> window.CKEDITOR.version
< "3.6.4"
I use CKEditor with "toolbar":"Full". How can I reset the choosen font-style oder size to a "default value", in sense of no explicit value set?
For example, I select "Comic Sans MS" but than I want to reset this. There's no option in CKEditor except the HTML editor. Is this right? Or did I miss something?
Just select the text you want to un-style and then reclick on the choosen font / style / whatever. CKEditor will remove this style.
Is there a way / settings to change and / or increase the font size in the search / find dialog (field where text is typed, not talking about the label) ? Example with long regexp, it becomes non readable at all, (stupid) example:
Find: ^/drive/www-root/aw/([a-z0-9_]+)/(.*)xml$
Replace with: # necho " " >> /drive/www-root/aw_files/xsltproc_1.done nxsltproc -o /drive/www-root/aw/1/2html /drive/www-root/aw/resources/1.xslt /drive/www-root/aw/1/2xml
enter image description here
Although you can't specify the font size in the Find box to any arbitrary size, you can make it use the same font size as the editor. To do this, select Customize on the Tools menu, select the Search page, and ensure the Change Font for Find/Replace Drop-Down List option is set, and the Change Font only if Character Set of Selected Font is not System Default is clear.
An alternative way for such tasks:
EmEditor can grab text from such controls via its tray icon app (emedtray.exe).
Run emedtray.exe;
Add a hotkey for Grab: http://www.emeditor.org/en/dlg_tray_index.html
Then click (to set focus) in the field you want edit; Press the hotkey;
The text in that field should be grabbed into EmEditor main window;
Then you can view/edit it with the abundant functions EmEditor provides (including Ctrl+wheel to change font size);
After editing, just close that window, the edited text will be sent back to the source field.
I've been wanting to modify the location of the InstallDirDlgDescription text (Click Next to install to the default folder or click Change to choose another.)
The x co-ordinate of this text by default is X="25" and the text overlaps with my logo (I've customized the dialog to change the banner to my logo).
I know I can change the VALUE of the String by doing -->
<String Id="InstallDirDlgDescription">This is a custom message.</String>
But is there a way of changing the location of the text (I want to set X = "5" so that the text shifts to left and doesn't overlap with my logo) ?
Thanks !
Use the UI element to change control attributes. See http://www.joyofsetup.com/2012/07/14/localizing-more-than-strings-in-wix-v3-6/ for examples.
I want to add TM symbol as a superscript to button text. Like "DemoTM" text and TM should be superscript of Demo text.
Any Solution would be great help.
The Unicode superscript trademark is U2122 so
Button.Caption = "Demo" & ChrW$(&H2122)
You must obviously use a font that contains this glyph, for example MS Sans Serif does not, Segoe UI does.
No need to do this at run time.
Choose a Command button font that supports this symbol. Then in the Properties pane you can directly paste Demo™ for the Caption property's value.
If need be you can copy the character from the Character Map applet.
You can also paste this value into a source String literal if you want to do it at run time:
Command1.Caption = "Demo™"
No need for further gyrations.
For my GUI I am using GUILabel.
How can I change the size between lines?
Unlike a GUIText there is no way to set line spacing for a GUILabel.
While a GUILabel is able to show multi-line text, to adjust the spacing you would have to insert extra newlines or modify the font used.
You can change the line height if you create a editable copy of the font, you just have to click in the font (in the Assets panel), go to the gear icon of the Inspector panel and click "Create Editable Copy". The new copy on the Assets panel has a parameter called "Line Spacing" that you can modify at will.
I think you need to assign a GUIStyle to your label then you can use:
== EDIT ==
lineHeight is readonly ... seems not possible currently.. try modifying the font instead
I am trying to create a superscript of a 2 to show something is squared for the units label that comes after a field the user supplies in my dialog. I am using Qt Creator v2.0.1 on Windows. The QLabel has a text field and a textFormat field. I attempted to solve this by setting the textFormat combobox to RichText and then set the textFormat field to be: "µm{\super 2}" however, when previewing my dialog, the text is taken literally and not as RichText and thus there is no superscript 2 but instead the '{super 2}' with the backslash removed. I also tried escaping the backslash with '{\super 2}' but I then the literal '{\super 2}' when previewing the dialog.
How can I specify the superscript to Qt Creator so that my dialog preview shows the superscripted 2?
Here is how I want it to look: µm2
Apparently html works (not sure why RichText did not):
I find another easier way which is similar to #WilliamKF solution but it is easier for me.
for example, we have one QLabel in our UI like this :
For adding I right-click on that label and choose Change rich text ... and I will see this Dialog.
There I can easily write what I want and add superscript like this:
Then if I click Ok I have what I want and also I can choose source to see HTML tags :
<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:16pt;">µm</span><span style=" font-size:16pt; vertical-align:super;">2</span></p></body></html>