Set generateBackupPoms To False In Pom - maven

All our builds add the parameter ''-DgenerateBackupPoms=false'' to the command line while releasing, which I think is kind of stupid and I want to add it to the shared parent pom.xml. But I can't figure out which plug-in it is that generates the backup poms.
I searched the Maven Release Plugin, but no luck.
Then I tried the ''versions-maven-plugin'' (that at least has the parameter), but changing it to false does not help:
The backup poms are still generated. So how do I turn them off?

Simply add it to the properties of pom.xml:


includeSystemScope Parameter in pom.xml not working

I'm tring to include a custom jar in my Spingboot application. In my case the additional jar contains a custom font for jasper Report.
This is my "system" decendency
The system package is visible while I debug my application in my IDE but when I'm done and I what to generate the package for production deploy
mvn install -DskipTests
My system package is not included the final jar.
Is there anything missing in my maven configuration?
If this is a multi-module project, you probably need to define the configuration section in the parent pom.
I have spent almost a day debugging this and it seems the configuration set in the child pom is not enough to get this to work. My guess is that the dependencies are calculated early in the build and the includeSystemScope option set in the child module is processed too late to be applied.

Why would a maven-war-plugin generate a JAR instead of a WAR?

I am following this Contract first using CXF tutorial and while the resulting pom.xml generates sources and even completes build successfully, it fails to create a WAR file.
Instead, it creates a JAR file.
My understanding is that the part in the pom.xml that's responsible for creating the WAR is:
I don't see any <goal> or <execution> element there (unlike in the build-helper-maven-plugin one), but I also understand that with this plugin this is implied as even the official usage page demonstrates:
So... what am I missing?
What could possibly explain a maven-war-plugin that behaves in unexpected way like this and produces a JAR instead of a WAR by default?
Is there a way to force it to produce a WAR?
packaging should be as below.
if it won't help then try binding your plug-in configuration with a lifecycle phase.
in your project definition , please check if packaging is missing or not , it should be some thing like this .
<artifactId>My Web Application</artifactId>
<description>My First Web Application</description>
By default maven war plugin binds to package phase of the lifecycle ,so its important that we should mention the type of packaging we want once the build is done.
I would like to suggest to have a look at the Maven specs for war plugin.

Can I have maven artifact run maven plugin when it is installed?

I have created a Maven plugin (called unpackTemplates) that unpacks a dependency jar file and copies resource files (in this case, templates) from it into a specific location in a project.
Right now, I put the following into the pom file of every project that has a dependency with templates. It looks like:
The above project pom works for us. It calls the plugin and the plugin does it's job. However, we'd like to avoid adding the plugin section to the pom of every project.
It would make more sense to put that plugin section in the dependencies pom. This way the project pom does not need to be modified beyond adding the <dependency> tags as usual. And the dependency has it's plugin run wherever it is installed.
I've seen that the pom file for Gson contains a <build><plugins>...</plugins></build> section in it. When I give my dependencies the following pom files, however, the plugin is not run (although the dependency is found, downloaded, installed, etc correctly).
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong, or if the Gson pom is simply doing something else entirely?
(NB: The groupId/version/artifactIds in <configuration> are necessary because they are (string) parameters to the plugin; presumably if I got the run-straight-from-dependency approach working I could refactor them away, but again, it's not even running the kludgy version with parameters.)
two points:
First I agree with khmarbaise in that you don't need a plugin of your own for those tasks. To unpack to a specific location you can use dependency:unpack-dependencies and outputDirectory parameter.
If you need more configuration you can use the assembly plugin to structure your artifact (which you want to unpack).
For the second point it seems to me that you want to use the contents of your lib-with-templates in many projects. Why don't you add the plugin and dependency to a parent pom which you include in every pom where you need it? Then you don't need to declare it in "every pom". If you don't really need it in every pom you can put it in a profile and choose a proper activation for it.

Maven - Parent Pom - Child Inheritance

I am attempting to make a maven parent pom setup where I don't have to declare any plugin information in my child pom, everything is taken from the parent pom.
I essentially have it working where I've put all my plugins with there configurations in to the parent pom. Then in the child poms I have to declare the plugin still, but without the version and configuration information.
I don't want to have to declare the plugin in the child at all. This way I can add new features (such as pmd, freebugs, etc) to my parent pom and all my projects now have them working. How can I accomplish this?
Parent Pom
Child Pom still needs this but I don't want to have to do this if I can avoid it:
<pluginManagement> section is intended to configure project builds that inherit from this one. However, this only configures plugins that are actually referenced within the plugins element in the children (so you have to explicitly specify them, as you indicated). See more here.
If you want to avoid this, you can put this information into <build> section like this:
Instead of using pluginManagement, try using just <plugins> tag. It should be auto inherited. You may optionally override configuration in child pom. Check that by mvn help:effective-pom
You can't avoid naming the plugin in the child pom, cause how should maven know which plugin are you using. The pluginManagement section is intended for defining the versions of plugin furthermore it's used to define a default configuration.

Maven - Calling a module from Parent POM based on the profile

I have a module which is supposed to produce two artifacts (war's). The only difference between the two WAR's is the web.xml being used.
I did this with the help of Maven Profiles...
Q1: How can I call this POM from super POM so that both the Profiles are activated?
Q2: Is it possible to install both the generated artifacts in Local repository?
When you want to activate several profiles at the same time, you simply have to run mvn ... -Pprofile1,profile2 command.
However, in your case, this is against one main Maven convention, which states that one project = one artifact. This means that you can't create 2 WAR at the same time. If you activate both profiles, one configuration of the maven-war-plugin will be overriden by the second profile, and then, you will finally get 1 WAR, with one web.xml.
If you want to get 2 WARs, the solution are to use WAR overlay (i.e. the second war is another project that depends on war #1), or run two separate Maven commands, one per profile.
