Applescript - New file SHORTEST WAY - macos

so where this question was all about was just that I forgot to change new file to new folder. (Because I just copy, pasted the code a few times.)
Regarding to the answer of vadian, here is the new code (edited):
property rustItems : {"Render.plist", "KleurInstellingen.txt", "Vrienden.txt", "Vijanden.txt", "", ¬
"Std__PATH.plist", "CargoRun.sett", "Rust-Package.fix", "", ¬
"Rust-PKG.pkg", "Project-Layout.jar", "Run-EXP.gib", "Radar.jar"}
property displayItems : {"Commons-io-2.4.jar", "commons-io-2.4.jar.sha", "Lastlog.log.gz", "Lastlog2.log.gz", ¬
"windows.pkg", "ModuleSettings.pkg", "ModuleStates.pkg", "ColorBinds.pkg", "ModsReturn.pkg", "Textures_1.png", "Textures_2.png", "Textures_3.png"}
property jortpepeItems : {"Rust.class", "Rust$1.class"}
property utilityItems : {"Layout.class", "XYZ__Layout.class"}
property managerItems : {"Restrictions.class", "MAX__DELAY.class"}
property listenerItems : {"OtherEvents.class", "PlayerEvents.class", "PlayerEvents$1.class", ¬
"PlayerChat.class", "PlayerChat$1.class"}
set chosenfolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose the Game folder to install the mods."
tell application "Finder"
if exists folder "Rust$1" of chosenfolder then delete folder "Rust$1" of chosenfolder
set modsFolder to make new folder at chosenfolder with properties {name:"Rust$1"}
repeat with anItem in rustItems
make new file at modsFolder with properties {name:anItem}
end repeat
set displayFolder to make new folder at modsFolder with properties {name:"Display"}
repeat with anItem in displayItems
make new file at displayFolder with properties {name:anItem}
end repeat
set jortpepeFolder to make new folder at modsFolder with properties {name:"jortpepe"}
repeat with anItem in jortpepeItems
make new file at jortpepeFolder with properties {name:anItem}
end repeat
set utilityFolder to make new folder at jortpepeFolder with properties {name:"Utilities"}
set managerFolder to make new folder at jortpepeFolder with properties {name:"Managers"}
set listenerFolder to make new folder at jortpepeFolder with properties {name:"Listeners"}
repeat with anItem in utilityItems
make new file at utilityFolder with properties {name:anItem}
end repeat
repeat with anItem in managerItems
make new file at managerFolder with properties {name:anItem}
end repeat
repeat with anItem in listenerItems
make new file at listenerFolder with properties {name:anItem}
end repeat
end tell
Thanks for reading.
PS: If you know another file extension I can add like .class .txt .pkg etc. then please give a comment to this question with that other file extension. (Because I still want a bigger fake library to be generated and with real existing file names it looks better :P)

Not really an answer, but an improvement.
This is a shorter version of your script using lists and repeat loops. Instead of an error branch repeating the whole code to create the structure it checks if the folder mods exists and delete it if necessary before creating the items.
property modsItems : {"Render.plist", "KleurInstellingen.txt", "Vrienden.txt", "Vijanden.txt", "Rust-Python-Embed.pyth", ¬
"Std__PATH.plist", "CargoRun.sett", "Rust-Package.fix", "", ¬
"Rust-PKG.pkg", "Project-Layout.jar", "Run-EXP.gib", "Downloaded.txt", "Enttree.jar", "Radar.jar"}
property displayItems : {"Commons-io-2.4.jar", "commons-io-2.4.jar.sha", "Lastlog.log.gz", "Lastlog2.log.gz", ¬
"windows.pkg", "ModuleSettings.pkg", "ModuleStates.pkg", "ColorBinds.pkg", "ModsReturn.pkg", "Textures_1.png", "Textures_2.png", "Textures_3.png"}
property jortpepeItems : {"Rust.class", "Rust$1.class"}
property utilityItems : {"Layout.class", "XYZ__Layout.class"}
property managerItems : {"Restrictions.class", "MAX__DELAY.class"}
property listenerItems : {"OtherEvents.class", "PlayerEvents.class", "PlayerEvents$1.class", ¬
"PlayerChat.class", "PlayerChat$1.class"}
set chosenfolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose the Game folder to install the mods."
tell application "Finder"
if exists folder "mods" of chosenfolder then delete folder "mods" of chosenfolder
set modsFolder to make new folder at chosenfolder with properties {name:"mods"}
repeat with anItem in modsItems
make new file at modsFolder with properties {name:anItem}
end repeat
set displayFolder to make new folder at modsFolder with properties {name:"Display"}
repeat with anItem in displayItems
make new file at displayFolder with properties {name:anItem}
end repeat
set jortpepeFolder to make new folder at modsFolder with properties {name:"jortpepe"}
repeat with anItem in jortpepeItems
make new file at jortpepeFolder with properties {name:anItem}
end repeat
set utilityFolder to make new folder at jortpepeFolder with properties {name:"Utilities"}
set managerFolder to make new folder at jortpepeFolder with properties {name:"Managers"}
set listenerFolder to make new folder at jortpepeFolder with properties {name:"Listeners"}
repeat with anItem in utilityItems
make new file at utilityFolder with properties {name:anItem}
end repeat
repeat with anItem in managerItems
make new file at managerFolder with properties {name:anItem}
end repeat
repeat with anItem in listenerItems
make new file at listenerFolder with properties {name:anItem}
end repeat
end tell

I already got the answer. In the script you'll see this code:
set thisfolder6 to make new file at thisfolder3 with properties {name:"Listeners"}
And I forgot to change the new file to new folder (I just did copy, paste, copy, paste, etc.)
So now the fixed code is:
set thisfolder6 to make new folder at thisfolder3 with properties {name:"Listeners"}
(I also changed this for the other rows)


Folder contents to TextEdit document

I found this script in
tell application "Finder"
set thisFolder to choose folder with prompt "Please select the folder you wish to process." without invisibles
set theseFiles to files of thisFolder as alias list
end tell
tell application "TextEdit"
repeat with thisFile in theseFiles
set newFilename to my getFilename(thisFile)
set thisDoc to make new document
tell thisDoc
make new attachment with properties {file name:thisFile}
set pathtofile to ((thisFolder as string) & newFilename & ".rtfd") as Unicode text
save in file pathtofile
end tell
close front document saving no
end repeat
end tell
on getFilename(thisFile)
set {atid, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, ":"}
set theFilename to last text item of (thisFile as text)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
set newFilename to first text item of theFilename
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to atid
return newFilename
end getFilename
This script do one TextEdit file per one file of source folder.
How can I modify this script to creates one TextEdit file of all files of source folder? The result file will contain all folder files.
I do not need a list of file names into TextEdit document. I need all FILES into TextEdit document with attachments (RTFD format).
I'll confess that I'm not precisely clear what an 'attachment' is in TextEdit lingo, or what it might be used for, but if you just want one file with all of these attachments added to it it, that's easy enough:
tell application "Finder"
set thisFolder to choose folder with prompt "Please select the folder you wish to process." without invisibles
set theFileName to name of thisFolder
set theseFiles to files of thisFolder as alias list
end tell
tell application "TextEdit"
set thisDoc to make new document
set pathtofile to ((thisFolder as string) & theFileName & ".rtfd") as Unicode text
tell thisDoc
repeat with thisFile in theseFiles
make new attachment with properties {file name:thisFile}
end repeat
save in file pathtofile
end tell
close front document saving no
end tell
Per the comments, here's a version that applies this routine to subfolders. I've cleaned up the code a bit (I like using System Events better than the Finder), but it's the same process.
set thisFolder to choose folder with prompt "Please select the folder you wish to process." without invisibles
tell application "System Events"
set subFolders to folders of thisFolder
repeat with aFolder in subFolders
set folderName to name of aFolder
set filePath to (POSIX path of thisFolder) & "/" & folderName & ".rtfd"
set fileList to (POSIX path of every file of aFolder whose visible is true)
tell application "TextEdit"
set thisDoc to make new document
tell thisDoc
repeat with aFile in fileList
make new attachment with properties {file name:(POSIX file aFile) as alias}
end repeat
save in POSIX file filePath
end tell
close front document saving no
end tell
end repeat
end tell
I know you can do something like what you may be looking for in command line.
ls path_to_folder > path_to_export_file.txt
ls ~/Desktop/ > ~/Desktop/export2.txt
I am pretty sure you would be able to integrate that into AppleScript to do whatever else you need.

AppleScript / FolderAction - Rename files when dropped in folder > Endless Loop

I am trying to do the following with a FolderAction and AppleScript:
Everytime I drop a file on a specific folder it should be renamed and then moved into another folder.
The problem is I get something like an infinite loop (I think) because when the file gets renamed the folder assumes that there is a new file in the folder and so on.
I really don't know how to avoid this and stop the endless loop. Here ist my script:
global newName
set newName to ""
on adding folder items to theAttachedFolder after receiving theNewItems
-- Get the name of the attached folder
tell application "Finder"
set theName to name of theAttachedFolder
-- Count the new items
set theCount to length of theNewItems
-- Display an alert indicating that the new items were received
-- Loop through the newly detected items
repeat with anItem in theNewItems
set oldFileName to name of anItem
-- Rename the file
set the name of anItem to "NewFile" & oldFileName
-- Move the file to other folder
move anItem to "Macintosh HD:Users:blabla:blabla"
end repeat
end tell
tell application "Finder"
delete files of folder "Macintosh HD:Users:user:thisfolder
end tell
end adding folder items to
You are right, renaming the file triggers the folder action again.
The solution is to change the order: First move then rename.
-- Move the file to other folder
set movedItem to move anItem to "Macintosh HD:Users:blabla:blabla"
-- Rename the file
set the name of movedItem to "NewFile" & oldFileName

Create Folders Applescript

I have an Applescript that I use to create job folders. The Applescript asks for the project name and the location where the folder will be stored. After inputting the job name and folder location, the script creates the main folder and four subfolders.
Now I would like the script to create numbered subfolders within one of the current subfolders, with a prompt that asks the user how many folders to create. Is that possible?
tell application "Finder"
set JobName to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter Job Name:" default answer "Job_Name")
set loc to choose folder "Choose Parent Folder Location"
set newfoldername to JobName
set newfo to make new folder at loc with properties {name:newfoldername}
make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"Job Materials"}
make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"Previews"}
make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"PSDs"}
make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"VX"}
end tell
set JobName to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter Job Name:" default answer "Job_Name")
set loc to choose folder "Choose Parent Folder Location"
tell application "Finder"
set newfo to make new folder at loc with properties {name:JobName}
make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"Job Materials"}
make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"Previews"}
set targetFolder to make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"PSDs"}
make new folder at newfo with properties {name:"VX"}
end tell
set subCount to text returned of (display dialog "How many subfolders?" default answer 3)
if subCount ≠ "" then
subCount as integer
exit repeat
end if
end try
end repeat
repeat with i from 1 to subCount
tell application "Finder" to make new folder at targetFolder with properties {name:"Subfolder " & i}
end repeat

Applescript: make new folder structure if it doesn't exist

I've been searching through message boards trying to figure out how to execute this script. Essentially the goal is to be able to run this script while inside a folder and if certain folders do not exist, these folders would then be created. If they do already exist, nothing happens. Here's what I've cobbled together so far:
property archivesFolder : "Archives"
property imagesFolder : "Images"
property proofreadFolder : "Proofreading"
property proofFolder : "Proofs"
property sourceFolder : "Source"
tell application "Finder" to set theLocation to (folder of the front window as alias)
end try
tell application "Finder"
if (exists folder archivesFolder) then
(* do nothing *)
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:archivesFolder}
end if
if (exists folder imagesFolder) then
(* do nothing *)
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:imagesFolder}
end if
if (exists folder proofreadFolder) then
(* do nothing *)
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:proofreadFolder}
end if
if (exists folder proofFolder) then
(* do nothing *)
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:proofFolder}
end if
if (exists folder sourceFolder) then
(* do nothing *)
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:sourceFolder}
end if
end tell
What am I doing wrong ? (forgive my n00b code formatting, at work and can't figure out how to create code blocks) Also, is it possible to this not just on the front window, but on a folder that is just selected? Any help given would be awesome.
I suggest two options (to run the script):
Option 1: Take that code (assuming it does what you plan), and save it as an application (with Script Editor).
Then, just drag that application to your window toolbar (you need to have the toolbar visible). To do that, hold the command key while dragging.
Option 2: Use Butler:
(there is a free version, I don't know your OSX version).
It allows you to define system-wide shortcut keys for applescript scripts.
Create a smart item (applescript); paste the code there, and in the name of the script add the shortcut keys: example: create folder here ⇧⌥⌘N
According to your comment, I understand your problem and I can tell you that you were missing the path (the current folder, in your case theLocation)
So, in every case of if (exists folder archivesFolder) then you need to add the of theLocation like this: if not (exists folder archivesFolder of theLocation) then
Finally, knowing that you won't do any thing if the folder exists, just test the false case.
I tested this code and am posting it here:
property archivesFolder : "Archives"
property imagesFolder : "Images"
property proofreadFolder : "Proofreading"
property proofFolder : "Proofs"
property sourceFolder : "Source"
tell application "Finder" to set theLocation to (folder of the front window as alias)
end try
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists folder archivesFolder of theLocation) then
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:archivesFolder}
end if
if not (exists folder imagesFolder of theLocation) then
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:imagesFolder}
end if
if not (exists folder proofreadFolder of theLocation) then
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:proofreadFolder}
end if
if not (exists folder proofFolder of theLocation) then
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:proofFolder}
end if
if not (exists folder sourceFolder of theLocation) then
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:sourceFolder}
end if
end tell
You can also use a shell script with mkdir, since the option to create intermediate folders won't error if the folder already exists.
# define a list of folders - items will need to be quoted if they contain spaces, etc.
property theFolders : {"Archives", "Images", "ProofReading", "Proofs", "Source"} -- can also nest, e.g. "Inside/One"
tell application "Finder" to set targetFolder to (target of the front window) as alias
on error -- no window
set targetFolder to (choose folder)
end try
# build a parameter string from the folder list
set {tempTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, space}
set {theFolders, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {theFolders as text, tempTID}
do shell script "cd " & quoted form of POSIX path of targetFolder & "; mkdir -p " & theFolders
Try this:
tell application "Finder"
set theLocation to (target of front window) as string
set folderNames to {"archivesFolder", "imagesFolder", "proofreadFolder", "proofFolder", "sourceFolder"}
repeat with theFolder in folderNames
make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:"" & theFolder & ""}
end try
end repeat
end tell
This is a script I did to sort a bunch of medical files into subfolders based on the date of service (explaining the "text 5 thru 14" in the script; the files are named according to a pattern so the script can extract the date of service from the filename). Rather than check if the folder already exists, I just put the make folder instruction in a try block; if the folder already exists, the 'try' fails, but the script continues under the assumption that the folder already exists. Using the 'text' item instead of 'character' returns the extracted string as a single string and not as an array of characters that have to be converted back into a string.
tell application "Finder"
set theDirectory to "Internal Disk:Users:steven:Documents:Vondalee:Medical"
set theFiles to every file in folder theDirectory whose name extension is "pdf"
repeat with eachFile in theFiles
set theFileName to the name of eachFile
set theFolder to text 5 thru 14 of theFileName
make new folder at theDirectory with properties {name:theFolder}
end try
move eachFile to folder theFolder of folder theDirectory
end repeat
end tell

writing/reading a single variable in applescript

I'm just starting with applescript in xcode and currently have an app that asks for a folder location, then creates a folder structure.
on buttonClick_(sender)
set theLocation to choose folder with prompt "Where to save your project?"
tell application "Finder"
set newFolder to make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:(theTextField's stringValue() as string)}
set fontsFolder to make new folder at newFolder with properties {name:"fonts"}
set jpgFolder to make new folder at newFolder with properties {name:"jpg-pdf"}
set mainFolder to make new folder at newFolder with properties {name:"main"}
set printFolder to make new folder at mainFolder with properties {name:"• for printer"}
set refverFolder to make new folder at newFolder with properties {name:"ref_ver"}
set supportFolder to make new folder at newFolder with properties {name:"support"}
end tell
end buttonClick_
Now I'm trying to have the app take "theLocation" folder alias and save it, so the next time the app launches it automatically chooses that folder as the save location without having to add it. I understand the logic that will go into it, but I can't figure out how to store/read information. I've tried tutorials on writing to the info.plist, but none of them have worked. Am I missing a basic piece of info on how applescript works?
** Edit
script New_ProjectAppDelegate
property parent : class "NSObject"
property theTextField : missing value
property theLocation : ""
on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
tell standardUserDefaults() of current application's NSUserDefaults
registerDefaults_({theLocation:theLocation}) -- register the starting user default key:value items
set theLocation to objectForKey_("theLocation") as text -- read any previously saved items (which will update the values)
end tell
end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
on buttonClick_(sender)
if theLocation is "" then
set theLocation to choose folder with prompt "Where to save your project?"
tell standardUserDefaults() of current application's NSUserDefaults
setObject_forKey_(theLocation, "theLocation") -- update the default items
end tell
set theLocation to theLocation as text
--display dialog theLocation as text
end if
tell application "Finder"
set newFolder to make new folder at theLocation with properties {name:(theTextField's stringValue() as string)}
set fontsFolder to make new folder at newFolder with properties {name:"fonts"}
set jpgFolder to make new folder at newFolder with properties {name:"jpg-pdf"}
set mainFolder to make new folder at newFolder with properties {name:"main"}
set printFolder to make new folder at mainFolder with properties {name:"• for printer"}
set refverFolder to make new folder at newFolder with properties {name:"ref_ver"}
set supportFolder to make new folder at newFolder with properties {name:"support"}
end tell
end buttonClick_
on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
tell standardUserDefaults() of current application's NSUserDefaults
setObject_forKey_(theLocation, "theLocation") -- update the default items
end tell
return current application's NSTerminateNow
end applicationShouldTerminate_
end script
Properties are not persistent in Xcode scripts, but you can utilize the user defaults system. To use the defaults, you register some initial values when your application starts up, then read from the defaults (which will overwrite the registered values if they have been saved before), and when your application quits save the new values - for example:
property theLocation : "" -- this will be the (text) folder path
on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
tell standardUserDefaults() of current application's NSUserDefaults
registerDefaults_({theLocation:theLocation}) -- register the starting user default key:value items
set theLocation to objectForKey_("theLocation") as text -- read any previously saved items (which will update the values)
end tell
-- other initialization stuff
end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
on buttonClick_(sender)
if theLocation is "" then
set theLocation to choose folder with prompt "Where to save your project?"
set theLocation to theLocation as text
end if
-- display dialog theLocation
tell application "Finder"
-- create folder structure
end tell
end buttonClick_
on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
tell standardUserDefaults() of current application's NSUserDefaults
setObject_forKey_(theLocation, "theLocation") -- update the default items
end tell
return current application's NSTerminateNow
end applicationShouldTerminate_
You can define a property at the beginning of your script, which allows you to store information even after the script quits...
property theLocation : null
if theLocation is null then set theLocation to (choose folder with prompt "Where to save your project?"
The script will store the alias in "theLocation" for future use. However, saving or recompiling the script will reset the property back to its original value.
