Apply Caching Aspect to Camel Routes using InterceptFrom - spring-boot

I want to apply the caching aspect to Apache Camel Routes using InterceptFrom feature by intercepting
every incoming exchange in a route.
I am able to successfully load the RestDefinitions and RouteDefinitions currently from separate xml files.
In a similar way I want to load the Intercept definition from a seperate XML file.
I currently have tne following content in my xml(Intercept.xml) file which I use to load the InterceptFrom Definitions as below. I only log them as of now. i will be adding the logic to check for cache hit/miss eventually.
<log message="Intercepted Route" />
I am loading them using the below method,
List<InterceptFromDefinition> intDefns=getInterceptDefinitions("Intercept.xml");
I also set them to the routes.
I get the error as below,
2016-10-08 22:13:19.711 ERROR 6004 --- [ main] com.demo.composite.util.CamelUtil : Exception reading configuration files:javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"interceptFrom"). Expected elements are <{}aggregate>,<{}aop>,<{}avro>,<{}barcode>,<{}base64>,<{}batch-config>,<{}bean>,<{}beanio>,<{}bindy>,<{}boon>,<{}castor>,<{}choice>,<{}circuitBreaker>,<{}constant>,<{}contextScan>,<{}convertBodyTo>,<{}crypto>,<{}csv>,<{}customDataFormat>,<{}customLoadBalancer>,<{}dataFormats>,<{}delay>,<{}delete>,<{}description>,<{}doCatch>,<{}doFinally>,<{}doTry>,<{}dynamicRouter>,<{}el>,<{}enrich>,<{}exchangeProperty>,<{}expression>,<{}expressionDefinition>,<{}failover>,<{}filter>,<{}flatpack>,<{}from>,<{}get>,<{}groovy>,<{}gzip>,<{}head>,<{}header>,<{}hessian>,<{}hl7>,<{}ical>,<{}idempotentConsumer>,<{}inOnly>,<{}inOut>,<{}intercept>,<{}interceptFrom>,<{}interceptSendToEndpoint>,<{}jacksonxml>,<{}javaScript>,<{}jaxb>,<{}jibx>,<{}json>,<{}jsonpath>,<{}jxpath>,<{}language>,<{}loadBalance>,<{}log>,<{}loop>,<{}lzf>,<{}marshal>,<{}method>,<{}mime-multipart>,<{}multicast>,<{}mvel>,<{}ognl>,<{}onCompletion>,<{}onException>,<{}optimisticLockRetryPolicy>,<{}options>,<{}otherwise>,<{}packageScan>,<{}param>,<{}patch>,<{}pgp>,<{}php>,<{}pipeline>,<{}policy>,<{}pollEnrich>,<{}post>,<{}process>,<{}properties>,<{}property>,<{}protobuf>,<{}put>,<{}python>,<{}random>,<{}recipientList>,<{}redeliveryPolicy>,<{}ref>,<{}removeHeader>,<{}removeHeaders>,<{}removeProperties>,<{}removeProperty>,<{}resequence>,<{}responseHeader>,<{}responseMessage>,<{}rest>,<{}restBinding>,<{}restConfiguration>,<{}restContextRef>,<{}restProperty>,<{}rests>,<{}rollback>,<{}roundRobin>,<{}route>,<{}routeBuilder>,<{}routeContextRef>,<{}routes>,<{}routingSlip>,<{}rss>,<{}ruby>,<{}sample>,<{}script>,<{}secureXML>,<{}serialization>,<{}setBody>,<{}setExchangePattern>,<{}setFaultBody>,<{}setHeader>,<{}setOutHeader>,<{}setProperty>,<{}simple>,<{}soapjaxb>,<{}sort>,<{}spel>,<{}split>,<{}sql>,<{}sticky>,<{}stop>,<{}stream-config>,<{}string>,<{}syslog>,<{}tarfile>,<{}terser>,<{}threadPoolProfile>,<{}threads>,<{}throttle>,<{}throwException>,<{}tidyMarkup>,<{}to>,<{}toD>,<{}tokenize>,<{}topic>,<{}transacted>,<{}transform>,<{}univocity-csv>,<{}univocity-fixed>,<{}univocity-header>,<{}univocity-tsv>,<{}unmarshal>,<{}validate>,<{}verb>,<{}vtdxml>,<{}weighted>,<{}when>,<{}wireTap>,<{}xmlBeans>,<{}xmljson>,<{}xmlrpc>,<{}xpath>,<{}xquery>,<{}xstream>,<{}xtokenize>,<{}yaml>,<{}zip>,<{}zipFile>
javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"interceptFrom"). Expected elements are <{}aggregate>,<{}aop>,<{}avro>,<{}barcode>,<{}base64>,<{}batch-config>,<{}bean>,<{}beanio>,<{}bindy>,<{}boon>,<{}castor>,<{}choice>,<{}circuitBreaker>,<{}constant>,<{}contextScan>,<{}convertBodyTo>,<{}crypto>,<{}csv>,<{}customDataFormat>,<{}customLoadBalancer>,<{}dataFormats>,<{}delay>,<{}delete>,<{}description>,<{}doCatch>,<{}doFinally>,<{}doTry>,<{}dynamicRouter>,<{}el>,<{}enrich>,<{}exchangeProperty>,<{}expression>,<{}expressionDefinition>,<{}failover>,<{}filter>,<{}flatpack>,<{}from>,<{}get>,<{}groovy>,<{}gzip>,<{}head>,<{}header>,<{}hessian>,<{}hl7>,<{}ical>,<{}idempotentConsumer>,<{}inOnly>,<{}inOut>,<{}intercept>,<{}interceptFrom>,<{}interceptSendToEndpoint>,<{}jacksonxml>,<{}javaScript>,<{}jaxb>,<{}jibx>,<{}json>,<{}jsonpath>,<{}jxpath>,<{}language>,<{}loadBalance>,<{}log>,<{}loop>,<{}lzf>,<{}marshal>,<{}method>,<{}mime-multipart>,<{}multicast>,<{}mvel>,<{}ognl>,<{}onCompletion>,<{}onException>,<{}optimisticLockRetryPolicy>,<{}options>,<{}otherwise>,<{}packageScan>,<{}param>,<{}patch>,<{}pgp>,<{}php>,<{}pipeline>,<{}policy>,<{}pollEnrich>,<{}post>,<{}process>,<{}properties>,<{}property>,<{}protobuf>,<{}put>,<{}python>,<{}random>,<{}recipientList>,<{}redeliveryPolicy>,<{}ref>,<{}removeHeader>,<{}removeHeaders>,<{}removeProperties>,<{}removeProperty>,<{}resequence>,<{}responseHeader>,<{}responseMessage>,<{}rest>,<{}restBinding>,<{}restConfiguration>,<{}restContextRef>,<{}restProperty>,<{}rests>,<{}rollback>,<{}roundRobin>,<{}route>,<{}routeBuilder>,<{}routeContextRef>,<{}routes>,<{}routingSlip>,<{}rss>,<{}ruby>,<{}sample>,<{}script>,<{}secureXML>,<{}serialization>,<{}setBody>,<{}setExchangePattern>,<{}setFaultBody>,<{}setHeader>,<{}setOutHeader>,<{}setProperty>,<{}simple>,<{}soapjaxb>,<{}sort>,<{}spel>,<{}split>,<{}sql>,<{}sticky>,<{}stop>,<{}stream-config>,<{}string>,<{}syslog>,<{}tarfile>,<{}terser>,<{}threadPoolProfile>,<{}threads>,<{}throttle>,<{}throwException>,<{}tidyMarkup>,<{}to>,<{}toD>,<{}tokenize>,<{}topic>,<{}transacted>,<{}transform>,<{}univocity-csv>,<{}univocity-fixed>,<{}univocity-header>,<{}univocity-tsv>,<{}unmarshal>,<{}validate>,<{}verb>,<{}vtdxml>,<{}weighted>,<{}when>,<{}wireTap>,<{}xmlBeans>,<{}xmljson>,<{}xmlrpc>,<{}xpath>,<{}xquery>,<{}xstream>,<{}xtokenize>,<{}yaml>,<{}zip>,<{}zipFile>
at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallingContext.handleEvent(
at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.Loader.reportError(
Probably I need to wrap the interceptFrom using a element similar to the way I wrapped the Rest and RouteDefinitions. But, not sure how.
I am not sure if I am doing it the correct way.
Can somehow help me on this.
Also, I see there is a InterceptStrategy which can be set to the camelcontext.
Is there a way I can use that to do AOP like processsing for my routes by applying the caching concern instead of InterceptFrom.
Also, my Camel Application is based on Spring Boot, so is there any feature in Spring Boot which I can use to intercept the route calls.
I have added the sample project which I had created to load my routes and apiroutes in this repo using XML files. Similarly, I would want to apply the cross cutting concern of caching using interceptors so that they do not mix with route logic. I am looking for a way to use the interceptFrom camel feature so that I can intercept every message to a route and handle them accordingly. I am not sure how to load the interceptors or how to have them linked with the routes.
I have currently removed the code which I had added to load the interceptors because of namespace error. Once, I get the correct approach of the solution I will add the same accordingly.

Can you give the full Intercept.xml? Seems your Intercept.xml xml file have the wrong namespace, just like
<camelContext xmlns="">
<!-- intercept incoming messages and route them to the mock:middle1 endpoint
before we proceed and continue routing from the point of interceptions, that
is mock:end will be the next target -->
<to uri="mock:middle1"/>
<!-- here we have a very simple route -->
<from uri="direct:start"/>
<to uri="mock:end"/>


Start with Apache Camel

I’m very new to Apache Camel and will very appreciate if someone could provide me what camel components may be used to solve particular task.
I have a simple REST WS. This service is not accessible to audience.
The idea is to build middle layer between user requests and endpoint service.
So I will have to catch user’s request, make some manipulations with it, send to restricted WS and give a response to user.
I’m just started learning apache camel and the question is what is the best way to implement this logic.
Thx in advance!
Frankly, Camel is not the right framework to implement web controllers. Of course there is the Camel Rest Module, but it is stretching the responsibilities of the framework too far.
I recommend using a more adapt framework for the implementation of the WS, e.g. Spring or Jersey, and call Camel endpoints programmatically from the request handlers. Within Spring, triggering Camel Endpoints is easy since the CamelContext can get autowired into your web controller:
camelContext.createProducerTemplate().sendBodyAndHeader("direct:myEndpoint", null, "id", id);
For your Camel Root this approach means, that it starts of with a Direct endpoint, then forwards to a Camel http endpoint and if necessary forwards the output from the HTTP call to some Spring bean transformation step, before finally passing it back to the web controller handler method:
<from uri="direct:myEndpoint"/>
<to uri=""/>
<method ref="springBean" method="doSomeTransformation"/>
Well there are several camel components you can use for this task. Think of Camel as a toolbox where you can choose from several tools for the same task.
You can use:
Example using java dsl:
Example using blueprint
<from uri="jetty://http://localhost:7070/test"/>
<to uri="jetty://http://localhost:7070/test1"/>

How can I execute a Camel route on shutdown only?

I have a Camel 2.13.1 application which uses an external web service which I access through the CXF component. I use the startupOrder attribute of the Spring XML route element to ensure that a call is made to the Login operation of the web service in a route I've set up to be called once at startup (using the timer component).
When my application is shutting down I want Camel to call the web service and execute the logout operation but I can't see a good way of doing this. I'm using the Spring DSL at the moment and am looking into the org.apache.camel.spi.ShutdownStrategy interface as my only hope but will I be able to execute a route that contains my CXF producer from it? Can't see how at the moment.
Looking for some options and would prefer to use the Spring DSL to specify the route like so:-
<route id="logoutFromWebServiceOnShutdownRoute">
<from uri="direct:logoutFromWebServiceOnShutdown" />
<process ref="prepareWebServiceLogoutProcessor" />
<to uri="cxf:bean:webServiceEndpoint?defaultOperationName=logout" />
<process ref="webServiceLogoutResponseProcessor" />
Just need to know how to call it on shutdown only! I'm running Camel as a WAR.
I've tried the route policy but can't get it working. I need the route in question to run once only on shutdown and can't see how that can be accomplished using the route policy.
Instead, I've utilised Spring by including a destroy-method attribute on a bean which calls my Logout code.
<bean class="com.chris.MyAuthenticationManager" destroy-method="logout" />
This runs after Camel has shut down and allows me to run the code only once. The down side is that I can't use Camel to logout and my login code is different to my logout code. However, it works and is now stable.

Http post forwarding on tomcat level to different domain

I have two set of server on different domains using tomcat .
Now I want to forward http post call from one server to another preserving the payload in http entity throughout.
Problem is I donot want to change code and want this to be done on tomcat level anymeans.
I currently is trying to use URLrewriteFilter but not getting through.
any suggestions ?
URLrewriteFilter may help. You can define a proxy type for element.
The request will be proxied to the full url specified. commons-http
and commons-codec must both be in the classpath to use this feature.
<name>A Rule</name>
<to type="proxy"></to>

For validating session attribute, which is better in spring - Interceptor or Spring AOP?

In my application, after a user is logged in, every time he sends a request (get/post), before calling the method in controller, i want to verify the session attribute set in the request (i set a session attribute during his login). I see that this can be implemented through spring interceptors (OR) spring AOP. which one should i use?. I have a feeling interceptors are outdated. Or is there a way in spring security which does this for me?
So you want this intercept to happen only for all the controller methods ..? Does the controller have Base URL that its getting invoked for (post/get/delete)...? Is it more like you want to intercept the http request for a particualt URL ..? like this one
<intercept-url pattern="/styles/**" filters=" .." />
If your use case is boiled down to a particular URL pattern then you can write a custom filter extending GenericFilterBean and you can plug it to the filters attribute.So this will get called for every request matching url pattern and in your custom filter you can do whatever you wanted to do.
What if you try implementing a simple Filter? You can extend already existing Spring filter, or create your own by implementing javax.servlet.Filter
The spring security way seems the best way to me with access to specific roles also can be assigned. very good example given in

Spring: Global Path Variable or Request Parameter without Controller

I have a Spring Boot & Spring Security application running, which should now get multi tenancy support.
I'd like to keep things as simple as possible. Though I'd like to determine the the database by path variable or request parameter. (the Apache Web Server in front of the Spring Boot app will handle that, i.e. it maps from subdomain to either path variable or request parameter).
Now I need a way to grab the first path variable (or a specific request param) before Spring calls the controller, and of course the value must be stored somewhere, so I can access it when I need to choose the right database.
So either (depending on what's possible / easier)
http://localhost:8080/customer1 (which I'd prefer) or
should simply call the #Controller with #RequestMapping("") and the value customer1 should be stored somewhere for that request.
I know that 2. might be simpler, because it will already hit the right #Controller, but I'd prefer 1. somehow.
Thank you!
I just recognized, that HandlerInterceptor doesn't work as expected, because Spring Security always handles the requests first. Though I need an Interceptor that handles it before Spring Security kicks in.
You can make use of org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerInterceptor. Implement the logic to store the values in request via preHandle method.
Configure it in spring config file as below
<bean class="com.blah.interceptor.SomeInterceptor"/>
In case requests are to be intercepted based on path, use below config instead
<mvc:mapping path="/customer1" />
<bean class="com.blah.interceptor.SomeInterceptor"/>
