I have looked everywhere and can't figure this one out. I'm not even sure what to call this symbol. I thought (think) it is a new line symbol, but can't seem to find an answer.
There is a little arrow before each new line in my text boxes in PowerPoint 2013. It is very small, but very noticeable. I tried to attach a picture, but just signed up and don't have the reputation points. I will work on that if no one can answer (but I believe in you). Thanks!
I figured it out on my own actually. This has been a problem for weeks and guess what. It is a custom bullet re-sized to 25% of text size.
Does anybody know where this line and the grey area to the right of it comes from?
If it's just a bug, feel free to close this question!
That line is there to give you an impression on how long your lines should be. It's good practice to keep your code within a certain width, so its readable on different resolutions.
That is the Page Guide.
You can disable it here...
By unchecking this...
You can also change the distance that it shows.
It's there to show where your code would wrap on a standard 80 character width terminal.
It seems to be a fundamental problem, but I cannot find the answer.
What I want to do ultimately is to make my custom animation of human, from the model: http://tf3dm.com/3d-model/lex-luthor-23592.html
with .blend file
So I opened it within Blender, but I couldn't find any rigged bones.. (Although the tag implies it is completely 'rigged').
Therefore I was not able to set any POSES of this character :(((((
Can anybody help me please with a brief and short step-by-step answer? (It can be just a minor short-cut problem.)
p.s. the version of Blender I currently use is 2.73
You couldn't see armature because, it was hidden. You need press alt+h or press on eye icon to be open in red square.
I'm still pretty green when it comes to Pharo so apologies in advance for what might well be a pretty dumb question. I've already done a perfunctory google search and checked out this stackoverflow entry which didn't have the answer I need. I'm looking for a ready-made color theme that has a black background. Understand, I'm not just looking to change the wallpaper background color, I want the all the windows, widgets, and window contents (workspace text in particular) to be appropriately modified as well. I'm assuming someone somewhere has already done this, I just don't know where to find it (I can't be the only one who codes at 3am and doesn't like staring at the giant light-bulb that is my monitor!).
Welcome to here, David :).
pharo is still young and fast growing and there are not many themes. So Esteban Lorenzano is working on a dark theme based on InteliJ IDEA, and you can find it here: http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~estebanlm/Pharo3DarkTheme, but it will take a long time until it's done.
I've spent like an hour tying to find a way to fix this, but I just can't do it. Some lines/characters will show up a different color in Aptana (all semicolons, some tabs, and some whole). I just installed it today, so I don't know my way around the software very well.
Here's a picture to help you get the idea:
I would like get rid of the way some sections are lighter (the line saying some text is the line the caret's on, which is not the problem)
P.S. If this is the wrong place to ask this, I'm sorry, but I'm getting frustrated searching through Google and the Aptana preferences.
I too spent way too much time on this issue.
The answer by phazei is correct:
Aptana 3, php code background highlighting
But my main problem was I didn't know where to look. So to give some insight into how I found the answer:
It turns out you can see what markup the editor is using and how it classifies any block of text, by just right-clicking on the text you are interested in and pick Show in -> Properties.
Greetings everyone,
A friend and I are discussing the possibility of a new project: A translation program that will pop up a translation whenever you hover over any word in any control, even static, non-editable ones. I know there are many browser plugins to do this sort of thing on webpages; we're thinking about how we would do it system-wide (on Windows).
Of course, the key difficulty is figuring out the word the user is hovering over. I'm aware of MSAA and Automation, but as far as I can tell, those things only allow you to get the entire contents of a control, not the specific word the mouse is over.
I stumbled upon this (proprietary) application that does pretty much exactly what we want to do: http://www.gettranslateit.com/
Somehow they are able to get the exact word the user is hovering over in almost any application (It seems to have trouble in a few apps, notably Windows Explorer). It even grabs text out of obviously custom-drawn controls, somehow. At first I thought it must be using OCR. But even when I shrink the font so far down that the text becomes a completely unreadable blob, it can still recognize words perfectly. (And yet, it doesn't recognize anything if I change the font to Wingdings. But maybe that's by design?)
Any ideas as to how it's achieving this seemingly impossible task?
EDIT: It doesn't work with Wingdings, but it does work with some other nonsense fonts, so I've confirmed it can't be OCR.
You could capture the GDI calls that output text to the display, and then figure out which word's bounding box the cursor falls in.
Well, for GDI controls you can get the position and size of the control, and you can usually get the font info. For example, with static text controls you'd use WM_GETFONT. Then once you have that you can get the position of the mouse relative to the position of the control and use one of the font functions, perhaps something like GetTextExtentPoint32 to figure out what is under the cursor. I'm pretty sure the answer lies in that direction...
You can run dumpbin /imports on the other application and see what APIs they are calling.