Why Laravel 5.1 removed the default authentication views? - laravel

I am new to Laravel and was just testing the authentication part of Laravel 5.1. And I got "View [auth.login] not found." error when I was accessing "/auth/login". It looks like the authentication view is not there as it is supposed to be.
How can I get it back? Should I try 5.0 instead? Thanks.

Since Laravel 5 auth views, assets and routes was removed. The arrival
of version 5.1 has seen the disappearance of these items after many
discussions ...
when you install laravel 5.1 you will only get the home page (welcome.blade.php). In order to get authentication stuff back install this package :
Laravel 5.1 is a LTS release which means a long term support, bug fixes for 2 years and security fixes for 3 years ... so it's recommended to use 5.1 instead of 5.


Laravel Odoo API

I have been using Edujugon/laradoo for interfacing Laravel with Odoo. In a new project I have been using Laravel 9 and Edjugon/Laradoo does not install anymore.
Can somebody help me by updating Edjugon/Laradoo since the composer setting do not fit anymore with laravel 9. I am not enough of an expert to do that myself. The goal is a successful composer require in Laravel 9. I contacted the author but he seems to be not active anymore.
I found a different solution: tbondois/odoo-ripcord. It is not as elegant as Edjugon/laradoo but it does the work.

Dangers of Upgrading from Laravel 5.7.4 to Laravel 8

I would like to know what the possibility is that when I upgrade from Laravel 5.7.4 to Laravel 8 that something in my website will break? If so what would the best approach be to upgrade to the newest version.
Thanks in advance

how to connect two projects Laravel 4.2 and laravel 5.5?

i have a laravel 4.2 project that i want to connect it to laravel 5.5 project
Q1) how to login in the first and and authenticated to the second to so i don't have to login to the second
Q2)how to connect them to the same DB
Q3)let's say i'm in page X in laravel 4.2 and i want to direct it to Y in laravel 5.5 where i should write the route in laravel 4.2 or in 5.5 ?
at the end both of the projects are going to be on the same server and have the same domain if that is going to be helpful
Q1) how to login in the first and and authenticated to the second to so i don't have to login to the second
if the 2 webapp are in the same domain, it should not be an issue
especially if they use the same database.
Q2)how to connect them to the same DB
just use the same credentials and save it on each env file.
Q3)let's say i'm in page X in laravel 4.2 and i want to direct it to Y in laravel 5.5 where i should write the route in laravel 4.2 or in 5.5 ?
you can use the function route instead use the manual routing like
to('somepage-on-theother-laravel') this is a tedious work. So i want
to ask if why are you using the 2 webapp in the same domain instead of
just using 1 webapp framework. Im thinking that this laravel 4.2 is
the existing one and you're create a new one and you want to use the
laravel 5.5 right?
This is easy to do, just put both applications on the same server and link them using the same credentials in the .ENV file, don't forget you will also need to create Models in both apps so that both apps can use the tables.
As for the routes, you would need to add the routes & functions that can be called in each individual app.
So if the user clicks the URL for /link-to-4.2 you should have a route in 4.2:
Route::get('/link-to-4.2', 'index#controller');
and then in your 5.5 you should have a route for any URLs that direct to anything there. i.e: /link-to-5.5
Route::get('/link-to-5.5', 'index#controller');
this all being said, what is the justification for using 2 apps? I think there could be a number of security issues that might cause headaches, this will also likely be a real nightmare to manage moving forward.
I would strongely suggest that you just upgrade the 4.2 app to be 5.5.

Upgrade to Laravel 5 or use 4

I am new to Laravel and I have started making an authentication system using Laravel 4. Now should I upgrade it to Laravel 5 as there are a lot of new features or should I continue using Laravel 4?
I would say upgrade right now. You might end up upgrading later or continue to write code for things that laravel 5 provides out of box. Just imagine upgrading at a later stage when there are other things to break as well.

Using Laravel 4 package on Laravel 3

I would like to use FbF/Laravel-Blog package which is for Laravel 4 on my site that is made on Laravel 3. Updating the site from Laravel 3 to Laravel 4 is not an option. The site installed manually not by using composer.
I tried to install the package manually and the first issue was with routes which I believe are using some Laravel 4 specific format.
I would just like to know if its realistic idea to use Laravel 4 package on top of Laravel 3 and how much porting work could be expected?
Laravel 3 bundles and Laravel 4 composer packages are entirely different animals.
You need to dig deep into the Laravel 4 package and rewrite it to the Laravel 3 specification. Needs considerable effort as you need to make sure you understand developing packages for both technologies.
