How to show timezone Dropdown at registration time in joomla? - joomla

I want to show Timezone Drop down at registration time, Joomla provide any settings show drop down either code?

No, by default it does not.
User can set timezone in his/her "Profile" page only after registration.

You can use Easy Profile extension to extend the users manager. This is probably the best of its kind.
I'm not sure if it will have a timezone selection already built in, but if not you can make custom fields and drop downs.


How to add user custom fields to the edit profile form?

I had to add a series of custom fields to the joomla registration form. Thanks to the guide I managed to do it, both for the registration form and for the administrator form.
The process I followed for this are the following:
Added the fields to the users table
Added the fields in joomla user entity /library/src/user/user.php
Added the fields and definition to /components/com_users/model/forms/registration.xml file to update the registration form
Added the fields and definition to administrator/components/com_users/model/forms/user.xml file to update the user edition form for user with administrator role
Now I require the user to be able to change their profile data with the inthe fields that were created manually. To do this I added a link to the menu
form to edit profile, here I expected to see all user fields, both native and custom created, but instead I obtain only the native fields, although upon inspecting the object (user) I can access all the user fields.
I created the fields by hand and then I expected that when they were saved they would persist, but it is not, when sending the form only the native data is updated and not the custom fields.
When I inspect, I see that a component named k2 is the one that facilitates this profile editing form, I am new to joomla and its ecosystem
Could you please give me guidance on how to implement this task?
Greetings and thanks in advance
Do not edit core components.
There is a way to do the same using Profile plugin.
Go through above link and create a new profile plugin.
This is not the way to add extra user fields. What will you do if you need to update Joomla. Joomla releases security updates at regular intervals. First you need to create a user plugin and then you add whatever user fields you need. I found a detailed description here, you also can have a look. if still you get any doubts you can ask me here in comments.

Magento multistore default settings

I have a problem (suddenly) with the defaults settings for a product. We have a multistore setup with several languages. When we create a new product, we put in alle relevant data for the product.
When we switch to another store view, all the "Use Default Value" checkboxes are unchecked.
Normally they should be checked by default, now it is unchecked by default?
We only need to change some things to another language, most things should keep the default setting.
This started a few days ago, the only thing we changed on the setup during that time is adding some extra modules or emptyd some log tables in the database?
Does anyone have any clue where I can correct this behaviour and have all the "Use Default Value" checkboxes checked by default again?
be sure that in file app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/catalog/form/renderer/fieldset/element.phtml or (find the same file in your custom admin theme if You use it) in line 55 input has attribute checked="checked".
Also check in Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Form_Renderer_Fieldset_Element method usedDefault() and see you error logs.

Magento extension for single store in multi website

My client bought an extension named Extendware Cart Reminder for a single store. It worked well before creating a another new store for wholesale. He needs that extension for only one store, not for wholesale. But now that extension is not working on both. Is it possible to activate it for only one store? If yes, where should I edit?
You could dig into the code and try to customize it a little bit.
Add another configuration option on storeview level in the "General" tab of the extension with the values "enabled/disabled".
Then check at the important places which value is set for the current store view. If it is set to enabled let it execute the original code, if it is set to disabled, do nothing.
As I don't know the code of that extension I can't provide more detailed information. Possibly there is an observer or something where you could check for this configuration value.

Allow user to choose default store/language in Magento CE

We want to allow the user to choose a 'default' or 'preferred' store (or language) and set this in their account.
So that when a French user logs into the site, the French store is served as their default, for example.
I've looked for this functionality for ages, is it built-in? If so, how do I use/activate it? Any helpful comments are appreciated, thanks!
There is no such thing from out-of-the-box Magento package.
Right now, a cookie is saved on customer browser to remember his selected language (store view) choice. If that's not enough for you, you could create an additional customer attribute to store that selection and then read that value on customer log-in.

Change Registration form in Joomla 1.5

I am developing a website where I need to create two user types. One is "member" and the other is "merchant". Both have different areas to be accessed. I am really confused on how can I achieve this.
Also I am trying to add my custom fields of First name and Password in the default Joomla registration form. As soon as I add a new TR with field first name the registration form stops working.
Can you guys help me in doing this?
If you have some troubles with default Joomla registrtion, you could use Community Builder. It is pretty easy to add fields to users profile and users registration. To separate members and merchants you could add field to the registration form called for example Account type. And then according to its value assign new user as registered(members) or author(merchant).
First, adding user types in 1.5 is not going to accomplish the access requirements you have described. You would need to install an access control component to control different user types accessing different content.
Next, Joomla 1.5 is nearing end of life, April 2012 to be exact. Version 1.7.x released last week so you should very seriously consider moving the site to the latest version. An added bonus is that Joomla 1.7.x has built in access control levels that would accomplish what you are trying to do.
Regarding different access levels best thing to do would be upgrade to Joomla 1.6/1.7 It has this functionality built in. It may be possible to achieve this in 1.5 with third party components, but I don't have any experience with this.
Regarding custom registration fields, again, if you upgrade to 1.6/1.7 it has User - Profile plugin which allows to add additional fields to your registration form.
In 1.5 you can use third party components such as ExtendedReg (commercial).
Or alternately edit core files:
