Can I have maven artifact run maven plugin when it is installed? - maven

I have created a Maven plugin (called unpackTemplates) that unpacks a dependency jar file and copies resource files (in this case, templates) from it into a specific location in a project.
Right now, I put the following into the pom file of every project that has a dependency with templates. It looks like:
The above project pom works for us. It calls the plugin and the plugin does it's job. However, we'd like to avoid adding the plugin section to the pom of every project.
It would make more sense to put that plugin section in the dependencies pom. This way the project pom does not need to be modified beyond adding the <dependency> tags as usual. And the dependency has it's plugin run wherever it is installed.
I've seen that the pom file for Gson contains a <build><plugins>...</plugins></build> section in it. When I give my dependencies the following pom files, however, the plugin is not run (although the dependency is found, downloaded, installed, etc correctly).
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong, or if the Gson pom is simply doing something else entirely?
(NB: The groupId/version/artifactIds in <configuration> are necessary because they are (string) parameters to the plugin; presumably if I got the run-straight-from-dependency approach working I could refactor them away, but again, it's not even running the kludgy version with parameters.)

two points:
First I agree with khmarbaise in that you don't need a plugin of your own for those tasks. To unpack to a specific location you can use dependency:unpack-dependencies and outputDirectory parameter.
If you need more configuration you can use the assembly plugin to structure your artifact (which you want to unpack).
For the second point it seems to me that you want to use the contents of your lib-with-templates in many projects. Why don't you add the plugin and dependency to a parent pom which you include in every pom where you need it? Then you don't need to declare it in "every pom". If you don't really need it in every pom you can put it in a profile and choose a proper activation for it.


Install plugin generatePom produces error

We pre-package a dependency with the application,and use Maven install plugin to inject into the classpath.
In the install:
However, during clean install Maven still tries to download the POM for the dependent JAR from Artifactory and produces a POM not found error.
What is to be done here?
Dependency resolution happens before <build> proccessing. So, at the time Maven processes the <dependencies> section the artifact hasn't been installed yet.
You have to perform install:install-file manually on the command line at least once before your POM build (and you have to be aware of that, if using a -SNAPSHOT version, the dependency installed by the previous build is used in the current build).
Furthermore, such a configuration doesn't comply with the declarative nature of Maven POMs. It's like trying to grow a plant from seeds of the plant that is to be grown.

Maven - How to extract a dependency inside another ZIP dependency?

I have a maven project.
Inside that project, I have a .zip dependency that carries a jar and I need to extract that jar out of the zip dependency and have maven use the jar as a dependency. I can currently download and unpack the zip but, cannot figure out a way to add the unpacked jar as a dependency for the project during the build process.
Here is what I'm currently doing for unpacking:
I read up on some other posts that you could try adding the jar to the class path using this.
Even doing so I was still unable to reference the packages in foo.jar in my project.
Can someone help me?
For maven to use it without subtly breaking stuff elsewhere, you must install the jar into your local repository.
I would suppose that a combination of unpacking the zip file in target/ and then invoking install:install-file on the resulting jar could do what you need. I asked some years back how to integrate that in a normal build - you might find the answer relevant. Multiple install:install-file in a single pom.xml
Let's assume that, after unpacking the zip, you have foo.jar in your module's target folder: ${}/foo.jar
Having this in place, you can then declare a System Dependency pointing to that jar, e.g.
Tip: if you dont want to delete/re-download the jar each time you do a clean (some IDE will complain the the jar is not always present) just download it once in the ${project.basedir}.
To download the jar once, you can put your "unpack" execution in a profile that gets activated only when the jar is missing.
Some time ago, I've faced the same problem. I had a zip file as my dependency, and during the build process I need to extract it and separate the content inside my generated package.
I don't know what are you using to deliver your project, but at that time I've used the maven-antrun-plugin
With this, I've used the tag unzip inside my target configuration. As you can see here or here. I just don't recommend you to use the task tag as they're using, you'd better prefer the target tag.
Hope it helps you.

Install a 3rd-party dependency with maven before dependencies are resolved

I would like to deploy a maven project that depends on a 3rd-party jar, located in a "lib/" directory that is distributed with my project source.
The usual way to do this (as explained in other answers) is to have the user install the jar into a local maven repository before building the project, by typing a command such as mvn install:install-file at the shell.
This manual solution won't do for deployment, however (because requiring users to manually install dependencies is so 1998...). So I thought I'd specify an install-file goal in my pom.xml:
The problem is that maven attempts to resolve dependencies before install-file runs, even when I specify it to run as early as the validate phase. It thus complains that it cannot find the dependency.
This question has been asked before, and a few unpleasantly complicated solutions have been offered such as these:
Run maven-install-plugin during the clean phase and require users to run mvn clean before building the artifact.
Set up multiple modules, as described here.
Use <systemPath> to load the jar as a system library. (This doesn't meet my requirements, because I am using maven-dependency-plugin to copy dependency jars into the deployed application directory, which ignores system libraries.)
Write a custom plugin.
None of these satisfy me. This seems like a routine task any build system encounters. There must be a simpler way to install dependencies with maven.
The solution that worked for me was to use both install-file and <systemPath>.
This way, when Maven compiles the project, it resolves the 3rd-party dependency as a system library. But it also installs the library into the local maven repository, so that maven-dependency-plugin's copy-dependencies goal is able to find it.

Change default pom.xml and project layout of Maven

I am just starting using maven and I use Apache Maven Shade Plugin a lot. Is it possible to add these code
<!-- put your configurations here -->
to default pom.xml. Yes, it can change setting.xml to make this plugin work with all project. But if I have some specific project which will not need this plugin, do I have to rewrite setting.xml again?
Another problem is that is it possible to change project layout of Maven. I use git a lot. Can I add sample .gitignore every time when I run mvn archetype:generate.
For you first issue, I think you can benefit from the parent POM:
It's a defined POM file in which you put whatever you want. You publish it as a "pom" in your Maven repository and then, you can inherit from it in other projects. It is very convenient to lock dependency verions as well.
Your second issue seems more related to the archetype you are using than maven itself. You will probably have to create your own with a default .gitignore in it.

Why would a maven-war-plugin generate a JAR instead of a WAR?

I am following this Contract first using CXF tutorial and while the resulting pom.xml generates sources and even completes build successfully, it fails to create a WAR file.
Instead, it creates a JAR file.
My understanding is that the part in the pom.xml that's responsible for creating the WAR is:
I don't see any <goal> or <execution> element there (unlike in the build-helper-maven-plugin one), but I also understand that with this plugin this is implied as even the official usage page demonstrates:
So... what am I missing?
What could possibly explain a maven-war-plugin that behaves in unexpected way like this and produces a JAR instead of a WAR by default?
Is there a way to force it to produce a WAR?
packaging should be as below.
if it won't help then try binding your plug-in configuration with a lifecycle phase.
in your project definition , please check if packaging is missing or not , it should be some thing like this .
<artifactId>My Web Application</artifactId>
<description>My First Web Application</description>
By default maven war plugin binds to package phase of the lifecycle ,so its important that we should mention the type of packaging we want once the build is done.
I would like to suggest to have a look at the Maven specs for war plugin.
