I am trying to obtain all the perfect squares between two values(both included).
I tried the following code which gives me the count excluding the end values.
How can i get the count of perfect squares including the end values?
Just add boundary condition to your logic
how to fish - Pseudo code here
n starts with 0
if a || b is perfect square, n++
n += (int)(sqrt(b) - sqrt(a))
return n
fish - here is the answer
I have a complex algorithm which calculates the result of a function f(x). In the real world f(x) is a continuous function. However due to rounding errors in the algorithm this is not the case in the computer program. The following diagram gives an example:
Furthermore I have a list of several thousands values Fi.
I am looking for all the x values which meet an Fi value i.e. f(xi)=Fi
I can solve this problem with by simply iterating through the x values like in the following pseudo code:
for i=0 to NumberOfChecks-1 do
//calculate the function result with the algorithm
//loop through the value list to see if the function result matches a value in the list
for j=0 to NumberOfValuesInTheList-1 do
if Abs(FunctionResult-ListValues[j])<Epsilon then
//mark that element j of the list matches
//and store the corresponding x value in the list
Of course it is necessary to use a high number of checks. Otherwise I will miss some x values. The higher the number of checks the more complete and accurate is the result. It is acceptable that the list is 90% or 95% complete.
The problem is that this brute force approach takes too much time. As I mentioned before the algorithm for f(x) is quite complex and with a high number of checks it takes too much time.
What would be a better solution for this problem?
Another way to do this is in two parts: generate all of the results, sort them, and then merge with the sorted list of existing results.
First step is to compute all of the results and save them along with the x value that generated them. That is:
results = list of <x, result>
for i = 0 to numberOfChecks
//calculate the function result with the algorithm
results.Add(x, FunctionResult)
end for
Now, sort the results list by FunctionResult, and also sort the FunctionResult-ListValues array by result.
You now have two sorted lists that you can move through linearly:
i = 0, j = 0;
while (i < results.length && j < ListValues.length)
diff = ListValues[j] - results[i];
if (Abs(diff) < Episilon)
// mark this one with the x value
// and move to the next result
i = i + 1
else if (diff > 0)
// list value is much larger than result. Move to next result.
i = i + 1
// list value is much smaller than result. Move to next list value.
j = j + 1
Sort the list, producing an array SortedListValues that contains
the sorted ListValues and an array SortedListValueIndices that
contains the index in the original array of each entry in
SortedListValues. You only actually need the second of these and
you can create both of them with a single sort by sorting an array
of tuples of (value, index) using value as the sort key.
Iterate over your range in 0..NumberOfChecks-1 and compute the
value of the function at each step, and then use a binary chop
method to search for it in the sorted list.
// sort as described above
SortedListValueIndices = sortIndices(ListValues);
for i=0 to NumberOfChecks-1 do
//calculate the function result with the algorithm
// do a binary chop to find the closest element in the list
highIndex = NumberOfValuesInTheList-1;
lowIndex = 0;
while true do
if Abs(FunctionResult-ListValues[SortedListValueIndices[lowIndex]])<Epsilon then
// find all elements in the range that match, breaking out
// of the loop as soon as one doesn't
for j=lowIndex to NumberOfValuesInTheList-1 do
if Abs(FunctionResult-ListValues[SortedListValueIndices[j]])>=Epsilon then
//mark that element SortedListValueIndices[j] of the list matches
//and store the corresponding x value in the list
// break out of the binary chop loop
// break out of the loop once the indices match
if highIndex <= lowIndex then
// do the binary chop searching, adjusting the indices:
middleIndex = (lowIndex + 1 + highIndex) / 2;
if ListValues[SortedListValueIndices[middleIndex] < FunctionResult then
lowIndex = middleIndex;
highIndex = middleIndex;
lowIndex = lowIndex + 1;
Possible complications:
The binary chop isn't taking the epsilon into account. Depending on
your data this may or may not be an issue. If it is acceptable that
the list is only 90 or 95% complete this might be ok. If not then
you'll need to widen the range to take it into account.
I've assumed you want to be able to match multiple x values for each FunctionResult. If that's not necessary you can simplify the code.
Naturally this depends very much on the data, and especially on the numeric distribution of Fi. Another problem is that the f(x) looks very jumpy, eliminating the concept of "assumption of nearby value".
But one could optimise the search.
Picture below.
Walking through F(x) at sufficient granularity, define a rough min
(red line) and max (green line), using suitable tolerance (the "air"
or "gap" in between). The area between min and max is "AREA".
See where each Fi-value hits AREA, do a stacked marking ("MARKING") at X-axis accordingly (can be multiple segments of X).
Where lots of MARKINGs at top of each other (higher sum - the vertical black "sum" arrows), do dense hit tests, hence increasing the overall
chance to get as many hits as possible. Elsewhere do more sparse tests.
Tighten this schema (decrease tolerance) as much as you dare.
EDIT: Fi is a bit confusing. Is it an ordered array or does it have random order (as i assumed)?
Jim Mischel's solution would work in a O(i+j) instead of the O(i*j) solution that you currently have. But, there is a (very) minor bug in his code. The correct code would be :
diff = ListValues[j] - results[i]; //no abs() here
if (abs(diff) < Episilon) //add abs() here
// mark this one with the x value
// and move to the next result
i = i + 1
the best methods will relay on the nature of your function f(x).
The best solution is if you can create the reversing to F(x) and use it
as you said F(x) is continuous:
therefore you can start evaluating small amount of far points, then find ranges that makes sense, and refine your "assumption" for x that f(x)=Fi
it is not bullet proof, but it is an option.
e.g. Fi=5.7; f(1)=1.4 ,f(4)=4,f(16)=12.6, f(10)=10.1, f(7)=6.5, f(5)=5.1, f(6)=5.8, you can take 5 < x < 7
on the same line as #1, and IF F(x) is hard to calculate, you can use Interpolation, and then evaluate F(x) only at the values that are probable.
does somebody know the algorithm for end point detection in continuous speech? because I can't find one, the existing algorithm is for isolated word, and not continuous, plis help. If may matlab source code would be helpfull
this is my algorithm
for i=1:length(spektral)
if abs(spektral(i))> 0.025
index1=[index1 i];
else y(i)=0;
for i=2:length(index1)-1
if index1(i)>(index1(i-1)+1)
spasi=[spasi ; index1(i-1) index1(i)]; %penentuan spasi antarkata
The first loop can be omitted completely:
[row,col,val] = find(spektral>0.025);
This will output val the same as you have defined y above. Depending on the size of spektral, either row or col will contain your index1. If spektral is a column vector it will be row, if spektral is a row vector it will be col.
The second loop you can omit as well:
[row,col,val] = find(index1(2:end,:)>index1(1:end-1,:)+1);
Note that index1 will have to be either row or col as output from the first find command.
If I understand correctly, you want to have the spectral energy below the threshold to be considered as noise and want to have more than four seconds of this spectral energy below the threshold to classify it as a silence. In that case:
[row,col,val] = find(spektral<0.025);
tmp = cummin(row); % use cummin(col) if spektral is a row vector
Here I always struggle with find a short, vectorised way to check to subsequent amount of ones in the column, I'll add it when I find the solution.
You can do this with a nested while loop, but there's bound to be a vectorised way:
kk = 1;
while kk<length(tmp)-1
silence1 = 0;
while tmp(kk) = tmp(kk+1)
silence1 = silence1+1; % Sum the length of each silence
kk = kk+1;
silence(kk) = silence1;
silence(silence1==0)=[]; % Remove zero entries
TotalSilences = (sum(silence>4)); % Find the total number of silences
Does anybody know an efficient algorithm for traveling through a sequence of digits by looking for a certain combination, e.g.:
There is this given sequence and I want to find the index of a certain combination of 21??73 in e.g.
... 124321947362862188734738 ...
So I have a pattern 21??94 and need to find out where is the index of:
I assume that there is way to not touch every single digit.
"Lasse V. Karlsen" has brought up an important point that I did forget.
There is no overlapping allowed, e.g.
212173 is ok, then the next would be 215573
Seems like you are looking for the regular expression 21..73 - . stands for "any character"1
Next you just need iterate all matches of this regex.
Most high level languages already have a regex library built in that is simple and easy to use for such tasks.
Note that many regex libraries already take care of "no overlapping" for you, including java:
String s = "21217373215573";
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("21..73").matcher(s);
while (m.find()) System.out.println(m.group());
Will yield the required output of:
(1) This assumes your sequence is of digits in the first place, as your question implies.
Depending on what language you are using, you could use regular expressions of the sort 21\d{2}73 which will look for 21, followed by two digits which are in turn followed by 73. Languages such as C# allow you to get the index of the match, as shown here.
Alternatively, you could construct your own Final State Machine which could be something of the sort:
string input = ...
int index = 0
while(index < input.length - 5)
if(input[index] == 2) && (input[index + 1] == 1) && (input[index + 4] == 7) && (input[index + 5] == 3)
index += 6;
else index++
Since you dont know where these combinations start and you are not looking just for the first one, there is no way to not touch each digit (maybe just last n-1 digits, where n is length of combination, because if there is less numbers, there is not enough space).
I just dont know better way then just read whole sequence, because you can have
... 84452121737338494684 ...
and then you have two combinations overlapping. If you are not looking for overlapping combinations, it's just easier version, but it is possibility in your example.
Some non-overlap algorithm pseudo-code:
start := -1; i := 0
for each digit in sequence
if sequence[digit] = combination[i]
if start = -1
start := digit
if i >= length(combination)
start := -1
i := 0
start := -1
This should be O(n). Same complexity as looking for one value in unsorted array. If you are looking for overlapping combinations like in my example, then complexity is a bit higher and you have to check each possible start, which add one loop inside checking each found start value. Something that check if combination continue, then leave start value or discarding it when combination is broken. Then complexity will be something like O(n*length(combination)), because there cannot be more starts, then what is length of combination.
I'm going through problems at Project Euler to gain some experience with Ruby. The problem I'm working on now has me looking at a 1000-digit number and finding the sequence of five consecutive digits with the greatest product.
big_num = //1000-digit number
num_array = big_num.split('').map(&:to_i)
biggest = 0
prod = 1
(0..995).each do |x|
(0..4).each do |y|
prod *= num_array[x+y]
biggest = prod if prod > biggest
prod = 0
puts biggest
This gives me 882, which is incorrect. To look for the problem, I had it print the values of x and y for each iteration. After the first iteration, it always prints out the five values of y as 7,3,1,6,7, which, when all multiplied together, equal 882. So, after the first iteration of the outer loop, it's not looking past the first five values of num_array, even though x seems to be incrementing properly. For the life of me, I can't figure out why it's behaving this way.
I would use the nice Enumerable method each_cons() to get all sequences of consecutive numbers, eliminating your outer loop. Secondly, I would use reduce(:*) to get each product, eliminating your inner loop. Finally I would call .max to get your answer.
num_array.each_cons(5).map{|seq| seq.reduce(:*)}.max
VoilĂ , one-liner.
You have to reinitialize prod with 1 instead of 0.
Not sure about title.
Here is what I need.
Lets for example have this set of elements 20*A, 10*B, 5*C, 5*D, 2*E, 1*F
I need to mix them so there are not two same elements next to each other and also I can for example say I don't want B and C to be next to each other. Elements have to be evenly spread (if there are 2 E one should be near begining/ in firs half a and second near end/in second half. Number of elements can of course change.
I haven't done anything like this yet. Is there some knowledge-base of this kind of algorithms where could I find some hints and methods how to solve this kind of problem or do I have to do all the math myself?
I think the solution is pretty easy.
Start with an array x initialised to empty values such that there is one space for each item you need to place.
Then, for each (item, frequency) pair in descending order of frequency, assign item values to x in alternating slots starting from the first empty slot.
Here's how it works for your example:
20*A A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A
At this point we fail, since x still has an empty slot. Note that we could have identified this right from the start since we need at least 19 slots between the As, but we only have 18 other items.
Leonidas has now explained that the items should be distributed "evenly" (that is, if we have k items of a particular kind, and n slots to fill, each "bucket" of n/k slots must contain one item of that kind.
We can adapt to this constraint by spreading out our allocations rather than simply going for alternating slots. In this case (and let's assume 2 Fs so we can solve this), we would have
20*A A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A
You can solve this problem recursively:
def generate(lastChar, remDict):
res = []
for i in remDict:
if i!=lastChar):
newRemDict = remDict
subres = generate(i,newRemDict)
res += [i+j for j in subres]
return res
Note that I am leaving out corner conditions and many checks that need to be done. But only the core recursion is shown. You can also quit pursuing a branch if more than half+1 of the remaining letters is a same letter.
I ran into a similar problem, and after evaluating various metrics, I came up with the idea of grabbing the first item for which the proportion through the source array is less than the proportion through the result array. There is a case where all of these values may come out as 1, for instance when halfway through merging a group of even arrays - everything's exactly half done - so I grab something from the first array in that case.
This solution does use the source array order, which is something that I wanted. If the calling routine wants to merge arrays A, B, and C, where A has 3 elements but B and C have 2, we should get A,B,C,A,B,C,A, not A,C,B,A,C,B,A or other possibilities. I find that choosing the first of my source arrays that's "overdue" (by having a proportion that's lower than our overall progress), I get a nice spacing with all arrays.
Source in Python:
def intersperse_arrays(cls, arrays: list):
# general idea here is to produce a result with as even a balance as possible between all the arrays as we go down.
# Make sure we don't have any component arrays of length 0 to worry about.
arrays = [array for array in arrays if len(array) > 0]
# Handle basic cases:
if len(arrays) == 0:
return []
if len(arrays) == 1:
return arrays[0]
ret = []
num_used = []
total_count = 0
for j in range(0, len(arrays)):
total_count += len(arrays[j])
while len(ret) < total_count:
first_overdue_array = None
first_remaining_array = None
overall_prop = len(ret) / total_count
for j in range(0, len(arrays)):
# Continue if this array is already done.
if len(arrays[j]) <= num_used[j]:
current_prop = num_used[j] / len(arrays[j])
if current_prop < overall_prop:
first_overdue_array = j
elif first_remaining_array is None:
first_remaining_array = j
if first_overdue_array is not None:
next_array = first_overdue_array
# Think this only happens in an exact tie. (Halfway through all arrays, for example.)
next_array = first_remaining_array
if next_array is None:
log.error('Internal error in intersperse_arrays')
break # Shouldn't happen - hasn't been seen.
num_used[next_array] += 1
return ret
When used on the example given, I got:
(Seems reasonable.)