I am getting an error in mule 3.7 maven dependencies - maven

when i am trying to update the dependencies in maven it is throwing an error "There was an error running the studio:studio goal on project " please help me in this.

You are probably using mule-app-maven-plugin without configuring extensions to true. Try to edit your pom.xml and make the config look like this:

From the exception you're pasting in your comments, it looks like you're trying to build your Mule APP with a JRE, in this case you would need to build using a JDK, please make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable points to a JDK and attempt the build.


Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin: 3.0.0-M4 (default-test). There are test failures- JENKINS

I did download the project from github without any problem, i provided th maven commands mvn clean install and the project build successfully but when it comes to run the tests i get the following error. Any hints? I'am providing my pom.xml file, i tried all the suggestions but nothing.
Does your pom.xml contains the plugin surefire tag ? If thats missing then maven wont download this plugin at runtime and hence the error. Also if its there but maven cant download then may be you have to allow internet connectivity or copy the jars manually inside the .m2 directory on the Jenkins/Node server machine.

Java 11 Eclipse finds automatic module, Maven does not

I'm attempting to upgrade a 15 year old Maven multimodule project to Java 11, and the module system that was introduced in Java 9. Since the project is built using Maven, all dependencies are pretty clear. First I want to do this using the automatic module names, in order not to also introduce upgraded artifacts (if not absolutely required).
Eclipse is pretty helpful in this process, autocompleting the automatic module names in the module-info.java. For example:
requires dom4j;
But if I compile with Maven, I get errors about that it cannot find the modules Eclipse just autocompleted in there.
module-info.java:[29,18] module not found: dom4j
I am using Maven's compiler plugin 3.7.0 (3.8.0 gives a NullPointerException as per https://jira.apache.org/jira/browse/MCOMPILER-355) I suspect Maven is setting the jars up on the classpath instead of on the modulepath, but the compiler's plugin debug output does not log that.
How can I make Maven correctly handle those modules?
I was running into the same issue. Adding
to my pom solved the problem for me...
Maven version 3.9.0 seems to be buggy and will not find the module although the dependency is using an Automatic-Module-Name. Downgrading to version 3.8.1 helps.

Content package plugin fails on TeamCity

Recently encountered an issue plaguing local AEM deployment, namely the content-package-maven-plugin sometimes fails with the following error:
[ERROR] Missing response status information in response
Updating the content-package-maven-plugin to version 0.5.24 and Maven to 3.5.2, as it was required by the plugin, resolves the error on local environment.
When building the same code on TeamCity the content-package-maven-plugin plugin throws an error:
Filter root's ancestor '/apps' is not covered by any of the specified dependencies.
We're using AEM 6.3, and TeamCity has the appropriate Maven version.
Had the same problem, try using
With packageType container it seems to work.
This is due to a bug in filevault plugin. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JCRVLT-219
Temporary fix: under filevault-package-maven-plugin, provide the following configuration:

mvn clean tomcat:run command

When I run "mvn clean tomcat:run" (without specifying any tomcat version) command from command prompt for running my web application, it download tomcat 6.0.29 version dependency as shown below:
pom.xml file of the application does not contain any tomcat version it require to run
So my query is how does it decide to download particular this tomcat version dependency.
Probably the default settings of the tomcat plugin you run.
Try running mvn tomcat:help -Ddetails to see what version of the plugin you use, and how it can be configured.
I think it is an earlier version of the plugin, and you can now use explicit versions, such as
mvn org.apache.tomcat.maven:tomcat6-maven-plugin:2.0:run
mvn org.apache.tomcat.maven:tomcat7-maven-plugin:2.0:run
(or the shorter form)
Seems, you are running the tomcat-maven-plugin from codehaus, whihc has tomcat 6.0.29 built-in. (Seems there was no activity since 2010.)
You should try the tomcat7 plugin from apache.
In command line for maven use --debug option to get explanation of build process. For our case output looks like:
...[DEBUG] Resolving plugin prefix tomcat from [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo]
[DEBUG] Resolved plugin version for org.codehaus.mojo:tomcat-maven-plugin to 1.1 from repository central (http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2, releases)...
Actually to explain why we've got tomcat v1.1 without specifying anything about tomcat, remember that maven build process has been customized with build plugins. And each build plugins has own build plugins. So it is enough to examine effective pom file to get clear understanding that almost empty initial pom.xml has quite big effective pom.xml.
To overcome issue just use explicit version of the tomcat plugin.

Wro4j maven plugin - required class is missing

I'm trying to run wro4j maven plugin according to the documentation
I add the plugin to my pom.xml:
and run the goal:
mvn wro4j:run -Dminimize=true -DtargetGroups=all
However the build fails with error:
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Internal error in the pl
ugin manager executing goal 'ro.isdc.wro4j:wro4j-maven-plugin:1.5.0:run': Unable
to load the mojo 'ro.isdc.wro4j:wro4j-maven-plugin:1.5.0:run' in the plugin 'ro
.isdc.wro4j:wro4j-maven-plugin'. A required class is missing: org/codehaus/plexu
Do you know how to avoid this error?
Since wro4j-1.5.0, the maven 3.0 is required to run the plugin. The reason is a feature called incremental build support which depends on a library which is not available on older version of maven by default.
The issue is on your local environment.
Go to this folder on my windows machine:${user.home}/.m2/repository, then delete everything in this folder. (Well you can keep a copy.)
After deleting, run the Maven command:mvn clean install -U.
See: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/wro4j/ZPSFBQ_5lI8
