Golang - store userID in http struct - go

I need to store the userID somewhere in the w http.ResponseWriter or the req *http.Request, so that in my handlers I can access them.
how can I do this?
this is a small demo for what I need:
func test(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
userID := w.UserID // or something like this
again this value MUST be stored in either of these variables so that I can access it in all my http handlers.
Thanks a lot for your time

You could embed http.ResponseWriter into your own struct and add extra fields
type ResponseWriter struct{
UserID int
Now use your ResponseWriter instead of http.ResponseWriter.
I hope this helps. Embeded Types


Insert data with Gorm with reflect

I'm creating a basic REST service. My intent is to write the logic for the resources as abstractly as possible. What I mean is if I have already created a CRUD logic for endpoint /devices for example, then when I need a new resource endpoint like /cars, I should not be repeating myself over the CRUD procedures.
In another language like Python, classes and methods are first class objects and that can be stored in a list or dictionary (map) and then instantiated as needed. In Go it doesn't seem as easy. I tried to use the reflect package.
First I create a TypeRegistry according to this.
var TypeRegistry = make(map[string]reflect.Type)
TypeRegistry["devices"] = reflect.TypeOf(models.Device{}) // models.Device{} is the Gorm SQL table model
Then I have handler creator which is intended to handle the creation of all types of resources like this (error handling redacted):
func CreateOneHandler(typeString string) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer r.Body.Close()
jsn, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
jsonBytes, _ := datamapper.CreateOne(typeString, jsn)
I'm using Chi, so I bind the handlers like this:
func addRoute(r chi.Router, endpoint string, typeString string) {
r.Route("/"+endpoint, func(r chi.Router) {
typeString := endpoint
r.Post("/", CreateOneHandler(typeString))
The idea is to, after defining the Gorm models, simply add routes by calling it repeatedly, addRoute(r, "devices"); addRoute(r, "cars") for a consistent REST interface across multiple models.
Now within CreateOne() I want to insert something into the table:
func CreateOne(typeString string, json []byte) ([]byte, error) {
modelType := typeregistry.TypeRegistry[typeString]
value := reflect.New(modelType)
db.Create(modelPtr.Elem()) // ==> Now this doesn't work
How do I make it work? Gorm said "create failed no such table: value". Because a reflect value or reflect type isn't the same as if I were just to instantiate objects the regular way. How do I make it work?
(A side note: given the static nature of the type switch and type assertions, I am already compromising some of my designs which would probably be possible in a language like Python. It seems to me like it's unavoidable to litter code with type switches which tried to check whether it is a device, car or any number of new models explicitly. In a regular object-oriented language maybe this would be simple polymorphic method call. Any pointer to better design would be appreciated as well.)

How to create a common function for all requests in Go?

I am writing a web application with Go to get better with it. My use case is pretty simple. I want to have a common function that will be executed for every request and will generate the navigation bar depending on the user status.
init method looks like (will also give you the idea of my implementation of handler methods):
func init() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", handleHome)
http.Handle("/", r)
I am using the following method to execute templates.
func executeTemplate(w http.ResponseWriter, name string, status int, data map[string]interface{}) error {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
data["User"] = getUser(r)
return tpls[name].ExecuteTemplate(w, "base", data)
I am using Gorilla toolkit to store the session but as of my understanding, I need the http.Request instance every time to access the cookie store. Now I don't want to change the signature of executeTemplate method. Is there any way I can add a function to generate the navigation bar without changing signature of any of the existing methods?
What are some good ways to do it (even with changing the existing methods)?
Basic common approach to create middleware in Gorillatoolkit is to wrap top-level mux. Something like
func Middleware(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//You do something here using request
h.ServeHTTP(w, r)
And then
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/", handleHome)
http.Handle("/", Middleware(r))

Dependency injection with http Handler in Go

I am trying to wrap my head around dependency injection in Go, but really stuck here. Here's a (drastically simplified) app which should serve as an example:
package main
import (
func main() {
mux := mux.NewRouter()
mux.Handle("/", myHandler()).Methods("GET")
http.ListenAndServe(":9000", mux)
type myObject interface {
type Object struct {
func (o *Object) Start() {
// Something wild here, for example sending out an email,
// query an external DB or something similar..
func myHandler() http.Handler {
// Inject myObject-like struct somewhere here?
o := Object{}
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Write([]byte("Started Object"))
I have a problem with testing the Object struct. What I usually do is create an interface which can be used in testing by setting up a test struct. For instance, if I had a DB connection handler, in testing I can create a mock which satisfies the handler interface and pass this to the "myHandler" call as a parmeter.
Unfortunately this only works if the struct is already instantiated when the "mux.Handle" call is made. I simply don't see any simple way to test the myHandler function with an Object struct which can be injected in tests, since it will be created after the handler gets called.
Any hints or ideas on how to get this done? Maybe I have to rethink my testing approach, but I would really like to unit-test the Object struct, but also test the http handler separately (as this handler may perform more tasks than just creating the Object).

How to modify golang request object?

So I've been trying to modify the request structure in golang using middleware, i tried creating a custom structure and embedding the request object and some more data but i can't type assert it to *http.Request, can anybody please help, thanks in advance.
Edit: so here is what my structure looks like
type CustomRequest struct {
*profile.User // This is the data i want to embed into the request
// then my middlware will be something like
func Middleware(next http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return http.HandleFunc(func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)) {
user := &User{
// User Details Are Here
customRequest := &CustomRequest{
req := customRequest.(*http.Request)
next.ServeHttp(w, req)
That isn't how type assertion works.
For an expression x of interface type and a type T, the primary
x.(T) asserts that x is not nil and that the value stored in x is of
type T. The notation x.(T) is called a type assertion.
You type assert interfaces to their underlying type.
You can't type assert one type to another, that would be type conversion, but in this case you can't convert between the two. You can only convert two types that are convertible according to the description in the spec above.
If you want to modify the *http.Request just do it directly, the fields are exported. If you want the request to hold extra data just write it in the request body as JSON or in the url.
EDIT: For passing data around you can also use a context, but I am not sure of what you're doing. There is also github.com/gorilla/context

Defining an interface method with interface return type

TLDR Here is a playground that demonstrates the issue if you try to run it: https://play.golang.org/p/myQtUVg1iq
I am making a REST API and have many types of resources that can be retrieved via a GET request
GET http://localhost/api/users
GET http://localhost/api/groups
I have a models package which abstracts how the different resources are implemented:
func(m *UserManager) Get() []Users {
// Internal logic, assume returns correct results
func(m *GroupManager) Get() []Groups {
// Internal logic, assume returns correct results
A routes file setups all the routes and handlers:
users := models.UserManager{}
groups := models.GroupManager{}
func GetUsersHandler (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
users := users.Get()
// Implementation details, writing to w as JSON
func GetGroupsHandler (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
groups := groups.Get()
// Implementation details, writing to w as JSON
func registerRoutes(r *mux.Router) {
r.handleFunc("/api/users", GetUsersHandler).Method("GET")
r.handleFunc("/api/groups", GetGroupsHandler).Method("GET")
I am trying to make this more generic by creating an interface and then only needing a single GetHandler. Something like this:
type Getter interface {
Get() []interface{}
func GetHandler(g Getter) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
results := g.Get()
// Implementation details, writing to w as JSON
func registerRoutes(r *mux.Router) {
r.handleFunc("/api/users", GetHandler(&users)).Method("GET")
r.handleFunc("/api/groups", GetHandler(&groups)).Method("GET")
This is really close to working, the only problem is the return type from the models is a specific object type, but the interface just uses the interface return type. Is there any way to solve this without making the models return []interface{}?
Try not to approach the problem like you would other OOP languages. You can't have covariant containers in Go, so you either have to use an empty interface{}, or you have to structure your program differently.
If your Get methods are different and you want to group types in an interface, use another method (sometimes we even have noop methods just for interfaces), or just pass in users or groups as an interface{}. You'll need to do a type switch or assertion at some point in the call chain anyway, and once you know what type it is you can handle it accordingly.
It's hard to tell without more code, but in this case, the easiest path may just be to have each type be an http.Handler itself, and it can dispatch accordingly.
I ended up avoiding this problem entirely and instead of trying to reduce the amount of code I am using the new go generate feature in Go 1.4 to create the code that is necessary for each resource.
