How to redirect grep to a while loop - bash

Hi I have the following bash script code
while read -r line
popAll=$line | cut -d "{" -f2 | cut -d "}" -f1 | tr -cd "," | wc -c
if [[ $popAll = 0 ]]; then
group2 = $((group2+2));
group2 = $((group2+popAll+1));
done << (grep -w "token" "$file")
and I get the following error:
./parsingTrace: line 153: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./parsingTrace: line 153: `done << (grep -w "pop" "$file")'
I do not want to pipe grep to the while, because I want variable inside the loop to be visible outside

The problem is in this line:
done << (grep -w "token" "$file")
# ^^
You need to say < and then <(). The first one is to indicate the input for the while loop and the second one for the process substitution:
done < <(grep -w "token" "$file")
# ^ ^
Note however that there are many others things you want to check. See the comments for a discussion and paste the code in ShellCheck for more details. Also, by indicating some sample input and desired output I am sure we can find a better way to do this.


What's wrong with my function() in Shell Script! Syntax Token errors near {?

# I get the newest file in Directory
latest_file=$(ls -t | head -n 1)
# getting Token syntax error here getAlldoublicate() '{
Alldoublicate=$(tr -s ',' ' ' <latest_file | awk '{print $2" "$3" "$4}' | uniq -d)
# here I try to find dublicate rows in csv
if [[ -s latest_file]] ; then
# here I check if file is emty
cat "$latest_file" | mailx -s "$latest_file is empty" bla..`#bla
I guess this is your code.
# I get the newest file in Directory
latest_file=$(ls -t | head -n 1)
# getting Token syntax error here
# here I try to find dublicate rows in csv
Alldoublicate=$(tr -s ',' ' ' < $1 | awk '{print $2" "$3" "$4}' | uniq -d)
if [[ -s $latest_file ]]; then
# here I check if file is emty
getAlldoublicate $latest_file
cat $latest_file | mailx -s "$latest_file is empty" bla.. #bla
Three points you need to pay attention:
function must be defined first before being use.
You can pass the latest_file as an argument when calling getAlldoublicate. Then you could use it by $1 in the function. ($0 stands for the function being called itself).
It would be better if you read the How to Format Tutorials before asking questions.

For loop and confition including Curl command

I am trying to write a script where I enumerate users by checking the HTTP reponse length. I want to get output "good" when response is not equal 23, however I get these errors now:
for ((i=113;i<=115;i++)); do
if [[curl -i -s -k -X 'GET' "http://myurl/some.asp?q=$i" |
grep Content-Length | cut -d' ' -f2 != 23]]
echo "good"
bash: [[curl: command not found
cut: !=: No such file or directory
cut: 23]]: No such file or directory
cut: !=: No such file or directory
cut: 23]]: No such file or directory
bash: [[curl: command not found
cut: !=: No such file or directory
cut: 23]]: No such file or directory
bash: [[curl: command not found
If I simply make a script without if condition, then it works well:
for ((i=113;i<=115;i++)); do
curl -i -s -k -X 'GET' "http://myurl/some.asp?q=$i" |
grep Content-Length
I checked many examples but can't seem to figure out where I am doing wrong.
After updating your initial error, you may have a syntax like (suggestion: put some effort on format, so that it is more clear what you have and what may be wrong):
for ((i=113;i<=115;i++))
if [[ curl -i -s -k -X 'GET' "http://myurl/some.asp?q=$i" | grep Content-Length | cut -d' ' -f2 != 23 ]]
echo "good"
This is returning you the error:
bash: conditional binary operator expected bash: syntax error near
Which is normal, because you are basically saying:
if [[ command ]]; then ...
Where command is a set of multiple piped commands. However, in [[ you just can add expressions on the form "$var" -eq 23 or "$(command)" -ne 23.
So use $( ) to execute the command: if [[ "$(command)" -ne 23 ]]:
if [[ "$(curl -i -s -k -X 'GET' "http://myurl/some.asp?q=$i" | grep Content-Length | cut -d' ' -f2)" -ne 23 ]]
Note I am using -ne to perform an integer comparison that means "not equal to".
Finally, notice that awk alone can do what grep and cut do in two steps:
... | grep "Content-Length" | cut -d' ' -f2
This means: check the line containing "Content-Length" and print its second field. awk makes it simple by saying:
... | awk '/Content-Length/ {print $2}'
And last, but not least, your expression for ((i=113;i<=115;i++)) can be also written as for i in {113..115} using brace expansion.
If you want to test a result of the command execution you should put it into $() . So the resulting script should look as follows:
for i in {113..115}; do if [[ $(curl -i -s -k -X 'GET' "http://myurl/some.asp?q=$i" | grep Content-Length | cut -d' ' -f2) != 23 ]]; then echo "good" ; fi; done
Also I've changed a way you iterate the values. {a..b} in bash provides a sequence from 'a' to 'b'.

Errors in bash script. Syntax error near unexpected token

Do you know what is wrong with my script as I always get the error mesage:
position frac1 frac2
: command not found:
'/ line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `do
'/ line 3: `for lineF1 in $(cat $1); do
Code here:
export IFS=$'\n'
echo "position frac1 frac2";
for lineF1 in $(cat $1); do
if [ $(echo $lineF1 | cut -b 1-2) = "##" ]; then
echo "skip line" >&2;
startF1=$(echo $lineF1 | cut -f 4);
stopF1=$(echo $lineF1 | cut -f 5);
fracF1=$(echo $lineF1 | cut -f 9 | cut -d ";" -f 4 | cut -d "=" -f 2);
lineF2=$(grep "$startF1" $2);
if [ -z "$lineF2" ]; then
echo "position $startF1 cannot be found" >&2;
fracF2=$(echo $lineF2 | cut -f 9 | cut -d ";" -f 4 | cut -d "=" -f 2);
echo "$startF1 $fracF1 $fracF2";
There's nothing wrong with it, you must not be running it with BASH.
Edited to say you need to check your line endings, your comment below with the ^M means that you have extra characters on the line. See here.
Try putting the "shebang" line in the script shebang docs
To do this, run which bash which will tell you something like /bin/bash. Your script should then be:
echo "I'm running with bash!"
Try that, your syntax is OK.

operand expected (Error token is "-") and ambiguous redirect

I have to errors, operand expected and ambiguous redirect.
Here's my code:
read input >| inputfile
file_name=$(cut -d" " -f1 inputfile)
i=$(cut -d" " -f2 inputfile)
j=$(cut -d" " -f3 inputfile)
k=$(cut -d" " -f4 inputfile)
l=$(cut -d" " -f5 inputfile)
while read line
if [ $currentlinecount -ge $k && $currentlinecount -le $l ]
echo -n $line >| linefile
echo -n $line
for number in linefile
echo $number
done < $file_name
echo $result
And the errors:
./P4.4: line 8: -: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "-")
./P4.4: line 24: $file_name: ambiguous redirect
line 8 is: maxlinetoget=$[$l-$k]
line 24 is: done < $file_name
I have no idea what's wrong, please tell me.
Both errors are the result of the fact that neither $l not $file_name have a value. Bash sometimes produces mysterious error messages when unquoted variables are empty. (You would have gotten more sensible error messages if you'd used $((l-k)) instead of the deprecated $[$l-$k], or had quoted your substitutions, particularly "$file_name".)
read line >| inputfile
reads one line from stdin and puts it in the variable $line. It produces no output, so inputfile is empty. Consequently, all of the following cut commands produce no output (nothing-in, nothing-out: the infamous NINO).
What you apparently wanted to do was
read file_name i j k l rest
((maxlinetoget = l - k))
# Or maxlinetoget=$((l-k))

Getting error: sed: -e expression #1, char 2: unknown command: `.'

EDIT: FIXED. Now concerned with optimizing the code.
I am writing a script to separate data from one file into multiple files. When I run the script, I get the error: "sed: -e expression #1, char 2: unknown command: `.'" without any line number, making it somewhat hard to debug. I have checked the lines in which I use sed individually, and they work without problem. Any ideas? I realize that there are a lot of things that I did somewhat unconventionally and that there are faster ways of doing some things (I'm sure there's a way to avoid continuously importing somefile), but right now I'm just trying to understand this error. Here is the code:
x1=$(sed -n '1p' < somefile | cut -f1)
y1=$(sed -n '1p' < somefile | cut -f2)
for i in 1..$(seq 1 $(cat "somefile" | wc -l))
x2=$(sed -n $i$p < somefile | cut -f1)
y2=$(sed -n $i$p < somefile | cut -f1)
if [ "$x1" = "$x2" ] && [ "$y1" = "$y2" ];
s="$(sed -n $i$p < somefile | cut -f3) $(sed -n $i$p < somefile | cut$
echo $s >> "$x1-$y1.txt"
The problem is in the following line:
for i in 1..$(seq 1 $(cat "somefile" | wc -l))
If somefile were to have 3 lines, then this would result in following values of i:
Clearly, something like sed -n 1..1p < filename would result in the error you are observing: sed: -e expression #1, char 2: unknown command: '.'
You rather want:
for i in $(seq 1 $(cat "somefile" | wc -l))
This is the cause of the problem:
for i in 1..$(seq 1 $(cat "somefile" | wc -l))
Try just
for i in $(seq 1 $(wc -l < somefile))
However, you are reading your file many, many times too often with all those sed commands. Read it just once:
read x1 y1 < <(sed 1q somefile)
while read x2 y2 f3 f4; do
if [[ $x1 = $x2 && $y1 = $y2 ]]; then
echo "$f3 $f4"
done < somefile > "$x1-$y1.txt"
The line where you construct the s variable is truncated -- I'm assuming you have 4 fields per line.
Note: a problem with cut-and-paste coding is that you introduce errors: you assign y2 the same field as x2
