Which Visual Studio to develop Windows Phone 7.1 - visual-studio-2010

Since I cannt register Visual Express 2010 for Windows Phone anymore because Microsoft doesn't support it anymore, which Visual Studio I can do it. Is it still possible?
While I am opening my VS Express there is MessegeBox (You have to regiester it for free). When I open the link there is a sign" Page is not avaible anymore".
I have acces to DreamSpark because I am a student. I just want to finish my Windows Phone 7.1 project but now I dont know how to do it.
Anyone have an idea?

Why don't you just download the 2013 Community Edition and upgrade your project to Windows Phone 8.1 ?


Windows Phone 8.0 app packaging in Visual Studio 2015 Preview

I have got Visual Studio 2015 Ultimate Preview installation through my students Dreamspark account. I installed it on top of updated Windows 8.1. workstation.
I have Windows Phone 8.0 application that I need to publish to Windows Phone Store. I am following MS guide on their site, but I am stuck with step in which my options for packaging solution are disabled in VS 2015 Preview (can't start the wizard).
Here is the screenshot of Visual Studio:
On this site: http://goo.gl/pjbLPh I have found guide for installing Tools for Maintaining Store apps for Windows 8 but it is targeting VS 2012 and VS 2013. In my installer for VS 2015 I didn't even see this tool in optional features for install. Maybe the name is changed?
Does anyone have early experiences with VS 2015 Preview and packaging WP 8 apps for Windows Phone Store?
You have to select a Windows Store app project in the solution explorer before.
(You screenshot shows that you currently selected the solution and not a project.)
Make sure that the distribution option is selected.

Developing Windows Phone 8.1 apps in Visual Studio Express

I want to dive in into developing windows store apps. I am using visual studio express 2013 for desktop and my OS is windows 8.1. But when I want to follow a simple hello world project and I want to create a new project I am already limited in some way. I have to go to Installed > (I want to use C#) Visual C# > Universal or Windows Apps or Windows Phone Apps. But none of these 3 points are available when I want to follow the tutorial. Do you have any suggestions why this might be the case ?
To develop Windows Phone 8.1 apps, you need Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows. You're using the version for Desktop which is why you don't see the necessary templates.
You can use the tools in Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows to
create innovative and compelling Windows Phone and Windows Store apps
on Windows 8.1.
You can find and download the Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows here.

No template for Windows Phone 8.1 in Visual Studio Express 2013 with Update 2 RC

I have been developing WP (Windows Phone) 8.0 apps using Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone. To start developing for WP 8.1, I downloaded VS 2013 including update 2 RC from Windows Phone Developer site which is supposed to use to develop WP 8.1 apps.
I've tried twice, but there is no option to create WP 8.1 app even after a successful installation. What I get is only this:
i.e. no option to create Windows Phone 8.1 apps. If it matters, I'm interested in WP 8.1 Visual C# template specifically.
As I've mentioned, since I develop Windows Phone 8.0 apps, therefore Visual Studio Express (2012) for Windows Phone is already installed.
I've already gone through:
WP8 Development on Visual Studio Express 2013
Why is there no Windows Phone version of Visual Studio Express 2013?
Visual Studio 2013 and Windows Phone
How to get started with windows phone SDK 8.1?
WP8 Development on Visual Studio Express 2013
but none address the solution.
Being a windows app developer even I was baffled with the shift in Windows Phone location. You can find it in
Visual C# --> Store Apps --> Windows Phone apps.
Do sign in, in Visual Studio through Microsoft Account then go to ur notification and update ur VS and you will get this screen. Its usually caused due to some updates working only when VS can access developer's account and also I am using VS 2013 pro.
Have you installed Windows phone emulator SDK with the updated emulators?
I finally got the solution.
I downloaded both Visual Studio 2013, and update 2 RC using the /layout switch at command prompt. From MSDN:
After you download the update executable from the MSDN website to a
location on your file system, run the following command at a command
prompt: /layout.
This command downloads all the
packages for the installation. By using the /layout switch, you can
download all the installation packages, not just the ones that apply
to the download machine. This approach gives you all the files that
you need to run this update anywhere and may be useful if you want to
install components that weren't installed originally.
To do this, download the Visual Studio 2013, and Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC files (about 2-3 MBs each). Then, create a shortcut of these files on desktop, and then open properties of shortcut. In target field after ", add a space followed with /layout as shown below:
This will download all installation files to your disk and when you install the VS (the exe at specified download folder), it won't ask it to fetch from internet, rather will do it from offline files and phone SDK 8.1 will be installed too.
Please be warned that, this will take a lot of time. To save time, I suggest following what is in Update section.
While searching on internet, I found these two links on Microsoft website:
Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows
Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows with Update
In download section, these two sites show that, the offline download option is now available (as evident from the ISOs shown). Though, I don't know if that would help as I haven't tested this option. Just that this option will be much more quicker than using /layout switch.

Windows Phone development in Visual Studio 2012 RC

Today Microsoft released Windows 8 Release Preview and visual studio 2012 rc. I'm a Windows phone developer. What dev tool I have to use for create my apps in Windows 8 rp?
In Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 express download page, it is mentioned like
"A Visual Studio 2012 Express product for Windows Phone will be available in conjunction with the next Windows Phone release. Until then, you can continue to use Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone to create Windows Phone apps."
The Windows Phone 8 SDK is out now, for those that are still reading this. It includes the 7.1 and 7.1.1 as well, and all runs within Visual Studio 2012. You can get it here:
For Windows 8, install VS2010, the Windows Phone SDK, and don't forget the 7.1.1 SDK update that fixes problems with Windows 8.

Windows Mobile development in Visual Studio 2010

I just pulled the 2010 ultimate from MSDN, and I see there's no "Smart Device" options anymore. Does anybody knows how to enable it, or how to install it?
According to various sources in the net Visual Studio 2010 doesn't support Windows Mobile 6.5 development (see here and here for example). Of course there might be an SDK available in the future. For now, you need to use Visual Studio 2008.
Now you can with windows phone SDK7.1 You just need Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and download the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 from here
