Magento changing mini cart checkout behaviour - magento

I'm trying to change the behavior of my mini cart checkout button to take people to a different URL then what we currently have.
I can see the code i need to change in chrome's inspector but i can't for the life of my find the file to edit on our server.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Just copy the line you want to change and use find tool of your IDE to find this line of code.


Prestashop 1.7 product list, product view changes

I'm trying to add some extra row after product image in prestashop 1.7 product list page.
I want to add manufacturer title above product title.
Already tried:
Change product-list.tpl code.
but nothing happened.
Here is product image with some info about my problem:
Maybe some one know how to achieve this? Thanks.
You have to edit this file:
Under the block named product_thumbnail (also external to block if you want)
Ok, I found something by my self. I'm not so sure why it happened but it was some of ".../app/cache/dev/..." - files.
Step by step:
1. Download website file
2. Search for specific classes
3. Found those classes on two files product.tpl and f33as2f1a2sf5asfa2sfasf20132.file.product.tpl.php
4. Then back to my ftp found that second file with long name and change a code there...
5. It works
Maybe its nasty work-around, so that's why I'm asking for more information for those who know more about things like this. Maybe there is something in back office (prestashop dashboard) settings... Developer/production mode or something? because by my opinion is just a nasty work around and I want to know more and learn more about it. Thanks. <- UPDATE: -> its useless to edit cache files, you need to make changes ant clear cache from terminal || or admin dashboard.
UPDATE BELOW (in comments)--->>>

Magento, category, details button

I'm trying to teach myself Magento, and basic programming.
In the product lists I have, beside the "add to cart" button is a "Details" button. It has a typo in the label, and says "Detalis".
I need to fix this, but I can't find where/which file it is in. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Generally,product list layout came from list.phtml file.
file location:app/design/frontend/default/my_theme/template/catalog/product/list.phtml
Please enable the path hints via admin panel.It's show all block paths.
How do I turn on template path hints?
To turn on template path hints in Magento:
log into the magento back-end admin
Go to System -> Configuration in the main menu
Go to Developer on the bottom left under ADVANCED
Switch to the store view on the top left to your current website or
store view.
Under the Debug tab of the same Developer config page you will see a
new option appear that will allow you to turn on/off template path
Remember to clear your cache.
Generally, I believe that the templates associated with products would be located in the
However, I am unsure of your site template files etc, especially if you are doing things yourself.
To make your life easier, I would suggest installing a program called Agent Ransack which I have found to be invaluable when searching for a needle in a haystack.

What are/How to edit cache files for opencart website

Hi all am a noob on the rise with web development and design and I am trying to edit a file that I found that seems to be controlling some information about world countries. More specifically I want to add a zone to a country. This file is part of the opencart e-commerce suite. It is located here: system/cache and is called and I openned it with notepad. the contents are as follows:
{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"284";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:7:"Acklins";s:4:"code";s:3:"ACK";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:1;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"285";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:13:"Berry Islands";s:4:"code";s:3:"BER";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:2;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"286";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:6:"Bimini";s:4:"code";s:3:"BIM";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:3;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"287";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:11:"Black Point";s:4:"code";s:3:"BLK";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:4;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"288";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:10:"Cat Island";s:4:"code";s:3:"CAT";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:5;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"289";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:13:"Central Abaco";s:4:"code";s:3:"CAB";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:6;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"290";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:14:"Central Andros";s:4:"code";s:3:"CAN";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:7;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"291";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:17:"Central Eleuthera";s:4:"code";s:3:"CEL";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:8;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"292";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:16:"City of Freeport";s:4:"code";s:3:"FRE";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:9;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"293";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:14:"Crooked Island";s:4:"code";s:3:"CRO";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:10;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"294";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:17:"East Grand Bahama";s:4:"code";s:3:"EGB";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:11;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"295";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:5:"Exuma";s:4:"code";s:3:"EXU";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:12;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"296";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:9:"Grand Cay";s:4:"code";s:3:"GRD";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:13;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"297";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:14:"Harbour Island";s:4:"code";s:3:"HAR";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:14;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"2908";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:9:"Hope Town";s:4:"code";s:3:"HOP";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:15;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"299";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:6:"Inagua";s:4:"code";s:3:"INA";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:16;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"300";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:11:"Long Island";s:4:"code";s:3:"LNG";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:17;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"301";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:12:"Mangrove Cay";s:4:"code";s:3:"MAN";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:18;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"302";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:9:"Mayaguana";s:4:"code";s:3:"MAY";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:19;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"303";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:14:"Moore's Island";s:4:"code";s:3:"MOO";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:20;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"304";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:11:"North Abaco";s:4:"code";s:3:"NAB";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:21;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"305";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:12:"North Andros";s:4:"code";s:3:"NAN";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:22;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"306";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:15:"North Eleuthera";s:4:"code";s:3:"NEL";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:23;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"307";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:13:"Ragged Island";s:4:"code";s:3:"RAG";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:24;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"308";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:7:"Rum Cay";s:4:"code";s:3:"RUM";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:25;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"309";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:12:"San Salvador";s:4:"code";s:3:"SAL";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:26;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"310";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:11:"South Abaco";s:4:"code";s:3:"SAB";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:27;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"311";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:12:"South Andros";s:4:"code";s:3:"SAN";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:28;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"312";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:15:"South Eleuthera";s:4:"code";s:3:"SEL";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:29;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"313";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:13:"Spanish Wells";s:4:"code";s:3:"SWE";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}i:30;a:5:{s:7:"zone_id";s:3:"314";s:10:"country_id";s:2:"16";s:4:"name";s:17:"West Grand Bahama";s:4:"code";s:3:"WGB";s:6:"status";s:1:"1";}}
The problem is this, I am trying to open an online store using opencart because its free and am broke but I've notice that when I was trying to register a fake account to test it out with my new design I noticed something strange. The capital of the Bahamas, which is Nassau, is missing from this list. And thats kind of huge issue because Nassau is where the majority of the population of the Bahamas lives. So can someone be so kind as to offer some advice for this problem? Where to look, something to read, perhaps even a solution.
Thank You;
Eulond Kelly III
Login to admin panel and go to System > Zones.
Then click on 'Insert' button and enter the needed information.
Click on save button.
That's all !!

Where is menu item in Joomla 1.5?

OK, I'm new to Joomla. Making updates for someone still using 1.5, plan to get them upgraded to v3...
I need to add a new article and menu item. I've figured out where to do that in the backend, but my menu item isn't showing up in the navigation. I went to menu manager, where I added the new link to a menu called mymenu. I see the actual module in the template is titled myleftmenu, and I have the menu item selected there with the others from mymenu that appear throughout the site.
I've researched this and see maybe there were some bugs in 1.5, even some weird conflict with php 5.3, but none of this makes sense. I don't have spaces or special characters in the menu alias (or wherever that had been an issue for some people). I'm really stumped here because this really makes no sense. I don't seem to have anywhere else to look in the backend to update or change this, so what's the issue?
I would check:
1- check if you are placing your mymenu in the right module position. To do that put that /index.php?tp=1 at the end of your url (eg: it will give you the position.
2- check if your menu is published (you need to click on "published")
3- if you are trying to make a drop down menu : know that it is not supporter by native joomla so you need to download module such as this one.
4- maybe your menu works but is not display because of overflow:hidden
I tried to modify other menu items in the backend and nothing was updating. I finally went searching for a php file that could have been hand-coded and modified and found that in my modules directory. Not being familiar with Joomla, and not sure if this menu had even been set up correctly, I then had to figure out how to get the right blog and item ID numbers for the hyperlink. Ugh! I feel like someone went about building this in a way that just made it more difficult for everyone who has to update the site in the future. Now I'm really wondering what a version upgrade is going to do to this!

display custom attributes on Virtuemart browse page

I need the browse page to show quantity box, custom attributes, and Add to Cart button all together.
It doesn't show it at all. Only when you go to the product page, you can see them.
Any solutions?
Thanks, Ahmed.
Ahmed, you'll have to modify the template directly to do something like that. VM uses a large number of template files written in PHP. If you're using the default template, you can find them here:
From there, it takes a little looking around to figure out exactly which template you need to edit. If you need to edit a browse template, my recommendation is go to your VirtueMart Administration in Joomla backend and look at Admin | Configuration | Site | Layout to get an idea of which files you're using. It will probably say "Default" in the dropdown, with a Configuration link directly below. Click that link and look at the very first item, Product List Style. From the description of your layout desires, you might be using Flat Product List.
The main file for editing that layout is:
If you're a programmer, you should be able to look thru the code and correctly guess which code elements are being used to display VM product details. If you're not a programmer, you can still fake it by commenting out sections to see what "goes away" on the actual product page. Use what you learn to strip out useful code and move it around.
Another useful file to pull VM product code from is:
This is the actual product view (unless it's been changed in VM config), and contains pretty much all the common code elements that extract product details. You should be able to lift some of that code and place it where it needs to go in other forms.
Good luck with all of this. I find VM coding painful, and community support in the VM forums can be... sparse...
