Imagick trimImage incomplete results - imagick

My results can be seen at
Trim is only removing the top, I would like all the whitespace removed, leaving only the (original scanned) text image. Any ideas?
My code:
$im = new Imagick();
$im->setImagePage(0, 0, 0, 0);
$im->writeImage(APP.WEBROOT_DIR.DS.'receipts/'.$date = date('YmdHis').'.jpg');


How to make images saved locally actually appear on my screen?

i'm trying to have my images appearing on a label by using this code
this is to save a random image from a particular URL
def photo_1():
urls = "" # You may change this into other websites!
regex = '<img src="([^"]+)".*>'
pattern = re.compile(regex)
urllib.urlretrieve(randomdownload, "1.gif")
global done_button2
done_button2 = Button(photo_window, text = 'Click here to display your chosen image on the black screen!', width = 53, command = generate_1)
done_button2.grid(row = 5, sticky = N)
and this is to have the saved image appearing on a label but apparently not working so well ..
def generate_1():
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("1.gif"))
image_area = Label(photo_window, image = img, width = 55, height = 5).grid(row=2)
global done_button3
done_button3 = Button(photo_window, text = 'Click here to save the second random image locally! ', width = 53, command = photo_2)
done_button3.grid(row = 6, sticky = N)
this was a part of my code and when i run this application i made,
the only thing i can see is a white rectangular shape and i would like it to be as big as a black label underneath (size of (55,5) )with the actual image appearing...
can anyone help me with this problem?
You might have thought that my English is not that great haha
but please have mercy!

Wand equivalent of ImageMagick "convert -append"

I would like to write the equivalent of
convert left.jpg right.jpg +append ouput.jpg
I found something like it in another post:
files = glob('*.jpg')
with Image() as orig: # create empty Image object
for f in files:
page = Image(filename=f)
and changed it to
with Image() as orig: # create empty Image object
page = Image(filename='left.jpg'); orig.sequence.append(page)
page = Image(filename='right.jpg'); orig.sequence.append(page)'output.jpg')
but the output file just shows the first file, rather than a file with the images side-by-side.
My first attempt was completely wrong, it probably makes an animated image. Provided the two images are the same size, this will do it:
with Image() as blankimage:
with Image(filename = 'imageA.tif') as imageA:
w = imageA.width; h = imageA.height
with Image(filename = 'imageB.tif') as imageB:
blankimage.blank(w*2, h)
blankimage.composite(imageA, 0, 0)
blankimage.composite(imageB, w, 0) = 'output.tif')

Figure window showing up matlab

I have written this code to help me compare different image histograms however when i run it i get a figure window popping up. I can't see anywhere in the code where i have written imshow and am really confused. Can anyone see why? thanks
%ensure we start with an empty workspace
myPath= 'C:\coursework\'; %#'
number_of_desired_results = 5; %top n results to return
images_path = strcat(myPath, 'fruitnveg');
images_file_names = dir(fullfile(images_path, '*.png'));
images = cell(length(images_file_names), 3);
number_of_images = length(images);
%textures contruction
%loop through all textures and store them
disp('Starting construction of search domain...');
for i = 1:length(images)
image = strcat(images_path, '\', images_file_names(i).name); %#'
%store image object of image
images{i, 1} = imread(image);
%store histogram of image
images{i, 2} = imhist(rgb2ind(images{i, 1}, colormap(colorcube(256))));
%store name of image
images{i, 3} = images_file_names(i).name;
disp(strcat({'Loaded image '}, num2str(i)));
disp('Construction of search domain done');
%load the three example images
RGB1 = imread('C:\coursework\examples\salmon.jpg');
X1 = rgb2ind(RGB1,colormap(colorcube(256)));
example1 = imhist(X1);
RGB2 = imread('C:\coursework\examples\eggs.jpg');
X2 = rgb2ind(RGB2,colormap(colorcube(256)));
example2 = imhist(X2);
RGB3 = imread('C:\coursework\examples\steak.jpg');
X3 = rgb2ind(RGB3,colormap(colorcube(256)));
example3 = imhist(X3);
disp('three examples loaded');
disp('compare examples to loaded fruit images');
results = cell(length(images), 2);
results2 = cell(length(images), 2);
results3 = cell(length(images), 2);
for i = 1:length(images)
results{i,1} = images{i,3};
results{i,2} = hi(example1,images{i, 2});
results = flipdim(sortrows(results,2),1);
for i = 1:length(images)
results2{i,1} = images{i,3};
results2{i,2} = hi(example2,images{i, 2});
results2 = flipdim(sortrows(results2,2),1);
for i = 1:length(images)
results3{i,1} = images{i,3};
results3{i,2} = hi(example3,images{i, 2});
results3 = flipdim(sortrows(results3,2),1);
The colormap function sets the current figure's colormap, if there is no figure one is created.
The second parameter of imhist should be the number of bins used in the histogram, not the colormap.
Run your code in the Matlab debugger, step through it line by line, and see when the figure window pops up. That'll tell you what's creating it.
Etienne's answer is right for why you're getting a figure, but I'd just like to add that colormap is unnecessary in this code:
images{i, 2} = imhist(rgb2ind(images{i, 1}, colormap(colorcube(256))));
All you need is:
images{i, 2} = imhist(rgb2ind(images{i, 1}, colorcube(256)));
The second input of rgb2ind should be a colormap, yes. But the output of colorcube is a colormap already. Unless you've got an existing figure and you either want to set the colormap of it or retrieve the colormap it is currently using, the actual function colormap is not necessary.
Other than opening an unnecessary figure, the output of your existing code won't be wrong, as I think in this situation colormap will just pass as an output argument the colormap it was given as an input argument. For example, if you want to set the current figure colormap to one of the inbuilts and return the actual colormap:
cmap = colormap('bone');

iText - Adding external image using Chunk

I am new to iText and faced with a real interesting case about adding external images to a paragraph. Here is the thing:
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("out2.pdf"));;
Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
Image img = Image.getInstance("blablabla.jpg");
img.setAlignment(Image.LEFT| Image.TEXTWRAP);
// Notice the image added to the Paragraph through a Chunk
p.add(new Chunk(img2, 0, 0, true));
Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph("Hello Worlddd!");
gives me the picture and "Hello Worlddd!" string below. However,
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("out2.pdf"));;
Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
Image img = Image.getInstance("blablabla.jpg");
img.setAlignment(Image.LEFT| Image.TEXTWRAP);
// Notice the image added directly to the Paragraph
Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph("Hello Worlddd!");
gives me the picture and string "Hello worlddd!" located on the right hand side of the picture and one line above it.
What is the logic behind that difference?
The behaviour you described is because in the second code snippet the Paragraph doesn't adjust its leading, but adjust its width. If in the second snippet you add the line
p.add("Hello world 1")
just before
you'll see the string "Hello world 1" on the left and a little bit above the string "Hello Worlddd!". If you output the leading of p (System.out.println(p.getLeading()) you can see it's a low number (typically 16) and not the height of the image.
In the first example you use the chunk constructor with 4 arguments
new Chunk(img, 0, 0, true)
with the last (true) saying to adjust the leading, so it print as you expected.
If you add an image directly, its alignment properties (set with
setAlignment()) are taken into account. So the image is on the left (Image.LEFT) and the text is wrapped around (Image.TEXTWRAP).
If you wrap the image in a Chunk it is handled as if it were a chunk of
text. So the alignment properties, specific to images, are lost. This results in the text being below the image.
If you try Image.RIGHT, this becomes more apparent. Nothing changes in the first example: the image is still on the left. In the second example, the image is aligned to the right and the text is wrapped left of it.

Win32 API: How to scroll down automatically a text inside EDIT control?

I have an EDIT control created like this:
hwndEDIT_5 = CreateWindowEx (
0, "EDIT", NULL,
135, 450, 555, 200,
h1, NULL
As you can see it is a read-only EDIT area where multi lines text can be displayed. It is supposed to be a console where I can display some information for users when they use the program. I would like the text area to automatically scroll to the bottom-most entry (the newest one) whenever a new line (or message for an user) is added. I've implemented this:
SetDlgItemText ( h2, ID_EDIT_CONSOLE, ch_s );
SCROLLINFO * scr_p = &scr;
scr.cbSize = sizeof ( SCROLLINFO );
scr.fMask = SIF_RANGE;
GetScrollInfo ( GetDlgItem ( h2, ID_EDIT_CONSOLE), SB_VERT, scr_p );
int mmax = scr.nMax;
scr.fMask = SIF_POS;
scr.nPos = mmax;
SetScrollInfo ( GetDlgItem ( h2, ID_EDIT_CONSOLE), SB_VERT, scr_p, TRUE );
That code is scrolling vertical scrollbar to the end of an EDIT control after adding new msg and it works great, the scrollbar gets scrolled but the text still remains visible from the beginning - it rewinds to the beginning after addition while scrollbar rewinds to the bottom. How to make it properly?
Last but not least - this is might be important - in order to display a message firstly I capture the text that is already displayed by using:
GetDlgItemText ( h2, ID_EDIT_CONSOLE, buf, len + 1 );
then I convert buf into string and add to that string a new message that I want to display. Then I convert it back to char array and set it up with SetDlgItemText. I seperate lines by using \r\n. I've coded it that way because I didn't know how to add a line to an EDIT control in different way than using SetDlgItemText. And it adds only one entry AFAIK - if used twice I will not come up with two entries added to an EDIT control, but the first one will get replaced by second function call.
Don't use SetScrollInfo. Use SendMessage() with the EM_LINESCROLL message, sending the message to the edit control's window handle.
SendMessage(MemoHwnd, EM_LINESCROLL, 0, NumLinesToScroll);
The documentation says:
The control does not scroll vertically past the last line of text in the edit control. If the current line plus the number of lines specified by the lParam parameter exceeds the total number of lines in the edit control, the value is adjusted so that the last line of the edit control is scrolled to the top of the edit-control window.
I had the same problem and solved it with Jerry Coffin's answer and some research.
This is the way I use now:
string text = "Append this text";
SendMessageA(hEdit, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); //Select all
SendMessageA(hEdit, EM_SETSEL, -1, -1);//Unselect and stay at the end pos
SendMessageA(hEdit, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, (LPARAM)(text.c_str())); //append text to current pos and scroll down
If needed: To scroll at the end of Edit Control without appending text:
SendMessageA(hEdit, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); //Select all.
SendMessageA(hEdit, EM_SETSEL, -1, -1);//Unselect and stay at the end pos
SendMessageA(hEdit, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0); //Set scrollcaret to the current Pos
You can add text by setting the beginning and end of the selection to the end of the text in the control (EM_SETSEL), then replacing the (empty) selection with your new text (EM_REPLACESEL).
Scrolling to the bottom can be done with EM_SCROLLCARET after the caret (the selection) is at the end of the text. There are other ways, but if you're doing it immediately after adding text, this is probably the easiest.
in my case I had a multi line string and Ken White's idea worked very well:
HWND hEdit = this->GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_LOG)->m_hWnd;
if (hEdit)
int lineCount = m_strClientLog.Replace(_T("\n"), _T("\n"));
::SendMessage(hEdit, EM_LINESCROLL, 0, lineCount);
for MFC projects you can use:
mLoggingTextCtl.SendMessage(EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); //Select all.
mLoggingTextCtl.SendMessage(EM_SETSEL, -1, -1);//Unselect and stay at the end pos
mLoggingTextCtl.SendMessage(EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0); //Set scrollcaret to the current Pos
