How to install only pom with Maven install-plugin with minimal configuration - maven

I am using the Maven (2.2.1) install-plugin (2.5.2) to install third party dependencies not available in the repository.
When the dependency has both a jar and a pom, install-plugin reads the pom file and sets the packaging, groupId, artifactId, and version so I don't need to specify them:
However, when the dependency has only a pom file, it forces me to specify the packaging, groupId, etc. manually:
Is it possible to configure install-plugin to read the pom file when it is the only file being installed?
Being able to do this would make the configuration a great deal shorter and more readable.
I tried specifying the pom file in the <pomFile> element without a <file> element, but install-plugin insists that I must have a <file>. I assume this isn't currently possible, but I wanted to ask here in case I missed something.

To follow on from others' comments, Here is how I used maven-install-plugin to install only a pom into my repo using Maven 3.6.1:


Installing maven generated artifacts without using the artifactId

I have a maven parent project with 2 modules. When building the parent project, I want to generate and install the final artifact with a different name than the artifactId used in the pom.xml. I can see that the artifact generated does have the name that I want use in the build dir. However when the archive is installed in the local Maven repository, the maven-install-plugin copies the artifacts using the project's artifactId. How can I configure the plugin to install the artifacts without using the artifactId?
My child project's pom.xml:
The parent pom.xml:
The desired output of mvn clean install:
1) com-mycomp- in the local maven repository
2) comprising of the above jar and its dependencies.
The observed behavior:
3) com-mycomp- is created in the build dir. But it is installed in the maven repository as child1-
4) is created in the build dir. But it is installed in the maven repository as
How can I achieve the desired behavior (#1 and #2) ?
Artifacts in the local repository are always installed with their artifactId.
You cannot change that. And even if you could, I would strongly recommend against that because you are breaking expectations.
If you want to create an additional zip that contains the jar with dependencies, you don't need a second module. You can create it through the assembly plugin and attach it with a classifier like dependencies. You then have two artifacts like

Maven Build some modules, liferay:deploy others

I have some modules like:
|-business jar
|-dal jar
|-model jar
|-webApp war
I need to build all jar before liferay:deploy the war.
I also have a parent pom module that allow to build all modules but it doesn't deploy my war after that.
If you have defined all modules as dependencies then maven will take care that the modules build in the proper order.
By default the Liferay deploy goal is not executed. You need execute it or add some configuration to run tit automatically. e.g.
Does your parent pom contains all the modules in the
and then make sure that your portlet/webapp war does contain

Maven install:install-file seems not to work

I've created a Maven project with some dependencies on libraries (.jar files) which are not in Maven central. The internal repository that we had is being taken offline and we have not been authorized to make a new one, so I modified the POM to use install:install-file on each of those files when a certain profile is activated. It seemed to work on my machine, but it's possible it might not have worked because the .jars were already in my repository.
We had a new employee start this week and I was trying to help him install the dependencies by triggering the profile, and although the debug trace lists those goals as being on the plan (and mvn help:active-profiles shows the profile being activated), it doesn't work. The directories are created in the repository, but only a .lastupdated file for the .jar and the .pom are created.
The error we get is that POM could not be found for the given artifact. That's expected since we use <generatePom>true</generatePom> in the plugin's execution.
Any ideas on why this might not work?
Here's the relevant section of the POM:
Two possible problems i can think of,
- check if you have the libs in the specified path.
- check permissions on the .m2 repo and the project location where you are running mvn cmd.

How to register a custom built jar file as maven main artifact?

I have a project expected to deliver a jar file:
but the jar is built in a custom way, so the default packaging done with jar:jar has been disabled
but then when I want to apply shade:shade on the existing jar I get an error
The project main artifact does not exist.
I assume that maven doesn't know about the .jar file created by my custom tool. How to let it know, because antrun attachArtifact doesn't work
<attachartifact file="./bin/classes.jar" classifier="" type="jar"/>
the error I get is
An Ant BuildException has occured: org.apache.maven.artifact.InvalidArtifactRTException: For artifact {:jar}: An attached artifact must have a different ID than its corresponding main artifact.
So this is not the method to register main artifact... Is there any (without writing custom java plugin)?
I checked the sources of JarMojo and it gave me an idea how to solve it with Groovy (via gmaven)
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes.jar"))
and it works!:)
Something like this
While your solution may work for a build to the install+ phase or where there are no dependencies in the reactor, in cases where only building to the compile or test phase the unpackaged classes won't be found by dependencies.
Building to compile happens when using plugins like the maven-release-plugin.
Extending your chosen solution to include identifying the unpacked classes during compile
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes"))
project.artifact.setFile(new File("./bin/classes.jar"))
By default the maven-install-plugin will use the identified artifact along the lines of
So another option might go something like this
We were having the same problem, with getting the "attached artifact must have a different ID than its corresponding main artifact" error. We found the solution in the following excellent blog post:
As detailed in this section, you can fix the problem by adding a classifier so Maven can distinguish between the ant-built jar and the maven-built jar. Since you're using antrun attachartifact, you'd need this:
<attachartifact file="./bin/classes.jar" classifier="foo" type="jar"/>
Note you'll also need to include that classifier (along with groupId, artifactId and version) whenever you want to grab this jar as a dependency in other projects.

Invoke a jar file in the M2 repository

I have a project, in which I want to invoke another Jar file in M2 repo during the post execution phase of the current project.
Sample skeleton of my POM
<arguments> <argument>-jar</argument>
<**workingDirectory**>/C:/path to repo</workingDirectory>
<dependencies> <dependency>
<groupId>GroupId of JarToInvoke</groupId>
I tried with maven-exec-plugin, but having the following issues;
Where I need to specify to JarToInvoke dependency ? As a project dependency or as a exec-plugin dependency ?
With hard coding the working directory(/C:/path to repo), I am able to invoke the JarToInvoke artifact. But it is not a good solution, because finally this project should run in any m/c with different OS's. So how can I make the exec-plugin to search for the JarToInvoke artifact in the M2 repo of the project(default classpath) ?
3.While hard coding the M2 repo path in the working directory, I was able to invoke the JarToInvoke artifact. But while running the JarToInvoke artifact, it throws another dependency issue, some of the log4j dependencies to the JarToInvoke could not find. I made the JarToInvoke as a shaded jar and it work as expected. But it is not a permanent or good solution(Because the shaded jar size is of 35 MB). How can I instruct the exec-plugin to look for the dependent Jars in M2 repo.
Please share your suggestions. Thanks in Advance.
This example page from the Exec plugin's documentation describes what you want I think.
If you could use the exec:java goal instead of exec:exec, finding the JVM is taken care of for you. You can also pull in either plugin dependencies or project dependencies by changing the includeProjectDependencies and includePluginDependencies configuration options of the plugin.
<groupId>GroupId of JarToInvoke</groupId>
<!-- Look up the main class from the manifest inside your dependency's JAR -->
<!-- Add any arguments after your JAR here --->
<groupId>GroupId of JarToInvoke</groupId>
The only disadvantage is that you have to explicitly specify the main class in the JAR to run. You can look this up by opening up the manifest in the dependency JAR and read the Main-Class attribute.
If you really need to use exec:exec, you could use the Maven Dependency Plugin's copy-dependencies goal to copy dependencies from your local repository to a predefined location (such as ${}/exec-jars) and then you can feed this directory in the exec plugin's workingDirectory configuration option.
Probably an easier way to locate the absolute path to the jar file would be to use maven-dependency-plugin with properties goal.
<workingDirectory>/C:/path to repo</workingDirectory>
