ld can't find library given -L - makefile

I have an object file main.o, and need to link it against a shared library at ./libsvm/libsvm.so.2. I have the following Makefile but it doesn't work for me. Library path has been specified in -L./libsvm but gcc -lsvm still can't find the shared library (libsvm.so.2).
This is my Makefile:
CC = g++ -g
CFLAGS = -Wall
HEADERS = -I./libsvm
OBJ = main.o
LIBS = -L./libsvm
all: lib $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(LIBS) -lsvm $(OBJ) -o main
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HEADERS) -c -o $# $<
cd libsvm; make
It just works if link them directly, as in
ld main.o libsvm/libsvm.so.2 -o main
I wonder what's wrong in the Makefile. Error message is the following
g++ -g -L./libsvm -lsvm main.o -o main
ld: library not found for -lsvm
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [all] Error 1

-lsvm means use the file svm.so
But your library file has name svm.so.2. (Version 2)
So either rename or make a symbolic link with
ln -s svm.so.2 svm.so
Now the makefile should work.


Makefile cant find libraries

I'm trying to write my own makefile for a paho.mqtt project on a Raspberry Pi 4.
I've downloaded & tested the paho.mqtt install and its all working as expected.
So I'm now testing some C code but I just cant figure out the makefile (I'm new to this), my file so far,
NAME = mqtt_test
OBJ = $(NAME).o
LIBS = -libpaho-mqtt3c -libpaho-mqtt3cs
CFLAGS = -Wall -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib
CC = gcc
all: $(NAME)
%.o: %$(EXTENSION) $(DEPS)
$(CC) -c -o $# $< $(CFLAGS)
$(NAME): $(OBJ)
$(CC) -o $# $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
.PHONY: clean
#rm -f *.o *~ core $(NAME)
This returns,
gcc -o mqtt_test mqtt_test.o -Wall -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -libpaho-mqtt3c -libpaho-mqtt3cs
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -libpaho-mqtt3c
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -libpaho-mqtt3cs
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [makefile:14: mqtt_test] Error 1
I've checked & the includes and libraries are in the directories I put after the-I and -L flags.
When I look in /usr/bin there is no ld but there are paho files prefixed with paho_ but no library files.
What am I missing?
You don't use -libpaho-mqtt3c (etc.)
The option is -l so when you write -libpaho-mqtt3c the linker is looking for libraries named ibpaho-mqtt3c which of course do not exist: that would be either libibpaho-mqtt3c.a or libibpaho-mqtt3c.so.
You want to use -lpaho-mqtt3c: remove the lib at the front and the extension .a or .so, and add in the option -l.

How do I link a archive file with C code?

I'm trying to link a static library archive file (libx/libx.a) with a C code. The library requires 2 flags (-lx -lpthread). After linking the static library my ultimate goal is to create a shared library. I have the following Make file,
rsa-engine: rsa/rsa.c rsa/bignum.c rsa/aes.c rsa/x509parse.c rsa/pem.c
gcc -fPIC -o rsa/rsa.o -c rsa/rsa.c
gcc -fPIC -o rsa/bignum.o -c rsa/bignum.c
gcc -fPIC -o rsa/aes.o -c rsa/aes.c
gcc -fPIC -o rsa/x509parse.o -c rsa/x509parse.c
gcc -fPIC -o rsa/pem.o -c rsa/pem.c
gcc -fPIC rsa-engine.c libx/libx.a -L.libx/ -lx -lpthread -o rsa-engine.o
gcc -shared -o librsa_engine.so -lcrypto rsa-engine.o rsa/rsa.o rsa/bignum.o rsa/aes.o rsa/x509parse.o rsa/pem.o
rm -f *.o rsa/*.o *.so rsa-engine
After using the make command it produces the following output,
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lx
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:2: recipe for target 'rsa-engine' failed
make: *** [rsa-engine] Error 1
I found similar questions here. But that did not help. Seems like I can't make the link work. Any help with what I'm doing wrong?
I would like to achieve the same result generated by the following command,
CC := gcc
CFLAGS := -Wall -g -MD -O2 -I ../
LDFLAGS := -lx -lpthread
tests_files := hello
all: $(tests_files)
hello: hello.o ../libx/libx.a
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -static $(<) -L../libx/ $(LDFLAGS) -o $(#)
It seems that your libx.a is located in libx, yet -L references .libx directory. Anyway, since you reference libx/libx.a directly, you may skip both -L.libx/ -lx and it should link just fine.

Undefined symbol with BoringSSL

I'm writing a test application with BoringSSL and when I execute it I get this error:
symbol lookup error: ./main: undefined symbol: SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version
All needed libraries are getting linked in my makefile:
CC = g++
FLAGS = -Wall -g
INCLUDES = -I/home/denis/libraries/boringssl/include
LIBS = -L/home/denis/libraries/boringssl/build/crypto -L/home/denis/TLS-Bibliotheken/boringssl/build/ssl -lcrypto -lssl
OBJ = Main.o BoringSSLTest.o
# Link files
main: $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(FLAGS) -o main $(OBJ) $(LIBS)
# Compile files
Main.o: Main.cpp
$(CC) $(FLAGS) -c $(INCLUDES) Main.cpp
BoringSSLTest.o: BoringSSLTest.cpp BoringSSLTest.h
$(CC) $(FLAGS) -c $(INCLUDES) BoringSSLTest.cpp
$(RM) $(OBJ) main
When I look for the definition of the symbol with nm libssl.so | grep SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version I see that it is not undefined (T).
Why does it not work?
It is probably loading a wrong version of libssl.so at run-time. Invoke ldd ./main to see where it loads libssl.so from.
When you use -L<dir> linker option to link shared libraries from a non-standard location you need the corresponding -Wl,-rpath=<dir> linker option to tell the run-time linker to load the library from there.

Error on makefile with threads and my library

So I have been searching and looking for something that could help me with the Makefile, but I did not find anything, so thats why I am here.
My makefile right now is like this:
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall
LDFLAGS += -static lib1.h
LDLIBS = -lm -lpthread -lrt -l
SOURCES=lib1.c prac3.c prac3_reader.c
PROGRAMS=prac3 prac3_reader
all: $(OBJS) $(PROGRAMS)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBRARIES) $(LDLIBS) $#.o -o $#
%.o: %.c $(INCLUDES)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
rm -rf *.o *~ $(PROGRAMS)
I know there are probably a lot of things that can be removed, but I do not really know which ones are. I have two programs called
Also, I have my own library called
and also compiled like
When I go to my directory with the terminal and use the command make I recive this error:
gcc -L -static lib1.h lib1.o -lm -lpthread -lrt -l prac3.o -o prac3
/usr/bin/ld: no se puede encontrar -lprac3.o
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:15: recipe for target 'prac3' failed
make: *** [prac3] Error 1
I am running on Ubuntu.
The -l flag expects an argument. When it is combined in the gcc statement it causes the prac3.o argument to be considered as the name of a library. There is no such library prac3.o, so you get the error.
In general .o files aren't "libraries". They are object files. Remove the -l flag and you will be fine.
"libraries" are generally .a or .so files from a library path - but even then, you wouldn't specify the suffix (.e.g "-lpthreads").

Make: error compiling .o

My makefile below works after I clean and remove all object files, however if I edit a source file and then run make again, it outputs the error below. I believe this is coming from the lines:
%.o: %.cpp
$(CXX) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $#
I thought I had a basic grasp of automatic variables, but something isn't right.
all: main
CFLAGS=-fPIC -g -Wall `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -I /usr/local/include/libusb-1.0/
LIBS = `pkg-config --libs opencv`
INCLUDE = -I /usr/local/include/libfreenect
FREE_LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -lfreenect
main: device.cpp cups.cpp main.cpp
$(CXX) $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) $? -o $# $(LIBS) $(FREE_LIBS)
%.o: %.cpp
$(CXX) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $#
rm -rf *.o main
Output from make:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_main", referenced from:
implicit entry/start for main executable
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [main] Error 1
In the line
$(CXX) $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) $? -o $# $(LIBS) $(FREE_LIBS)
you use $?, which means only the updated dependencies will be used in the command. (You should be seeing this in the command.)
Use $+ instead. (See the manual.)
(PS: This is one half of the answer; the other half is Sagar Sakre's advice.)
main taget should depend on .o files instead of .cpp
main: device.cpp cups.cpp main.cpp
main: device.o cups.o main.o
everything should work fine
