Cant get gtest working with Xcode 6.2 - xcode

I'm trying to follow the instructions from Here.
The instructions seem very straight forward, but I can't get it to compile. If I download the gtest file from the website, it appears there are header files missing from the include directory which means they don't get into the gtest-framework.
the files are the gtest-port-arch.h and everything in the internal/custom folder. I get complier errors that these files are not found.
If I get the source from the svn, all of the files are present in the include dir of the sdk, however, the source folder in the xcode project omits the same files from being added to the project. I have to add them myself then build the frame work. The missing files are then present, but when I build the gtest-framework and add it to the test project, then the Test target's main class does not recognize the TEST calls and I get errors like C++ requires all types to be defined. I am following the steps. I really need to get this framework functioning.
Any help appreciated.

I had the same issue and couldn't find out the problem.
Ended up installing the libraries and simply linking them to Xcode, as described in the answer here
I copy the instructions here too. The only difference is that I used /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib
Moreover, do not forget to set these for your "Tests" target:
Library search paths: /usr/local/lib
User header search paths: /usr/local/include
other linker flags: -lgtest
1. Get the googletest framework
$ wget
2. Unzip and build google test
$ unzip
$ cd gtest-1.7.0
$ ./configure
$ make
3. "Install" the headers and libs on your system.
$ sudo cp -a include/gtest /usr/include
$ sudo cp -a lib/.libs/* /usr/lib/


Getting cmake to work under Cygwin on Windows 7

I installed the latest Cygwin on my Windows 7 machine: version 2.893 (64-bits). I made sure I included cmake, i.e. I was able to add several packages by running the Cygwin net release setup program again, after doing the first installation. I then tried to use cmake and made sure I invoked it from the bin directory:
user008#L0147816 /bin
$ ./cmake
CMake Error: Could not find CMAKE_ROOT !!!
CMake has most likely not been installed correctly.
Modules directory not found in
cmake [options] <path-to-source>
cmake [options] <path-to-existing-build>
Specify a source directory to (re-)generate a build system for it in the
current working directory. Specify an existing build directory to
re-generate its build system.
Run 'cmake --help' for more information.
I don't know where the build directory could be. I'm relatively new to Cygwin. I hope somebody has found a solution for getting cmake installed and working properly under Cygwin.
This looks cmake 101.
Assuming you want to just build a software download from somewhere
eg gl2ps:
# choosing a test area
$ cd /tmp
# downloading source
$ wget
# expanding source code
$ tar -xf gl2ps-1.4.0.tgz
$ ls gl2ps-1.4.0-source/
CMakeLists.txt COPYING.LGPL gl2ps.h gl2ps.tex gl2psTestSimple.c
COPYING.GL2PS gl2ps.c gl2ps.pdf gl2psTest.c README.txt
# preparing a build area
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
# invoking cmake and pointing to the source directory
$ cmake ../gl2ps-1.4.0-source/
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 7.3.0
[cut ...]
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/build
# running the build
$ make
Scanning dependencies of target shared
[ 11%] Building C object CMakeFiles/shared.dir/gl2ps.o
[ 88%] Building C object CMakeFiles/gl2psTestSimple.dir/gl2psTestSimple.o
[100%] Linking C executable gl2psTestSimple.exe
[100%] Built target gl2psTestSimple
Instead for learning how to build with cmake, go to
Here a solution I just found.
Let's name 3 directories:
{cygwin64-path}/bin/: cmake.exe is here.
{cygwin64-path}/usr/share/: cmake module directory (such as cmake-3.20.0) is here.
{cygwin64-path}/share/: cmake.exe trying to find cmake-module-directory here, but it doesn't exist.
It's wired because cygwin install cmake-module-directory in {cygwin64-path}/usr/share/, but cmake.exe looks for the directory in {cygwin64-path}/share/.
So solution is simple. Each one below works.
METHOD 1: Create the directory {cygwin64-path}/share/ and copy all relevant directories and files from {cygwin64-path}/usr/share/ to the new directory.
METHOD 2: Create a Symbolic links {cygwin64-path}/share/ to {cygwin64-path}/usr/share/.
In windows 10 Administrator cmd.exe: mklink /J share usr\share and all works.
Or use WSL or Cygwin64 Terminal: ln -s usr/share share

Trouble installing OpenCV with Cmake

I am trying to install the openCV library for Python however I am new to CMake and have run into some trouble after having cloned the repository in ~/opencv.
I've made a build directory in it with the mkdir command however once inside it when trying to set CMake options in it.
I get prompted with the following error:
CMake Error: The source directory "/Users/eDen/opencv/build/CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local" does not exist.
It seems you aren't making the right directory, some Mac OS X installations doesn't include /usr/local/. You can make the directory using, if it's not already created, with:
sudo mkdir /usr/local/
But you say you want to use OpenCV with Python. I recommend you to obtain an already compiled copy unless you need some advanced features not available in the compiled version, like Qt integration or CUDA programming. But these features are included in the arguments of the cmake command.
Instructions on how to obtain OpenCV from Homebrew repository, this page explains the process. Basically, you install Homebrew, then Python, configure it and install some dependencies.
As Tsyvarev mentioned in the comments, you need to specify the path to source directory (i.e. where the main CMakeLists.txt file exists) at the end of your command. So, supposing you are now in the build directory, the final cmake command would be as follows:
I have the last argument as .. but still get the error.
In my case, there is a bad whitespace in the above arguments. So the last .. is ignored.

zeroMQ: cannot open

I am trying to install the zeroMQ for my server(redhat 7). Here is what I did:
1) download the zeroMQ and unpack it.
2) navigate to the file where I put the zeroMQ and run the commands below:
make install
Now I can find two head files in /usr/local/include: zmq.h and zmq_utils.h and five files in /usr/local/lib: libzmq.a
Then I try to code like this:
#include <zmq.h>
void * context = zmq_init(1);
But I get this error message: undefined reference to `zmq_init'
I find that the include works well but it cant find 'zmq_init', so maybe it's the problem of lib files. But all of the lib files have been in /usr/local/lib, right?
What should I do?
Problem solved:
I got that error message because the lib files are in the directory: /usr/local/lib
What we need to do is to create a file named local-lib.conf under the directory /etc/ and write /usr/local/lib in it. The name of the file is not important but its extension must be .conf.
Then, we must navigate to /etc/ and type this command: sudo ldconfig
I tried the fix provided by #Yves above, but that didn't work out for me so here's another way for Debian/Git installations.
Alternative fix:
I have faced this issue on a Docker container which was occuring due to the libzmq/czmq which was installed by cloning the git repo.
The problem is that the shared libraries when installed using git are located in the /usr/local/lib folder instead of /usr/lib/ where usually, in my case a C/C++ program looks for shared library files.
I fixed it by copying all files from /usr/local/lib folder to/usr/lib/ using the command
$ sudo cp -R /usr/local/lib/* /usr/lib
This was for a RPi/ Ubuntu-16.04 docker, the command or location of the files may vary depending on your OS.

Need help to build Boost from source for MinGW

I was trying to build Boost library from source for MinGW. The Boost website says no guarantee but there seem to be people done it successfully. However I couldn't find much instructions on the web.
I updated the title to better reflect my problem right now.
======================== Original post ==============================
I downloaded Boost 1.53.0, unzipped it and cd to the folder in MinGW shell. It failed at the very first step I tried:
$ ./ mingw
Building Boost.Build engine with toolset gcc...
Failed to build Boost.Build build engine
Consult 'bootstrap.log' for more details
Inside the bootstrap.log the errors are:
builtins.c:33:23: fatal error: sys/wait.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
execunix.c:17:26: fatal error: sys/resource.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
fileunix.c:98:17: fatal error: ar.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Please help! Thanks!
================== End of original and beginning of update =====================
Update: I found this detailed instruction on line:
I followed it along and now got stuck in the final build step that is supposed to take a long time but I got an error instead:
$ b2 --build-dir=$BOOST_BUILD_DIR --prefix=$BOOST_INSTALL_DIR toolset=gcc variant=release link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static install 2>&1 | tee $BOOST_BUILD_DIR/build.log
error: Unable to find file or target named
error: 'boost/tr1/tr1/bcc32'
error: referred from project at
error: '.'
but the directory is there (it should be since it's just extracted from the zip file)
$ ls boost/tr1/tr1/bcc32/
array.h random.h regex.h tuple.h type_tra.h unordere.h
Getting closer but still need help! Thanks!
OK I got it working. The trick was to download the tar.bz2 file, not the zip file from sourceforge (specifically Even though both the zip and the tar.bz2 files are listed under the same file folder for the same version of Boost, the contents are different. There are some missing folders in the zip file, and the line ending conventions of the compressed files are different. At any rate after I downloaded and extracted the tar.bz2 file. I followed the instructions given here:
and successfully built the Boost library from source using MinGW shell (mintty to be exact). There were some failures but probably not important: has_icu_test, has_iconv, has_icu_obj, has_icu64_obj, .masm. At the end it says
...failed updating 2 targets...
...skipped 3 targets...
...updated 10623 targets...
Hope this will help others in the future.
Do not use bash. Build it using cmd.exe.
bootstrap.bat gcc
Compiler executable should be on PATH.
Do not use bash. Build it using cmd.exe as described below:
Install MinGw on your system. I recommend using the same bit system as your processor is. Then set the path in System Environment to the bin folder which contains g++, ... (Compiler executable should be on PATH.) files. Now you are ready to go.
For obvious reasons, start a fresh terminal (cmd.exe), don't use the already open terminals that doesn't know your new setting.
Download boost, the latest stable release, unzip it and in the command window follow the path too the main directory of the extracted boost.
Run this command: bootstrap mingw
Run this command afterwards, which will install in the folder you select as your destination.
b2 install --prefix=c:\boost\custominstallationfolder\gcc toolset=gcc
Like said above, but more specifically for me compiling boost-1.54 with gcc-mingw-4.8.1
Using a Windows shell (cmd.exe) navigate to root of boost directory directory then
bootstrap.bat gcc
b2.exe toolset=gcc

boost installation won't install without stating at least one lib?

I'd like to install just the mpl and preprocessor portions of the library but if I use this command, it tries to build and install all of them:
./ --with-libraries= --prefix=<my lib path>
I see that it is trying to because it is executing the compiler. Using ./b2 -n also shows the commands being executed.
Does anyone know what is happening? The default of --with-libraries= is supposed to be all according to the help:
--with-libraries=list build only a particular set of libraries,
describing using either a comma-separated list of
library names or "all"
--without-libraries=list build all libraries except the ones listed []
Empty shouldn't default to all, Empty should mean empty. Not specifying --with-libraries= should default to all.
Also, --without-libraries=all doesn't work either. It's a bit disappointing considering that this library has been around so long. You'd think that these people would check a simple boundary case like that. :(
There doesn't appear to be any way except to view all libraries and then specify them all after the --without-libraries= flag. However, it looks like it actually doesn't do anything, which means, I can just copy the header folder over to the include directory that I desire.
In my experience when upgrading boost, there are some tests run to see if boost is compatible with your system/compiler. In [our] case we needed filesystem and system, so it was the method we used in case of boost 1_51_0. I hope it will help.
Note: We needed static libraries only (.a) that could be compiled with shared libraries (.so). That is why we add cxxflags=-fPIC, and then we copy .a files into lib64 directory.
tar xf boost_1_51_0.tar.gz
rm boost_1_51_0.tar.gz
./ --with-libraries=filesystem,system --exec-prefix=$(pwd)
./b2 cxxflags=-fPIC
mkdir lib64
cp $(find . -name '*.a' -print | grep -v stage | grep release ) lib64
cd lib64
# Now you can delete any libraries you don't need.
Note also that you can call ./ --show-libraries to see all available libraries.
