How to call a text editor that can open, save and edit my file that is located on laravel storage folder? Im using Laravel5. Is it possible?
I have created this app with backpack for laravel where the table created by using backpack:build
I need to replace the word actions with an icon from line-awesome for example toolbox
<i class="las la-toolbox"></i>
I tried to add the HTML on the language file
resources/lang/vendor/backpack/en/crud.php but it's not working
In Backpack 4.0 or 4.1, you can change the default buttons any way you see fit by publishing the view file, and making changes to the published file. If Backpack sees a file with the same name & path inside your project, it'll use that one instead of the one in the package.
For example:
if this file exists: resources/views/vendor/backpack/crud/buttons/delete.blade.php
then Backpack will load that one, instead of the normal vendor/backpack/crud/src/resources/views/crud/buttons/delete.blade.php
For reference, you can find all default Backpack buttons here, in the Backpack/CRUD package. Overwriting one is just a matter of creating a file with the same name in the directory I mentioned above.
You can publish a blade file even easier by using this command:
php artisan backpack:publish crud/buttons/delete
Then make any changes you want to it, like removing the text to only leave the icon.
In Backpack 4.2 it is possible that an easier solution will be implemented for this particular need. See this PR for more information. Backpack 4.2 will be released in spring 2021.
I want to make changes to the wysiwyg editor in CS-Cart, and I can do this by editing the file:
But this is a core file that should only be edited through the my_changes addon.
So the question is, how do I use my_changes to edit this file?
The my_changes addon is active and is used elsewhere successfully.
I have tried putting my edited js file in this folder:
But this does nothing.
In the file there appears to be a js hook:
$.ceEditor('handlers', editor);
How and where do I override the editor var?
Use JS Hooks:
$.ceEvent('trigger', 'ce.picker_add_js_item', [hook_data]);
If there is no hooks, then ask the CS-Cart developers to create it.
I want to modify member list page "members-grid.php" and create to my active theme folder.
I have created structure
to paste theme filder:
See plugin Documentation:
Its Not working as expected. Please help.
enter image description here
enter image description here
You need to remove templates folder from your theme. Remove templates folder and simply add members-grid.php file inside ultimate-member folder.
In my custom component, I am using the following code to bring the Media Manager popup:
JToolBarHelper::media_manager('directory', 'Upload');
"directory" obviously sets the default directory that will appear when the button is clicked, which it does, but when I go to upload an image, it uploads to the standard "images" folder rather than images/directory.
I have looked around Google and the majority of pages say that it was a bug in Joomla 1.5 which I assume was fixed in Joomla 2.5. Is there another way to get the default directory working?
media_manager invokes with folder= and the directory you passed. But it expects the path below your images folder.
So if your folder is
you would invoke it with
JToolBarHelper::media_manager('uploaddir', 'Upload');
.CSHTML files doesn't show the SPLIT / Design tabs in DW 5.5
I followed a tutorial of how to add a file extension to DW 5.5 to allow me to open it and it treats it as HTML but it isn't functioning.
Here is the line I changed. notice the addtional of cshtml
<documenttype id="HTML" internaltype="HTML" winfileextension="html,htm,shtml,shtm,stm,tpl,lasso,xhtml,cshtml"
The file is stored here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver
What am I doing wrong?
My file type is basically a HTML file type with Divs etc etc but has some custom .NET code which its fine to treat as TEXT.
I open the file in Dreamweaver and it only shows the code tab, the DESIGN or SPLIT are still disabled.
And there is no color coding on, for example, a div tag...
Take a read here about adding file extensions:
In particular make sure you edit the copy in the user configuration folder, not the one in the application folder. If there isn't a copy in the user folder, create a copy in the appropriate location. I just followed those directions adding a CSHTML file extension to the document types and extensions file, and once Dreamweaver is restarted, a .cshtml file opened with the ability to view in design view.