Makefile cant find libraries - makefile

I'm trying to write my own makefile for a paho.mqtt project on a Raspberry Pi 4.
I've downloaded & tested the paho.mqtt install and its all working as expected.
So I'm now testing some C code but I just cant figure out the makefile (I'm new to this), my file so far,
NAME = mqtt_test
OBJ = $(NAME).o
LIBS = -libpaho-mqtt3c -libpaho-mqtt3cs
CFLAGS = -Wall -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib
CC = gcc
all: $(NAME)
%.o: %$(EXTENSION) $(DEPS)
$(CC) -c -o $# $< $(CFLAGS)
$(NAME): $(OBJ)
$(CC) -o $# $^ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
.PHONY: clean
#rm -f *.o *~ core $(NAME)
This returns,
gcc -o mqtt_test mqtt_test.o -Wall -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -libpaho-mqtt3c -libpaho-mqtt3cs
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -libpaho-mqtt3c
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -libpaho-mqtt3cs
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [makefile:14: mqtt_test] Error 1
I've checked & the includes and libraries are in the directories I put after the-I and -L flags.
When I look in /usr/bin there is no ld but there are paho files prefixed with paho_ but no library files.
What am I missing?

You don't use -libpaho-mqtt3c (etc.)
The option is -l so when you write -libpaho-mqtt3c the linker is looking for libraries named ibpaho-mqtt3c which of course do not exist: that would be either libibpaho-mqtt3c.a or
You want to use -lpaho-mqtt3c: remove the lib at the front and the extension .a or .so, and add in the option -l.


Makefile - include files not found when building with multiple source files

I have a make file:
# Makefile
CC = gcc
SRC = pixel.c
TARGET = pixel.exe
OBJECTS = bmp.o pixel.o
#CFLAGS_W = -Wall -Wl,-subsystem,windows
CFLAGS_W = -Wall
INCS_W = -I.\SDL2\include
LIBS_W = -L.\SDL2\lib\x64
all: $(TARGET)
it will build bmp.c, but when it tries to build pixel.c I get the error:
pixel.c:6:10: fatal error: SDL.h: No such file or directory
however, pixel.c has been building fine all the time I was just building it on its own (before I added bmp.c), using the command:
$(CC) $(SRC) $(INCS_W) $(LIBS_W) $(CFLAGS_W) $(LFLAGS_W) -g -o $(TARGET)
I really struggle with makefiles because I just don't use them enough, but this doesn't really feel like a "make" problem.
I'm using mingw32-make and gcc in a windows sandbox.
I have added
$(CC) $(INCS_W) $(LIBS_W) $(CFLAGS_W) $(LFLAGS_W) -g -c $< -o $#
to my makefile, which gets me a step further (I think), but now complains that all of the SDL functions are undefined
gcc -I./SDL2/include -L./SDL2/lib/x64 -Wall -lSDL2 -g -c bmp.c -o bmp.o
gcc -I./SDL2/include -L./SDL2/lib/x64 -Wall -lSDL2 -g -c pixel.c -o pixel.o
gcc -I./SDL2/include -L./SDL2/lib/x64 -Wall -lSDL2 -g -o pixel.exe bmp.o pixel.o
pixel.o: In function `main':
C:\Users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Desktop\Projects\Pixel/pixel.c:119: undefined reference to `SDL_Init'
C:\Users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Desktop\Projects\Pixel/pixel.c:121: undefined reference to `SDL_GetError'
C:\Users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Desktop\Projects\Pixel/pixel.c:126: undefined reference to `SDL_CreateWindow'
C:\Users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Desktop\Projects\Pixel/pixel.c:131: undefined reference to `SDL_GetError'
I can get the whole project to compile if I just do this on its own:
SRC = bmp.c pixel.c
$(CC) $(SRC) $(INCS_W) $(LIBS_W) $(CFLAGS_W) $(LFLAGS_W) -g -o $(TARGET)
which is fine, it'll do, but it rebuilds everything every time, and I'd like to know why it isn't working anyway :)

Can't use LAPACK in makefile

I have program (in fortran) where I'm using three custom modules, which make use of LAPACK. Until now I've compiled my program using the following shell script:
gfortran -c mod_exp.f90 mod_genmat.f90 mod_print.f90 $filestring.f90
gfortran mod_exp.o mod_genmat.o mod_print.o $filestring.o -llapack -lblas
rm mod_exp.o mod_genmat.o mod_print.o $filestring.o exponentiate.mod genmat.mod printing.mod printing_subrtns.mod
mv a.out $filestring
Since I've been using more and more modules and different programs using them, I've decided to start using makefiles. Following a tutorial, I managed to write the following:
FC = gfortran
FFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -llapack -lblas #-fopenmp
SOURCES = mod_print.f90 mod_genmat.f90 mod_exp.f90 main.f90
OBJ = ${SOURCES:.f90=.o} #substitute .f90 with .o
%.o : %.f90 #creation of all *.o files DEPENDS on *.f90
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c -O $< -o $#
main: $(OBJ)
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o $# $(OBJ)
#rm -f *.o *.mod main
However, when executing make, it says that the LAPACK functions are not recognized. One such mistake is the following:
/usr/bin/ld: mod_exp.o: in function `__exponentiate_MOD_diagun':
mod_exp.f90:(.text+0x37f): undefined reference to `zgees_'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
One possible mistake I've seen is that I need to specify the location of the libraries. However, it would seem strange since I didn't need to do it before; also, I don't know how to find it.
Please show the link command that make invoked, that caused the error to be generated.
I'm confident that if you cut and paste that exact command line to your shell prompt, you will get the same error you see when make runs it. So the problem is not make, but your link command.
The problem is that you have put the libraries before the objects in the link line. Libraries should come at the end, after the objects, else when the linker examines the libraries it doesn't know what symbols will need to be included (because no objects have been parsed yet to see what symbols are missing).
This is why LDLIBS is traditionally a separate variable:
FC = gfortran
FFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra #-fopenmp
LDLIBS = -llapack -lblas
SOURCES = mod_print.f90 mod_genmat.f90 mod_exp.f90 main.f90
OBJ = ${SOURCES:.f90=.o} #substitute .f90 with .o
%.o : %.f90 #creation of all *.o files DEPENDS on *.f90
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c -O $< -o $#
main: $(OBJ)
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o $# $(OBJ) $(LDLIBS)

Using Blas and Lapack libraries in Fortan90 on Linux

I am trying to use the Lapack and Blas libraries in my Fortran90 code on Linux Mint. I believe I have installed both libraries correctly in the following directory: /usr/local/lib
When I compile my code using a makefile I get the error message:
gfortran -m64 -O3 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -c MainHPC2.f90
gfortran -m64 MainHPC2.o Central2Scheme.o Central5Scheme.o
WriteDataFiles.o -o P1
MainHPC2.o: In function `MAIN__':
MainHPC2.f90:(.text+0x2b0): undefined reference to `dgesv_'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
makefile:56: recipe for target 'P1' failed
make: *** [P1] Error 1
My Fortran code is simply trying to call a test function:
call dgesv(nn,nrhsl,al,ldal,ipivl,xl,ldbl,infol)
The makefile I am using is the following:
I believe it is not linking to the libraries properly.
FC = gfortran
FFLAGS = -m64 -O3 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8
LDFLAGS = -m64
BLIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -llapack -lblas
EXE = P1
.SUFFIXES: .o .f90 .plt
SRC = \
MainHPC2.f90 \
Central2Scheme.f90 \
Central5Scheme.f90 \
WriteDataFiles.f90 \
OBJ = ${SRC:.f90=.o}
$(EXE): $(OBJ)
$(FC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJ) $(LIBS) -o $(EXE)
%.o : %.f90
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $<
# Define dependencies for modules
# $(OBJ): $(MOD)
rm -f *.mod *~ core
rm -f *.o
Thank you for your help.
solution 1
In your makefile, The sections that compile and link never add the $(BLIBS) which contains the BLAS and LAPACK libraries into the linking process.
$(EXE): $(OBJ)
$(FC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJ) $(LIBS) $(BLIBS) -o $(EXE)
solution 2
or you made a typo and wrote BLIBS instead of LIBS,
LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -llapack -lblas
note: This should be more a comment than an answer

Error on makefile with threads and my library

So I have been searching and looking for something that could help me with the Makefile, but I did not find anything, so thats why I am here.
My makefile right now is like this:
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall
LDFLAGS += -static lib1.h
LDLIBS = -lm -lpthread -lrt -l
SOURCES=lib1.c prac3.c prac3_reader.c
PROGRAMS=prac3 prac3_reader
all: $(OBJS) $(PROGRAMS)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBRARIES) $(LDLIBS) $#.o -o $#
%.o: %.c $(INCLUDES)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
rm -rf *.o *~ $(PROGRAMS)
I know there are probably a lot of things that can be removed, but I do not really know which ones are. I have two programs called
Also, I have my own library called
and also compiled like
When I go to my directory with the terminal and use the command make I recive this error:
gcc -L -static lib1.h lib1.o -lm -lpthread -lrt -l prac3.o -o prac3
/usr/bin/ld: no se puede encontrar -lprac3.o
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:15: recipe for target 'prac3' failed
make: *** [prac3] Error 1
I am running on Ubuntu.
The -l flag expects an argument. When it is combined in the gcc statement it causes the prac3.o argument to be considered as the name of a library. There is no such library prac3.o, so you get the error.
In general .o files aren't "libraries". They are object files. Remove the -l flag and you will be fine.
"libraries" are generally .a or .so files from a library path - but even then, you wouldn't specify the suffix (.e.g "-lpthreads").

ld can't find library given -L

I have an object file main.o, and need to link it against a shared library at ./libsvm/ I have the following Makefile but it doesn't work for me. Library path has been specified in -L./libsvm but gcc -lsvm still can't find the shared library (
This is my Makefile:
CC = g++ -g
CFLAGS = -Wall
HEADERS = -I./libsvm
OBJ = main.o
LIBS = -L./libsvm
all: lib $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(LIBS) -lsvm $(OBJ) -o main
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HEADERS) -c -o $# $<
cd libsvm; make
It just works if link them directly, as in
ld main.o libsvm/ -o main
I wonder what's wrong in the Makefile. Error message is the following
g++ -g -L./libsvm -lsvm main.o -o main
ld: library not found for -lsvm
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [all] Error 1
-lsvm means use the file
But your library file has name (Version 2)
So either rename or make a symbolic link with
ln -s
Now the makefile should work.
