dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier never returns - xcode

When I call dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier it is freezing my code and does never return any cell (or nil) I change the code from my custom class to a UITableViewCell to be sure the problem wasn't in my class, I also create a brand new empty cell to call with the identifier.
I add a log before and after the call for dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier as you can see in the screenshot the one before gets called once and the one after never.
I try to clean and build, clean the project folder, delete DerivedData, restart the computer. I can't see any exceptions or what is really holding the code.
Any suggestions?

I am not sure what happened to XCode, but, if someone find the same problem here is what I had to do.
I didn't find anything wrong with the cell (yes I was using storyboard and the identifier was set correctly) and noting was wrong with the code in the custom class as well. I even went to the point of create a secondary custom class and custom cell and it did not help, so I try to put a invalid identifier and even there XCode did not return me an error (as it should).
I had to delete my custom cell from the storyboard, as soon as I did that all start to work again, first the error that the identifier didn't exist, than the temporary one start to work, than I recreate the original one (exactly as before) and all start to work again.
Very overkill but worked for me. Thanks for all the help!

It is expressed that you are printing println("return dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier"), but can't see your return cell code at the end of your function, that must conform to your function expectation.


Assertion error when using NSCollectionView with QLPreviewView

I am using an NSCollectionView where each NSCollectionViewItem uses a QLPreviewView to get a rendering of a file's content.
(This is an attempt at a file browser for images and other previewable files.)
Initially, this works fine.
However, once collection items are getting re-used, I get an assertion error (both in 10.13 and 10.14):
[QL] Assertion failure (unreachable code) - [… MyPreviewView activated … doc:[QLPreviewDocument …]] is already activated
Apparently, before I can re-use a NSCollectionViewItem, the previously used QLPreviewItem needs to be set to inactive state somehow. How do I do that?
I've tried to send the close message to the QLPreviewView instance but that doesn't make a difference.
I also do not get a dealloc call on my QLPreviewView subclass, which suggests that the object is still referenced by something else, possibly the QLPreviewDocument, which then gets confused about the change of state.
I have made a demo project available on github:
To test: Run it, then scroll down. When reaching items 50 to 60, the assertion will be triggered.
The fix is to set QLPrewiewView's shouldCloseWithWindow property to NO.
This, I suspect, tells the controller behind the scenes not to attach itself to higher level structures, i.e. tells it to remain self-sufficient.
So, adding this line to the code that sets up a new MyPrewiewView object in the sample code's ViewController.m file prevents the error:
qlView.shouldCloseWithWindow = NO;

Duplicate of first entry in navigation bar in custom Visual Studio Language Service

I'm implementing a Visual Studio Language Service for a custom scripting language used internally at my company, and I've run into an issue with the navigation bar implemented as a subclass of TypeAndMemberDropdownBars. The subclass is created by my LanguageService subclass' LanguageService.CreateDropDownHelper method.
In the OnSynchronizeDropdowns method I'm iterating through the types defined in the file and adding DropDownMembers to the passed-in array to fill out the navigation bar. The issue I'm seeing is that the first item in the array is being duplicated and placed at the end of the listing by code that I don't have access to. This extra item does not behave correctly when selected (nothing happens), but doesn't seem to cause any other issues; the rest of the items in the list work fine. Additionally, this only seems to happen for the type dropdown box - the members dropdown box does not display this behavior.
I'm hoping someone else has seen and resolved this issue and could provide some assistance. Thanks!
Turns out this was caused by me calling LanguageService.SynchronizeDropdowns from my LanguageService.ParseSource method, which was being called on a background thread. I've fixed the problem by setting a flag when ParseSource does a Check parse, and then implementing a check for that flag in my LanguageService.OnIdle function that will call SynchronizeDropdowns. It's now working as expected!
A better solution is to implement the LanguageService.OnParseComplete callback, and call SynchronizeDropdowns from there. OnParseComplete is always called from the main thread, so this prevents any synchronization issues from coming up, and also keeps you from having to keep track of whether or not you need to call SynchronizeDropdowns().

Xcode: Method definition not found message on a non-existing method (?) + slight color change in XIB

I have two basic practical problems:
1) The first one is really stupid. I receive a message saying: "Method definition for 'aIncreasedSelection' not found, together with an "Incomplete Implementation".
Well, that is quite strange, because I don't have this method in neither my .m or .h file (and the class name is mentioned in the remark).
I used to implement this method, but I deleted it because it was redundant. In a certain way, it appears as if my Xcode project can't let go of the method...
2) The second question is also a very mysterious one. I have a couple of viewControllers in which I have put the identical same background, and the identical same buttons. It's really identical in size and position in the screen as well (I defined the pixels). For an unknown reason, when I switch between the views, one of the buttons changes very slightly its color (it is a Photoshop created button with mirror effect on the bottom, it's the mirror that becomes lighter). That is really annoying because it's supposed to be identical; when the user switches views now, he can see that there is a color difference in the button (supposed to be planted as a button in a dock, which should be identical over the entire app)...
Very frustrating as I cannot solve these small mistakes... Any ideas? Thanks!
Regarding your first problem, if you have verified that it no longer exists in your .h or .m file, try to cmd+shift+k and clean your project, then rebuild. This should update everything and in theory solve that issue for you.
As for the second problem, it sounds strange indeed. Is there any chance you could provide pictures somehow? Are you statically loading the image into similar buttons, or are you doing something differently?
Re - opening my project solved my first problem (unlike the refresh - cmd + shift + k, which didn't work). The color problem is not solved despite :-/
It was definitely a bug since I didn't change anything. It is in fact - very confusing!

NSDocument Subclass not closed by NSWindowController?

Okay, I'm fairly new to Cocoa and Objective-C, and to OOP in general.
As background, I'm working on an extensible editor that stores the user's documents in a package. This of course required some "fun" to get around some issues with NSFileWrapper (i.e. a somewhat sneaky writing and loading process to avoid making NSFileWrappers for every single document within the bundle). The solution I arrived at was to essentially treat my NSDocument subclass as just a shell -- use it to make the folder for the bundle, and then pass off writing the actual content of the document to other methods.
Unfortunately, at some point I seem to have completely screwed the pooch. I don't know how this happened, but closing the document window no longer releases the document. The document object doesn't seem to receive a "close" message -- or any related messages -- even though the window closes successfully.
The end result is that if I start my app, create a new document, save it, then close it, and try to reopen it, the document window never appears. With some creative subclassing and NSLogging, I managed to figure out that the document object was still in memory, and still attached to the NSDocumentController instance, and so trying to open the document never got past the NSDocumentController's "hmm, currently have that one open" check.
I did have an NSWindowController and NSDocumentController instance, but I've purged them from my project completely. I've overridden nearly every method for NSDocument trying to find out where the issue is. So far as I know, my Interface Builder bindings are all correct -- "Close" in the main menu is attached to performClose: of the First Responder, etc, and I've tried with fresh unsullied MainMenu and Document xibs as well.
I thought that it might be something strange with my bundle writing code, so I basically deleted it all and started from scratch, but that didn't seem to work. I took out my -init method overrides, and that didn't help either. I don't have the source of any simple document apps here, so I didn't try the next logical step (to substitute known-working code for mine in the readFromUrl and writeToUrl methods).
I've had this problem for about sixteen hours of uninterrupted troubleshooting now, and needless to say, I'm at the end of my rope. If I can't figure it out, I guess I'm going to try the project from scratch with a lot more code and intensity based around the bundle-document mess.
Hard to tell without code but I would suggest sending:
... to the document controller and then looking at the controller as it is passed to the delegate to see how its state changes.
If the controller closes the document when you send the explicit message then your problem is with the binding to the window.

In Xcode Document App: Why would init method of MyDocument be called twice?

I followed Chapter 8 of Hillegass to implement the RaiseMan application there.
Then I decided to follow the same process to implement the code for an exercise in a Cocoa programming class that I am taking, but I got the following very cryptic error message after building and running.
Cannot create BOOL from object <_NSControllerObjectProxy: 0x100460e30> of class _NSControllerObjectProxy
I have no idea what this error message means. Doing a Google search brought up some hits, but their remedies seemed to be to do things that I was already doing.
I stared at all the connections and assignments that I made in Interface Builder and nothing looks obviously wrong.
So I went into the debugger and set a breakpoint inside the init method of the MyDocument class and it is being called twice. How could that happen? What should I be looking for that would make the init method be called twice? The stack trace shows that init is called by system functions that we did not write ourselves.
For comparison, I went back to the project that follows Chapter 8 of Hillegass and set a breakpoint inside the init method of the MyDocument class, and it is being called once ( which is what one would expect ).
Cannot create BOOL from object <_NSControllerObjectProxy: 0x100460e30> of class _NSControllerObjectProxy
It appears you've bound a BOOL property to a controller, and not specified a model key path. Most probably, you bound one of the Cocoa view classes' built-in bindings, such as enabled or editable.
Look through your nib for views whose enabled or editable you've bound, and make sure they are all bound to the correct model key path.
I just ran into this myself. And then I remembered seeing something odd before, whose significance hadn't struck me at the time. Which is that in my XIB file, there was a "My Document" object, in addition to the "File's Owner" object (which is what actually represents the document in the XIB file). I have no idea how it got there, but I deleted it in IB, recompiled, and presto, [MyDocument init] only gets called once now.
