Shortcut to move cursor to input text in Find Navigator-Xcode 6 - xcode

What is the shortcut to move cursor to input textfield in Find Navigator in Xcode?
For example, there is a image and I want to find where the image is used in Xcode project. I copy the image's name in Project Navigator (Cmd+C), then move to the Find Navigator (Cmd+3). I want to know shortcut to move cursor to input text field instead click mouse to the text field.
Does anyone know what the shortcut is? Thank you.

After you press CMD+3, try SHIFT+TAB once or press TAB three times. Let me know if it works


drag and drop text in sublime text (build 4126)

I would like to select text and then able to drag that text to another part of the page. Currently, I can select text but can't then move it. Thanks!
You can hold Ctrl + drag, this way you will be able to do that!

Is there a way to create a hotkey to print a specific string in xcode?

Is there a way to create a hotkey to print a specific string in xcode?
For example if "H" is my hotkey, every time I click "H" it should paste "Hello" on my editor.
This would help when inserting standard fixed comments when coding.
Thanks in advance.
It's easy to do it with Xcode code snippets. First you need to create a content (your comment or code or both). Select your content by dragging mouse on it. Release your mouse then click again on the selected part of text for a second. While holding, your mouse cursor symbol will change to the pointer symbol - drag this content to code snippets library. Xcode will create new code snipped for you. It will be placed at the bottom of all snippets in snippets library with the name "My Code Snippet". Double click it. Then press "Edit" button. Name it in the field "Title". Write summary you want. Choose platform "All" or "iOS" or "OS X". Select add completion shortcut for example "hello" for "//hello comment". Once you've done with all changes press "Done" button. Every time you will write "hello" Xcode will show a pop up with snippet title you have created. Select it and press "Enter" key and your comment will be placed right there where you wrote "hello".
Animated gif shows how you can do this:

Xcode: Color highlight code/text on cursor blinking

In Android/Eclipse, if I single click on a word, all of its occurrences are color highlighted throughout the file.
Is the same possible in Xcode?
Is there a plugin for achieving it?
Is there any Automator Script/Service to achieve this ?
In xcode click into the word and then hover over it and you should see a little dropdown arrow appear to the right of the word. Click this arrow and choose 'edit all in scope'. This will highlight all occurrences in the file... and let you edit them all at once.

Replace text only in one part of a page in Visual Studio 2012

I want to replace a word only in one particular paragraph of a .cs page. I select the paragraph, but when I go to find and replace the text get deselected and the word is highlighted everywhere on the page and not only in that paragraph. Is there a way to achieve what I want in VS or should I just copy the text in another page/text editor and do the replacing there?
Thank you.
Select the text, press Ctrl+Shift+H, make sure "Selection" is selected in the "Look in" window. While the Find and Replace window is open you should be able to select whatever you want from your code window and the original selection should not change. Copy what you want to replace and paste to Find what window. Set "Replace With" window with the text to replace and click the "Replace All" button.

Keyboard shortcut to rename a variable?

In Visual Studio, when you change the name of a variable, a small red square appears underneath it and when you hover over it, a bigger yellow box appears, and when you click on that an option appears to automatically rename all instances of that variable to the new name. Is there a keyboard shortcut for this? It would be much faster than trying to hover over the tiny red box for half an hour... (if it matters I'm using the C# code editor)
EDIT: I am aware of CTRL+. but is there one where you don't have to press enter afterwards? :-)
F2 displays the Rename dialog box, which allows renaming all references for an identifier.
You can rename variables of this easy ways: Right click -> Rename or Ctrl+R-> Ctrl+R
