I'm trying to set the meta information of a page in ckeditor.
This works fine, except of the title. Everything I write in here, will be deleted by ckeditor if I change to WYSIWYG mode and back to source.
Any way to prevent this?
I am trying to use ck editor , I add html to editor box it saved to database successfully. When i reopen my editor page and check source it vanish my all div's and all p tag to all html can you please help me how i can get out from this problem.
When I insert text into ckeditor its showing good and added into database but in edit form it showing all text into one line with scroll.
Note : I notice that this issue is only with Firefox browser
in add form it showing like this
in edit form it showing like this
Working now, I don’t know what was the issue may be some css applied on the editor. so I just download the new ckeditor and applied in my app and its working absolutely fine :)
I am using Bootstrap Markdown for my project powered by CodeIgniter 2.
When I use it on a textarea, it does the markup, the preview and all buttons work perfectly.
The only problem I have is when I submit the form, it does not use the HTML Markup, but the Markdown.
e.g. When I write
and then click on Preview it does the Preview (I see the HTML markup). But as soon as I submit the form, it saves it as
Do you know how to resolve this problem?
Thank you in advance.
We are not able to add the form tag to the inline CKEditor from chrome and IE, but it works fine in firefox. If we add the form to the inline CKEditor, its removing the form tag.
For ex.: If I add form tag in firefox, it adds as (which is working fine)
But in IE and Chrome, it shows only: (this is where i have the issue)
Any workaround for this?
I have found the solution for this. Its because of form tag in my page. When a form is added inside a form, IE and chrome seems to remove the added form tag. But Firefox ignores it. After i removed the main form tag of the page, it works fine in all browsers.
I have a project with a very standard layout so I suspect this is a common problem:
HEADER-CONTAINER DIV - includes superfish jQuery menu plugin but am open to other menu options if necessary.
CONTENT-CONTAINER DIV - depending on the page, contains several other jQuery plugins, HTML, javaScript, etc.
I'm looking for a elegant and well performing way to have a superfish menu click load the CONTENT-CONTAINER DIV with new content. The content contains both HTML and javaScript. I also want the solution to change the URL so if someone returns later to /my/page it will reload to the correct location (similar my understanding of Backbone.Router).
Any suggestions? If possible, please provide a link to a page loading into a div example and running any javaScript included in the load.
Superfish or not this is not really a problem. Whenever you add html to the page the browser will execute any javascript or load any javascript file this new html snippet will contain.
So when you click on your menu, you load (or generate) new html and replace your content div with this new content, the browser will execute the scripts.
You will have to rebind all events on that newly inserted content because jQuery will loose track of that.
I searched around and found the a decent example that shows how to take any #url and reload a div. Example found at http://thomasdavis.github.com/examples/restful-app/