How to post process a war with maven? - maven

I am wondering a nice way of post processing a war produced with maven to add libs to it.
I have a war that is generated by maven. This war has many dependencies with scope provided because the application server is meant to provide them through shared libraries (don't blame me for shared libs...)
I am trying to change this behaviour and to have a standalone war. I'd like to find a way to generate a war that contains those additional jar.
I have tried with an assembly to add the jars and repack it but w/o any success. Mainly because I didn't find a way to add dependencies from maven within an assembly.
Any point, suggestions or anything else that could help ?


Maven: Jar with dependencies VS jar without dependencies

I am currently working in a Java project, and we use maven to build the final jar. There are two ways to build the jars as we all know, i.e. one single jar with-dependencies, and a jar without dependencies. In the latter case, we need to add dependent jars to the classpath as well.
In principle both can work, personally I prefer one jar with dependencies, but in the project team members decided to use separate jar without dependencies. So hereby I would like to know which choice is better?
This question has no answer, since it depends on what you need to do.
If you're writing an utility package or component, that could be a dependency of another project, then there's no point in having all the dependencies inside it - it's better to leave dependency resolution to a dependency manager, like Maven.
If you, instead, are writing a full application packaged as a jar, I mean something with a MainClass that can be executed with java -jar myjar, then having the dependencies together will make distribution easier.
Consider that, for instance, if you're writing a webapp, that'll be packaged as a WAR, it normally comes with dependencies.

Maven project with maven-shade-plugin doesn't deploy to SpringSource Server correctly

We assemble a war file from several Maven based projects.
One of the projects uses maven-shade-plugin to include additional library inside its target jar file. Let's call it x.jar for the sake of this discussion.
When maven builds the war file it contains the correct x.jar file with packaged additional library inside.
We use Spring Source of the latest version (3.4.0) to deploy it to the server configured in Spring Source. Server is Sprint TC Server 2.0.3.
As soon as the project gets deployed to the server (which is Sprint TC Server 2.0), the jar file (x.jar) somehow gets replaced with incorrect small one without packaged library inside.
This smaller x.jar doesn't exist anywhere in the file system before the deployment, so it looks like Spring Source compiles it on its own.
As a result we can't deploy our system in Spring Source.
Do you, guys, the reason or a workaround for our problem?
----------- UPDATE -----------
We've conducted a test. We've broken maven pom.xml file before we deployed it and as a result Spring Source deployed the original files without recompiling it. It resulted in a correct deployment.
This test shows that Spring Source rebuilds jars silently upon deploying them to servers.
Is there a way to stop it or to make it work properly?
My suggestion, unfortunately, is to not use the shade plugin, but rather a clever combination between assembly, dependency and jar plugins, kinda like the guy in the answer here:
Invalid or corrupt JAR File built by Maven shade plugin
If you have any trouble configuring it, let me know.
And if you have the error logs of the server, it would be nice to post them as well.

Adapting ANT scripts for updating EAR file to Maven

I have an Ant script for automating a few tasks that are not build related by mainly as updates to the EAR file. These include calling SoapUI exe for some web services, unpacking the EAR file modifying a few classes and repacking it.
Now, for some reason I would like to do the same using maven scripts. From going through Stack Overflow and maven tutorial, I find that this can be replicated using Ant plugins inside maven. Also, I could not find direct substitutes for unpacking the EARs or calling executables in maven. This scripts will not have anything to do with the standard build process that maven is meant for and only caters to some cleanup or update of already deployed EAR.
So how do I go about this? Use Ant plugins inside maven or is there a better maven way to do this?
This may be an incomplete answer but -
Maven is more of a framework and it's going to want to build your application. What it will not do is modify source. It will process source files (.java, .ear, whatever) and put them in a target/ directory. Of course anything is possible (re: hackable) but this is off the rails as far as Maven is concerned if you want in place modification of source - besides, isn't the point of source that it's source, and if you're automating a task that should be part of your build, deploy, startup, etc.?
Maven resource filtering is how to process a source file and stamp dynamic information into your resources.
If you can provide more information regarding how you are processing your .ear files exactly you can possibly put together the pieces in the Maven process resources phase using existing plugins. Worst case you can write your own plugin.

2 WARs in maven EAR build

I am new to maven and as a matter of fact new to the build tools and process or should i say the whole web structure. I have a slight problem for which i need help.
I am going to make a web project which on compiling/deployment will give a war file. And i have a separate project for which the war(just the war file after bundling the project) file will be given to me.
Now my requirement is to make a EAR file comprising both my project bundle and also including the war of the other completed project. I need to use maven for this.
I know the multi-module projects can be created using maven. But i am not sure how it will handle isolated war file. I mean for my project it will have the whole structure , artifactId and groupId. What about the other war how will it be handled.
I know this may be a novice question. But can someone please help.
The way this would typically be handled would be making the isolated WAR file a dependency. Install it in your local maven repo and just list it as a dependency in the POM for your EAR module. Also, making your WAR project a module under your EAR project would handle the WAR that you're actually building.

Best way to package a command line Java project

I'm creating a java command line project, with no GUI. The project uses any number of open source projects : Spring, Logback, Commons CLI etc.
When I started to think about packaging, I imagined it would come out as a zip file, that could be exploded to the jar, with a lib sub directory, and dependent jars in the lib.
I've been playing with Maven Assembly, but it's still not coming out like the above, and I haven't found any examples that do generate the structure above. Is it possible to do so ?
In addition, having a multi-module structure adds another layer of complexity that I haven't been able to resolve, as the assembly module can't find the core module as a dependency. This is my first Maven project, so am still learning how Maven works. I've been through the Sonatype book, but missed something as even using the Best Practices section couldn't get the missing dependency resolved.
The examples I've seen usually involve merging into an uber executable jar, some of which use the Shade project, some don't. My question is, is doing an uber jar including 3rd party libs like Spring etc a good idea ? Or should I persevere with my original zip / lib subdirectory plan ?
Have your assembly module depend on the modules you want to package and then use the <dependencySets> of <moduleSets> tags to include them in any layout you wish. If you have some other files that do not come from a dependency, you can put them in the deployment module itself.
Please have a good read on the assembly descriptor docs. You can pack, unpack, include/exclude and set permissions for the files in your assembly.
In case you haven't seen the sonatype book on maven, here is the relevant chapter:
EDIT: escaped the <'s
You just need to be more specific in your assembly descriptor. Use one dependencySet that includes only the main jar and delivers it to the top, and another that excludes only the main jar and delivers to the lib dir.
