Efficient graph search with brute force - performance

I could not think of a better title.
My problem is this:
I have a list of symbols and each of them is tagged with at least one classification (some of them could have more).
Let's say that I have 4 symbols: [[1,2], 1, 1, 1,] -> the first one can be classified as 1 or 2 and the other 3 are always classified as 1 (instead of numbers you could think of strings such as 'human', 'animal' and so on).
I have some "rules" that can merge symbols and generate new ones. This process generate a graph. In the example above, I have 2 initial states:
[1,1,1,1] and [2,1,1,1] and if I apply some rules on them I obtain 2 distinct graphs (rules such as unify an 1 with an 1 if, or a 2 with an 1 if and so on...).
One solution could be to apply every rule to every initial state and generate the final graph, but I was thinking that some part of the graph could potentially be the same and I would end up recomputing the same thing more than once.
For example, if I have [[1,2,3], 1,....long part disjoint from the previous one], maybe the only differences in these graphs is only on the left part, but the right one is always the same (with a brute force approach, I would always recompute it).
Could you think of a clever way to not recompute the same portion of the graph? Does this problem I have remember you about something that I could read?


Efficient algorithm for eliminating nodes in "graph"?

Suppose I have a a graph with 2^N - 1 nodes, numbered 1 to 2^N - 1. Node i "depends on" node j if all the bits in the binary representation of j that are 1, are also 1 in the binary representation of i. So, for instance, if N=3, then node 7 depends on all other nodes. Node 6 depends on nodes 4 and 2.
The problem is eliminating nodes. I can eliminate a node if no other nodes depend on it. No nodes depend on 7; so I can eliminate 7. After eliminating 7, I can eliminate 6, 5, and 3, etc. What I'd like is to find an efficient algorithm for listing all the possible unique elimination paths. (that is, 7-6-5 is the same as 7-5-6, so we only need to list one of the two). I have a dumb algorithm already, but I think there must be a better way.
I have three related questions:
Does this problem have a general name?
What's the best way to solve it?
Is there a general formula for the number of unique elimination paths?
Edit: I should note that a node cannot depend on itself, by definition.
Edit2: Let S = {s_1, s_2, s_3,...,s_m} be the set of all m valid elimination paths. s_i and s_j are "equivalent" (for my purposes) iff the two eliminations s_i and s_j would lead to the same graph after elimination. I suppose to be clearer I could say that what I want is the set of all unique graphs resulting from valid elimination steps.
Edit3: Note that elimination paths may be different lengths. For N=2, the 5 valid elimination paths are (),(3),(3,2),(3,1),(3,2,1). For N=3, there are 19 unique paths.
Edit4: Re: my application - the application is in statistics. Given N factors, there are 2^N - 1 possible terms in statistical model (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analysis_of_variance#ANOVA_for_multiple_factors) that can contain the main effects (the factors alone) and various (2,3,... way) interactions between the factors. But an interaction can only be present in a model if all sub-interactions (or main effects) are present. For three factors a, b, and c, for example, the 3 way interaction a:b:c can only be in present if all the constituent two-way interactions (a:b, a:c, b:c) are present (and likewise for the two-ways). Thus, the model a + b + c + a:b + a:b:c would not be allowed. I'm looking for a quick way to generate all valid models.
It seems easier to think about this in terms of sets: you are looking for families of subsets of {1, ..., N} such that for each set in the family also all its subsets are present. Each such family is determined by the inclusion-wise maximal sets, which must be overlapping. Families of pairwise overlapping sets are called Sperner families. So you are looking for Sperner families, plus the union of all the subsets in the family. Possibly known algorithms for enumerating Sperner families or antichains in general are useful; without knowing what you actually want to do with them, it's hard to tell.
Thanks to #FalkHüffner's answer, I saw that what I wanted to do was equivalent to finding monotonic Boolean functions for N arguments. If you look at the figure on the Wikipedia page for Dedekind numbers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedekind_number) the figure expresses the problem graphically. There is an algorithm for generating monotonic Boolean functions (http://www.mathpages.com/home/kmath094.htm) and it is quite simple to construct.
For my purposes, I use the algorithm, then eliminate the first column and last row of the resulting binary arrays. Starting from the top row down, each row has a 1 in the ith column if one can eliminate the ith node.
You can build a "heap", in which at depth X are all the nodes with X zeros in their binary representation.
Then, starting from the bottom layer, connect each item to a random parent at the layer above, until you get a single-component graph.
Note that this graph is a tree, i.e., each node except for the root has exactly one parent.
Then, traverse the tree (starting from the root) and count the total number of paths in it.
The method above is bad, because you cannot just pick a random parent for a given item - you have a limited number of items from which you can pick a "legal" parent... But I'm leaving this method here for other people to give their opinion (perhaps it is not "that bad").
In any case, why don't you take your graph, extract a spanning-tree (you can use Prim algorithm or Kruskal algorithm for finding a minimal-spanning-tree), and then count the number of paths in it?

Algorithm for expressing reordering, as minimum number of object moves

This problem arises in synchronization of arrays (ordered sets) of objects.
Specifically, consider an array of items, synchronized to another computer. The user moves one or more objects, thus reordering the array, behind my back. When my program wakes up, I see the new order, and I know the old order. I must transmit the changes to the other computer, reproducing the new order there. Here's an example:
index 0 1 2
old order A B C
new order C A B
Define a move as moving a given object to a given new index. The problem is to express the reordering by transmitting a minimum number of moves across a communication link, such that the other end can infer the remaining moves by taking the unmoved objects in the old order and moving them into as-yet unused indexes in the new order, starting with the lowest index and going up. This method of transmission would be very efficient in cases where a small number of objects are moved within a large array, displacing a large number of objects.
Hang on. Let's continue the example. We have
Move A to index 1
Move B to index 2
Infer moving C to index 0 (the only place it can go)
Note that the first two moves are required to be transmitted. If we don't transmit Move B to index 2, B will be inferred to index 0, and we'll end up with B A C, which is wrong. We need to transmit two moves. Let's see if we can do better…
Move C to index 0
Infer moving A to index 1 (the first available index)
Infer moving B to index 2 (the next available index)
In this case, we get the correct answer, C A B, transmitting only one move, Move C to index 0. Candidate 2 is therefore better than Candidate 1. There are four more candidates, but since it's obvious that at least one move is needed to do anything, we can stop now and declare Candidate 2 to be the winner.
I think I can do this by brute forcibly trying all possible candidates, but for an array of N items there are N! (N factorial) possible candidates, and even if I am smart enough to truncate unnecessary searches as in the example, things might still get pretty costly in a typical array which may contain hundreds of objects.
The solution of just transmitting the whole order is not acceptable, because, for compatibility, I need to emulate the transmissions of another program.
If someone could just write down the answer that would be great, but advice to go read Chapter N of computer science textbook XXX would be quite acceptable. I don't know those books because, I'm, hey, only an electrical engineer.
Jerry Krinock
I think that the problem is reducible to Longest common subsequence problem, just find this common subsequence and transmit the moves that are not belonging to it. There is no prove of optimality, just my intuition, so I might be wrong. Even if I'm wrong, that may be a good starting point to some more fancy algorithm.
Information theory based approach
First, have a bit series such that 0 corresponds to 'regular order' and 11 corresponds to 'irregular entry'. Whenever there in irregular entry also add the original location of the entry that is next.
Eg. Assume original order of ABCDE for the following cases
ABDEC: 001 3 01 2
BCDEA: 1 1 0001 0
Now, if the probability of making a 'move' is p, this method requires roughly n + n*p*log(n) bits.
Note that if p is small the number of 0s is going to be high. You can further compress the result to:
n*(p*log(1/p) + (1-p)*log(1/(1-p))) + n*p*log(n) bits

Combinations of binary features (vectors)

The source data for the subject is an m-by-n binary matrix (only 0s and 1s are allowed).
m Rows represent observations, n columns - features. Some observations are marked as targets which need to be separated from the rest.
While it looks like a typical NN, SVM, etc problem, I don't need generalization. What I need is an efficient algorithm to find as many as possible combinations of columns (features) that completely separate targets from other observations, classify, that is.
For example:
f1 f2 f3
o1 1 1 0
t1 1 0 1
o2 0 1 1
Here {f1, f3} is an acceptable combo which separates target t1 from the rest (o1, o2) (btw, {f2} is NOT as by task definition a feature MUST be present in a target). In other words,
t1(f1) & t1(f3) = 1 and o1(f1) & o1(f3) = 0, o2(f1) & o2(f3) = 0
where '&' represents logical conjunction (AND).
The m is about 100,000, n is 1,000. Currently the data is packed into 128bit words along m and the search is optimized with sse4 and whatnot. Yet it takes way too long to obtain those feature combos.
After 2 billion calls to the tree descent routine it has covered about 15% of root nodes. And found about 8,000 combos which is a decent result for my particular application.
I use some empirical criteria to cut off less probable descent paths, not without limited success, but is there something radically better? Im pretty sure there gotta be?.. Any help, in whatever form, reference or suggestion, would be appreciated.
I believe the problem you describe is NP-Hard so you shouldn't expect to find the optimum solution in a reasonable time. I do not understand your current algorithm, but here are some suggestions on the top of my head:
1) Construct a decision tree. Label targets as A and non-targets as B and let the decision tree learn the categorization. At each node select the feature such that a function of P(target | feature) and P(target' | feature') is maximum. (i.e. as many targets as possible fall to positive side and as many non-targets as possible fall to negative side)
2) Use a greedy algorithm. Start from the empty set and at each time step add the feauture that kills the most non-target rows.
3) Use a randomized algorithm. Start from a small subset of positive features of some target, use the set as the seed for the greedy algorithm. Repeat many times. Pick the best solution. Greedy algorithm will be fast so it will be ok.
4) Use a genetic algorithm. Generate random seeds for the greedy algorithm as in 3 to generate good solutions and cross-product them (bitwise-and probably) to generate new candidates seeds. Remember the best solution. Keep good solutions as the current population. Repeat for many generations.
You will need to find the answer "how many of the given rows have the given feature f" fast so probably you'll need specialized data structures, perhaps using a BitArray for each feature.

Algorithm design to assign nodes to graphs

I have a graph-theoretic (which is also related to combinatorics) problem that is illustrated below, and wonder what is the best approach to design an algorithm to solve it.
Given 4 different graphs of 6 nodes (by different, I mean different structures, e.g. STAR, LINE, COMPLETE, etc), and 24 unique objects, design an algorithm to assign these objects to these 4 graphs 4 times, so that the number of repeating neighbors on the graphs over the 4 assignments is minimized. For example, if object A and B are neighbors on 1 of the 4 graphs in one assignment, then in the best case, A and B will not be neighbors again in the other 3 assignments.
Obviously, the degree to which such minimization can go is dependent on the specific graph structures given. But I am more interested in a general solution here so that given any 4 graph structures, such minimization is guaranteed as the result of the algorithm.
Any suggestion/idea of solving this problem is welcome, and some pseudo-code may well be sufficient to illustrate the design. Thank you.
You have 24 elements, I will name this elements from A to X (24 first letters).
Each of these elements will have a place in one of the 4 graphs. I will assign a number to the 24 nodes of the 4 graphs from 1 to 24.
I will identify the position of A by a 24-uple =(xA1,xA2...,xA24), and if I want to assign A to the node number 8 for exemple, I will write (xa1,Xa2..xa24) = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0...0), where 1 is on position 8.
We can say that A =(xa1,...xa24)
e1...e24 are the unit vectors (1,0...0) to (0,0...1)
note about the operator '.':
There are some constraints on A,...X with these notations :
Xii is in {0,1}
Sum(Xai)=1 ... Sum(Xxi)=1
Sum(Xa1,xb1,...Xx1)=1 ... Sum(Xa24,Xb24,... Xx24)=1
Since one element can be assign to only one node.
I will define a graph by defining the neighbors relation of each node, lets say node 8 has neighbors node 7 and node 10
to check that A and B are neighbors on node 8 for exemple I nedd:
A.e8=1 and B.e7 or B.e10 =1 then I just need A.e8*(B.e7+B.e10)==1
in the function isNeighborInGraphs(A,B) I test that for every nodes and I get one or zero depending on the neighborhood.
4 graphs of 6 nodes, the position of each element is defined by an integer from 1 to 24.
(1 to 6 for first graph, etc...)
e1... e24 are the unit vectors (1,0,0...0) to (0,0...1)
Let A, B ...X be the N elements.
Graph descriptions:
//if 1 and 2 are neigbors in one graph
for exemple
State of the system:
L(A)=[B,B,C,E,G...] // list of
neigbors of A (can repeat)
for element in [B,X]
if IsNeigbotInGraphs(A,Element)
Objective functions
N(A)=len(L(A))+Sum(IsneigborInGraph(A,i),i in L(A))
N(X)= ...
Description of the algorithm
start with an initial position
A=e1... X=e24
Actualize L(A),L(B)... L(X)
Solve this (with a solveur, ampl for
exemple will work I guess since it's
a nonlinear optimization
Objective function
min(Sum(N(Z),Z=A to X)
Sum(Xai)=1 ... Sum(Xxi)=1
Sum(Xa1,xb1,...Xx1)=1 ...
Sum(Xa24,Xb24,... Xx24)=1
You get the best solution
4.Repeat step 2 and 3, 3 more times.
If all four graphs are K_6, then the best you can do is choose 4 set partitions of your 24 objects into 4 sets each of cardinality 6 so that the pairwise intersection of any two sets has cardinality at most 2. You can do this by choosing set partitions that are maximally far apart in the Hasse diagram of set partitions with partial order given by refinement. The general case is much harder, but perhaps you can still begin with this crude approximation of a solution and then be clever with which vertex is assigned which object in the four assignments.
Assuming you don't want to cycle all combinations and calculate the sum every time and choose the lowest, you can implement a minimum problem (solved depending on your constraints using either a linear programming solver i.e. symplex algorithm engines or a non-linear solver, much harder talking in terms of time) with constraints on your variables (24) depending on the shape of your path. You can also use free software like LINGO/LINDO to create rapidly a decision theory model and test its correctness (you need decision theory notions though)
If this has anything to do with the real world, then it's unlikely that you absolutely must have a solution that is the true minimum. Close to the minimum should be good enough, right? If so, you could repeatedly randomly make the 4 assignments and check the results until you either run out of time or have a good-enough solution or appear to have stopped improving your best solution.

Ordering a dictionary to maximize common letters between adjacent words

This is intended to be a more concrete, easily expressable form of my earlier question.
Take a list of words from a dictionary with common letter length.
How to reorder this list tto keep as many letters as possible common between adjacent words?
Example 1:
reorders to:
Example 2:
reorders to:
The simplest algorithm seems to be: Pick anything, then search for the shortest distance?
However, DEVI->KALI (1 common) is equivalent to DEVI->SHRI (1 common)
Choosing the first match would result in fewer common pairs in the entire list (4 versus 5).
This seems that it should be simpler than full TSP?
What you're trying to do, is calculate the shortest hamiltonian path in a complete weighted graph, where each word is a vertex, and the weight of each edge is the number of letters that are differenct between those two words.
For your example, the graph would have edges weighted as so:
DEVI X 3 3 4
KALI 3 X 3 3
SHRI 3 3 X 4
VACH 4 3 4 X
Then it's just a simple matter of picking your favorite TSP solving algorithm, and you're good to go.
My pseudo code:
Create a graph of nodes where each node represents a word
Create connections between all the nodes (every node connects to every other node). Each connection has a "value" which is the number of common characters.
Drop connections where the "value" is 0.
Walk the graph by preferring connections with the highest values. If you have two connections with the same value, try both recursively.
Store the output of a walk in a list along with the sum of the distance between the words in this particular result. I'm not 100% sure ATM if you can simply sum the connections you used. See for yourself.
From all outputs, chose the one with the highest value.
This problem is probably NP complete which means that the runtime of the algorithm will become unbearable as the dictionaries grow. Right now, I see only one way to optimize it: Cut the graph into several smaller graphs, run the code on each and then join the lists. The result won't be as perfect as when you try every permutation but the runtime will be much better and the final result might be "good enough".
[EDIT] Since this algorithm doesn't try every possible combination, it's quite possible to miss the perfect result. It's even possible to get caught in a local maximum. Say, you have a pair with a value of 7 but if you chose this pair, all other values drop to 1; if you didn't take this pair, most other values would be 2, giving a much better overall final result.
This algorithm trades perfection for speed. When trying every possible combination would take years, even with the fastest computer in the world, you must find some way to bound the runtime.
If the dictionaries are small, you can simply create every permutation and then select the best result. If they grow beyond a certain bound, you're doomed.
Another solution is to mix the two. Use the greedy algorithm to find "islands" which are probably pretty good and then use the "complete search" to sort the small islands.
This can be done with a recursive approach. Pseudo-code:
Start with one of the words, call it w
FindNext(w, l) // l = list of words without w
Get a list l of the words near to w
If only one word in list
Return that word
For every word w' in l do FindNext(w', l') //l' = l without w'
You can add some score to count common pairs and to prefer "better" lists.
You may want to take a look at BK-Trees, which make finding words with a given distance to each other efficient. Not a total solution, but possibly a component of one.
This problem has a name: n-ary Gray code. Since you're using English letters, n = 26. The Wikipedia article on Gray code describes the problem and includes some sample code.
