Trouble installing OpenCV with Cmake - macos

I am trying to install the openCV library for Python however I am new to CMake and have run into some trouble after having cloned the repository in ~/opencv.
I've made a build directory in it with the mkdir command however once inside it when trying to set CMake options in it.
I get prompted with the following error:
CMake Error: The source directory "/Users/eDen/opencv/build/CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local" does not exist.

It seems you aren't making the right directory, some Mac OS X installations doesn't include /usr/local/. You can make the directory using, if it's not already created, with:
sudo mkdir /usr/local/
But you say you want to use OpenCV with Python. I recommend you to obtain an already compiled copy unless you need some advanced features not available in the compiled version, like Qt integration or CUDA programming. But these features are included in the arguments of the cmake command.
Instructions on how to obtain OpenCV from Homebrew repository, this page explains the process. Basically, you install Homebrew, then Python, configure it and install some dependencies.

As Tsyvarev mentioned in the comments, you need to specify the path to source directory (i.e. where the main CMakeLists.txt file exists) at the end of your command. So, supposing you are now in the build directory, the final cmake command would be as follows:

I have the last argument as .. but still get the error.
In my case, there is a bad whitespace in the above arguments. So the last .. is ignored.


Getting cmake to work under Cygwin on Windows 7

I installed the latest Cygwin on my Windows 7 machine: version 2.893 (64-bits). I made sure I included cmake, i.e. I was able to add several packages by running the Cygwin net release setup program again, after doing the first installation. I then tried to use cmake and made sure I invoked it from the bin directory:
user008#L0147816 /bin
$ ./cmake
CMake Error: Could not find CMAKE_ROOT !!!
CMake has most likely not been installed correctly.
Modules directory not found in
cmake [options] <path-to-source>
cmake [options] <path-to-existing-build>
Specify a source directory to (re-)generate a build system for it in the
current working directory. Specify an existing build directory to
re-generate its build system.
Run 'cmake --help' for more information.
I don't know where the build directory could be. I'm relatively new to Cygwin. I hope somebody has found a solution for getting cmake installed and working properly under Cygwin.
This looks cmake 101.
Assuming you want to just build a software download from somewhere
eg gl2ps:
# choosing a test area
$ cd /tmp
# downloading source
$ wget
# expanding source code
$ tar -xf gl2ps-1.4.0.tgz
$ ls gl2ps-1.4.0-source/
CMakeLists.txt COPYING.LGPL gl2ps.h gl2ps.tex gl2psTestSimple.c
COPYING.GL2PS gl2ps.c gl2ps.pdf gl2psTest.c README.txt
# preparing a build area
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
# invoking cmake and pointing to the source directory
$ cmake ../gl2ps-1.4.0-source/
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 7.3.0
[cut ...]
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/build
# running the build
$ make
Scanning dependencies of target shared
[ 11%] Building C object CMakeFiles/shared.dir/gl2ps.o
[ 88%] Building C object CMakeFiles/gl2psTestSimple.dir/gl2psTestSimple.o
[100%] Linking C executable gl2psTestSimple.exe
[100%] Built target gl2psTestSimple
Instead for learning how to build with cmake, go to
Here a solution I just found.
Let's name 3 directories:
{cygwin64-path}/bin/: cmake.exe is here.
{cygwin64-path}/usr/share/: cmake module directory (such as cmake-3.20.0) is here.
{cygwin64-path}/share/: cmake.exe trying to find cmake-module-directory here, but it doesn't exist.
It's wired because cygwin install cmake-module-directory in {cygwin64-path}/usr/share/, but cmake.exe looks for the directory in {cygwin64-path}/share/.
So solution is simple. Each one below works.
METHOD 1: Create the directory {cygwin64-path}/share/ and copy all relevant directories and files from {cygwin64-path}/usr/share/ to the new directory.
METHOD 2: Create a Symbolic links {cygwin64-path}/share/ to {cygwin64-path}/usr/share/.
In windows 10 Administrator cmd.exe: mklink /J share usr\share and all works.
Or use WSL or Cygwin64 Terminal: ln -s usr/share share

how to use and install SystemC in terminal mac OS X?

how to use and install SystemC in terminal mac OS X?
I tried the Logic poet application, But i use os x 10.10 so it doesn't work.
so i want to know how can i compile and execute SystemC in terminal.
I could't find the detail of SystemC in terminal.
Thank you
The other answer is correct and perfectly fine, however, I thought I'd also answer and provide a little more detail.
Install Apple's "Command Line Tools"
You have two options: install Xcode (a big download), or just the command line tools (a much smaller download). If your goal is simply building SystemC applications at the command line, then I recommend the latter.
Install Apple's "Command Line Tools" by launching Terminal, entering
$ xcode-select --install
then clicking Install. After that, you'll have make, clang and more available at the command line.
Build and install Accellera's SystemC implementation
Download the latest release from the Accellera Downloads page (annoyingly, you'll have to provide a few personal details) and extract the contents of the .zip file.
I like to keep a copy of the SystemC source code available, because it can be useful for debugging or understanding how something works. Therefore, I move the extracted folder (systemc-2.3.1) into ~/Work/Other. That's where I keep source code for third party libraries. However, you can put it wherever you like.
Open Terminal, change into the extracted folder (systemc-2.3.1), and execute:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ export CXX=clang++
$ ../configure --with-arch-suffix=
$ make install
The --with-arch-suffix= option prevents a -macosx64 suffix being add to the lib folder name, allowing your build scripts to be simpler.
After that process, the salient include and lib folders should be available within the systemc-2.3.1 folder.
Configure your build environment
There are many ways you can do this; I have a simple approach that I believe is close to what the SystemC maintainers envisioned. I define two environment variables in my .bash_profile (which is executed for every new Terminal session on OS X):
export CXX="clang++ -fcolor-diagnostics"
export SYSTEMC_HOME=~/Work/Other/systemc-2.3.1
Build a SystemC application
You could use Make, the quintessential build tool, which you get with Apple's "Command Line Tools", or any one of the plethora of other options. I use SCons with SConstruct files that look something like this:
import os
env = Environment(CXX=os.environ["CXX"],
env.Program("main.cpp", LIBS="systemc")
View trace (VCD) files
Scansion is a nice tool for this. GTKWave is another option, but it's a bit clunky.
Ensure you have xcode command line tools installed.
Follow instructions provided in the official repository.
From personal experience.
Compiling SystemC library with clang results in segmentation fault: 11
error every time I include systemc library into my code. To avoid this use gcc instead.
Note that I use gcc-8, installed with homebrew.
$ cd path/to/systemc-2.3.3
$ mkdir objdir
$ cd objdir
$ export CXX=g++-8
$ ../configure
$ make
$ make install
Use $ make check to launch examples compilation and unit tests.
To compile and run hello world example:
$ export SYSTEMC_HOME=path/to/systemc-2.3.3
$ g++-8 hello.cpp -o hello.o -L $SYSTEMC_HOME/lib-macosx64 -I $SYSTEMC_HOME/include/ -l systemc
$ ./hello.o
Tested on macOS 10.13.6; gcc version 8.2.0; systemc-2.3.3
Go here click the first link and fill in your information to get the source code
Then cd to the folder
Then run the following commands
./configure --with-unix-layout
sudo gmake install
gmake clean
After you do that it should all be saved in your use/local/(lib&include) directories
To Use
In code do this
#include "systemc.h"
I use a single makefile normally. But you could write the following to link the library. Given your cpp file is called main.
g++ -o main main.cpp -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lsystemc

Can't install OpenCv on Mac: there are no files in /usr/local

I've downloaded tar.gz files from official site(versions 2.4.3, 2.4.7, 2.4.8). Then unzipped them somewhere.
mac-mini-olia:Data olia$ cd opencv-
mac-mini-olia:opencv- olia$ mkdir build
mac-mini-olia:opencv- olia$ cd build/
mac-mini-olia:build olia$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
mac-mini-olia:build olia$ make -j8
after the last command output is
3910 warnings and 12 errors generated.
Errors are like
/Volumes/Data/opencv- error: source file is not valid UTF-8
/Volumes/Data/opencv- error: expected identifier or '('
And after that in /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include there are no files of opencv.
There are multiple ways to install OpenCV on OSX.
You can use MacPorts
Make sure you have XCode installed with it's Command Line Tools first.
(An easy way to test that is to see if xcodebuild if a found command in Terminal)
After you install MacPorts simply do
sudo port install opencv
This will take care of building the project from source and installing it for you.
(The path might be /opt/local/lib /opt/local/include though, haven't used it in a while)
There are also port variants: opencv with options. For example if you plan to use openni 1.5.x and have it integrated with opencv you can try
sudo port install opencv +openni
If you do
sudo port variants opencv
you should get a list of all the options(e.g. python support, qt support, etc.)
If you want to build from source yourself, I recommend installing the ccmake command (I think macports can also do that for you) or use the CMake gui tool. This will allow you to easily configure the build and setup your install location(/use/local/...and so on)
So you can try someting like this:
cd /path/to/your/opencv_folder
mkdir build && cd build
ccmake ..
At this stage you should see something like this:
hit Enter to change an option and Enter again to exit edit mode and use the up/down keys to scroll through the options. When you're happy with the settings, press C to configure. Once that's done, you can press G to generate. This will generate the makefiles for you so you can do this:
sudo make install
make install will actually copy the built libraries/headers to the /usr/ folder.
You might run into errors when running make, depending on your setup(e.g. if you're missing dependencies, etc.), but the cool thing about ccmake is that you can go back, run it again, disable the things you don't want to build right now and go back to the make stage.

Golang zmq binding, ZMQ4, returns package error not finding file zmq.h

I am trying to include ZMQ sockets in a Go app but both zmq4 and gozmq (the referred ZMQ binding libraries for Go) are giving me problems. I would like to understand why zmq4 specifically isn't importable on my system.
I am running a Windows 8 system and I used the windows installer from the ZMQ website for version 4.0.3. I am primarily concerned about getting zmq4 set up and here is the result of my "go get" query on the github library's location:
> go get
polling.go:4:17: fatal error: zmq.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
This issue is not alleviated by cloning the Github repository - the error remains the same.
I know the issue has to do with the C library zmq.h that is located in the "include" folder of my ZMQ installation, but whether the dependency is held up by a pathing issue or an external tool issue is a mystery to me.
A similar error has come up in regards to node.js and is the solution I see others referred to, outside of node scripting, but it was unsuccessful in my case.
I've so far included the path to the "include" folder in my PATH environment variable and previously placed zmq.h inside of the zmq4 top-level folder. I don't have much of an arsenal otherwise to understand this problem because I am new to C and C-importing packages in Go
I wanted to do the same thing, but on Windows 7, and here is what I had to do.
Since the Go bindings are using cgo to integrate with zeromq, you need zeromq built with gcc. There are no pre-built binaries, so you'll have to build them yourself, with mingw or similar, but this process is easier than it may sound, and nicely described on the zeromq site.
As #photoionized pointed out, C_INCLUDE_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH need to be set when building the Go bindings.
(In my case, I ran into a problem when compiling libzmq with IN6_ADDR not being defined. The only solution I found was, inspired by this issue, to manually add the line #include <in6addr.h> to the windows.hpp file.)
The Windows installer version of ZeroMQ won't work with zmq4, you need to compile from source with gcc, I recommend using MSYS2.
Install and update MSYS2 following the instructions from
Start the mingw32_shell.bat or mingw64_shell.bat based on Go arch (32bit or 64bit)
pacman -S mingw-w64-(x86_64|i686)-toolchain make (x86_64 for 64bit, i686 for 32bit)
cd into zeromq src folder (C:\ path starts with /c/ inside the shell)
make install
CGO_CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include CGO_LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib go get
Copy the following dlls and put them next to your go program (.exe):
Here's updated steps for #user2172816's MSYS2 solution:
Install and update MSYS2 following the instructions from
Start the mingw32_shell.bat or mingw64_shell.bat based on Go arch (32bit or 64bit)
pacman -S mingw-w64-(x86_64|i686)-toolchain make (x86_64 for 64bit, i686 for 32bit)
Add C:\msys64\mingw64\bin to your Path (pkg-config is there)
Restart the msys2 shell to get the new Path
Download and unzip libsodium source:
cd into libsodium folder (C:\ path starts with /c/ inside the shell)
./configure --build=(x86_64|i686)-w64-mingw32
make install
Add /usr/local/lib to PKG_CONFIG_PATH (export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig)
cd into zeromq src folder
./configure --build=(x86_64|i686)-w64-mingw32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "netioapi.h"
To the top of src/tcpaddress.cpp
make install
CGO_CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include CGO_LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib go get
CGO_CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include CGO_LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib go build in your project directory
Copy the following dlls and put them next to your go program (.exe):
maybe? /usr/local/bin/libsodium-*.def
An updated answer using MSYS2.
Install MSYS2 MSYS2 installation guide.
Make sure to choose the correct installation 32bit or 64bit.
Open the appropriate shell MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit or MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit. All further steps assume you are using this shell.
Update packages following instructions at the installation guide.
Install libtool pacman -Sy libtool.
Download zmq source code to a location of your choice.
Navigate to the zmq source folder.
To generate the configure file, run the autogen tool by running ./
In the probable case that step 8 fails:
Find the file at fault (probably
Replace line endings by (replace file by the actual filename).
cp file file.bak
tr -d '\r' <file.bak> file
If this fails you'll have to dive in the code and find the problem.
Run the configure tool ./configure.
In the probable case of failure. Comment out empty else clauses in the configure file.
Add Go to Path: PATH=${PATH}:<go bin directory>.
Install Go Package: CGO_CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include CGO_LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib go get
To install ZMQ in windows: Problem in Installing Golang ZMQ for windows - fatal error: czmq.h: No such file or directory
First of all, install the msys64. Download the software from and install it on C:\msys64.
Then add C:\msys64\mingw64\bin to PATH environment variable of the windows.
Then run the following commands (in CMD) one by one.
pacman -Su
pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
pacman -S base-devel gcc vim cmake
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-libsodium
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-zeromq
Finally, run the Go install command:
go get

Need help to build Boost from source for MinGW

I was trying to build Boost library from source for MinGW. The Boost website says no guarantee but there seem to be people done it successfully. However I couldn't find much instructions on the web.
I updated the title to better reflect my problem right now.
======================== Original post ==============================
I downloaded Boost 1.53.0, unzipped it and cd to the folder in MinGW shell. It failed at the very first step I tried:
$ ./ mingw
Building Boost.Build engine with toolset gcc...
Failed to build Boost.Build build engine
Consult 'bootstrap.log' for more details
Inside the bootstrap.log the errors are:
builtins.c:33:23: fatal error: sys/wait.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
execunix.c:17:26: fatal error: sys/resource.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
fileunix.c:98:17: fatal error: ar.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Please help! Thanks!
================== End of original and beginning of update =====================
Update: I found this detailed instruction on line:
I followed it along and now got stuck in the final build step that is supposed to take a long time but I got an error instead:
$ b2 --build-dir=$BOOST_BUILD_DIR --prefix=$BOOST_INSTALL_DIR toolset=gcc variant=release link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static install 2>&1 | tee $BOOST_BUILD_DIR/build.log
error: Unable to find file or target named
error: 'boost/tr1/tr1/bcc32'
error: referred from project at
error: '.'
but the directory is there (it should be since it's just extracted from the zip file)
$ ls boost/tr1/tr1/bcc32/
array.h random.h regex.h tuple.h type_tra.h unordere.h
Getting closer but still need help! Thanks!
OK I got it working. The trick was to download the tar.bz2 file, not the zip file from sourceforge (specifically Even though both the zip and the tar.bz2 files are listed under the same file folder for the same version of Boost, the contents are different. There are some missing folders in the zip file, and the line ending conventions of the compressed files are different. At any rate after I downloaded and extracted the tar.bz2 file. I followed the instructions given here:
and successfully built the Boost library from source using MinGW shell (mintty to be exact). There were some failures but probably not important: has_icu_test, has_iconv, has_icu_obj, has_icu64_obj, .masm. At the end it says
...failed updating 2 targets...
...skipped 3 targets...
...updated 10623 targets...
Hope this will help others in the future.
Do not use bash. Build it using cmd.exe.
bootstrap.bat gcc
Compiler executable should be on PATH.
Do not use bash. Build it using cmd.exe as described below:
Install MinGw on your system. I recommend using the same bit system as your processor is. Then set the path in System Environment to the bin folder which contains g++, ... (Compiler executable should be on PATH.) files. Now you are ready to go.
For obvious reasons, start a fresh terminal (cmd.exe), don't use the already open terminals that doesn't know your new setting.
Download boost, the latest stable release, unzip it and in the command window follow the path too the main directory of the extracted boost.
Run this command: bootstrap mingw
Run this command afterwards, which will install in the folder you select as your destination.
b2 install --prefix=c:\boost\custominstallationfolder\gcc toolset=gcc
Like said above, but more specifically for me compiling boost-1.54 with gcc-mingw-4.8.1
Using a Windows shell (cmd.exe) navigate to root of boost directory directory then
bootstrap.bat gcc
b2.exe toolset=gcc
