Block TCP-send till ACK returned - winapi

I am programming a client application sending TCP/IP packets to a server. Because of timeout issues I want to start a timer as soon as the ACK-Package is returned (so there can be no timeout while the package has not reached the server). I want to use the winapi.
Setting the Socket to blocking mode doesn't help, because the send command returns as soon as the data is written into the buffer (if I am not mistaken). Is there a way to block send till the ACK was returned, or is there any other way to do this without writing my own TCP-implementation?

It sounds like you want to do the minimum implementation to achieve your goal. In this case you should set your socket to blocking, and following the send which blocks until all data is sent, you call recv which in turn will block until the ACK packet is received or the server end closes or aborts the connection.
If you wanted to go further with your implementation you'd have to structure your client application in such a way that supports asynchronous communication. There are a few techniques with varying degrees of complexity; polling using select() simple, event model using WSASelectEvent/WSAWaitForMultipleEvents challenging, and the IOCompletionPort model which is very complicated.

peudocode... Will wait until ack is recevied, after which time you can call whatever functionallity you want -i chose some made up function send_data.. which would then send information over the socket after receiving the ack.
data = ''
while True
readable, writable, errors = select([socket])
if socket in readble
data += recv(socket)
if is_ack(data)
timer.start() #not sure why you want this


Trying to send a FIX api message to ctrader server using Ruby but receiving no response

Trying to see if I can get a response from ctrader server.
Getting no response and seems to hang at "s.recv(1024)". So not sure what could be going wrong here. I have limited experience with sockets and network coding.
I have checked my login credentials and all seems ok.
Note: I am aware of many FIX engines that are available for this purpose but wanted to
try this on my own.
ctrader FIX guides
require 'socket'
hostname = ""
port = 5201
#constructing a fix message to see what ctrader server returns
fix_message = "8=FIX.4.4|9=#{bodylengthsum}|" + bodylength + "10=#{checksumcalc}|"
s =, port)
print fix_message
puts s.recv(1024)
Sockets are by default blocking on read. When you call recv that call will block if no data is available.
The fact that your recv call is not returning anything, would be an indication that the server did not send you any reply at all; the call is blocking waiting for incoming data.
If you would use read instead, then the call will block until all the requested data has been received.
So calling recv(1024) will block until 1 or more bytes are available.
Calling read(1024) will block until all 1024 bytes have been received.
Note that you cannot rely on a single recv call to return a full message, even if the sender sent you everything you need. Multiple recv calls may be required to construct the full message.
Also note that the FIX protocol gives the msg length at the start of each message. So after you get enough data to see the msg length, you could call read to ensure you get the rest.
If you do not want your recv or read calls to block when no data (or incomplete data) is available, then you need to use non-blocking IO instead for your reads. This is complex topic, which you need to research, but often used when you don't want to block and need to read arbitary length messages. You can look here for some tips.
Another option would be to use something like EventMachine instead, which makes it easier to deal with sockets in situations like this, without having to worry about blocking in your code.

Libevent does not echo properly when there is a delay

Based on the following code, I built a version of an echo server, but with a threaded delay. This was built because I've noticed that upon initial connection, my first send is sent back to the client, but the client does not receive it until a second send. My real-world use case is that I need to send messages to the server, do a lot of processing, and then send the result back... say 10-30 seconds later (could be hours in some cases).
So here is my code. For brevity's sake, I have only included the libevent-related code; not the threading code or other stuff. When debugging, a new connection is set up, the string buffer is filled properly, and debugging reveals that the writes go successfully.
But I only receive the echo from the send-before-last. I send from the client numbers to validate this and when I send a 1 from the client, I receive nothing from the server via echo... even though the server is definitely writing to the buffer using evbuffer_add ( I have also tried this using bufferevent_write_buffer).
From the client when I send a 2, I then receive the 1 from the previous send. It's like my writes are being cached.... I have turned off nagle.
So, my question is: Does libevent cache sends using the following method?
evbuffer_add( outputBuffer, buffer, length );
Is there a way to flush this cache? Is there some other method to mark the cache as finished or complete? Can I force a send? It never sends on it's own... I have even put in delays. Replacing evbuffer_add with "send" works perfectly every time.
Most likely you are affected by Nagle algorithm - basically it buffers outgoing data, before sending it to the network. Take a look at this article: TCP/IP options for high-performance data transmission.
Here is an example how to disable buffering:
int flag = 1;
int result = setsockopt(sock, /* socket affected */
IPPROTO_TCP, /* set option at TCP level */
TCP_NODELAY, /* name of option */
(char *) &flag, /* the cast is historical
cruft */
sizeof(int)); /* length of option value */

sendto() dgrams do not block for ENOBUFS on OSX

This is more of a observation and also a suggestion for whats the best way to handle this scenario.
I have two threads one just pumps in data and another receives the data and does lot of work before sending it another socket. Both the threads are connected via a Domain socket. The protocol used here is UDP. I did not want to use TCP as it is stream based, which means if there is little space in the queue my data is split and sent. This is bad as Iam sending data that should not be split. Hence I used DGRAM. Interestingly when the send thread overwhelms the recv thread by pumping so much data, at some point the Domain socket buffer gets filled up and sendto() returns ENOBUFS. I was of the opinion that should this happen, sendto() would block until the buffer is available. This would be my desired behaviour. However this does not seem to be the case. I solve this problem in a rather weird way.
CPU Yield method
If I get ENOBUFS, I do a sched_yield(); as there is no pthread_yield() in OSX. After that I try to resend again. If that fails I keep doing the same until it is taken. This is bad as Iam wasting cpu cycles just doing something useless. I would love if sendto() blocked.
Sleep method
I tried to solve the same issue using sleep(1) instead of sched_yield() but this of no use as sleep() would put my process to sleep instead of just that send thread.
Both of them does not seem to work for me and Iam running out of options. Can someone suggest what is the best way to handle this issue? Is there some clever tricks Iam not aware of that can reduce unnecessary cpu cycles? btw, what the man page says about sentto() is wrong, based on this discussion
The Upd code in kernel:
The udp_output function in /sys/netinet/udp_usrreq.c, seems clear:
* Calculate data length and get a mbuf
* for UDP and IP headers.
M_PREPEND(m, sizeof(struct udpiphdr), M_DONTWAIT);
if (m == 0) {
error = ENOBUFS;
if (addr)
goto release;
I'm not sure why sendto() isn't blocking for you... but you might try calling this function before you each call to sendto():
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
// Won't return until there is space available on the socket for writing
void WaitUntilSocketIsReadyForWrite(int socketFD)
fd_set writeSet;
FD_SET(socketFD, &writeSet);
if (select(socketFD+1, NULL, &writeSet, NULL, NULL) < 0) perror("select");
Btw how big are the packets that you are trying to send?
sendto() on OS X is really nonblocking (that is M_DONTWAIT flag for).
I suggest you to use stream based connection and just receive the whole data on the other side by using MSG_WAITALL flag of the recv function. If your data has strict structure than it would be simple, just pass the correct size to the recv. If not than just send some fixed-size control packet first with the size of the next chunk of data and then the data itself. On the receiver side you would be wait for control packet of fixed size and than the data of size from control packet.

Packet Acknowledgements in TinyOS

Iam using telosB motes for implementation.
I have come across one of the way for acknowledging the packets,
task void send() {
call PacketAcknowledgements.requestAck(&myMsg);
if(call AMSend.send(1, &myMsg, 0) != SUCCESS) {
post send();
event void AMSend.sendDone(message_t *msg, error_t error) {
if(call PacketAcknowledgements.wasAcked(msg))
// do something if packet was acked
// do something else if packet was not acked (possibly resend)
Actually my doubt is, the receiving mote should have to acknowledge the packet or it should have PacketAcknowledgements interface in its application in order to send ACKs.
How this type of acknowledgement works?
And I have checked with my own type of acknowledgement, it works like after receiving the packet the mote acknowledge the packets, if source mote does not receive positive ack in certain time frame then re transmit the packet .
So which is better way of doing?
Please guide & thanks,
In TinyOS acknowledgements are implemented on the lowest communication abstraction level - active message[1]. This means that any component that operates with active messages has a built in support for synchronous acknowledgements.
Actually my doubt is, the receiving mote should have to acknowledge
the packet or it should have PacketAcknowledgements interface in its
application in order to send ACKs.
If you used PacketAcknowledgements.requestAck(&myMsg) to request acknowledgement, then you don't have to write extra code in Receive.receive event handler to process acks as this is done for you by underlying communication layer. All you need to do is wire PacketAcknowledgements interface that your component/module uses to one of the providers (AMSenderC or ActiveMessageC).
How this type of acknowledgement works?
The high level idea is following - calling PacketAcknowledgements.requestAck(&myMsg) sets a flag in a packet header and tells sender component not to signal sendDone event until ack was received (or timed out). When receiver component handles the packet on the other end it reads the flag and sends and ack if requested.
Having said all that, description of your way of acknowledging packets seems very similar to what PacketAcknowledgements offers, so personally I would avoid writing extra code for handling acknowledgements myself and stick with the tools provided.

How to detect disconnection (RST/FIN) using Windows IOCP?

How can I find out whether TCP connection was torn down by the peer (by sending RST packet or similar) using Windows IOCP API? Specifically, I can't send or receive any data -- there's no overlapped operation going on. I just want to get an asynchronous notification. Is there a way to do that?
You need to have a read or write pending to detect connection closure. Either will return as Remy suggests on RST but with a pending read you'll also get notification of when the remote side closes the send side of its connection.
I suggest you always keep an overlapped read pending, if you don't want to tie up memory you can always make this a zero byte read.
Your IOCP completion handler will be notified whether a socket operation succeeds or fails. The parameters tell you which is the case.
If you are using GetQueuedCompletionStatus(), it will return FALSE if any failure occured. If it was a socket failure, *lpOverlapped will be set to the non-NULL pointer value of the OVERLAPPED operation that failed. If GetQueuedCompletionStatus() itself failed, *lpOverlapped will be set to NULL. If the peer disconnects gracefully, it will return TRUE and set *lpNumberOfBytes to 0 instead.
If you are using WSAgetOverlappedResult(), it will return FALSE if any failure occurs. Use WSAGetLastError() to determine if it was a socket failure or not. If the peer disconnects gracefully, it will return TRUE and set *lpcbTrasfer to 0 instead.
