Assertion error when using NSCollectionView with QLPreviewView - macos

I am using an NSCollectionView where each NSCollectionViewItem uses a QLPreviewView to get a rendering of a file's content.
(This is an attempt at a file browser for images and other previewable files.)
Initially, this works fine.
However, once collection items are getting re-used, I get an assertion error (both in 10.13 and 10.14):
[QL] Assertion failure (unreachable code) - [… MyPreviewView activated … doc:[QLPreviewDocument …]] is already activated
Apparently, before I can re-use a NSCollectionViewItem, the previously used QLPreviewItem needs to be set to inactive state somehow. How do I do that?
I've tried to send the close message to the QLPreviewView instance but that doesn't make a difference.
I also do not get a dealloc call on my QLPreviewView subclass, which suggests that the object is still referenced by something else, possibly the QLPreviewDocument, which then gets confused about the change of state.
I have made a demo project available on github:
To test: Run it, then scroll down. When reaching items 50 to 60, the assertion will be triggered.

The fix is to set QLPrewiewView's shouldCloseWithWindow property to NO.
This, I suspect, tells the controller behind the scenes not to attach itself to higher level structures, i.e. tells it to remain self-sufficient.
So, adding this line to the code that sets up a new MyPrewiewView object in the sample code's ViewController.m file prevents the error:
qlView.shouldCloseWithWindow = NO;


Xcode UITest sometimes does not find property of XCUIElement

In my UI tests, the frame property of some XCUIElement are found, but not of others.
The accessibility identifiers used below are set in storyboard, and app is initialised in setUp() as XCUIApplication().
Here is the storyboard layout:
The two UI elements used in the test are Text Field and Add Button.
Here is the relevant code:
func test() {
// given
let mainViewNavigationBar = app.navigationBars[„NavBar“]
let navBarHeight = mainViewNavigationBar.frame.size.height
print("navBarHeight: \(navBarHeight)") // is printed out correctly
let addShoppingItemTextField = app.textFields["TextField"]
let textFieldHeight = addShoppingItemTextField.frame.size.height // error breakpoint here
print("textFieldHeight: \(textFieldHeight)")
The test stops at an error breakpoint at the second last line with the following message:
No matches found for Find: Descendants matching type TextField from input {(
Application, 0x60000019f070, pid: 13114, label: ‚xxx‘
I do not understand why the frame property, which should be defined for all XCUIElement, is found in the first case, but not in the second.
Oletha pointed out below, that my constant addShoppingItemTextField is an XCUIElementQuery that should be resolved when I try to read the frame property of the textField.
Indeed, when the program stops at the test error breakpoint and I print its description, I get
Printing description of addShoppingItemTextField:
Query chain:
→Find: Target Application 0x6080000a6ea0
↪︎Find: Descendants matching type TextField
↪︎Find: Elements matching predicate '"TextField" IN identifiers'
But the find fails, although Accessibility is enabled, and the Accessibility Identifier is set to TextField:
I also inserted in the app
in viewDidLoad(), and it printed out TextField correctly.
As a workaround, I set the test to recording, and tapped the textField. This created code for the access to the textField. I then replaced let addShoppingItemTextField = app.textFields["TextField"] by (the right side was generated by the recording):
let addShoppingItemTextField = app.otherElements.containing(.navigationBar, identifier:"WatchNotOK")
.children(matching: .other).element.children(matching: .other).element
.children(matching: .other).element
And now the code works without errors.
So it seems to me that the query for the accessibility identifier of a textField does not work correctly.
I give up: Without changing anything in the storyboard, the test now stops with the same test error (No matches found for Find: Elements matching predicate '"WatchNotOK" IN identifiers‘) at the line let navBarHeight = mainViewNavigationBar.frame.size.height. This did work all the time.
This indicates to me that Xcode UI tests are broken.
I contacted Apple, and they found my bug:
The view of my main view controller had its accessibility property set to true. This was wrong; it must be set to false:
The explanation is found in the docs to isAccessibilityElement:
The default value for this property is false unless the receiver is a standard UIKit control, in which case the value is true.
Assistive applications can get information only about objects that are represented by accessibility elements. Therefore, if you implement a custom control or view that should be accessible to users with disabilities, set this property to true. The only exception to this practice is a view that merely serves as a container for other items that should be accessible. Such a view should implement the UIAccessibilityContainer protocol and set this property to false.
As soon as I set accessibility of the main view to false, the UI test succeeded.
In addition with above answers... I would like to add one point
This may happen because the XCUIElement you are accessing is not available on screen.
Suppose you are executing test case for login screen and simulator is launching with dashboard not with login screen. This happen with my case. I tried to logout and then execute test case. Error disappears
The problem is not that the frame property is not found on the element, it's that the element itself could not be found.
Every XCUIElement is derived from an XCUIElementQuery. The first attempt to resolve the query is not, as you might expect, when you assign the value of addShoppingItemTextField, but the first time you access a property (other than exists) on addShoppingItemTextField.
Therefore, when you try to access the frame property on the XCUIElement object, the query for finding that element is resolved, but the element is not found - so you get the error saying 'No matches found...' on the line where you access frame. This can be a bit misleading, but the problem you're encountering is that the element could not be found. Try adjusting your query.

Duplicate of first entry in navigation bar in custom Visual Studio Language Service

I'm implementing a Visual Studio Language Service for a custom scripting language used internally at my company, and I've run into an issue with the navigation bar implemented as a subclass of TypeAndMemberDropdownBars. The subclass is created by my LanguageService subclass' LanguageService.CreateDropDownHelper method.
In the OnSynchronizeDropdowns method I'm iterating through the types defined in the file and adding DropDownMembers to the passed-in array to fill out the navigation bar. The issue I'm seeing is that the first item in the array is being duplicated and placed at the end of the listing by code that I don't have access to. This extra item does not behave correctly when selected (nothing happens), but doesn't seem to cause any other issues; the rest of the items in the list work fine. Additionally, this only seems to happen for the type dropdown box - the members dropdown box does not display this behavior.
I'm hoping someone else has seen and resolved this issue and could provide some assistance. Thanks!
Turns out this was caused by me calling LanguageService.SynchronizeDropdowns from my LanguageService.ParseSource method, which was being called on a background thread. I've fixed the problem by setting a flag when ParseSource does a Check parse, and then implementing a check for that flag in my LanguageService.OnIdle function that will call SynchronizeDropdowns. It's now working as expected!
A better solution is to implement the LanguageService.OnParseComplete callback, and call SynchronizeDropdowns from there. OnParseComplete is always called from the main thread, so this prevents any synchronization issues from coming up, and also keeps you from having to keep track of whether or not you need to call SynchronizeDropdowns().

Cocoa NSOutlineView bug - [NSCFTimer copyWithZone:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

I'm using an NSOutlineView with the function
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView
defined so it gives the group row GUI look. When I add a root item, it works fine. When I add an item to root's child array and expand it, it works fine. If I contract the item though, the following error is logged:
[NSCFTimer copyWithZone:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
I also get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error if the app window is deactivated by switching to another app. I used the debugger to try to find where I might have made an error in one of my functions, but the stack trace only shows functions I did not create (RunCurrentEventLoopInMode, CFRunLoopRunSpecific, handleWindowNeedsDisplay, etc.) Does anyone have any idea where my error(s) might be?
Sounds like an object is dying prematurely. You get the “unrecognized selector sent to instance” exception when a new object is allocated later with the same pointer and then something tries to send the old object a message (in the example shown, the reincarnation is an NSTimer and the message something tried to send the previous object was copyWithZone:). You get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS crash when the object is simply garbage memory.
Debug this by running your app under Instruments with the Zombies instrument enabled. The object will, instead of dying, become a zombie object. When something tries to send a zombie a message, the zombie will moan (figuratively speaking), which will show up in Instruments's timeline as a flag. You can click a button in that flag to view the history of the object, including all of its retentions and releases.

NSDocument Subclass not closed by NSWindowController?

Okay, I'm fairly new to Cocoa and Objective-C, and to OOP in general.
As background, I'm working on an extensible editor that stores the user's documents in a package. This of course required some "fun" to get around some issues with NSFileWrapper (i.e. a somewhat sneaky writing and loading process to avoid making NSFileWrappers for every single document within the bundle). The solution I arrived at was to essentially treat my NSDocument subclass as just a shell -- use it to make the folder for the bundle, and then pass off writing the actual content of the document to other methods.
Unfortunately, at some point I seem to have completely screwed the pooch. I don't know how this happened, but closing the document window no longer releases the document. The document object doesn't seem to receive a "close" message -- or any related messages -- even though the window closes successfully.
The end result is that if I start my app, create a new document, save it, then close it, and try to reopen it, the document window never appears. With some creative subclassing and NSLogging, I managed to figure out that the document object was still in memory, and still attached to the NSDocumentController instance, and so trying to open the document never got past the NSDocumentController's "hmm, currently have that one open" check.
I did have an NSWindowController and NSDocumentController instance, but I've purged them from my project completely. I've overridden nearly every method for NSDocument trying to find out where the issue is. So far as I know, my Interface Builder bindings are all correct -- "Close" in the main menu is attached to performClose: of the First Responder, etc, and I've tried with fresh unsullied MainMenu and Document xibs as well.
I thought that it might be something strange with my bundle writing code, so I basically deleted it all and started from scratch, but that didn't seem to work. I took out my -init method overrides, and that didn't help either. I don't have the source of any simple document apps here, so I didn't try the next logical step (to substitute known-working code for mine in the readFromUrl and writeToUrl methods).
I've had this problem for about sixteen hours of uninterrupted troubleshooting now, and needless to say, I'm at the end of my rope. If I can't figure it out, I guess I'm going to try the project from scratch with a lot more code and intensity based around the bundle-document mess.
Hard to tell without code but I would suggest sending:
... to the document controller and then looking at the controller as it is passed to the delegate to see how its state changes.
If the controller closes the document when you send the explicit message then your problem is with the binding to the window.

RBSplitView has delayed reload of autosaved view positions

I really enjoy using RBSplitView, an open source replacement for NSSplitView, but I have a problem in my shipping app and am experiencing it again in a new project.
The problem is I'm telling the RBSplitView to autosave its position state by giving it an autosave name. When my app launches the RBSplitView doesn't seem to honor the saved state till a second after the window is drawn.
I've spent the night trying to debug the behavior but have had little success. Anyone out there use this lib and have some advice?
You can scrub this quicktime movie to the issue at work:
I've still been unable to figure out why this is happening but I do have a workaround.
First, make sure your main window is not visible at launch and then at the end of applicationDidFinishLaunching in your app delegate add something like:
[mainWindow performSelector:#selector(makeKeyAndOrderFront:) withObject:self afterDelay: 0.1];
The delay is the key. If you just tell the window to makeKeyAndOrderFront: I still see the issue. However as long as it has a beat of time it looks good.
This likely is happening because the RBSplitView instance needs to wait until it's first moment to get to set its frame to the autosaved value, which happens to be after the user can see it. This 0.0-delay trick simply delays showing the window until the very next runloop, which gives the split view a chance to do its magic (and other views) so that when the user sees the window, it's already nice and sexy. So just do the delay at 0.0 and you'll be fine.
I have a similar, but slightly different workaround in my app that uses RBSplitView. In applicationDidFinishLaunching:, I call adjustSubviews on the split view before calling makeKeyAndOrderFront: on the window that contains it. This seems to knock the split view in to order before it gets displayed on the screen.
