IIS 8 and Classic ASP client side debug - debugging

I've to activate the client side debug for a Classic ASP application running under IIS 8 in a Windows 2012 Server environment but I can't achieve that and every script error is returned to the browser as:
Server Error
500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed
regardless the settings I apply to ASP configuration section at web site and server side level in IIS 8 control panel.
Last configuration parameters I set were:
Calculate Line Numbers: True
Catch COM Component Exceptions: True
Enable Client-side Debugging: True
Enable Log Error Request: True
Enable Server-side Debugging: False
Log Errors to NT Log: False
Run On End Functions Anonymously: True
Script Error Message: An error occurred on the server ...
Send Errors To Browser: True
To test IIS behaviour I simply call this script:
<%# Language=VBScript %>
a = 2
b = 3
c = a/b
response.write a & "/" b & "=" & c
(note the missing "&" beteewn "/" and b)
getting the above mentioned 500 - Internal error.
The same code in an IIS 7.5 environment returns:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'
Expected end of statement
/test.asp, line 7
response.write a & "/" b & "=" & c
which is what I was looking for.
Can you help me to get the same with IIS 8.
Thank you.


After deployment of my MVC project into IIS error appears in Telerik.grid.min.js and Telerik.calender.min.js but in my local host it is working fine

I am using visual studio 2012.My MVC application is running fine. But I publish the project and host into IIS in another server it is generating error in browser console that
Uncaught TypeError: c(...).tScrollable is not a function
at new g.grid (VM625 telerik.grid.min.js:1)
at Object.init (VM625 telerik.grid.min.js:1)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (VM623 telerik.common.min.js:1)
at Function.each (VM567 jquery-1.7.1.min.js:3)
at init.each (VM567 jquery-1.7.1.min.js:3)
at Object.create (VM623 telerik.common.min.js:1)
at init.c.fn.tGrid (VM625 telerik.grid.min.js:1)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (DepartmentList:379)
at n (VM567 jquery-1.7.1.min.js:3)
at Object.fireWith (VM567 jquery-1.7.1.min.js:3)
But this error does not appear in my local host.
Is any extra performance has to do with the telerik.grid.min.js and telerik.calender.min.js file.
Please suggest me .

When TLS1.0 disabled on Server 2012 R2 Giving error to client browser as "The connection with the server was terminated abnormally"

I did following things on Server 2012 R2 :
-> Disabled TLS 1.0
-> To enable TLS 1.1 . Application Pool changed to ".NET CLR Version v4.0.30319" Which wAS earlier "V2.50727"
-> In code TLS 1.1 is enabled as :- ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 ;
When i run application locally i.e. on localhost it works fine using 'http' as well as 'https'.
But when i run application from another machines browser ,it works fine with 'http' but for https giving error as "The connection with the server was terminated abnormally".
To resolve this , i did debugging ..
Following is code from where receving error..
var httpOb = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0");
httpOb.open("POST","test.aspx", false);
return "";
In above code ,When send() method gets called,Exception occures and alert shows with message "The connection with the server was terminated abnormally".
Please suggest what settngs or code change is requried... I am using Windows 2012 R2 Server ,IIS 8.5 ver

PhantomJS failing on remote ajax field check

I developed a script to complete & submit a remote form via PhantomJS (version 2.1). For testing I built a local approximation of the remote form which included an ajax field check upon input (so, you enter an email address in the email field, and after a second it checks to see if it's a valid input). My phantom script fills out the fields, waits a few seconds for an error to be thrown, and then carries on to submit the form if everything looks okay. This all worked just fine with everything running on localhost.
However, as soon as I switch to making the call to the remote webpage (which is a third-party site; I have no access to make changes to it), it fails when the remote page performs the ajax check on fields. I have the following onResourceError function:
page.onResourceError = function(resourceError) {
system.stderr.writeLine('= onResourceError()');
system.stderr.writeLine(' - unable to load url: "' + resourceError.url + '"');
system.stderr.writeLine(' - error code: ' + resourceError.errorCode + ', description: ' + resourceError.errorString );
...and if I run the following line (in a Windows command prompt):
phantomjs.exe form-process.js "https://contact.site.com/auth/form?params=that&are=always&the=same" "clarence#email.com"
I get the following error:
- error code: 302,
- description: Error downloading "https://contact.site.com/ajax/email-check?email=clarence#email.com"
- server replied: Bad request
I am running this from a local environment but with no SSL certificate installed, so I assumed (based on the description of the 302 error code: the requested operation is invalid for this protocol) that it was a cross-protocol issue. But running the phantomJS line with any combination of --ssl-protocol=any, --ignore-ssl-errors=yes or --web-security=false yields the same results.
I may be misunderstanding these modes for phantomJS, but I assumed that --ssl-protocol=any would dismiss this issue, but would I still need to have a local SSL cert to get this to work? Or is there another issue here?

Challenge response from CFEngine Server Failure while conencting cygwin to CFEngine

when i run from windows-7 with cygwin to connect CFEngine bersion 3.4.2
cf-agent -Bs
Challenge response from server was incorrect!
I: Made in version 'not specified' of '/var/cfengine/inputs/update.cf' near line 47
!! Authentication dialogue with failed
Challenge response from server was incorrect!
I: Made in version 'not specified' of '/var/cfengine/inputs/update.cf' near line
and in /var/cfengine/inputs/update.cf on line 47 is
47 : perms => m("600"),
on cgwin in folder keys
root-MD5=b8825ba0a0e7017e34b15766d3b3ac58 (which is also at CFEngine Server Side shared ky)
on Cf-Engine Server Side
With Regards
Did you also get the server to trust the client's key? like so:
cf-key -t root-MD5=b8825ba0a0e7017e34b15766d3b3ac58
(on the server)
Also, try restarting cf-serverd in verbose mode with the -v switch on the server, and watch what error messages you get on that end.

ADODB.Connection error from Ruby script on Apache server

I have a Ruby script (non-Rails) that connects to a SQL Server database. When run from the command line, it runs fine. When executed via an http request, it generates an error, specifically when opening the DB connection. Something about the combination of the http/SQL methods is failing.
I'm running the script on a machine with: Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit), Ruby 1.9.3p125, Apache 2.2.11. The database is SQL Server 10.0.4000, hosted on a separate (corporate, internal) server.
The script looks something like this:
require 'win32ole'
$qadb = nil
$qadb = SqlServer.new('', 'qauser', 'password')
logRegression("Rescued: Unable to access QADB: #{$!}")
The SqlServer class is based on David Mullet's code, found at http://rubyonwindows.blogspot.com/2007/03/ruby-ado-and-sqlserver.html (not copied here for brevity).
From the command line, the DB opens fine and I get an expected result from the script. When I call the script via my internal server (http://qatools/getTask.rb) I get the following error in my log file:
Rescued: Unable to access QADB: failed to create WIN32OLE object from `ADODB.Connection'
HRESULT error code:0x8007007e
The specified module could not be found.
I've considered that I might be missing a DLL. Other research led me to ntwdblib.dll -- I tried downloading a copy and placing it in various folders. I've also considered that I might be facing an Apache configuration issue and/or a security/permissions issue but I haven't found any solutions for those that seem to fit my specific problem.
Any ideas?
