Bash: Formating numbers in a n digit string - bash

I am a bash newbie. I would like to echo the numbers 1 to x in a n digits format. For example, let's consider n=3: 5 should become 005, 13 should become 013, 110 should remain 110.
One way to achieve this is with this kind of structure:
for i in $(seq 1 120)
if [ "$i" -lt "10" ]
echo "00$i"
elif [ "$i" -gt "99" ]
echo "$i"
echo "0$i"
but it is quite ugly and is really not flexible to changing values of n (number of digits). I'd rather have a function that just do the formatting in n digits? Is there an already built in function for that? If not can you help me to create such function?

Use printf:
for i in {1..120} ; do
printf '%03d\n' $i
% starts the format string
d means integer
3 means length = 3
0 means zero padded
\n is a newline


Read numbers from a file - 3 numbers per line - and add the results in BASH

So we have a test file that has a 3 digit number per line, several hundred lines of in the file.
I need to find a way to read from the file the number (or 3 digits that make up the number), add them together, and then determine if the resulting sum is odd or even. My current script is reading each line as a whole number, and I am missing the part where I am able to sum the digits...
while read number
echo $number
if [ $((number % 2)) -eq 0 ]; then
echo even
echo odd
done < input.txt
$ cat input.txt
Assuming the results need to be used in follow-on operations then one bash idea:
while read -r in
sum=$(( ${in:0:1} + ${in:1:1} + ${in:2:1} ))
[[ $((sum%2)) -eq 0 ]] && result="even"
echo "${in} : ${sum} : ${result}"
done < input.txt
This generates:
123 : 6 : even
456 : 15 : odd
789 : 24 : even
If the sole purpose is to generate the even/odd flag, and performance is an objective, you'll want to look at something other than bash, eg:
awk '
{ sum=0
for (i=1;i<=length($1);i++)
result=(sum%2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd")
printf "%s : %s : %s\n",$1,sum,result
' input.txt
This generates:
123 : 6 : even
456 : 15 : odd
789 : 24 : even
Something like this maybe.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS= read -r numbers; do
[[ $numbers =~ ^([[:digit:]]{1})([[:digit:]]{1})([[:digit:]]{1})$ ]] &&
arr=("${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" "${BASH_REMATCH[3]}")
sum=$(IFS=+; printf '%s' "${arr[*]}")
if (( $((sum)) % 2 == 0)); then
printf '%s is %d %% 2 = 0 is even\n' "$sum" "$((sum))"
printf '%s is %d %% 2 = 0 is odd\n' "$sum" "$((sum))"
done < file.txt
several hundred lines of in the file.
Bash is not the tool for this, It can be done with the shell but it will be very slow, and memory intensive, Use something like awk or perl or ...
Simply replace
$((number % 2))
$(( (number/100 + number/10%10 + number%10) % 2))
in your code. Assuming number consists of three decimal digits, number/100 extracts the most significant digit, number/10%10 extracts the digit in the middle, and number%10 extracts the least significant digit. Note that shell arithmetic is integer only, and the operators / and % have equal precedence and are left-associative.

How do I write a Bash script for a C program that takes 4 numerical inputs? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to zero pad a sequence of integers in bash so that all have the same width?
(15 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am writing a bash script for a c program, where the program asks for a 4 numerical pin inputs. However, when I wrote the script, the output seems to run in a loop, but it doesn't break where it gets identified as the correct number the program will accept.
while [[ "$count" -le $RANGE ]]
(( "number %= $RANGE" ))
echo $number
if [[ "$count" == "$RANGE" ]]; then
When I run it, I can see some numbers in the output that returned as 2 or 3 digits, instead of 4. So in theory, what I want to do is find a random number that is 4 digits that the program will take, but I don't know what is the random number, so essentially it is a brute force, or just me manually guessing the pin number.
If all you need is a random 4-digit number, you can do that with:
printf -v number "%04d" $((RANDOM % 10000))
The $RANDOM gives you a random number 0..32767, the % 10000 translates that to the range 0..9999 (not perfectly distributed, but should be good enough for most purposes), and the printf ensures leading zeros are attached to it (so you'll see 0042 rather than 42, for example).
You can test it with the following script:
(( total = 0 ))
(( bad = 0 ))
for i in {1..10000} ; do
printf -v x "%04d" $((RANDOM % 10000))
(( total += 1 ))
[[ "${x}" =~ ^[0-9]{4}$ ]] || { echo Bad ${x}; (( bad += 1 )); }
(( good = total - bad ))
echo "Tested: ${total}, bad ${bad}, good ${good}"
which should give you:
Tested: 10000, bad 0, good 10000

bash getting numbers from a file and make the average of them

Write a script that expects a file as its first argument. Some lines of the
file will consist of integers 0 - 1000.
The script should select the lines matching the previous criteria and print out their average to stdout (average of n integers is their sum divided by n).
And the file given looks like this:
77 88 99 0000
need 11 gallons of water
roses are red
Example output:
Explanation: (22 + 11 + 0) / 3 = 11
I have tried already with this code:
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
if [[ $line =~ ^[a-zA-Z\ ]+$ ]]
echo ${sum}
done < "$1"
echo ${value}
the print of this code is always 0/0 and some errors like:
./test1: line 9: 0=0+13: command not found
./test1: line 10: 0=0+1: command not found
Any ideas?
Part of the issue with your script is answered here.. Your variable assignments are incorrect. You only use the $ to refer to a variable that has already been assigned. The assignment process drops the dollar sign.
The other issue you're having is that your arithmetic is not being expressed within an arithmetic expression.
Note that you can use use arithmetic expansion to handle your variables:
if [[ $line =~ ^[a-zA-Z\ ]+$ ]]; then
(( sum += ${#line} ))
(( ind++ ))
printf '%s\n' "$sum"
and later ...
value="$(( sum / ind ))"
printf '%s\n' "$value"
Beware that bash can only deal with integer math, floats are truncated. For more advanced math, consider using bc or dc (which are not built in to bash, they are separate tools that may need to be installed on your system) or another language like awk or perl which can do the same thing with better performance and more precise math.
That said, you can "fake" a couple of decimal places with a few extra lines of code and string manipulation, if you really need to:
$ sum=100; ind=7
$ printf -v x '%d' "$((${sum}00/${ind}))"
$ printf '%d.%d\n' "${x%??}" "${x:$((${#x}-2))}"
The first printf has division which multiplies the dividend by 100 (by adding two zeroes after it). The resultant quotient is then split with the second printf to insert the decimal point. This is a hack. Use tools that support real math.

bash - while loop - rolling 2 dice

I'm writing a bash script that rolls 2 dice(with 6 sides). When the 2 dice hits double sixes I want the script to stop (break) and count how many rolls it took to get double sixes.
while (( 0 ==0 )) ; do
dice=$RANDOM; ((dice = dice % 6 )); (( dice = dice +1 ))
dice2=$RANDOM; ((dice2 = dice2 % 6 )); (( dice = dice + 1))
echo $pair
if [[ "$pair" == "$DOUBLESIX" ]]; then
echo "It took $count rolls to get 6-6 "
Here's what i have so far. Question is, how do I count how many times the while loop ran and put it in my $count?
Thanks in advance!
I won't comment too much on the other potential issues you have with your code, such as the dice$2 "variable", or the fact you can generate a random number between one and six inclusive with the somewhat simpler ((num = $RANDOM % 6 + 1)) - the learning process of fixing/improving those is what will make you a better coder.
But, for the specific question on how to maintain a count, that's relatively simple. Before the loop starts, insert the following code to initialise the count to zero:
((count = 0))
Then, with each roll of the two dice, use the following to increment the count:
((count = count + 1))
An example of how to do this can be seen below. It's for counting from one to ten but you should get the idea:
((count = 1))
while [[ ${count} -le 10 ]] ; do
echo $count
((count = count + 1))
For what it's worth (don't use this if this is a classwork problem, you'd be crazy to think educators don't search the net for plagiarism), here's how I would implement such a beast:
((count = 0))
dice="NOT ${DESIRED}"
while [[ "${dice}" != "${DESIRED}" ]] ; do
((count = count + 1))
((die1 = $RANDOM % 6 + 1))
((die2 = $RANDOM % 6 + 1))
echo ${dice}
echo "It took ${count} rolls to get ${DESIRED}"
I advice to use shuf for this purpose.
declare -i count=1
while [ "6 6" != "$(shuf --input-range='1-6' -r -n 2 | xargs)" ]; do
(( ++count ))
echo "It took $count rolls to get double six."
To generating two random numbers between 1 and 6 we use
shuf --input-range='1-6' -r -n 2
shuf [OPTION]... [FILE] write a random permutation of the input lines to standard output. Each output permutation is equally likely. -i lo-hi or --input-range=lo-hi act as if input came from a file containing the range of unsigned decimal integers lo-hi, one per line. -r or --repeat repeat output values, that is, select with replacement. With this option the output is not a permutation of the input; instead, each output line is randomly chosen from all the inputs. -n count or --head-count=count output at most count lines (by default, all input lines are output). If --head-count is not given, shuf repeats indefinitely.
Type man shuf or see coreutils manual for more details.

Shell script I am trying to get the product of odd numbers

while [ $i -ne 10 ]
echo "Enter Number"
read num
if [ `expr $num % 2` -ne 0 ]
mul=`expr $mul*$num`
i=`expr $i + 1`
echo mul of odd numbers = $mul
this is what i tried...its showing output as 1*3*5*7*9
pls correct the error here
Thanks in advance
"*" has a special meaning, hence you need to escape it and need to have a space between the two variables like:
mul=`expr $mul \* $num`
Note aside- Use of back ticks are discouraged and you may want to use something instead like:
mul=$(expr $mul \* $num)
Since your don't provide some details (see my comment above) I can't guarantee this answers your question and produces the desired result. This assumes your shell is bash. Please inform me and I'll edit the answer accordingly.
Consider the changes below. The relevant part is the change from expr ... to $(( ... )), which is bash's built-in arithmetic expression evaluator.
#!env bash
while [ $I -ne 10 ]
echo "Enter Number"
read NUM
if [[ $(($NUM % 2)) -ne 0 ]] ; then
MUL=$(($MUL * $NUM))
I=$(($I + 1))
echo MUL of odd numbers = $MUL
This produces the following output:
$ sh
Enter Number
Enter Number
Enter Number
Enter Number
Enter Number
Enter Number
Enter Number
Enter Number
Enter Number
Enter Number
MUL of odd numbers = 945
