access it from there without having to install it locally. However, this means you have to set up a repository manager, which doesn't make much sense if you are the only developer on the project.

Where to find Maven CXF 2.2.6 jar?

I'm converting an ANT project that uses CXF into a Maven one. The problem is that this projects depends on CXF v2.2.6 and when I go to here or even here, there is no jar to download. I don't know what to do. I have the JAR but I want to use the Maven features like dependency management.
Thanks for your help
If using Ant, it likely used the cxf-bundle jar that pretty much contains all of CXF. You can just add:
to your new pom and it would get that jar along with all the dependencies that it would require.
It is available at Maven central. Use as your repository.
Either install it manually to your local repository or use a repository manager like Nexus.

Best way to create maven project to upload missing jars in central repository

ProGuard version 4.5, 4.5.1 and 4.6 have been released, but unfortunately, the corresponding maven artifacts have not been released in central repository:
<version>4.4</version> <-- This is the limit
<scope>runtime</scope> </dependency>
I have left a message on Proguard's forum for more information. I am considering releasing them myself since Eric Lafortune mentioned he is not involved with maven anymore.
Instead of recompiling the code, I was wondering whether it might be possible to create a maven project to install existing jars (available from sourceforge) into the central repository. This is different than installing external jars in a local repository.
How can I configure my pom.xml to achieve this assuming those jars are available in my local repository? Is this possible?
The next step would be to use Sonatype's repository as a stepstone to release the artifacts into central repository.
