Visual Studio 2015 DataTable/DataSet Visualizer crashes IDE - visual-studio

Whenever I try to open the DataTable or DataSet Visualizer it crashes the IDE.
I tried the various command-line switches to reset everything, started in /SafeMode and undertook a repair of VS.
Nothing has helped so far.
As far as I can tell it's only those two visualizers that crash.
I also tried starting VS with the /Log switch, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to log the crash there...
How can I find out what's the problem and fix it?
Seems like a problem with the .NET Framework prior to version 4.0:

I had the same problem after 4h experimenting I manage to fix it by going to
Tools => Options => Debugging and turning on Use Managed Compatibility Mode
Found better workaround
Tools => Options => Debugging and turning on Use the legacy C# and VB expression evaluators
This one doesn't turn off some new features like "Diagnostic Tools".
Update - Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 Fixes this problem

External debugger visualizers are currently broken in Visual Studio 2015. This includes the DataSetVisualizer and the WpfTreeVisualizer.

Go to Tools > Options > Debugging and turn on Use the legacy C# and VB expression evaluators


Visual Studio 2017 IntelliSense not working for Fortran language with Intel Parallel Studio

I recently re-installed Visual Studio due to some issues with the integration with Intel Parallel Studio. After reinstalling both, the integration issues are gone, but now for some reasons I have two issues. One is minor: automatic outlining has been disabled by default, and I have to re-enable it every time I start VS using Edit > Outlining > Begin Automatic Outlining (or something similar). Annoying, but at least it works.
The second issue however is that IntelliSense is not working. Under Edit > IntelliSense, Toggle Completion Mode is grayed out. After reading the answer to Visual Studio C# IntelliSense not automatically displaying, I followed the instructions and went to Tools > Options > Text Editor > Fortran. However all three of the check boxes are grayed out. Is this a known issue and does anyone know how to fix it?
Since it is also related to the third party tool, I suggest you post the issue to the IntelĀ® Visual Fortran Compiler forum, there you would get direct solution like this case:
In addition, a extension tool Fortran CodeNav which also add the IntelliSense feature, you could also use it in your side.

Visual Studio 2015 "...has stopped working" when trying to install

Trying to install 'Visual Studio 2015 with Update 3' using the .exe installer provided for the website. I also tried the standard version (without the update).
The black/grey installer opens, the green bar moves along the progress bar once and it crashes. I get a white pop-up window saying 'Microsoft Visual Studio Community with Updates has stopped working'.
I can't seem to find any other situations like mine on Google or StackOverflow.
I have Visual Studio 2017 also installed. Why do I need 2015 too? I'm helping (trying) another student who is using VS2015 and has problems - however, I can't even get it downloaded!
Thanks in advance for any help.
One possible solution is to not worry about 2015 and just help him by using 2017. It's hard to tell for sure if this will resolve your issue, as there is not info on exactly what you are trying to help him with.
If you go this route, I would save out the solution file just after loading it with _vs2017 tacked on the end, or something similar, so that you do not overwrite the info in his solution file. (Edit: The purpose of this is just in case it breaks something for him - it may not be a problem, he may be able to load your 2017 solution file fine). I've moved fluidly between 2017 Community and 2015 Express or Community with some solutions without a problem.
I do realize there are some issues that this may not be a solution for, but it should be an option, especially for those that are more language-based. The main problems with this solution would be if other student is using features or libraries that are deprecated in 2017, or directly struggling with getting VS 2015 features to work.
Go to control Panel -> Programs and features -> turn on windows features ,
Disable .net 3.5
check for windows update,
Then restart the system. Now it will work . 100% working .
Have fun.

Keyboard shortcuts not working after process attach (Visual Studio 2013 bug during debugging)

I've written small VSIX plugin which is able to attach debugger to particular process. This process is written using c# and c++ code, so I need to attach to it using both managed and native engines. From Visual Studio it can be achieved simply by selecting these engines from window opened by DEBUG -> Attach to process... -> Select...:
Below, I've shown the code sample which basically does the same thing, using Process2.Attach2 (MSDN):
EnvDTE80.DTE2 dte = GetService(typeof(SDTE)) as EnvDTE80.DTE2;
EnvDTE80.Debugger2 dteDebugger = dte.Debugger as EnvDTE80.Debugger2;
EnvDTE80.Transport transport = dteDebugger.Transports.Item("default");
EnvDTE80.Engine[] engines = new[] { transport.Engines.Item("managed/native") };
Unfortunately, the very same code which works for VS2012, doesn't work for VS2013 (Update 1).
What I've noticed is keyboard problems. Visual Studio doesn't react for pressing key shortcuts. For example, if I press F10, debugger does nothing. If I want to step over any breakpoint, I need to use mouse instead and access context menu: DEBUG -> Step Over, etc.
It's annoying, I need the keyboard to control debugger. Has anyone noticed this problem and solved it already?
BTW: If I use managed engine only (transport.Engines.Item("managed")), the keyboard starts to work correctly. But because I need to debug through unmanaged code also, I need additional engine - the native one.
EDIT: I've reported it also to Microsoft Connect network.
I've found temporary workaround. To fix that issue I opened TOOLS -> Options... -> Debugging -> General and checked Use Managed Compatibility Mode option:
What's more, this change paradoxically fixes another, seemingly unrelated issue, namely evaluation of expressions in Watch or Immediate windows for some particular cases (which I also noticed few days ago).
I've detected this issue using Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2013, Version 12.0.30110.00 Update 1
After installation of Version 12.0.30219.00 Update 2 CTP, this problem is no longer reproducible for me.
As Jarek mentioned above, this issue shouldn't repro in Update 2 CTP 2. If you are still encountering it, please reactivate the Connect bug

Visual Studio text editor does not recognize F# source?

I have got the following problem with F# code recently: almost the complete code is underlines with curly red lines (indicating problems) and whenever I hover with the mouse cursor over any word the pop-up appears with the message "Unexpected token". IntelliSence doesn't work either.
Nonetheless if I start the project it is executed without any problem.
This happens both to already existing F# files and to newly created F# projects. I remember it was working just 2-3 months ago!
I tried to deactivate all possible extensions but it doesn't help.
Any ideas?
I get this too. Sometimes, simply exiting and going back into VS helps. When I tweeted the problem, Don answered with this:
"do you have "python tools for visual studio alpha" installed? if so, uninstall it or apply the hot fix"
This wasn't relevant to me (as I haven't been anywhere near python) but I'm posting here in case it helps you.
-- Edit: here's a link to the patch, thanks to Alexander Galkin:
I haven't seen this situation before but here's a guess at why it's happening and how you might cure it.
Visual studio works on a system for plugins. Even the stuff that is "native", like the C#/F#/VB.NET project systems, are just plugins that uses the visual studio shell. It looks like the F# plugin has been damaged in someway.
If this is Visual Studio 2010:
You might try opening the visual studio installer and trying a repair installation or deactivation and reactivating the F# project system
If this is Visual Studio 2008:
You might try uninstalling and reinstalling the F# plugin

VS2010 beta 1 Intellisense Speed

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1. Intellisense is SO SLOW. There's a good half a second delay after I press any key in the source code window. This is absolutely crippling to my development speed. Is there anything I can do to speed up Intellisense? I lost my Visual Studio 2008 key :(.
Can you use an express version (rather than a beta edition since you lost your key)? They are free and very zippy, but don't support some of the essentials like ReSharper.
Don't use the beta man. You're better off using the express ed of 2k8.
Like was mentioned in the comments, the language matters. Nevertheless, I bet the following (do all of them) get you moving again. I plan to go back to my preferred settings with Beta 2 and see if things have improved.
Set your Windows appearance to Windows Classic. I don't like it either. Do it.
Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Advanced > Uncheck "Highlight references to symbol under cursor". Additional note: I've confirmed with the C# IDE team that this has been moved to a background thread and had it's thread priority dropped for Beta 2.
Close text editor windows you aren't using, and restart Visual Studio periodically (I do about once/day on purpose and 2-10 times/day from crashes - my project is a far edge case that breaks it often).
I do not know about VS2010 but VS 2005 would have that problem I beleive when C++ was being used. To fix it I had to stop intellisence from running by renaming Feacp.dll .
