Golang JSON Marshaling - go

I'm trying to marshal an array into a string, separating all elements with newlines. I'm running out of memory and think about a more efficient way to do this.
buffer := ""
for _, record := range all_data {
body, _ := json.Marshal(record)
buffer += string(body) + "\n" // i run out of memory here
Is there a way to append a newline character to a byte array? Right now I'm casting via string(body), but I think that this operation allocates a lot of memory (but maybe I'm wrong).

Assuming your data isn't inherently too big for the computer it's running on, the problem is likely the inefficient building of that string. Instead you should be using a bytes.buffer and then callings it's String() method. Here's an example;
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for _, record := range all_data {
body, _ := json.Marshal(record)

To add to evanmcdonnal's answer: you don't even need an intermediate buffer created by json.Marshal:
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc := json.NewEncoder(&buf)
for _, record := range allData {
if err := enc.Encode(record); enc != nil {
// handle error
buf.WriteString("\n") // optional


why *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) doesn't work with bufio.Reader

i have a file. it has some ip
i read this file to slice, and used *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) to parse []byte to string, but is doesn't work
func TestInitIpRangeFromFile(t *testing.T) {
filepath := "/tmp/test"
file, err := os.Open(filepath)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to open ip range file:%s, err:%s", filepath, err)
reader := bufio.NewReader(file)
ranges := make([]string, 0)
for {
ip, _, err := reader.ReadLine()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
logger.Fatalf("failed to read ip range file, err:%s", err)
t.Logf("ip:%s", *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&ip)))
ranges = append(ranges, *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&ip)))
t.Logf("%v", ranges)
task_test.go:71: ip:
task_test.go:71: ip:
task_test.go:71: ip:
task_test.go:71: ip:
task_test.go:75: []
why changed to ?
to string(ip) it works
So, while reinterpreting a slice-header as a string-header the way you did is absolutely bonkers and has no guarantee whatsoever of working correctly, it's only indirectly the cause of your problem.
The real problem is that you're retaining a pointer to the return value of bufio/Reader.ReadLine(), but the docs for that method say "The returned buffer is only valid until the next call to ReadLine." Which means that the reader is free to reuse that memory later on, and that's what's happening.
When you do the cast in the proper way, string(ip), Go copies the contents of the buffer into the newly-created string, which remains valid in the future. But when you type-pun the slice into a string, you keep the exact same pointer, which stops working as soon as the reader refills its buffer.
If you decided to do the pointer trickery as a performance hack to avoid copying and allocation... too bad. The reader interface is going to force you to copy the data out anyway, and since it does, you should just use string().

How to read arbitrary amounts of data directly from a file in Go?

Without reading the contents of a file into memory, how can I read "x" bytes from the file so that I can specify what x is for every separate read operation?
I see that the Read method of various Readers takes a byte slice of a certain length and I can read from a file into that slice. But in that case the size of the slice is fixed, whereas what I would like to do, ideally, is something like:
func main() {
f, err := os.Open("./file.txt")
if err != nil {
someBytes := f.Read(2)
someMoreBytes := f.Read(4)
bytes.Buffer has a Next method which behaves very closely to what I would want, but it requires an existing buffer to work, whereas I'm hoping to read an arbitrary amount of bytes from a file without needing to read the whole thing into memory.
What is the best way to accomplish this?
Thank you for your time.
Use this function:
// readN reads and returns n bytes from the reader.
// On error, readN returns the partial bytes read and
// a non-nil error.
func readN(r io.Reader, n int) ([]byte, error) {
// Allocate buffer for result
b := make([]byte, n)
// ReadFull ensures buffer is filled or error is returned.
n, err := io.ReadFull(r, b)
return b[:n], err
Call like this:
someBytes, err := readN(f, 2)
if err != nil { /* handle error here */
someMoreBytes := readN(f, 4)
if err != nil { /* handle error here */
you can do something like this:
f, err := os.Open("/tmp/dat")
b1 := make([]byte, 5)
n1, err := f.Read(b1)
fmt.Printf("%d bytes: %s\n", n1, string(b1[:n1]))
for more reading please check site.

How can I convert a structure with a byte slice data type to bytes?

I need to send struct data with byte slice data type during socket communication.
type A struct {
header []byte
body []byte
So I wrote the following source code to convert the structure to bytes.
var a A
a.header = byte slice data...
a.body = byte slice data...
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, a)
However, I get an error with the binary.Write function showing the following error:
binary.Write: invalid type main.A
I have found that fixed arrays solve the problem. But since the length of the data is constantly changing, I have to use a slice rather than a fixed array.
Is there a way to solve this problem?
If you write a variable length of byte slice, the other end would not know how many bytes it needs to read. You have to communicate the length too.
So one way to send a byte slice is to first write the length (number of bytes) using a fixed-size type, e.g. int32 or int64. Then simply write the byte slice.
For example:
var w io.Writer // This represents your connection
var a A
if err := binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, int32(len(a.header))); err != nil {
// Handle error
if _, err := w.Write(a.header); err != nil {
// Handle error
You may use the same logic to send a.body too.
On the other end, this is how you could read it:
var r io.Reader // This represents your connection
var a A
var size int32
if err := binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &size); err != nil {
// Handle error
a.header = make([]byte, size)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, a.header); err != nil {
// Handle error
Try a working example on the Go Playground.
If you have to transfer more complex structs, consider using the encoding/gob which handles sending slices with ease. For an example and some insights, see Efficient Go serialization of struct to disk.

Why does conn.Read() write nothing into a []byte, but bufio.Reader.ReadString() works?

I have a connection, created like this:
conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", "")
I have tried reading from this connection in two ways. I think they both must work, but the first option doesn't.
Here is the first way of doing it:
var bytes []byte
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
fmt.Printf("%v", bytes)
The output of this method is:
And here is the same thing, done with bufio.Reader:
func readResponse(conn net.Conn) (response string, err error) {
reader := bufio.NewReader(conn)
_, err = reader.Discard(8)
if err != nil {
response, err = reader.ReadString('\n')
This function returns the response given by the server on the other end of the TCP connection.
Why does bufio.Reader.Read() work, but net.Conn.Read() doesn't?
The Conn.Read() method is to implement io.Reader, the general interface to read data from any source of bytes into a []byte. Quoting from the doc of Reader.Read():
Read reads up to len(p) bytes into p.
So Read() reads up to len(p) bytes but since you pass a nil slice, it won't read anything (length of a nil slice is 0). Please read the linked doc to know how Reader.Read() works.
Reader.Read() does not allocate a buffer ([]byte) where the read data will be stored, you have to create one and pass it, e.g.:
var buf = make([]byte, 100)
n, err := conn.Read(buf)
// n is the number of read bytes; don't forget to check err!
Don't forget to always check the returned error which may be io.EOF if end of data is reached. The general contract of io.Reader.Read() also allows returning some non-nil error (including io.EOF) and some read data (n > 0) at the same time. The number of read bytes will be in n, which means only the first n bytes of the buf is useful (in other words: buf[:n]).
Your other example using bufio.Reader works because you called Reader.ReadString() which doesn't require a []byte argument. If you would've used the bufio.Reader.Read() method, you would also had to pass a non-nil slice in order to actually get some data.

From io.Reader to string in Go

I have an io.ReadCloser object (from an http.Response object).
What's the most efficient way to convert the entire stream to a string object?
Since 1.10, strings.Builder exists. Example:
buf := new(strings.Builder)
n, err := io.Copy(buf, r)
// check errors
The short answer is that it it will not be efficient because converting to a string requires doing a complete copy of the byte array. Here is the proper (non-efficient) way to do what you want:
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
s := buf.String() // Does a complete copy of the bytes in the buffer.
This copy is done as a protection mechanism. Strings are immutable. If you could convert a []byte to a string, you could change the contents of the string. However, go allows you to disable the type safety mechanisms using the unsafe package. Use the unsafe package at your own risk. Hopefully the name alone is a good enough warning. Here is how I would do it using unsafe:
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
b := buf.Bytes()
s := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
There we go, you have now efficiently converted your byte array to a string. Really, all this does is trick the type system into calling it a string. There are a couple caveats to this method:
There are no guarantees this will work in all go compilers. While this works with the plan-9 gc compiler, it relies on "implementation details" not mentioned in the official spec. You can not even guarantee that this will work on all architectures or not be changed in gc. In other words, this is a bad idea.
That string is mutable! If you make any calls on that buffer it will change the string. Be very careful.
My advice is to stick to the official method. Doing a copy is not that expensive and it is not worth the evils of unsafe. If the string is too large to do a copy, you should not be making it into a string.
Answers so far haven't addressed the "entire stream" part of the question. I think the good way to do this is ioutil.ReadAll. With your io.ReaderCloser named rc, I would write,
Go >= v1.16
if b, err := io.ReadAll(rc); err == nil {
return string(b)
} ...
Go <= v1.15
if b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rc); err == nil {
return string(b)
} ...
data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
func copyToString(r io.Reader) (res string, err error) {
var sb strings.Builder
if _, err = io.Copy(&sb, r); err == nil {
res = sb.String()
The most efficient way would be to always use []byte instead of string.
In case you need to print data received from the io.ReadCloser, the fmt package can handle []byte, but it isn't efficient because the fmt implementation will internally convert []byte to string. In order to avoid this conversion, you can implement the fmt.Formatter interface for a type like type ByteSlice []byte.
var b bytes.Buffer
// b.String()
I like the bytes.Buffer struct. I see it has ReadFrom and String methods. I've used it with a []byte but not an io.Reader.
