Storing values in bytecode format - bytecode

I have created a prototype VM in Java (as it is the language I am the most comfortable with) and I am trying to store the instructions in a bytecode format. I am wondering how I can store values in bytecode, since bytes can only be 0 through 255.
As an example:
push 4752
Push would have the opcode value of 0.
But how could I store 4752? It doesn't fit into a single byte.
I could store values in 4 bytes, therefor allowing them to be 32-bit integers, but then I would have to decide wether to load an opcode (1 byte) or a value (4 bytes). Currently I pass the program as an integer array and the VM loops through the array and executes opcodes. If an opcode requires a value it takes it from the array and then increases the program counter to skip the value, so that it doesn't get executed.
I have tried to work out how virtual machines like the JVM do this, but I was unable to find out.

JVM has several options to allow smaller encoding of cases that are expected to be more frequent, and thus on average smaller encoding of methods and classes. Specifically see the following instructions under (or se8, but IIRC none of the basic arithmetic/computation instructions were changed between 7 and 8, only one or two of the invoke instructions):
iconst_<i> are individual opcodes that push specific values "m1" (-1) through 5
bipush pushes the next one-byte from the instruction stream
sipush pushes the next two-bytes from the instruction stream
ldc or ldc_w pushes a four-byte value from the constant pool, selected by an index in the instruction stream
Your example value 4752 fits in two bytes and would use sipush.
To extend your question, long (64-bit or 8-byte) values in JVM are mostly created by pushing an int then widening it, or by pushing the value from a long variable or field (or method return). There is one instruction ldc2_w to push a 2-cell (8-byte) value from the constant pool, and two special-for-frequent instructions lconst_0 and lconst_1 for 0 and 1.


number of executed bytes when debugging a PE

I am currently writing a small debugger in assembly on windows plateform.
I open the debuggee process as follow:
invoke CreateProcess, addr buffer, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, DEBUG_PROCESS+DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS, NULL, NULL, addr startinfo, addr pi
It works well, i can get the EIP by looking on the context of the debuggee and so i can get the 1st byte of the instruction that will be executed.
However, I need to get the number of bytes that have been executed in the previous instruction.
Instructions are not size independant. Sometimes an instruction is just 1 byte, and some other time 6 bytes or more.
I tried to substract the previous EIP with the current EIP in order to get the number of bytes that have been executed. But it doesn't work if there is a jmp or a call because the address space is not the same anymore.
I planned to get a map of all opcode and make some cmp, but it seems to be a huge work to do.
If you have some idea in order to get the number of byte of the previous instruction that has been executed (maybe looking into a cache or something like that), please let me know.
Best regards
Keep it simple: single step and decode only the branch instructions and use EIP - last EIP unless the last instruction was a branch (in that case use the decoding to find the length).
If an unknown instruction is found, back off and don't provide its size.
It's impossible to decode an x86 instruction stream backward because x86 encoding is not symmetric (w.r.t. address growth), to see this consider mov eax, 90909090h or similar.
So you need to disassemble each instruction as you single step through the program (a debugger needs this anyway) and record its size.
The control transfer instructions are significantly less than the total number of instructions, so you could decode just that and use the EIP - EIP' (where EIP' is the EIP of the last instruction) trick otherwise.
Intel processors support Last Branch Recording but it requires OS support and you'd need to post-process the data anyway, it's seem too burdensome.
A similar argument can be made for the Intel Processor Trace technology.
I can't think of any event for the performance counters (granted that you can use them) that would result in the the number of bytes of an instruction.
Actually in the backend, the concept of "instruction" has been reduced to a sequence of uOPs (probably with a bit to say that an opcode is the last one in an instruction) and the front-end is mostly decoupled from the architectural value of eip (working almost always with a speculative value of eip) so it may be several instructions ahead of the backend.
I believe each uOP probably have a field to record how to update eip at retirement but not the size of an instruction in bytes.
Similarly in the front-end only in the pre-decode stage an instruction length in bytes is recorded, after that I think it's discarded (I can't think of any use of it).
Instructions in the L1 instruction cache are not yet decoded, so even if there was a way to inspect their content and metadata there would be nothing there.
The usual way this is done is by making a trace: single step thorough the program, disassemble the instruction at eip (see below), record its size, resume the program, repeat until a stop condition.
This gives you a list of addresses and instruction sizes.
If you find an instruction you can't decode you either not record the size for it or try to estimate it with some heuristic (its length must be less than 16B and you could in theory integrate the data with the count from a PMC like BR_INST_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES).
It's possible to detect the size of an instruction at runtime but that's totally not feasible in this context.

Cache calculating block offset and index

I've read several topics about this theme but I could not get the answer. So my question is:
1) How is the block offset calculated?
I want to know not the formula but the concept of it. As I know it is quantity of cases which a block can store the address. For example If there is a block with 8 byte storage and has to store 2 byte addresses. Does its block offset is 2 bit?(So there is 4 cases to store the address (the diagram below might make easier to see what I am saying).
The block offset is simply calculated as log2 cache_line_size.
The reason is that all system that I know of are byte addressable. So you need enough bits to index any byte in the block. Although most systems have a word size that is larger than a single byte, they still support offsets of a single byte gradulatrity, even if that is not the common case.
So for the example you mentioned of an 8-byte block size with 2-byte word, you would still need 3 bits in order to allow accessing any byte. If you had a system that was not byte addressable then you could use just 2 bits for the block offset. But in practice all systems that I know of are byte addressable.

overlapping variables and performance

Sorry in advance if I have some of this wrong. I may edit to correct later if it's not too disruptive.
When multiple variables are declared in adjacent memory, as I understand it, on a very low level, registers are created that encapsulate a number of bytes, commonly 1, 2, 4 or 8. This allows those bit ranges to be binary rotated, as well as thought of by the processor as numbers and so mutated with simple mathematics such as add, subtract, multiply and devide.
There may be abstraction reasons for not overlapping thease ranges, but as many langueges consider instructions to occur in a well defined sequential order that the coder will be aware of, are there any performance reasons to not overlap one or more in adjacent bytes of allocated memory?
For example in a block of allocated memory where every bit starts as 0. Bytes 0 to 3 could be being used as an int, as well as bytes 1 to 4. The first could be set to a value before the second range was multiplied by 3.
If there are performance reasons not to then are they overcome by otherwise having to to copy values in and out of completely new variables and perform more complicated processes to achieve certain algorithms that could otherwise be done on a very low level?
There is nothing wrong with this trick when it is done in assembly: optimizers have been routinely making use of knowing where parts of an integer are to save CPU cycles and reduce the size of the code. For example, when a 32-bit integer variable is initialized to a value that fits in only 16 bits, optimizing compilers would replace the instruction that stores a 32-bit value in memory with a faster instruction that stores a 16-bit value to the lower bits of the variable, and clear the upper 16 bits. Moreover, many optimizers would go even further: if a constant is divisible by 2^16, they would store the value divided by 2^16 to the upper 16 bits, and clear lower 16 bits.
Some architectures restrict such manipulations to addresses of certain properties, for example, by requiring all 4-byte memory load/store instructions to be done at addresses divisible by four. These restrictions may reduce applicability of partial-value writing tricks.

Why is alignment imporant?

I know that some processors fail with misaligned data, and others like the oh-so-common x86, would just be slower with that.
My question is why? Why is it harder for an x86 processor to get the data from the pointer 0x12345679 than it is from the pointer 0x12345678? Just to be clear, I'm aware that page faults may happen if the data is in multiple pages, and I understand that more data may need to be fetched from memory (one part for the start of the value and one for the end), but that isn't always true and this isn't what my question is about. I'm asking, why is it always slower?
Suppose the memory starts at 0x10000000. Why is it harder for the processor to get a 2-byte short from 0x10000001 than it is from 0x10000002? Why is it harder to get a 4-byte int from 0x10000001 than it is from 0x10000000? And so forth.
Because the data bus is wider than eight bits.
Let assume that the data bus is 32 bits. To get 16 bits from address 0x10000001, it has to get the four bytes that starts at 0x10000000 and shift the value to get the two bytes in the middle.
To get 16 bits from the address 0x10000003, it has to get the words that start at 0x10000000 and 0x10000004, and use one byte from each value.
The processor can only access memory in an aligned fashion. This is a consequence of how the interconnect between the processor and memory functions.
When a processor supports unaligned reads, what's really happening is the processor issuing two separate reads (or one read of larger size) and stitching the parts together, which is why it's slower than an aligned read.
One example: if the databus is 32 bits and a 32 bit value is not on a 32 bit boundary, the bytes will have to be fetched in more than one operation and moved around to load the value properly into a processor register.

winapi with 64bit number in masm32

I need determind size of a logical volume and print it. GetDiskFreeSpaceEx is returning size as 64bit number(?). What can i do with it?
You can do whatever you want with it, however it's a bit awkward to do calculations with in masm32. You should be able to fill any other data structure which uses 64 bit integers. It is also possible to do some arithmetic operations on 64 bits such as division, by loading the value into EDX:EAX (so load the first 4 bytes into EAX, and the next 4 into EDX). However, beware that overflow is possible here, which needs to be handled or avoided.
If you just want to print out the size of the volume using this function you can just invoke the C run-time library printf function:
invoke crt_printf,chr$("GetDiskFreeSpaceEx, total bytes: %I64d%c"),
However, as the manual says "To determine the total number of bytes on a disk or volume, use IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO." The previous code only tells you how many are available to the current user.
