MAVEN - generating jboss 7 (or EAP 6.x) modules from dependencies - maven

I would like to ask, if there is some maven plugin (or another way) to generate jboss modules hierarchy (with modules.xml files) from maven dependencies (or in list of libraries for such a maven plugin) ?
I have found this plugin :;jsessionid=3CA5AE2D1DEB5DFB62C1E64692EDCAB6
But documentation / usage pages seem to be offline (or for some reason I cannot open page).
Thank you very much for your help !

I have tried SMARTICS plugin plugin and it created for each maven module special JAR file with ALL dependencies in it.
It is like using maven assembly plugin but all libraries are packed in standalone jar which can be placed into own jboss module. Than in your application : jboss-deployment-structure.xml you reference to this librari (e.g. jar file) and application has all libraries provided.
But splitting dependencies into own directories and generating modules.xml is not possible (confirmed by JBOSS EAP support).
I will create standalone maven project (something like "JBOSS-modules BOM project") which will generate such structure (this structure will be ready for usage on jboss).

I just would like to add an introduction to the mentioned plugin for Maven:
The article includes screenshots that help new users to get an idea on how the plugin generates separate modules.
(I would like to comment to your answer, but unfortunately I'm some points from being entitles to do so :( )


Gradle: After conversion of maven to gradle, what are the next steps to match up files?

Ive been working off the guides which mention to start by doing
gradle init
on the project. So this creates build.grade. However, the rest of the gradle file is very thinly padded. Im quite new to doing these conversions, but broadly speaking, what would be the next step to get things in harmony?
The Gradle docs lists the following features of the Maven POM conversion:
Uses effective POM and effective settings (support for POM inheritance, dependency management, properties)
Supports both single module and multimodule projects
Supports custom module names (that differ from directory names)
Generates general metadata - id, description and version
Applies maven, java and war plugins (as needed)
Supports packaging war projects as jars if needed
Generates dependencies (both external and inter-module)
Generates download repositories (inc. local Maven repository)
Adjusts Java compiler settings
Supports packaging of sources and tests
Supports TestNG runner
Generates global exclusions from Maven enforcer plugin settings
This means, every required functionality beyond these features must be added manually, either by searching and applying plugins equivalent to the ones used in Maven or by implementing the functionality on your own.

how to add jar creation to J2EE web project

I am a newbie with maven, I created a dynamic web project in eclipse and then converted into maven project.
Instead of deploying the project in a standard container I would use embedded jetty.
How can I create in maven the appropriate jar executable with all dependencies included?
Found solution by myself at
Basically we can add as many maven plugin as we want, adding dependencies and then packaging all togheter.

How to post process a war with maven?

I am wondering a nice way of post processing a war produced with maven to add libs to it.
I have a war that is generated by maven. This war has many dependencies with scope provided because the application server is meant to provide them through shared libraries (don't blame me for shared libs...)
I am trying to change this behaviour and to have a standalone war. I'd like to find a way to generate a war that contains those additional jar.
I have tried with an assembly to add the jars and repack it but w/o any success. Mainly because I didn't find a way to add dependencies from maven within an assembly.
Any point, suggestions or anything else that could help ?

JBoss Modules for large number of jar dependencies HOW TO

I'm trying to figure out how to make my WARs lighter by putting JasperReports, Apache POI and other heavy libs directly to JBoss AS by using JBoss Modules.
Now, Jasper uses many many libraries to generate PDF or XLS files as you can see here. Our templates are pretty old and we are stuck with old jasper version 3.7.1 which of course uses older versions of libraries such as commons which are already present on JBoss AS 7.1.1 modules.
How can I make one "big" module which will contain all jars used by Jasper and keep other parts of application using newer modules?
Putting all jars into separate directories seems so much work without guaranteed success, can we put everything into one module without creating package alike directories?
We started with JBoss modules recently and wrote a small plugin for Maven that generates module folders with module.xmls based on XML descriptors. The plugin is called smartics-jboss-modules-maven-plugin and you'll find additional information about it at the project's blog.
We just started to work with it, but it already makes the process of synchronization between the POM and the module.xml (plus directory structure) for our projects very easy.
The downside of this approach is that you have to learn an additional XML descriptor and have to configure an additional Maven plugin.
If you want to give it a try, the plugin is licensed under Apache License 2.0.
The creation of JBoss modules for external libraries can be automated through maven as explained in another answer here on SO. The author has posted a GitHub project too. This can lessen the pain in managing lots of transitive dependencies.

Alternate solution to the Maven Shade plugin in order to deploy a list of shared libraries in the Cargo plugin?

I need to execute non-regression tests on a system made of a set of Web Applications and shared libraries. I currently use the Maven Cargo plugin in order to deploy this system on an Apache Tomcat Web Container.
Up to now, the shared libraries, which are also used in the production environment, were referenced in a Maven BOM file, and then "imported" by other Maven projects. For instance, they are imported by the Maven projects that take care of the distribution of the software.
However, this approach does not work with the Cargo plugin, because this plugin seems not to support the import of the materials declared in a BOM file. As a workaround to this issue, I've used the Maven Shade plugin in order to produce an "uber" jar with all these shared libraries. This is working perfectly well, but I'm not 100% satisfied with this workaround, for the same reasons as those reported in What is the maven-shade-plugin used for, and why would you want to relocate java packages?
As there any other alternate approach to this issue (EAR not supported in our environment) ?
