Prevent Shoes App Closed - ruby

I am currently building a simple App like an install wizard. At some steps the app will call an external batch script/bash script to execute some tasks on a separate Thread. I don't want the app be closed by the user during the external task execution. Is there any way to listen to the exit button of the window and prevent the event being processed?

There is no such method as of now as far as I can tell (and I maintain Shoes 4). However, I added an issue in the issue tracker.


Complete Task After Quit (Prevent Stopping Task when app Quit)

I want yo make a task which complete running after Quit the app. Like complete Downloading Task. I don't find active way or method for Xamarin form mobile app. Any Help?
All You Want to Do is You Want your Task Run in Background so Even if you Quit the App the Task continues to Run is it okie ?
This Type of Task Are Known As Services(Back ground Tasks,or Background Services) in .net And Xamarin PlatForms
I Think You will Find This link Helpfull
See this : enter link description here
in this Way if you are running Some Downoading Task then it will not be killed After App is Getting quit or onSleep and will keep running in Back Ground Until Its Completed Or Any Error Generate ..
First, if you want to make the app still be running after quitting, It can not be realized.
Second, if you want to make the app quit after finishing the task you can refer to the How to terminate a Xamarin application?

Issues in spying a windows application utilizing BluePrism

I am facing the below issue while working on BluePrism, the issue relates to spying elements from a windows application called "Cashier", the application is written in VB, I provided the .exe file for it and the application launched properly, however, I can't properly spy the individual rows in the table shown in the attached picture. I can only spy the box as a whole, and no information is retrieved.
possible the application spawns the elements in a new process? perhaps check the task manager once and make sure another process hasn't spawned to show the results in?

My windows phone application runs when ran though visual studio (onclick of device button) but when I disconnect and run it doesn't?

I have written file picker code in my project. When i run the project in my windows phone by clicking on device button in visual studio, the app runs fine(I mean it opens pictures library and i can select a photo and preview it).
But when I disconnect my usb and then open the app in the phone and when i open pictures library on click of a button , the pictures library opens briefly and then the app crashes immediately(My app closes).
Can anyone please help me with this??
As written in the blog post , the AndContinue method run in a different process and to do so, the current running app goes into the background or even gets closed sometimes, that is what you are experiencing in your app as far i can tell but not sure why different things happening during debug & deploy.
There must be a callback inside app.xaml.cs specifically to handle the condition when calling application(which was sent into background) comes in foreground, read this blog post carefully & you'll understand as what you need to change in your code :
I just dealt with this issue and one of the reasons why there are differences between debug and deploy is because of the suspending event.
During debug, the application does not actually get suspended until you manually do it through Lifecycle Events. This means that when you pick a file on debug and the app is put to the background to load the file picker, it is not actually suspended, while when the app is deployed, it actually gets suspended.
Look into your app_resuming method and OnSuspending methods in your app.xaml that may be causing errors not occurring during debug.

MSMQ Trigger opens executable as background process

I'm using a Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) Trigger to launch a standalone executable on Windows 8.1. The exe was not launching so I tried opening Notepad instead (thanks John). That did not work either so I peaked at the Task Manager and noticed that it was opening as a Background Process.
My question is: why does the application open as a background process and how do I prevent this?
Is it possible to add a launch Parameter, for example?
I should note that I'm okay with the exe running in the background once my application goes live. I would like to prevent it from doing so during development, however.

How to prevent my app to be closed by the infamous GbPlugin?

In some customers my app is being closed by a bizarre plugin called 'GBPlugin' ; it is installed by some brazillian bank websites to 'protect' customers from scams. But indeed what the plugin does is to force close applications that seems 'supicious' using its own never clear judgements.
I have a OnCloseQuery method that shows a confirmation dialog , but the plugin bypass it and force closes the app as soon as it is opened.
The problem does not happen with all customers, in some cases the plugin let my application run without problems, other cases it closes the app without warning.
My EXE file is crypted in order to difficult cracking and i've found this is one of the factors used to judge an app like suspicious.
I already tried to counter-attack by closing the plugin process when my app is activated, but as soon as it closed, another instance is opened and then closes my app.
Is there a way to prevent an app from being closed for another process ?
Digitally sign your program.
GBPlugin dont close signed executables.
Here a tutorial ( in portuguese ):
