To what extent are errors strings guaranteed to not change? - go

One of the main issues I have with Golang is that the error handling is basically a check for a string (I would love to be wrong, do not hesitate :))
In the example below, I am trying to create a directory, but will have different behaviour depending on the kind of issue. Specifically, if a directory exists I will just pass.
package main
import (
func main() {
err := os.Mkdir("test", 0644)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: %v", err)
if err.Error() == "mkdir test: Cannot create a file when that file already exists" {
fmt.Printf("the dir already exists")
} else {
It does not work, repeated attempts are not logged. Why? Ah, crap, I forgot the dot at the end of the mkdir test: Cannot create a file when that file already exists string.
I feel that relying on an error string is fragile, as opposed to having something like err.ErrorType().DirectoryExists() kind of check (which sometimes exists, in net for instance).
My question: to what extent can I rely on the fact that the error strings will not change? (in other words, that mkdir test: Cannot create a file when that file already exists. will not be worded differently, or ported to another national language, etc.)
I had some hope with errors.Is() but it ultimately relies on the string comparison.

Go error strings don't change arbitrarily, but they also aren't covered by the Go compatibility policy: they can be changed if the increase in clarity outweighs the (inevitable) cost of breaking programs that make (fragile, unsupported) assumptions about the string contents.
The errors package is the robust way to check for specific types of errors.
Use errors.Is to check for equivalence to a canonical error (
err := os.Mkdir(dir, 0644)
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) {
t.Logf("the dir already exists")
} else if err != nil {
Use errors.As to check for a particular type of error (
err := os.Mkdir(dir, 0644)
var pe *os.PathError
if errors.As(err, &pe) {
t.Logf("error creating %q: %v", pe.Path, pe.Err)
} else if err != nil {

In this case, you can use os.IsExist(err)
err := os.Mkdir("test", 0644)
if err != nil {
if os.IsExist(err){
fmt.Printf("the dir already exists")
} else {
Good libraries should allow you to inspect errors without relying on string comparison. Various methods exist to do so:
Comparaison with sentinel values if err == os.EOF
Utility function: os.IsExist(err)
Type assertion: pathErr := err.(*os.PathError)
There is always a way to inspect errors in the standard library without relying on strings. Check the function/package documentation for details about how to do it.
errors.Is() and errors.As() are a (~recent) generalisation of == and type assertion but for errors that could contain other errors. See

Mkdir creates a new directory with the specified name and permission bits (before umask). If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError.
This means you could type-assert the returned error to get more information.
if err != nil {
pathErr := err.(*os.PathError)
With errors returned from functions in package os specifically, also take note of these two functions:
to what extent can I rely on the fact that the error strings will not change?
To the extent which is guaranteed by the function's contract, which as in most programming languages conventionally is written in documenting comments above the function. In the case of os.MkDir(): you cannot.


How can I compare read(1.proto) = read(2.proto) in Go(assuming there's just one message definition)?

Context: I'm trying to resolve this issue.
In other words, there's a NormalizeJsonString() for JSON strings (see this for more context:
// Takes a value containing JSON string and passes it through
// the JSON parser to normalize it, returns either a parsing
// error or normalized JSON string.
func NormalizeJsonString(jsonString interface{}) (string, error) {
that allows to have the following code:
return structure.NormalizeJsonString(old) == structure.NormalizeJsonString(new)
but it doesn't work for strings that are proto files (all proto files are guaranteed to have just one message definition). For example, I could see:
syntax = "proto3";
- package bar.proto;
+ package bar.proto;
option java_outer_classname = "FooProto";
message Foo {
- int64 xyz = 3;
+ int64 xyz = 3;
Is there NormalizeProtoString available in some Go SDKs? I found MessageDifferencer but it's in C++ only. Another option I considered was to replace all new lines / group of whitespaces with a single whitespace but it's a little bit hacky.
To do this in a semantic fashion, the proto definitions should really be parsed. Naively stripping and/or replacing whitespace may get you somewhere, but likely will have gotchas.
As far as I'm aware the latest official Go protobuf package don't have anything to handle parsing protobuf definitions - the protoc compiler handles that side of affairs, and this is written in C++
There would be options to execute the protoc compiler to get hold of the descriptor set output (e.g. protoc --descriptor_set_out=...), however I'm guessing this would also be slightly haphazard considering it requires one to have protoc available - and version differences could potentially cause problems too.
Assuming that is no go, one further option is to use a 3rd party parser written in Go - seems to handle things quite well. One slight issue when making comparisons is that the parser records meta information about source line + column positions for each type; however it is relatively easy to make a comparison and ignore these, by using
For example:
package main
import (
func main() {
if err := run(); err != nil {
func run() error {
proto1, err := parseFile("example1.proto")
if err != nil {
return err
proto2, err := parseFile("example2.proto")
if err != nil {
return err
equal := cmp.Equal(proto1, proto2, cmpopts.IgnoreTypes(meta.Meta{}))
fmt.Printf("equal: %t", equal)
return nil
func parseFile(path string) (*parser.Proto, error) {
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
return protoparser.Parse(f)
equal: true
for the example you provided.

unserialize php in goland

I have a file with serialized array in PHP.
The content of the file locks like this
The array unserialized is this
[250] => my_catz
[] => Array
[category_id] => 250
[category_name] => my_catz
Now, i want to get the content of the file in GO, unserialize it convert it to an array.
In GO i can get the content of the file using
dat, err := os.ReadFile("/etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db")
if err != nil {
if e.Debug {
log.Printf("error reading /etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db: ", err)
And unserialized it using library
package categorization
import (
type Data struct {
Website string
Debug bool
func (e Data) CheckPersonalCategories() (int,string) {
if e.Debug {
log.Printf("Checking Personal Categories")
if _, err := os.Stat("/etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db"); errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
if e.Debug {
log.Printf("/etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db not exit: ", err)
return 0,""
dat, err := os.ReadFile("/etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db")
if err != nil {
if e.Debug {
log.Printf("error reading /etc/squid3/compiled-categories.db: ", err)
out, _ := gophp.Unserialize(dat)
return 0,""
But I can't access to the array, for example, when I try access to array key using out[""] i get this error message
invalid operation: out[""] (type interface {} does not support indexing)
The result of out is
map[250:my_catz[category_id:250 category_name:my_catz]]
Seams that is unserializing
Don't make assumptions about what is and isn't succeeding in your code. Error responses are the only reliable way to know whether a function succeeded. In this case the assumption may hold, but ignoring errors is always a mistake. Invest time in catching errors and at least panic them - don't instead waste your time ignoring errors and then trying to debug unreliable code.
invalid operation: out[""] (type interface {} does not support indexing)
The package you're using unfortunately doesn't provide any documentation so you have to read the source to understand that gophp.Unserialize returns (interface{}, error). This makes sense; php can serialize any value, so Unserialize must be able to return any value.
out is therefore an interface{} whose underlying value depends on the data. To turn an interface{} into a particular value requires a type assertion. In this case, we think the underlying data should be map[string]interface{}. So we need to do a type assertion:
mout, ok := out.(map[string]interface{})
Before we get to the working code, one more point I'd like you to think about. Look at the code below: I started it from your code, but the resemblance is very slight. I took out almost all the code because it was completely irrelevant to your question. I added the input data to the code to make a minimal reproduction of your code (as I asked you to do and you declined to do). This is a very good use of your time for 2 reasons: first, it makes it a lot easier to get answers (both because it shows sufficient effort on your part and because it simplifies the description of the problem), and second, because it's excellent practice for debugging. I make minimal reproductions of code flows all the time to better understand how to do things.
You'll notice you can run this code now without any additional effort. That's the right way to provide a minimal reproducible example - not with a chunk of mostly irrelevant code which still can't be executed by anybody.
The Go Plaground is a great way to demonstrate go-specific code that others can execute and investigate. You can also see the code below at
package main
import (
type Data struct {
Website string
Debug bool
func main() {
var dat = []byte(`a:2:{i:250;s:7:"my_catz";s:7:"";a:2:{s:11:"category_id";i:250;s:13:"category_name";s:7:"my_catz";}}`)
out, err := gophp.Unserialize(dat)
if err != nil {
if mout, ok := out.(map[string]interface{}); ok {

In Go, how to verify that the data type of an input from the user matches the data type of the code?

I am new to Go.
Currently, I am creating a menu in Go and I want to verify that the data type of the input from the user matches the data type of the variable defined in the code. Part of my code looks like this so far:
package main
import (
var option int // The variable is declared outside of the main().
func general_menu() {
fmt.Println(".......................General Menu..................................")
fmt.Println("Linear algebra package..............................................2")
fmt.Println("Language change.....................................................9")
fmt.Println("Choose an option from the menu.")
if (option != 1 && option != 2 && option != 9 && option != 10)||reflect.TypeOf(option)!=int{
fmt.Println("Wrong option input. Please, try again.")
I know that this doens't work this way, and I know that "int" can not be used as part of an "if" condirion.
I would kindly appreciate any suggestions on the proper way to solve this problem.
Edit: I have added more of my code as kindly suggested by the contributors.
Edit: Based on the answer provided, I have tried to implement a function, but the syntax is still not correct:
func check_integers_are_not_string(x int) bool {
change := strconv.Itoa(x)
if change != nil {
return true
} else {
return false
} // This function returns a true boolean value if conversion from int to string was possible, meaning that the entered value is a string.
Just read the documentation of Scan -
It returns the number of successfully read arguments and an error. The input is mapped in your case to a variable of type int, so if a user inputs a string it will return 0 and an error. Otherwise it will return 1 and the error should be nil. You can check for that.
n, err := fmt.Scan(&option)
if n != 1 || err != nil {
// print error and go back
One common way to do it is to try to make the conversion and see if it succeeds.
optionInt, err := strconv.Atoi(option) // Assuming option is of type string
if err != nil {
log.Printf("String '%s' cannot be converted to type int: %v", option, err)
log.Printf(`optionInt is %d.`, optionInt)
This is a good approach if you are only interested in conversion to one type. Otherwise things can quickly get more involved, utilizing constructs such as lexers and parsers, but that would warrant more information on what you are trying to accomplish.

How to change timestamp for symbol link using golang?

os.Chtimes always to follow symlinks and change the real files timestamp.
Is there a method to change the symlinks timestamp in?
Just like touch -h does.
Not sure it's possible, at least from the syscall package.
Looking at the source-code for say syscall.Chtimes:
func Chtimes(name string, atime time.Time, mtime time.Time) error {
var utimes [2]syscall.Timespec
utimes[0] = syscall.NsecToTimespec(atime.UnixNano())
utimes[1] = syscall.NsecToTimespec(mtime.UnixNano())
if e := syscall.UtimesNano(fixLongPath(name), utimes[0:]); e != nil {
return &PathError{"chtimes", name, e}
return nil
duplicating this code - and removing the fixLongPath call which I assumed followed the symlinks - still affects the target file, not the source symlink.
Even trying this operation on a symlink which points to a non-existent file, returns a runtime error no such file or directory.
A CGO pkg - could, but that seems overkill.
If you use linux, you can use package, which provides Lutimes
import ""
unix.Lutimes(symlink, nil)
You can check if a symlink exists and if so, remove it and create another one.
if _, err := os.Lstat(symlinkPath); err == nil {
err := os.Symlink(filePath, symlinkPath)
if err != nil {

How to properly check type of error returned by plugin.Open

I would like to know how can I check the type of error returned by plugin.Open, e.g:
package main
import "plugin"
func main() {
_, err := plugin.Open("./")
// here
I would like to do something different if the error is:
plugin.Open("./"): realpath failed
Which basically means that the file doesn't exist.
Example of desired result:
package main
import "plugin"
func main() {
_, err := plugin.Open("./")
if err.Error() == "plugin.Open(\"./\"): realpath failed" {
// do something different here
} else {
The string that I pass to plugin.Open can have other values, so it needs to be something more smart than that.
Thanks in advance.
Inspection of the code for plugin.Open() reveals the package calls out to some C code to determine whether the path exists. If it doesn't, it returns a plain error value. In particular, the package does not define any sentinel errors which you can compare against, nor does it return its own concrete implementer of the error interface which carries custom metadata. This is the code which produces that error:
return nil, errors.New(`plugin.Open("` + name + `"): realpath failed`)
errors.New is a basic implementation of the error interface which doesn't allow any additional information to be passed. Unlike other locations in the standard library which return errors (such as path non-existent errors from the os package), you can't get such metadata in this instance.
Check whether the module file exists first
My preference would be to verify whether the module exists before attempting to load it, using the native capabilities provided by the os package:
modulePath := "./"
if _, err := os.Stat(modulePath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Do whatever is required on module not existing
// Continue to load the module – can be another branch of the if block
// above if necessary, depending on your desired control flow.
Compare a subset of the error values
You could also use strings.Contains to search for the value realpath failed in the returned error value. This is not a good idea in the event that string changes in future, so if you adopt this pattern, at the very least you should ensure you have rigorous tests around it (and even then it's still not great).
_, err := plugin.Open("./")
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "realpath failed") {
// Do your fallback behavior for module not existing
log.Fatalf("module doesn't exist")
} else {
// Some other type of error
log.Fatalf("%+v", err)
