SagePay Multi Lingual Support Forms Integration - opayo

This is regarding multi lingual support for SagePay, specifially with .NET.
I am reading "FORM_Integration_and_Protocol_Guidelines_130515.pdf", on page 43 the is mention of a Language field that specifies if a different language is to be used on the payment pages. I have read the template customisation document and understand that I need to create the different languages in the "i18n.xml" file.
My question is how can I send the flag to let the Sage Pay server know which language to use, is the language field a hidden input field?
At the moment I am doing:
<input type="hidden" name="Language" value="FR" />
The integration document doesnt specify where to set the Language field value and there is no variable in the .NET Kit to set the language.

I believe the language field needs to form part of your Crypt field that is sent to sage pay via the hidden Crypt input field.
So it will be something like:
myCryptStr += "&Language=FR";
It's worth noting that if using their default templates:
Currently supported languages in the Default templates are :
French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and English

Related core identity pages (Razor class library) - Need them in spanish

I need to implement a website which will only be in use by Spanish speaking users.
I created a new core web application using individual user accounts (stored in app).
So far so good. The only problem is that the Identity Pages (Register, login, etc..) all display in English.
I would like to have these pages display in Spanish with the least amount of effort on my side.
I would like to avoid scaffolding if possible.
I would like to avoid having to localize all strings if possible.
I am hoping this Razor Class Library is available in different cultures.
So far I have unfortunately not been able to find a localized version of the Identity Pages in Spanish.
Does anyone know if they are at all available?

Google Places Changing Auto-complete Hint & Result Language?
I have a similar page with above google places demo. Notice that the location input field has a hint of "Enter a location". How do i change the language of this hint?
And how do i change the language of the results return?
I guess both of them goes to the same setting?
As per the documentation:
"The API detects the browser settings of the user and set the language appropriately. It is possible to override the language in the
The input field placeholder will change automatically depending on the users browser agent language setting.
You can also override the automatic language detection by setting the language parameter in your bootstrap request to a supported language.
<script src=""></script>

How to handle i18n in Go?

I searched on web but I didn't find anything related to i18n and Go.
I wish to use Go for develop web sites. What is the best way to handle internationalization?
go-i18n has some nice features:
Implements CLDR plural rules.
Uses text/template for strings with variables.
Translation files are simple JSON.
Packages roadmap
Comprehensive support for international text.
Support for international dates, times, etc.
Support for multilingual messages.
As you can see from the Go Roadmap, Go doesn't provide full i18n support yet.
The new template package allows you to at add a function to template's function map, that would transform the given string to a localized version. What's going on underneath would be up to you for now, as the language choice could be based on headers sent by the browser.
That's a very basic use case for adding localized messages in a web app, for one.
Can't wait for the proper support for internationalization, local date and time formats.

Multi Translator for Codeigniter

does anyone know how to make translate multi language page in codeigniter, some plugin or something?
There is a language library, however if you need to render large amounts of text it could be easier to store user langue as a session variable and get DB information based on the language.
Language library

What is a .dhtml page?

What is a .dhtml page?
DHTML is a TERM describing the art of making dynamic and interactive web pages.
From the Tag excerpt from Stackoverflow [Read]
Dynamic HTML, or DHTML, is an umbrella term for a collection of technologies used together to create interactive and animated web sites by using a combination of a static markup language (such as HTML), a client-side scripting language (such as JavaScript), a presentation definition language (such as CSS), and the Document Object Model.
For more information, You can check out these links:
DHTML, is a term for a collection of technologies used together to create interactive and animated web sites by using a combination of a static markup language (such as HTML), a client-side scripting language (such as JavaScript), a presentation definition language (such as CSS), and the Document Object Model.
