How can I change size between lines in Unity3D's GUILabel - user-interface

For my GUI I am using GUILabel.
How can I change the size between lines?

Unlike a GUIText there is no way to set line spacing for a GUILabel.
While a GUILabel is able to show multi-line text, to adjust the spacing you would have to insert extra newlines or modify the font used.

You can change the line height if you create a editable copy of the font, you just have to click in the font (in the Assets panel), go to the gear icon of the Inspector panel and click "Create Editable Copy". The new copy on the Assets panel has a parameter called "Line Spacing" that you can modify at will.

I think you need to assign a GUIStyle to your label then you can use:
== EDIT ==
lineHeight is readonly ... seems not possible currently.. try modifying the font instead


Is there a way to change the font size in the serch dialog Find and Replace with fields

Is there a way / settings to change and / or increase the font size in the search / find dialog (field where text is typed, not talking about the label) ? Example with long regexp, it becomes non readable at all, (stupid) example:
Find: ^/drive/www-root/aw/([a-z0-9_]+)/(.*)xml$
Replace with: # necho " " >> /drive/www-root/aw_files/xsltproc_1.done nxsltproc -o /drive/www-root/aw/1/2html /drive/www-root/aw/resources/1.xslt /drive/www-root/aw/1/2xml
enter image description here
Although you can't specify the font size in the Find box to any arbitrary size, you can make it use the same font size as the editor. To do this, select Customize on the Tools menu, select the Search page, and ensure the Change Font for Find/Replace Drop-Down List option is set, and the Change Font only if Character Set of Selected Font is not System Default is clear.
An alternative way for such tasks:
EmEditor can grab text from such controls via its tray icon app (emedtray.exe).
Run emedtray.exe;
Add a hotkey for Grab:
Then click (to set focus) in the field you want edit; Press the hotkey;
The text in that field should be grabbed into EmEditor main window;
Then you can view/edit it with the abundant functions EmEditor provides (including Ctrl+wheel to change font size);
After editing, just close that window, the edited text will be sent back to the source field.

NS button text interprets FontAwesome

If I set the text of the Button whose font is FontAwesome to something like "Download" - it interprets 'down' as an font from FA as well as 'ad'
e.g. Open = it'll display O and then a pen icon from FA.
Very weird - how can I stop this.
I'd like the button text to contain both FA icons (specified with unicode escape codes) and regular text.
I haven't used FontAwesome recently, I recall they use to denote icons by character code so there were no issues in combining text along with icons, not sure if that's changed now.
As a workaround you can use formattedText instead of text. You will be able to use different fonts within Button with 2 different FormattedString definitions, one for icon and another for text.

How to customize UI Dialogs in Wix to modify location/size of Labels

I've been wanting to modify the location of the InstallDirDlgDescription text (Click Next to install to the default folder or click Change to choose another.)
The x co-ordinate of this text by default is X="25" and the text overlaps with my logo (I've customized the dialog to change the banner to my logo).
I know I can change the VALUE of the String by doing -->
<String Id="InstallDirDlgDescription">This is a custom message.</String>
But is there a way of changing the location of the text (I want to set X = "5" so that the text shifts to left and doesn't overlap with my logo) ?
Thanks !
Use the UI element to change control attributes. See for examples.

Visible separators in win32 api toolbars (not just gaps)?

I want it to look like this (just the separator)
this is what I have:
How would i go about doing this?
The separator at the moment is just this, nothing else in the TBBUTTON struct is set for the separator
tbb[3].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_SEP;
The Win32 control only draws vertical separator lines if the toolbar uses the flat style. So you can achieve the effect you want by including the TBSTYLE_FLAT style when you create the toolbar window.

Textmate 2 indentation with Python

When I indent by tabbing "Tab" key, the tab is replaced by 4 spaces. Does anyone know how could I set it to normal?
At the bottom of the editor window there is a menu for tab size, you can set the desired width there as well as turning on soft tabs which inserts spaces instead of tabs but treats them as tabs when editing. Your choice will be saved based on the active file type so make sure to set it when in a python file.
