Joomla Language Switcher : not displaying flags - joomla

I'm using joomla 3.4.1 and I'm having a problem displaying flags in my language switcher. All I see is the text for the languages.
Here are some screens:
Does anyone know what could be wrong ?

If you are using default Joomla's Language Switcher Module, then check configuration of this module - there is information:
If Use Dropdown is set to 'Yes', the display options below will be
One of the options below is: "Use Image Flags", so you can't use image flags and dropdown in the same time.
You can override \modules\mod_languages\tmpl\default.php file in your template or use different module to have both: dropdown and image flags.


Joomla Multilanguage

I created a website in Joomla 3.4, but the Multilanguage feature is just not working for me. I have followed the steps here:
I do not see the flags for my FaLang module and now I have an error about my menu. (my site is
The Spanish site should be at but this does not load the website. Instead shows me the root directory.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
You might want to give our component a try Neno Translate it has a bunch of features in addition to Falang.
To make it work you have to be very meticulous. The ostraining link tells you how to work with third parties module/compontents. But you can achieve a multi-language website in Joomla with no extra help.
Install the language packages you need
Activate the related language plugins if need be
Create a "main menu" (for example choose the type blog)per language where you set at list one item which is the home page of your website. Select the language of that item in the language dropdown
now you can create content, but set every time the language of the post.
Joomla has a build in language switcher module that you can use. set it. Now if you select a language, only the post of that language will show up in your home page. you will need to set a main menu module per language published in the same position as well.

Display default qty in the drop-down configurable product options

i want to Display default qty in the drop-down configurable product options rather than choose an option .how to make it posible.
i edited some javascript codes still not working
i used an extension Easylife Switcher still not working
Any help
Try to use the default magento dropdown in attributes rather than using Easylife Switcher extension

trouble understanding the edit styles section of template manager in joomla 3.2

it seems the developers fail at explaining what this page should be about
phcprotostar is a 1:1 copy of protostar (except the added 'phc' letters).
see my screenshot:
what is this page about?
This screen is the template manager styles tab, rather than the template tab. A template can have as many styles as you like, you can then apply the styles to menu items as required.
An example of this is that you could copy the "protostar - Default" style to a new style called "protostar - News". You could then apply the "protostar - News" style to the news section of your site. This would enable you to adjust the settings in the "Advanced" tab for "protostar - News", and, for example, make the main or background color different, set a different logo, font or title.
So, in practice, a template style is a child of a template, allowing you to configure the template's style settings in different ways on different pages.
What is adjustable in the template style varies a lot from one template to the next, but in Protostar you can set:
Template Colour
Background Colour
Google Font for Headings
Google Font Name
Fluid Layout
The Joomla documentation for this is at...
...where it gives the description...
The Template Manager: Styles screen was introduced in Joomla! 1.6. It
allows you to manage template styles which you can then apply to your
Joomla! installation. You can specify the default style to be applied
to web pages in the public and administrator interfaces. You can also
configure different styles for the various menu item web pages on your
site. Styles allow to you have multiple different configurations of a
template saved and then apply them on a site-wide or per-page basis.

Include TinyMCE in Joomla Frontend

I tried to include TinyMCE into my template but if I try to edit the texts in the frontend I have only a html-tag view. Have anybody got some hints for me?
That's the website and the template, perhaps this could help a little bit:
If anything of the above didn't help, chances are that the access to the plugin is restricted. Go to Plugin-Manager -> Editor - TinyMCE and check that Access is set accordingly. If e.g. a common user is allowed to edit the article but the Access Rule for TinyMCE is set to "Special", Joomla will display the mere HTML Editor even if there is no other Editor available or enabled. The same goes for setting Access to "Registered" when a public user is allowed to edit an article.
Go to Plugins and disable all editors there except to tinyMCE. Then once again make sure you have selected as a default editor tinyMCE. You can also define the default editor for each user from "User Manager", by opening the user and defining his/her default editor.

how to show the default page with language all?

I'm setting up a multi-language site in Joomla 2.5. Is it possible to show the default page with 'language all'?
open ------ choose language en/zh
if 'en'
go to
else if 'zh'
go to
my problem is ,when i open '' it always jump to '' or '' directly.
When multi-language packs are installed, Joomla will redirect to the default one. If you would like more control over your languages and a language selector for the users, then I would recommend installing JoomFish.
I haven't used JoomFish in a fairly long time but there might be a parameter to disable the language code on the end of the url upon entering the site, if not htaccess configuration might be needed.
