Idiomatically filtering errors in Go - go

The error type in Go is quite broad, and the actual type contained can vary by platform as well as between versions. Is it idiomatic to filter errors that we expect by the error's string value, error.Error()?
For example:
_, err := conn.Write(b)
if err != nil {
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "peer reset") {
Is there a better way to do this?

I'm not sure I'm saying anything you don't know, but I've seen a few ways to handle it: compare to known instances when they are exported and appear in the godoc, like io.EOF or os.ErrNotExist; using type assertions or switches when the docs promise an error of a certain type, like *os.PathError or *os.LinkError; or giving up and looking at messages. The first should be clear enough and you've done the third in your question; checking for type could look like:
if pathErr, ok := err.(*os.PathError); ok {
log.Fatal("Bad path " + pathErr.Path + ", giving up")
} else if err != nil {
return err
I think this would be rare, but if you had several potential types involved, you could conceivably use a type switch:
switch err.(type) {
case *os.PathError, *os.LinkError:
case nil:
// nothing; prevents default
(The choice of error and behavior here is a bit silly--I'm just trying to put up a template with the syntax.)
The hard part you allude to in your question: it may not be clear what guarantees you have about what errors will be returned. I know that, for example, the 1.5 release notes say that they're standardizing more on net.OpError for net errors than before, but that's all I know. Spelunking in the source of the package you're calling, or asking people questions, may be in order if there are important cases you think are unclear.

errors.Is and errors.As added in more recent versions of Go would now address this problem.


Go errors: Is() and As() claim to be recursive, is there any type that implements the error interface and supports this recursion - bug free?

Everywhere I look, the "way" to "wrap" errors in Go is to use fmt.Errof with the %w verb
However, fmt.Errorf does not recursively wrap errors. There is no way to use it to wrap three previously defined errors (Err1, Err2, and Err3) and then check the result by using Is() and get true for each those three errors.
Thanks to #mkopriva's answer and comments below it, I now have a straightforward way to implement this (although, I am still curious if there is some standard type which does this). In the absence of an example, my attempts at creating one failed. The piece I was missing was adding an Is and As method to my type. Because the custom type needs to contain an error and a pointer to the next error, the custom Is and As methods allows us to compare the error contained in the custom type, rather than the custom type itself.
Here is a working example:
Highlights from the above link
type errorChain struct {
err error
next *errorChain
//These two functions were the missing ingredient
//Defined this way allows for full functionality even if
//The wrapped errors are also chains or other custom types
func (c errorChain) Is(err error) bool { return errors.Is(c.err, err) }
func (c errorChain) As(target any) bool { return errors.As(c.err, target) }
//Omitting Error and Unwrap methods for brevity
func Wrap(errs ...error) error {
out := errorChain{err: errs[0]}
n := &out
for _, err := range errs[1:] { = &errorChain{err: err}
n =
return out
var Err0 = errors.New("error 0")
var Err1 = errors.New("error 1")
var Err2 = errors.New("error 2")
var Err3 = errors.New("error 3")
func main() {
//Check basic Is functionality
errs := Wrap(Err1, Err2, Err3)
fmt.Println(errs) //error 1: error 2: error 3
fmt.Println(errors.Is(errs, Err0)) //false
fmt.Println(errors.Is(errs, Err2)) //true
While the Go source specifically mentions the ability to define an Is method, the example does not implement it in a way that can solve my issue and the discussion do not make it immediately clear that it would be needed to utilize the recursive nature of errors.Is.
Is there something built into Go where this does work?
I played around with making one of my own (several attempts), but ran into undesirable issues. These issues stem from the fact that errors in Go appear to be compared by address. i.e. if Err1 and Err2 point to the same thing, they are the same.
This causes me issues. I can naively get errors.Is and errors.As to work recursively with a custom error type. It is straightforward.
Make a type that implements the error interface (has an Error() string method)
The type must have a member that represents the wrapped error which is a pointer to its own type.
Implement an Unwrap() error method that returns the wrapped error.
Implement some method which wraps one error with another
It seems good. But there is trouble.
Since errors are pointers, if I make something like myWrappedError = Wrap(Err1, Err2) (in this case assume Err1 is being wrapped by Err2). Not only will errors.Is(myWrappedError, Err1) and errors.Is(myWrappedError, Err2) return true, but so will errors.Is(Err2, Err1)
Should the need arise to make myOtherWrappedError = Wrap(Err3, Err2) and later call errors.Is(myWrappedError, Err1) it will now return false! Making myOtherWrappedError changes myWrappedError.
I tried several approaches, but always ran into related issues.
Is this possible? Is there a Go library which does this?
NOTE: I am more interested in the presumably already existing right way to do this rather than the specific thing that is wrong with my basic attempt
Edit 3: As suggested by one of the answers, the issue in my first code is obviously that I modify global errors. I am aware, but failed to adequately communicate. Below, I will include other broken code which uses no pointers and modifies no globals.
Edit 4: slight modification to make it work more, but it is still broken
type errorGroup struct {
err error
wrappedErr error
//...implemention Unwrap and Error excluded for brevity
func Wrap(inside error, outside error) error {
return &errorGroup{outside, inside}
var Err1 = errorGroup{errors.New("error 1"), nil}
var Err2 = errorGroup{errors.New("error 2"), nil}
var Err3 = errorGroup{errors.New("error 3"), nil}
func main() {
errs := Wrap(Err1, Err2)
errs = Wrap(errs, Err3)
fmt.Println(errs)//error 3: error 2: error 1
fmt.Println(errors.Is(errs, Err1)) //true
fmt.Println(errors.Is(errs, Err2)) //false <--- a bigger problem
fmt.Println(errors.Is(errs, Err3)) //false <--- a bigger problem
Edit 2: playground version shortened
See for an example of this.
EDIT 1: A trimmed version of my code focusing on the important parts:
type errorGroup struct {
err error
wrappedErr *errorGroup
//...implemention Unwrap and Error excluded for brevity
func Wrap(errs ...*errorGroup) (r *errorGroup) {
r = &errorGroup{}
for _, err := range errs {
err.wrappedErr = r
r = err
var Err0 = &errorGroup{errors.New("error 0"), nil}
var Err1 = &errorGroup{errors.New("error 1"), nil}
var Err2 = &errorGroup{errors.New("error 2"), nil}
var Err3 = &errorGroup{errors.New("error 3"), nil}
func main() {
errs := Wrap(Err1, Err2, Err3)//error 3: error 2: error 1
fmt.Println(errors.Is(errs, Err1)) //true
//Creating another wrapped error using the Err1, Err2, or Err3 breaks the previous wrap, errs.
_ = Wrap(Err0, Err2, Err3)
fmt.Println(errors.Is(errs, Err1)) //false <--- the problem
You can use something like this:
type errorChain struct {
err error
next *errorChain
func Wrap(errs ...error) error {
out := errorChain{err: errs[0]}
n := &out
for _, err := range errs[1:] { = &errorChain{err: err}
n =
return out
func (c errorChain) Is(err error) bool {
return c.err == err
func (c errorChain) Unwrap() error {
if != nil {
return nil
Your code modifies package-global error values, so it is inherently broken. This defect has nothing to do with Go's error handling mechanics.
Per the documentation you linked, there are two error-handling helpers: Is, and As. Is lets you recursively unwrap an error, looking for a specific error value, which is necessarily a package global for this to be useful. As, on the other hand, lets you recursively unwrap an error looking for any wrapped error value of a given type.
How does wrapping work? You wrap error A in a new error value B. A Wrap() helper would necessarily return a new value, as fmt.Errorf does in the examples in the linked documentation. A Wrap helper should never modify the value of the error being wrapped. That value should be considered immutable. In fact, in any normal implementation, the value would be of type error, so that you can wrap any error, rather than just wrapping concentric values of your custom error type in each other; and, in that case, you have no access to the fields of the wrapped error to modify them anyway. Essentially, Wrap should be roughly:
func Wrap(err error) error {
return &errGroup{err}
And that's it. That's not very useful, because your implementation of errGroup doesn't really do anything - it provides no details about the error that occurred, it's just a container for other errors. For it to have value, it should have a string error message, or methods like some other error types' IsNotFound, or something that makes it more useful than just using error and fmt.Errorf.
Based on the usage in your example code, it also looks like you're presuming the use case is to say "I want to wrap A in B in C", which I've never seen in the wild and I cannot think of any scenario where that would be needed. The purpose of wrapping is to say "I've recieved error A, I'm going to wrap it in error B to add context, and return it". The caller might wrap that error in error C, and so on, which is what makes recursive wrapping valuable.
For example:
Instead of chaining/wrapping, you will "soon" (Go 1.20, as seen in Go 1.20-rc1 in Dec. 2022) be able to return a slice/tree of errors.
(In the meantime, mdobak/go-xerrors is a good alternative)
The release note explains:
Wrapping multiple errors
Go 1.20 expands support for error wrapping to permit an error to wrap
multiple other errors.
An error e can wrap more than one error by providing an Unwrap method
that returns a []error.
The errors.Is and errors.As functions have been updated to inspect
multiply wrapped errors.
The fmt.Errorf function now supports multiple occurrences of the %w
format verb, which will cause it to return an error that wraps all of
those error operands.
The new function errors.Join returns an error wrapping a list of
That comes from:
proposal: errors: add support for wrapping multiple errors
Since Go 1.13, an error may wrap another by providing an Unwrap method returning the wrapped error.
The errors.Is and errors.As functions operate on chains of wrapped errors.
A common request is for a way to combine a list of errors into a single error.
An error wraps multiple errors if its type has the method
Unwrap() []error
Reusing the name Unwrap avoids ambiguity with the existing singular Unwrap method.
Returning a 0-length list from Unwrap means the error doesn't wrap anything.
Callers must not modify the list returned by Unwrap.
The list returned by Unwrap must not contain any nil errors.
We replace the term "error chain" with "error tree".
The errors.Is and errors.As functions are updated to unwrap multiple errors.
Is reports a match if any error in the tree matches.
As finds the first matching error in a inorder preorder traversal of the tree.
The errors.Join function provides a simple implementation of a multierr.
It does not flatten errors.
// Join returns an error that wraps the given errors.
// Any nil error values are discarded.
// The error formats as the text of the given errors, separated by newlines.
// Join returns nil if errs contains no non-nil values.
func Join(errs ...error) error
The fmt.Errorf function permits multiple instances of the %w formatting verb.
The errors.Unwrap function is unaffected: It returns nil when called on an error with an Unwrap() []error method.
Why should this be in the standard library?
This proposal adds something which cannot be provided outside the standard library: Direct support for error trees in errors.Is and errors.As.
Existing combining errors operate by providing Is and As methods which inspect the contained errors, requiring each implementation to duplicate this logic, possibly in incompatible ways.
This is best handled in errors.Is and errors.As, for the same reason those functions handle singular unwrapping.
In addition, this proposal provides a common method for the ecosystem to use to represent combined errors, permitting interoperation between third-party implementations.
So far (Sept. 2022) this proposal seems a likely accept has been accepted!
CL 432575 starts the implementation.
There arr several approaches but there is one thing that you should keep in mind: if you have multiple errors, you may need to handle it as a slice of errors
For instance, imagine you need to check if all errors are the same, or there is at least one error of certain type you can use the snippet below.
You can extend this concept or use some existing library to handle multierrors
type Errors []error
func (errs Errors) String() string {
func (errs Errors) Any(target error) bool{
for _, err := range errs {
if errors.Is(err,target) {
return true
return false
func (errs Errors) All(target error) bool{
if len(errs) == 0 { return false }
for _, err := range errs {
if !errors.Is(err,target) {
return false
return true

To what extent are errors strings guaranteed to not change?

One of the main issues I have with Golang is that the error handling is basically a check for a string (I would love to be wrong, do not hesitate :))
In the example below, I am trying to create a directory, but will have different behaviour depending on the kind of issue. Specifically, if a directory exists I will just pass.
package main
import (
func main() {
err := os.Mkdir("test", 0644)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: %v", err)
if err.Error() == "mkdir test: Cannot create a file when that file already exists" {
fmt.Printf("the dir already exists")
} else {
It does not work, repeated attempts are not logged. Why? Ah, crap, I forgot the dot at the end of the mkdir test: Cannot create a file when that file already exists string.
I feel that relying on an error string is fragile, as opposed to having something like err.ErrorType().DirectoryExists() kind of check (which sometimes exists, in net for instance).
My question: to what extent can I rely on the fact that the error strings will not change? (in other words, that mkdir test: Cannot create a file when that file already exists. will not be worded differently, or ported to another national language, etc.)
I had some hope with errors.Is() but it ultimately relies on the string comparison.
Go error strings don't change arbitrarily, but they also aren't covered by the Go compatibility policy: they can be changed if the increase in clarity outweighs the (inevitable) cost of breaking programs that make (fragile, unsupported) assumptions about the string contents.
The errors package is the robust way to check for specific types of errors.
Use errors.Is to check for equivalence to a canonical error (
err := os.Mkdir(dir, 0644)
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) {
t.Logf("the dir already exists")
} else if err != nil {
Use errors.As to check for a particular type of error (
err := os.Mkdir(dir, 0644)
var pe *os.PathError
if errors.As(err, &pe) {
t.Logf("error creating %q: %v", pe.Path, pe.Err)
} else if err != nil {
In this case, you can use os.IsExist(err)
err := os.Mkdir("test", 0644)
if err != nil {
if os.IsExist(err){
fmt.Printf("the dir already exists")
} else {
Good libraries should allow you to inspect errors without relying on string comparison. Various methods exist to do so:
Comparaison with sentinel values if err == os.EOF
Utility function: os.IsExist(err)
Type assertion: pathErr := err.(*os.PathError)
There is always a way to inspect errors in the standard library without relying on strings. Check the function/package documentation for details about how to do it.
errors.Is() and errors.As() are a (~recent) generalisation of == and type assertion but for errors that could contain other errors. See
Mkdir creates a new directory with the specified name and permission bits (before umask). If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
This means you could type-assert the returned error to get more information.
if err != nil {
pathErr := err.(*os.PathError)
With errors returned from functions in package os specifically, also take note of these two functions:
to what extent can I rely on the fact that the error strings will not change?
To the extent which is guaranteed by the function's contract, which as in most programming languages conventionally is written in documenting comments above the function. In the case of os.MkDir(): you cannot.

Time conversion with ptypes.Timestamp vs timestamppb.Timestamp.AsTime

Since starting to use protocol buffers in go I've considered the idiomatic way of converting a timestamppb.Timestamp struct to a time.Time struct to be via ptypes.Timestamp, e.g.:
t, err := ptypes.Timestamp(pbTimestamp)
if err != nil {
// some error handling
However, as I've just discovered, timestamppb.Timestamp also has the member function AsTime which facilitates the same conversion, while only returning a time.Time value and no error.
As ptypes.Timestamp does return an error on top of the time.Time, this suggests that there is the potential for failure, and I was wondering whether the usage of AsTime can be considered safe. From the godocs it would seem that there is nothing to consider, but the not returning of an error for the conversion seems somewhat strange. Does anyone by any chance have an explanation for this?

What would happen if an error happened and my golang app didn't handle it?

I'm currently using gorm and gin framework. I wonder what would happen if an error happened and my app didn't handle it?
if err := db.Where("name = ?", "jinzhu").First(&user).Error; err != nil {
// error handling...
In the above example, the error is being handled.
if db.Model(&user).Related(&credit_card).RecordNotFound() {
// no credit card found error handling
In the next example above, only the RecordNotFound() error is being handled, but what if it throws a different error? what will happen?
Will my app automatically respond with a 500 server internal error and will the app keep on running properly?
In the next example above, only the RecordNotFound() error is being handled, but what if it throws a different error?
If you won't catch the error it will continue on the code. Error is not a special type it's a simple struct
err := FunctionThatReturnsError()
if err == myError.RecordNotFound() { // if err is not RecordNotFound then it won't enter the if simple as that.
// Do something.
// continue code.
Will my app automatically respond with a 500 server internal error and will the app keep on running properly?
There will be no response if the go routine doesn't panic or you return a response. If you want to handle it you can do:
err := FunctionThatReturnsError()
if err == myError.RecordNotFound() {
err := FunctionThatReturnsError()
if err == myError.RecordNotFound() {
c.JSON(500, "Record not found"}
I don't recommend the panic method. If you're curious google why.
Go doesn't have exceptions. Instead of catching exceptions, you get errors via return values from functions. So there's no throwing or anything special going on behind the scenes, just a function that returns an error value, and like any other return value - you can discard it.
I wouldn't recommend discarding errors though. If you feel lazy or lost about what to do with an error - just log it:
You never know if an error you discarded is causing this mysterious bug you can swear is coming from anywhere but your own code.
I wonder what would happen if an error happened and my app didn't handle it?
Then the state of the app is undefined. If you don't check error values your app will be using values which are undefined (probably nil for pointers and "zeros" for values) or assuming that side effect occurred but it might not.
Let's say you have a function with signature func CreateStruct() (T, err)
and call it like that t, _ := CreateStruct() (not checking for error) you should not expect t variable to have a proper value set.
If you have function like func Update() err and you call it without error checking then you can't know whether update was performed or not.
Of course everything depends on API and implementation. But you get the idea.
but what if it throws a different error?
It's impossible. There is not throwing error mechanism in Go. Error can only be returned as a normal value.
You should never be lazy with handling errors. It's very important part of programming and Go makes it easier to realize.

how to ignore returned error in GO

I have started learning Go today.
One thing that makes me crazy, it's the err returned parameter.
Let's assume I need to nest few functions. like this:
return string(json.Marshal(MyData))
or more complex example:
return func1(func2(func3(MyData)))
Is it really necessary to write:
tmp1 , _ = func3(MyData)
tmp2 , _ = func2(tmp1)
tmp3 , _ = func1(tmp2)
return tmp3
That's annoying!
Is there any way to make the code looks cleaner?
It is possible to define a function to ignore errors, but Go's lack of generics make it so you'd have to use interface{} and typecasts all over the place, losing a lot of static guarantees from the typechecker in the process. It is extremely ugly. Don't do this.
func ignoreError(val interface {}, err error) interface {} {
return val
At every call to ignoreError() you would have to make a type cast to the expected return type.
Playground example
One possible abstraction pattern you will often see is to use a generic error handler.
This doesn't prevent you from having to deal with error values, but it does abstract the handling of errors away from the rest of your code.
Note that abstractions like these are considered "non-idiomatic" Go, the "pure" way is to explicitly handle errors in-place. This panic-driven alternative can still be very useful though, especially for quickly prototyping a script where you just want to dump all the errors in a console or logfile.
For reusable packages, I would stick to the verbose explicit way though, because others will expect error-producing functions to actually return error values, rather than using a panic-recover mechanism.
package main
import (
func main() {
defer func() {
utils.Handle(func(err error) {
// Handle errors in a generic way,
// for example using println, or writing to http
var result, err := someFragileFunction()
package utils
func Check(err error) {
if err != nil {
func Handle(handler func(err error)) {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
if err, ok := r.(error); ok {
} else {
The real answer is: Don't.
Never just ignore the errors.
Seriously. The errors are there for a reason. If a function returns an error,
it almost always means that it's possible, during the operation of your program,
even if it's 100% bug-free, for the function to fail. And if it does,
you don't usually want to just keep going as if nothing happened.
If you're absolutely sure that you're using a function in a way that ensures that it will never return a non-nil error (unless there's a bug in your program, and there always is), you might want to write a Must-style function like in the template package which panics with the returned error value.
Error handling is not noise. It's not clutter. It's not something you want
to get rid of. If it looks like 50% of your program is error
handling, that's because 50% of your program is, and should be, error handling.
