Issues in spying a windows application utilizing BluePrism - windows

I am facing the below issue while working on BluePrism, the issue relates to spying elements from a windows application called "Cashier", the application is written in VB, I provided the .exe file for it and the application launched properly, however, I can't properly spy the individual rows in the table shown in the attached picture. I can only spy the box as a whole, and no information is retrieved.

possible the application spawns the elements in a new process? perhaps check the task manager once and make sure another process hasn't spawned to show the results in?


Is there a way to trick GUI applications in docker to think their window loaded?

I try to run an windows 10 application inside a windows servercore container.
The app can run without user input via COM-Interface (and without visible GUI), but it seems that it needs to load a hidden window in the background. When I start it on docker, the application log file indicates that it's stuck on starting this window.
Is there a way to make the app assume it successfully loaded the window?
All information I found so far was about users who want to see the GUI or about Linux/Windows combinations. None of that helped me.

unable to launch application when lync is running?

I am working on some strange issue with my delphi application.
The scenario is as follows:
If microsoft Lync is running on my machine and if I want to launch my application, it does not getting displayed but the process was started for my application.
and when I close the lync, immediately my application gets visible.
Below are some points which you may need:
My application does not have any link with Microsoft Lync.
Application process is running when I close the lync
Form.Show() is the last statement called from my code.
This issue is not replicated on every machine.
I am not sure why this is happening.
Can anyone help me on this?
Any help or suggestion will be useful for me.
Thanks in advance.
After a long checking of the code I came to know that this problem is due to the setting desktop as a parent window somewhere in the code.
Refer this link for SetParent().
When this problem has been discussed with the microsoft I came to know that the Lync is having some issue with some application when we call SetParent(Handle, 0) this will go for a long wait state.
What I did is as the SetParentfunction call was important in my code I assign the SetParent property of the form to my application handle so this solves my problem.
The above step is done because in spy++ I found that every delphi application as 2 instances 1 is for TApplication and another is for MainFrom i.e. TForm of the same application.

Word COM in scheduled task on Windows Server

I have an application that uses COM to automate Word. It needs to run even when a user is not logged in. I achieved this on Windows 7 by making it run as a scheduled task which runs at startup and doesn't require a user to be logged on. I also had to use the 'hack' where you add a 'Desktop' folder in 'C:/Windows/SysWow64/config/systemprofile'.
I tried this same method in Windows Server 2012, but it doesn't work. I can see in the task scheduler that the application is starting an instance of Word. However, it then appears to 'hang' and nothing happens. I think perhaps the invisible instance of Word is showing an error message which causes the whole thing to hang, as I cannot dismiss the message.
Has anyone else had trouble getting COM to work on windows server? Is there any way of showing hidden instances of Word to see if an error dialog is showing? Or any other way of diagnosing what the problem is?
I know ideally we would have an app that created the word documents without using COM, but this is not an option at the moment.
Does your app work when run as a logged-in user?
In the past I've run into what sound like similar problems, when running programs that try to use COM interfaces; some tasks work, but others simply don't function unless run as a logged-in user with an interactive desktop.
For me the simplest solution was to set up the machine to log in as a user at boot (which you can set up in the control panel - or I think there might also be a sysinternals tool that supports configuring that nowadays), then make sure that task scheduler/Jenkins/whatever you use launches the app as the logged-in user.

Programatic launching of application on windows startup

I have a particular piece of software that i wish to load on windows startup. Under normal circumstances i would simply place a shortcut in the startup folder or an entry in the run key in the registry.
Unfortunately and for an unknown reason this application throws a win32 execption whenever that is done - and i am assuming it is because an element of windows has not been loaded that is vital to this application.
Once windows has actually loaded i can double click on the icon and it runs fine. So my question is - is there a programmatic solution to this? I have already tried a console app launcher that sleeps for n seconds and then launches but all that seems to do is delay the startup of windows.
Does anyone have any creative solutions? I am open to anything from a windows service to c#, vb, batch files.. etc
Can you run it as a service, or write a shell service which will attempt to start it up? That way you will have built in support for response on failure and delay time before trying again.
Have a look at AUTOEXEC.BAT. But be careful!!

Seeing the windows of a process running as System account or as a service

Suppose you have a process which run as as service as the System Account, is it possible to view the content of the windows created by the processes created by the service.
Suppose for example, that you have a service running as a kind of wrapper which starts Excel.
Microsoft Spy++
Select Spy/Processes and find your process there
If some of it's threads had created any windows, you'll see them as subtrees.
A process that creates and fills windows should never be run as a service. That being said, if this is on Win2K3 or earlier set the service to interact with the desktop and you can see the contents yourself. If it is on Vista or later there is no way to examine the contents of an arbitrary window.
If it is a specific type of window (i.e. EDIT control) that supports retrieving its contents you may be able to run another service that sends a windows message to the first service to get what you want.
Services will (under normal circumstances) be associated with a different window station to the interactive desktop, and they cannot interact -- you can read up more on Window Stations on MSDN
