File Upload issue in JMeter, Content-Transfer Encoding appended to header request - jmeter

I am facing a problem with JMeter while uploading files. Server is Apache Tomcat
On comparing the POST data between the browser and JMeter, I found that
this line is coming extra in JMeter request
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary and it is not there in the browser request captured through Fiddler.
I even recorded and exported the script to JMeter from Badboy, even then, I am not able to find a solution.
Is there any way to turn it off from the JMeter request. Or Is it due to an issue in Server side code.
Does anyone encountered this type of issue, please share your ideas on how to handle this?

In Jmeter version 5.1.1, we won't see the "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary" in the "View Results Tree" request header, if you have enabled "browser-compatible header" in HTTP Request-


Getting 400 bad request when uploading attachment on Jmeter

I recorded uploading an attachment (pdf file) using blazemeter plugin, then open the jmx file using Jmeter. I modified uploads tab as in the following image and placed pdf file under bin directly. when i run the script i got 400 bad request , could you please advise what might be the issue?
As per 400 Bad Request status code description:
The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 400 Bad Request response status code indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (for example, malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).
So I would recommend using a 3rd-party sniffer tool like Fiddler or Wireshark to capture the requests originating from JMeter and the real browser and compare them.
Requests must be exactly the same (apart from dynamic parameters which need to be correlated), once you amend your JMeter configuration so it will send the same request as the real browser does your file upload will be successful.
We cannot suggest anything meaningful unless we see successful and failing requests dumps fully (URL, headers and body)

How to fix response issue in jmeter

After adding some data from csv file getting 415 status code in jmeter response. I am getting success in postman for same payload which is present in jmeter sample request header. But in jmeter it's showing error. Error is "{"type":"","title":"Unsupported Media Type","status":415,"traceId":"|fc0a70d2-46g24ac7bc010330.fc0a10d3_c9c4264_"}". I configured all the things properly. Please guide me how to fix that issue
You didn't configure at least "one thing" property: HTTP Header Manager. Add it to your Test Plan and set it up to send the same "Content-Type" header as Postman does
Most probably the value should be application/json
Also be aware that if you can successfully execute the request using Postman you can just record the request execution using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.

Jmeter response-data giving "malformed request" error

I am doing performance testing of an e-commerce website.
After adding items to the cart it is going to the shipping page
and selecting the shipping address,after that it is proceeding for checkout
In the shipping page,it is giving the following error in the response data
{"status":400,"message":"Malformed request","additional_error":""}
Request is going POST and data as **JSON
How to resolve this error?
We don't know.
It is either a bug in your application or your HTTP Request you're sending with JMeter is really malformed and you need to fix it.
I would recommend capturing the same request to the shipping page originating from the real browser and JMeter using an external sniffer tool like Wireshark or Fiddler. The requests have to be exactly the same (apart from dynamic data which needs to be correlated). Given you send the same request you should receive the same response. Amend your request to 100% match what you see from the browser and the issue should go away.
In the 99% of cases REST requests are failing due to missing Content-Type header with the value of application/json or similar (sometimes charset has to be specified as well). You can add this (and other) headers using HTTP Header Manager

services working fine on rest client but not on Jmeter

I am performing load testing of my web based application.
The service page is working fine on Advance Rest Client application but it is giving 404 page not found error on Jmeter.
Please guide me how to resolve.
404 means your url is probably wrong.
Show your configuration of Test plan for further details.
Add View Results Tree listener to inspect request and response details, HTTP 404 response code usually stands for non-existent URL.
Most likely you'll also have to add HTTP Header Manager to send the relevant Content-Type header as your request might not be properly handled due to missing or incorrect content type.
I would recommend using a sniffer tool like Wireshark to compare what's being send by the "Advance Rest Client" and by JMeter and tweak JMeter test accordingly. If you fail to figure that out by yourself - you can upload captured traffic files somewhere so we could take a look.
See Testing SOAP/REST Web Services Using JMeter guide for baseline JMeter configuration for testing web services.

Getting Internal server error for partcular request in jmeter

I am getting Internal server error in jmeter for particular request but same url its working fine in browser,even i handled the cookie in the script and checked web traffic in fiddler and header manager everything is correct but still its showing internal server error.
Perhaps you need to configure some HTTP header in your request to make it work. Your browser is inserting them as default, but for JMeter you need to do it manually.
Using a recording tool might help on the specifics, but even though you will need some changes on your test script.
I recommend BlazeMeter Chrome Plugin, it will insert any necessary HTTP headers for you based on the browser of choice.
Your site might require Cookies, therefore you need to use a Cookie Manager for that. In order to Test the requests, use the Listeners "Response Assert" or "Save Responses to a File" to check if the response was sent properly.
