usb: why my f_uvc doesn't answer GET_DEF request? - device

I need to implement uvc1.5 spec in my device, I choose linux3.4 as my kernel, and I want to use the drivers/usb/gadget/webcam.c
as my function driver. But it doesn't function properly.
According to the signals captured by wireshark, when the host sends the GET_DEF request to the device, my device answer -ENOENT which results in a failure to the enumeration.
I find out that when the composite.c receives this kind of requests, it will forward them to f->set_up to continue.
The main part of f->set_up is:
uvc->event_setup_out = !(ctrl->bRequestType & USB_DIR_IN);
uvc->event_length = le16_to_cpu(ctrl->wLength);
memset(&v4l2_event, 0, sizeof(v4l2_event));
v4l2_event.type = UVC_EVENT_SETUP;
memcpy(&uvc_event->req, ctrl, sizeof(uvc_event->req));
v4l2_event_queue(&uvc->vdev, &v4l2_event);
The call of v4l2_event_queue is what puzzles me: who will handle this event?
I didn't see any code doing such event related initialization work.....
And my question is how to handle this event properly, so I can answer the GET_DEF request ?

It's a V4L2 event you should deal with in another place. You can receive v4l2 event through
rt = ioctl(dev->fd, VIDIOC_DQEVENT,&v4l2_event);
Then you can parse this v4l2_event, it maybe GET_CUR, GER_LEN,etc. So you can response those requests by yourself define.


Differences between,, and for emitting to all clients in a room

The documentation seems to specify a few ways to emit an event to all connected clients in a room. They are as follows:, as found in the first example here:, as found in the emit cheatsheet, found here:, as found here:
Other than the examples linked above, both and are not listed anywhere else in the documentation. What do these methods do exactly, and where can I find more information on them? can be used inside the io.on('connection', callback) event, like so:
io.on('connection', function(socket){
// to one room'others').emit('an event', { some: 'data' });
// to multiple rooms'room1').to('room2').emit('hello');
However, this does not make sense, as the socket object passed into this callback represents a connected client. How can the incoming socket object be used to broadcast to all other connected sockets, as shown in the above example?
Definitive explanations of the above are appreciated.
However, this does not make sense, as the socket object passed into this callback represents a connected client.
If you trace into those call in a debugger, you can see what is going on.
First off, the creates a property on the socket named _rooms that is an array of room names. You can see the whole code in context here in the Github repository, but here's the relevant portion for .to(): = = function(name){
if (!~this._rooms.indexOf(name)) this._rooms.push(name);
return this;
Each successive call to .to() just an addition room to the array.
Then, socket.emit() checks to see if the _rooms property exists and if it does, it calls this.adapter.broadcast(...) which grabs the adapter and tells it to broadcast this message to all sockets on that adapter except the current one. The whole code for socket.emit() is here on Github. The particular broadcast part of the code is this:
if (this._rooms.length || this.flags.broadcast) {
this.adapter.broadcast(packet, {
except: [],
rooms: this._rooms,
flags: this.flags
} else {
// dispatch packet
this.packet(packet, this.flags);
How can the incoming socket object be used to broadcast to all other connected sockets, as shown in the above example?
Each socket contains a reference to the adapter and the adapter has a list of all sockets on that adapter. So, it's possible to get form the socket to the adapter, to all the other sockets.
I would agree that this is a bit of an odd overloading of functionality, but that's how they do it. I'm guessing they wanted to give people access to broadcast functionality when all you had a reference to was an individual socket.
FYI, the only way to really answer these types of questions yourself that are not documented is by looking at the code and that is certainly one of the huge advantages of using open source libraries. I find that the quickest way to get to the right source is to step into the method of interest in the debugger. Fire up the debugger, set a breakpoint in your code, then step into the function of choice and it will show you the relevant source code immediately. You can then further step through that function if you want to see what path it is taking.
For anyone coming across this question like me, here is the link to the docs for explanation:

XCB event loop not getting any events

I am making an addon in Firefox, so I have a ChromeWorker - which is a privileged WebWorker. This is just a thread other then the mainthread.
In here I have no code but this (modified to make it look like not js-ctypes [which is the language for addons])
On startup I run this code, conn is a global variable:
conn = xcb_connect(null, null);
Then I run this in a 200ms interval:
evt = xcb_poll_for_event(conn);
console.log('evt:', evt);
if (!evt.isNull()) {
console.log('good got an event!!');
However evt is always null, I am never getting any events. My goal is to get all events on the system.
Anyone know what can cause something so simple to not work?
I have tried
xcb_change_window_attributes (conn,>root, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);
But this didn't fix it :(
The only way I can get it to work is by doing xcb_create_window xcb_map_window but then I get ONLY the events that happen in this created window.
You don't just magically get all events by opening a connection. There's only very few messages any client will receive, such as client messages, most others will only be sent to a client if it explicitly registered itself to receive them.
And yes, that means you have to register them on each and every window, which involves both crawling the tree and listening for windows being created, mapped, unmapped and destroyed and registering on them as well.
However, I would reconsider whether
My goal is to get all events on the system.
isn't an A-B problem. Why do you "need" all events? What do you actually want to do?

Attaching a callback to the output element of the Remote IO

I want to capture audio from the microphone of an iOS device and write it to a .caf file.
I'm able to connect a Remote IO audio unit to a multichannel mixer unit (MCMU) and attach a callback to the input of the MCMU. Inside that callback I can successfully write the audio data from the mic to a file using ExtAudioFileAsyncWrite().
I want to simplify things and remove the MCMU from the picture. My thinking is I can simply attach a callback to the output bus of the Remote IO's input scope and inside that callback call ExtAudioFileAsyncWrite().
However when I try this ExtAudioFileAsyncWrite() returns a -50 (paramError).
Is it not possible to attach a callback to the output bus of the input element of the Remote IO?
It is possible. You'll want to use AudioUnitSetProperty to set the kAudioOutputUnitProperty_SetInputCallback property. This callback will function much like a render callback, but will be called whenever the RemoteIO / mic has some new data for you (instead of as a request for data from your program).
AURenderCallbackStruct callbackInfo = {YourInputCallback, NULL};
This will make the RemoteIO / mic call YourInputCallback whenever it has a new batch of samples. You can use this callback to call ExtAudioFileWriteAsync as you did before. Note that you'll have to call AudioUnitRender on the RemoteIO as well, to get the new samples out of it.
Regarding the -50 error, that's not a very helpful error diagnostic. It basically just says "there was an error with one of your parameters". Most likely your ExtAudioFile was NULL or not set up properly (in which case, one of the ExtAudioFile* functions you used on it earlier would have returned a more helpful error code you can use to diagnose it).

Block TCP-send till ACK returned

I am programming a client application sending TCP/IP packets to a server. Because of timeout issues I want to start a timer as soon as the ACK-Package is returned (so there can be no timeout while the package has not reached the server). I want to use the winapi.
Setting the Socket to blocking mode doesn't help, because the send command returns as soon as the data is written into the buffer (if I am not mistaken). Is there a way to block send till the ACK was returned, or is there any other way to do this without writing my own TCP-implementation?
It sounds like you want to do the minimum implementation to achieve your goal. In this case you should set your socket to blocking, and following the send which blocks until all data is sent, you call recv which in turn will block until the ACK packet is received or the server end closes or aborts the connection.
If you wanted to go further with your implementation you'd have to structure your client application in such a way that supports asynchronous communication. There are a few techniques with varying degrees of complexity; polling using select() simple, event model using WSASelectEvent/WSAWaitForMultipleEvents challenging, and the IOCompletionPort model which is very complicated.
peudocode... Will wait until ack is recevied, after which time you can call whatever functionallity you want -i chose some made up function send_data.. which would then send information over the socket after receiving the ack.
data = ''
while True
readable, writable, errors = select([socket])
if socket in readble
data += recv(socket)
if is_ack(data)
timer.start() #not sure why you want this

Using the xmpp4r Ruby gem, how can I synchronously discover if a contact is online?

I'm new to XMPP and the xmpp4r library, so please forgive my noob question if this is obviously documented somewhere.
What's the most straightforward way, in a synchronous manner, to find out if a given JID is online? (so that I can call something like is_online?(jid) in an if statement)
My details:
I'm writing a Sinatra app that will attempt to send a message to a user when a particular url gets requested on the web server, but it should only try to send the message to the user if that user is currently online. Figuring out if a given JID is online is my problem.
Now, I know that if I connect and wait a few seconds for all the initial presence probe responses to come back to the Roster helper, then I can inspect any of those presences from my Roster and call #online? on them to get the correct value. But, I don't know when all of the presence updates have been sent, so there's a race condition there and sometimes calling #online? on a presence from my roster will return false if I just haven't received that presence probe response yet.
So, my current thinking is that the most straightforward way to find out if someone is online is to construct a new Presence message of type :probe and send that out to the JID that I'm interested in. Here's how I'm doing it right now:
#jabber is the result of Client::new
#email is the jid I'm interested in polling
def is_online?(jabber, email)
online = false
p =
pres = jabber.send(p) do |returned_presence|
online = returned_presence.nil?
return online
Now, this works in cases where the user is actually online, but when the user is offline, it looks like the presence probe message that comes back is being caught by some other presence_callback handler that doesn't know what to do with it, and my is_online? function never finishes returning a value.
Can anyone help me by providing a simple example is_online? function that I can call, or point me in the right direction for how I can detect when the roster is done getting all the initial presence updates before I try checking a presence for #online?
As it turns out, there's not a synchronous way to ask for a JID presence. You've just got to ask for what you want, then wait for your response handler to fire when the response arrives.
