Monochrome image getting displayed as colored RGB image - windows

Bitmap is constructed by pixel data(purely pixel data). The construction was done by properly setting the bitmap parameters like hieght,width, bitcount etc. Bitmap is actually constructed with CreateDIBsection. And the bitmap is loaded onto a CStatic object having Bitmap as property.
Image is getting displayed with proper width and content. But only difference is the content color is colored instead of scale of gray. For eg image is a white H letter on black Bground, instead of displaying it as whitish, say a blue colored H letter is displayed. Similar color changes applies for different images. Also, sometimes junk colored data appears deviating from original content of image apart from just the color change.
Bitmap is a 16 bit bitmap.
Please see below for code used for creating BitMap.
HDC is device context of CStatic variable in which the created bitmap is loaded;
I directly set the BitMap returned by below function to this variable using setbitmap function. CStatic varibale has also BitMap as one of its property. See below for function used to create bitmap.
Function parameter definitions.
PixMapHeight = number of rows in pixel matrix.
PixMapWidth = number of columns in pixel matrix.
BitsPerPixel = The bits stored for one pixel.
pPixMapBits = Void pointer to pixel array.(raw pixel data only! 16 bit per pixel).
DoBitmapFromPixels(HDC Hdc, UINT PixMapWidth, UINT PixMapHeight, UINT BitsPerPixel, LPVOID pPixMapBits)
BITMAPINFO *bmpInfo = (BITMAPINFO *)malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(RGBQUAD) * 256);
BITMAPINFOHEADER &bmpInfoHeader(bmpInfo->bmiHeader);
bmpInfoHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
LONG lBmpSize = PixMapWidth * PixMapHeight * (BitsPerPixel / 8);
bmpInfoHeader.biWidth = PixMapWidth;
bmpInfoHeader.biHeight = -(static_cast<int>(PixMapHeight));
bmpInfoHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bmpInfoHeader.biBitCount = BitsPerPixel;
bmpInfoHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bmpInfoHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
bmpInfoHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
bmpInfoHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
void *pPixelPtr = NULL;
HBITMAP hBitMap = CreateDIBSection(Hdc, bmpInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pPixelPtr, NULL, 0);
if (pPixMapBits != NULL)
BYTE* pbBits = (BYTE*)pPixMapBits;
BYTE *Pix = (BYTE *)pPixelPtr;
memcpy(Pix, ((BYTE*)pbBits + (lBmpSize * (CurrentFrame - 1))), lBmpSize);
return hBitMap;
The supposed output is the figure in the left of attached file. But I am getting a blue toned image as in right(never mind the scaling and exact match issue, put the image to depict the problem).
And also it will be very helpful if I know how RGB values are stored in 16 bits!

You never actually said what format pPixMapBits is in, but I'm guessing that it contains 16-bit values where 0 represents black, 32768 represents gray, and 65535 represents white.
You are creating a BITMAPINFOHEADER with bitBitCount = 16 and biCompression = BI_RGB. According to the documentation, if you set the fields that way, then:
Each WORD in the bitmap array represents a single pixel. The relative intensities of red, green, and blue are represented with five bits for each color component. The value for blue is in the least significant five bits, followed by five bits each for green and red. The most significant bit is not used.
This is not the same format as your source data, and you are doing no conversion, so you get junk. Note that the bitmap format you chose is capable of representing only 2^5 = 32 shades of gray, not 65536, so you will suffer loss of quality during the conversion.


OpenCV : Transparent area of imported .png file is now white

I'm trying to develop a small and simplistic webcam-controlled game, where the user moves a figure on the x-axis by tracking a lighting source with the webcam (flashlight eg.)
So far my code generates a target object every couple of seconds at a random location in the picture.
That object is stored as a Mat via
Mat target = imread("target.png");
In order to paint the object onto the background image, I'm using
for(int i = targetX; i < target.cols + targetX; i++){
for(int j = targetY; j < target.rows + targetY; j++){<Vec3b>(j,i) =<Vec3b>(j-targetY,i-targetX);
where bgClear represents the clean background, temp the background copy that is being edited and bg the final background thats being shown. including the object.
targetX and targetY are the starting coordinates of the object (whereas targetX is randomly generated beforehand so that the object spawns at a random location in the upper half of the image), relative to the background. (so I'm not iterating through the whole background, only the range of the object).
It works so far, but I have a problem:
The transparent area of the imported image is now white, and I dont seem to be able to fix it by checking the pixel values with something like
if(<Vec3b>(Point(j-targetY,i-targetX))[0] != 255 &&<Vec3b>(Point(j-targetY,i-targetX))[1] != 255 &&<Vec3b>(Point(j-targetY,i-targetX))[2] != 255)
before I am actually replacing the pixel.
I've also tried loading the .png file by adding the -1 flag (alpha channel), but then the image just seems ghosty and can barely be seen.
In case I might you have problems imaging what I'm talking about, here's a partial screenshot of it: Screenshot
Any advice on how I might fix this ?
You need to handle transparency manually. General idea is, while copying to temp only copy pixels that are opaque i.e. alpha value is high.
use CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED (= -1) in imread.
split target to four single channel image using split.
merge first three channels to form a BGR image using merge.
in the paint loop, use newly formed BGR image as source and the unmerged fourth channel (alpha) as mask. I was mentioning in my comment to asif's helpful answer:
Mat target = imread("target", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED); // load image
Mat targetBGR(target.rows, target.cols, CV_8UC3); // create BGR mat
Mat targetAlpha(target.rows, target.cols, CV_8UC1); // create alpha mat
Mat out[] = {targetBGR, targetAlpha}; // create array of matrices
int from_to[] = { 0,0, 1,1, 2,2, 3,3 }; // create array of index pairs
mixChannels( &target, 1, out, 2, from_to, 4 ); // finally split target into 3
channel BGR plus 1 channel Alpha described in this example. (minus the R-B-channel-swapping).
...later in the pixel-processing loop:
if(<uchar>(j-targetY,i-targetX) > 0)<Vec3b>(j,i) =<Vec3b>(j-targetY,i-targetX);
Working like a charm!

glTexSubImage2D shifting NSImage by a pixel

I’m working on an app that creates it’s own texture atlas. The elements on the atlas can vary in size but are placed in a grid pattern.
It’s all working fine except for the fact that when I write over the section of the atlas with a new element (the data from an NSImage), the image is shifted a pixel to the right.
The code I’m using to write the pixels onto the atlas is:
-(void)writeToPlateWithImage:(NSImage*)anImage atCoord:(MyGridPoint)gridPos;
static NSSize insetSize; //ultimately this is the size of the image in the box
static NSSize boundingBox; //this is the size of the box that holds the image in the grid
static CGFloat multiplier;
multiplier = 1.0;
NSSize plateSize = NSMakeSize(atlas.width, atlas.height);//Size of entire atlas
MyGridPoint _gridPos;
//make sure the column and row position is legal
_gridPos.column= gridPos.column >= m_numOfColumns ? m_numOfColumns - 1 : gridPos.column;
_gridPos.row = gridPos.row >= m_numOfRows ? m_numOfRows - 1 : gridPos.row;
_gridPos.column = gridPos.column < 0 ? 0 : gridPos.column;
_gridPos.row = gridPos.row < 0 ? 0 : gridPos.row;
insetSize = NSMakeSize(plateSize.width / m_numOfColumns, plateSize.height / m_numOfRows);
boundingBox = insetSize;
//…code here to calculate the size to make anImage so that it fits into the space allowed
//on the atlas.
//multiplier var will hold a value that sizes up or down the image…
insetSize.width = anImage.size.width * multiplier;
insetSize.height = anImage.size.height * multiplier;
//provide a padding around the image so that when mipmaps are created the image doesn’t ‘bleed’
//if it’s the same size as the grid’s boxes.
insetSize.width -= ((insetSize.width * (insetPadding / 100)) * 2);
insetSize.height -= ((insetSize.height * (insetPadding / 100)) * 2);
//roundUp() is a handy function I found somewhere (I can’t remember now)
//that makes the first param a multiple of the the second..
//here we make sure the image lines are aligned as it’s a RGBA so we make
//it a multiple of 4
insetSize.width = (CGFloat)roundUp((int)insetSize.width, 4);
insetSize.height = (CGFloat)roundUp((int)insetSize.height, 4);
NSImage *insetImage = [self resizeImage:[anImage copy] toSize:insetSize];
NSData *insetData = [insetImage TIFFRepresentation];
GLubyte *data = malloc(insetData.length);
memcpy(data, [insetData bytes], insetData.length);
insetImage = NULL;
insetData = NULL;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, atlas.textureIndex);
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); //have also tried 2,4, and 8
GLint Xplace = (GLint)(boundingBox.width * _gridPos.column) + (GLint)((boundingBox.width - insetSize.width) / 2);
GLint Yplace = (GLint)(boundingBox.height * _gridPos.row) + (GLint)((boundingBox.height - insetSize.height) / 2);
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, Xplace, Yplace, (GLsizei)insetSize.width, (GLsizei)insetSize.height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
The images are RGBA, 8bit (as reported by PhotoShop), here's a test image I've been using:
and here's a screen grab of the result in my app:
Am I unpacking the image incorrectly...? I know the resizeImage: function works as I've saved it's result to disk as well as bypassed it so the problem is somewhere in the gl-code...
EDIT: just to clarify, the section of the atlas being rendered is larger than the box diagram. So the shift is occurring withing the area that's written to with glTexSubImage2D.
EDIT 2: Sorted, finally, by offsetting the copied data that goes into the section of the atlas.
I don't fully understand why that is, perhaps it's a hack instead of a proper solution but here it is.
//resize the image to fit into the section of the atlas
NSImage *insetImage = [self resizeImage:[anImage copy] toSize:NSMakeSize(insetSize.width, insetSize.height)];
//pointer to the raw data
const void* insetDataPtr = [[insetImage TIFFRepresentation] bytes];
//for debugging, I placed the offset value next
int offset = 8;//it needed a 2 pixel (2 * 4 byte for RGBA) offset
//copy the data with the offset into a temporary data buffer
memcpy(data, insetDataPtr + offset, insetData.length - offset);
. Calculate it's position with the texture
//And finally overwrite the texture
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, Xplace, Yplace, (GLsizei)insetSize.width, (GLsizei)insetSize.height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
You may be running into the issue I answered already here:
It's not really about pixel coordinates, but pixel perfect addressing of texels. This is especially important for texture atlases. A common misconception is, that many people assume texture coordinates 0 and 1 come to lie exactly on pixel centers. But in OpenGL this is not the case, texture coordinates 0 and 1 are exactly on the border between the pixels of a texture wrap. If you build your texture atlas making the 0 and 1 are on pixel centers assumption, then using the very same addressing scheme in OpenGL will lead to either a blurry picture or pixel shifts. You need to account for this.
I still don't understand how that makes a difference to a sub-section of the texture that's being rendered.
It helps a lot to understand that to OpenGL textures are not so much images rather than support samples for an interpolator (hence "sampler" uniforms in shaders). So to get really crisp looking images you've to choose the texture coordinates you're sampling from in a way, so that the interpolator evaluates at exactly the position of the support samples. The position of those samples however are neither integer coordinates nor simply fractions (i/N).
Note that newer versions of GLSL provide the texture sampling function texelFetch which completely bypasses the interpolator and addresses texture pixels directly. If you need pixel perfect texturing you might find this easier to use (if available).

HTML5 how to draw transparent pixel image in canvas

I'm drawing an image using rgb pixel data. I need to set transparent background color for that image. What value I can set for alpha to be a transparent image? Or is there any other solution for this?
If I understand what you need, you basically want to turn specific colors on an image transparent. To do that you need to use getImageData check out mdn for an explanation on pixel manipulation.
Heres some sample code
var imgd = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight),
pix =;
for (var i = 0, n = pix.length; i <n; i += 4) {
var r = pix[i],
g = pix[i+1],
b = pix[i+2];
if(g > 150){
// If the green component value is higher than 150
// make the pixel transparent because i+3 is the alpha component
// values 0-255 work, 255 is solid
pix[i + 3] = 0;
ctx.putImageData(imgd, 0, 0);​
And a working demo
With the above code you could check for fuschia by using
if(r == 255 && g == 0 && b == 255)
I think you want the clearRect canvas method:
This will let you clear pixels to transparent (or any other RGBA color) without fuss or pixel manipulation.
an alpha of 0 indications that pixel is completely transparent an alpha value of 255 is completely opaque meaning that it will have no transparency.
if you portions of your image are completely transparent (an alpha of 0) it doesn't matter what you use for the RGB values as long as use an Alpha of 0. On a side note some older windows programs that I have used make an assumption like the upper left pixel or the lower right pixel is to be used as the transparency color. It would then loop through all of the pixels and set the alpha to 0 when it encountered this specific RGB value.
If you use an Alpha of 127 and the image appeared on top of another image it would look like the two images are equally visible or that the bottom image is bleeding 50% of it's colors through to the top image.
Set a variable for alpha if you want to test and see what it looks like when you apply it to the entire image.

Retrieve color information from images

I need to determine the amount/quality of color in an image in order to compare it with other images and recommend a user (owner of the image) maybe he needs to print it in black and white and not in color.
So far I'm analyzing the image and extracting some data of it:
The number of different colors I find in the image
The percentage of color in the whole page (color pixels / total pixels)
For further analysis I may need other characteristic of these images. Do you know what else is important (or I'm missing here) in image analysis?
After some time I found a missing characteristic (very important) which helped me a lot with the analysis of the images. I don't know if there is a name for that but I called it the average color of the image:
When I was looping over all the pixels of the image and counting each color I also retrieved the information of the RGB values and summarized all the Reds, Greens and Blues of all the pixels. Just to come up with this average color which, again, saved my life when I wanted to compare some kind of images.
The code is something like this:
File f = new File("image.jpg");
BufferedImage im =;
int tot = 0;
int red = 0;
int blue= 0;
int green = 0;
int w = im.getWidth();
int h = im.getHeight();
// Going over all the pixels
for (int i=0;i<w;i++){
for (int j=0;j<h;j++){
int pix = im.getRGB(i, j); //
if (!sameARGB(pix)) { // Compares the RGB values
And you should get the results like this:
// Percentage of color on the image
double per = (double)tot/(h*w);
// Average color <-------------
Color c = new Color((double)red/tot,(double)green/tot,(double)blue/tot);

Reading an Image (standard format png,jpeg etc) and writing the Image Data to a binary file using Objective C

I am pretty new to Objective C and working with Cocoa Framework. I want to read an image and then extract the image data (just pixel data and not the header) and then write the data to a binary file. I am kind of stuck with this, I was going through the methods of NSImage but I couldn't find a suitable one. Can anyone suggest me some other ways of doing this?
Cocoa-wise, the easiest approach is to use the NSBitmapImageRep class. Once initialized with a NSData object, for example, you can access the color value at any coordinate as a NSColor object using the -setColor:atX:y: and -colorAtX:y: methods. Note that if you call these methods in tight loops, you may suffer a performance hit from objc_msg_send. You could consider accessing the raw bitmap data as C array via the -bitmapData method. When dealing with a RGB image, for example, the color values for each channel are stored at offsets of 3.
For example:
color values: [R,G,B][R,G,B][R,G,B]
indices: [0,1,2, 3,4,5, 6,7,8]
To loop through each pixel in the image and extract the RGB components:
unsigned char *bitmapData = [bitmapRep bitmapData];
if ([bitmapRep samplesPerPixel] == 3) {
for (i = 0; i < [image size].width * [image size].height; i++) {
int base = (i * 3);
// these range from 0-255
unsigned char red = bitmapData[base + 0];
unsigned char green = bitmapData[base + 1];
unsigned char blue = bitmapData[base + 2];
