How do I use string formatter to restrain two digits before decimal point and two digits after in Ruby? - ruby

I'm well aware that if you want to force two digits, you do
"%2d" % blah
And if in a scenario that it is necessary to enforce two digits after decimal point, you do
".2f" % blah
I'm a bit confused on what should I do in order to combine those two together? Which is to say, 4.6 will be rendered as 04.60, and 34.274 will still be rendered as 34.27.
"%2d.2f" % blah
doesn't work.
I'm thinking that I should probably go for
"%2d%.2f" % [bla_first_half, blah_second_half]
but I'm kind of reluctant to do so since it's a bit tedious.
I know if Java one can easily do
So is there any ruby counterpart like that? Cheers!

"%05.2f" % 4.66 # => 04.66
"%05.2f" % 34.274 # => 34.27
.2f means the float will be rounded to only two digits after the .
05 means the string will be no less than 5 characters and if there are less - it will fill the missing ones with 0.


why does Ruby's Rational class treat string arguments differently from numeric arguments?

I'm using ruby's Rational library to convert the width & height of images to aspect ratios.
I've noticed that string arguments are treated differently than numeric arguments.
>> Rational('1.91','1')
=> (191/100)
>> Rational(1.91,1)
=> (8601875288277647/4503599627370496)
=> "2.1.5"
=> "ruby"
FYI 1.91:1 is an aspect ratio recommended by Facebook for images on their platform.
Values like 191 and 100 are much more convenient to store in my database than 8601875288277647 and 4503599627370496. But I'd like to understand where this different originates before deciding which approach to use.
The Rational test suite doesn't seem to cover this exact case.
Disclaimer: This is only an educated guess, based on some knowledge on how to implement such a feat.
As Kent Dahl already said, Floats are not precise, they have a fixed precision, which means 1.91 is really 1.910000000000000000001 or something like that, which ruby "knows" should be displayed as 1.91.
"1.91" on the other hand is a string, basically an array of characters: '1', '.', '9', '1'.
This said, here is what you need to do, to build the rational out of floats:
Get rid of the . (mathematically by multiplying the numerator and denominator with 10^x, or multiplying with ten as many times, as there are numbers behind the .)
Find the greatest common denominator (gcd)
Divide num and denom with the gcd
Step 1 however, is a little different for Float and String:
The Float, we will have to multiply with 10^x, where x is (because of the precision) not 2 (as one would think with 1.91), but more something like 16 (remember: 1.9100...1).
For the String, we COULD cast it into a float and do the same trick, but hey, there is an easier way: We just count the number of characters behind the dot (which is 2), remove the dot and multiply the denom with 10^2... This is not only the easier, but also the more precise way.
The big numbers might disappear again, when applying step 3, that's why you will not always get those strange results when dealing with rationals from floats.
TLDR: The numbers will be built differently based on the arguments being String, or FLoat. FLoats can produce long-ass numbers, because precision.
The Float 1.91 is stored as a double which has a given amount of precision, limited by binary presentation. The equivalent Rational object retains this precision a such as possible, so it is huge. There is no way of storing 1.91 exactly in a double, but the value you get is close enough for most uses.
As for the String, it represents a different value - the exact value of 1.91 - and as you create a Rational it retains it better. It is more correct than the Float, UT takes longer to use for calculations.
This is similar to the problem with 1.0/3 as it "goes on forever" 0.333333...etc, but Rational can represent it exactly.

Int to hex conversion

Concerning the following line(from here):
"%.8x" % 7929856 #=> "00790000"
I don't understand what is done with 7929856 to get the value "00790000". I know that 0x790000 is 7929856 in hexadecimal, but I don't know where the two leading zeros came from. Is this simply a method of converting the number to hexadecimal? Can someone explain what is happening there?
The "%.8x" is %x with a minimum precision specified. In this case, 8 digits. So if you gave it:
"%.8x" % 1
> '00000001'
The result will always have at least 8 digits, maybe more.
I'm not terribly familiar with Ruby, but my guess (from similar syntax in C) is that the "8" in "%.8x" means to display 8 digits.

ZPL - Code 128 Understanding better how to use Subsets B and C

I'm getting involved with ZPL (a little bit) since a few days, so I'm sorry if the questions will look stupid.
I've got to build a bar code 128 and I finally realized: I got to make it as shorter as possible.
My main question is: is it possible to switch to subset C and then back to B for just 2 digits? I read the documentation and subset C will ready digits from 00 to 99, so in theory it should work, practically, will it be worth it?
Basically when I translate a bar code with Zebra designer, and print it to a file, it doesn't bother to switch to subset C for just a couple of digits.
This is the text I need to see in the bar code:
By the documentation I read, I would build something like this:
Instead Zebra Designer does:
So the other question is, will the bar code be the same length? Actually, will mine be shorter? [I don't have a printer with me at the moment]
Last question:
Let's say I don't want to spend much time scripting this up, will the following work ok, or will it make the bar code larger?
So I can just build a very simple script which checks two chars per time, if they're both numbers, then add >5 to the string.
Thank you :)
Ah, some nice loose terminology. Do you mean couple="exactly 2" or couple="a few"?
Changing from one subset to another takes one code element, so for exactly 2 digits, you'd need one element to change and one to represent the 2 digits in subset C. On the other hand, staying with your original subset would take 2 elements - so no, it's not worth the change.
Further, if you were to change to C for 2 digits and then back to your original, the change would actually be costly - C(12)B = 3 elements whereas 12 would only be 2.
If you repeat the exercise for 4 digits, then switching to C would generate C(12)(34) = 3 elements against 4 to stay with what you have; or C(12)(34)B = 4 elements if you switch and change back, or 4 elements if you stick - so no gain.
With 6 or more successive numerics, then you gain regardless of whether or not you switch back.
So overall,
2-digit terminal : No difference
2-digit other : code is longer
4-digit terminal : code is shorter
4-digit other : no difference
more than 4 digits : code is shorter.
And an ODD number of digits would need to be output in code A or B for the first digit and then the above table applies to the remainder.
This may not be the answer you're looking for, but specifying A (Automatic Mode) as the final parameter to the ^BC command will make the printer do this for you.

Why does Round[2.75,0.1] return 2.800000000003?

Mathematica 8.0.1
Any one could explain what would be the logic behind this result
In[24]:= Round[10.75, .1]
Out[24]= 10.8
In[29]:= Round[2.75, .1]
Out[29]= 2.8000000000000003
I have expected the second result above to be 2.8?
I was trying to do the above for formatting purposes only to make the number fit in the space. I ended up doing the following to get the result I want:
In[41]:= NumberForm[2.75,2]
Out[41] 2.8
I wish Mathematica has printf() like formatting function. I find formatting numbers in Mathematica for exact field width and form a little awkward compared to using printf() formatting rules.
I tried $MaxExtraPrecision=1000 on some number I was trying for format/round, but it did not work, that is why I posted this question. Here it is
In[42]:= $MaxExtraPrecision=1000;
Out[43]= 2035.8000000000002
In[46]:= $MaxExtraPrecision=50;
Out[47]= 2.8000000000000003
I found this way, to format a number to one decimal point only. Use Numberform, but first need to find what n-digit precision to use by counting the number of digits to the left of the decimal point, then adding 1.
In[56]:= x=2035.7520395261859;
Out[57]//NumberForm= 2035.8
The above (Edit 3) did not work for numbers such as
a=2.67301785 10^7
After some trials, I found Accounting Form to do what I want. AccountingForm gets rid of the 10^n form which NumberForm did not:
In[76]:= x=2035.7520395261859;
Out[77]//AccountingForm= 2035.8
In[78]:= x=2.67301785 10^7;
Out[79]//AccountingForm= 26730178.5
For formatting numerical values, the best language I found was Fortran, followed COBOL and also by those languages that use or support printf() standard formatting. With Mathematica, one can do such formatting I am sure, but it sure seems too complicated to me. I never understood why Mathematics does not have Printf[].
Not all decimal (base 10) numbers with a finite number of digits are representable in binary (base 2) with a finite number of digits. E.g. 0.1 is not representable in binary, just like 1/3 ~= 0.33333... is not representable in decimal. Mathematica (and other software) will only use a limited number of decimal digits when showing the number to hide this effect. However, occasionally it might happen that enough decimal digits are shown that the mismatch becomes visible.
This command will show you what happens when you find the closes binary representation of 0.1 using 20 binary digits, then convert it back to decimal:
RealDigits[FromDigits[RealDigits[1/10, 2, 20], 2], 10]
The number is stored in base 2, rather than base 10 (decimal). It's impossible to represent 2.8 in base 2, so it uses the closest value: 2.8000000000000003
Number/AccountingForm can take a list in the second argument, the second item of which is how many digits after the decimal place to show:
In[61]:= x=2035.7520395261859;
In[62]:= AccountingForm[x,{Infinity,3}]
Out[62]//AccountingForm= 2035.752
Perhaps this is useful.

Handling Massive (high precision) Floats in Ruby

I'm making an application which is listening to prices being updated regularly, but occasionally my data source throws me something like "1.79769313486232e+308". The numbers that get sent will never by really big numbers (eg. "179769313486232e+308"), but as with the example above, they come with a lot of precision.
I'd be happy to drop everything after the first couple of decimal places, and end up with something like "1.798", but the following code isn't working for me:
irb(main):001:0> s = '1.79769313486232e+308'
=> "1.79769313486232e+308"
irb(main):002:0> ("%.3f" % s).to_f
(irb):2: warning: Float 1.79769313486232e+30... out of range
=> 0.0
Any graceful ways to handle these kind of numbers in Ruby?
You need to find out from your data source what those really big numbers mean. The price isn't actually 1.797e+308, but it probably also isn't 1.797. How you deal with those numbers depends entirely on what value you should be interpreting them as.
Update: I'm not sure you understand what this number means. 1.79769313486232e+308 is 1.79769313486232 times ten to the 308th power. It's a number with more than 300 digits to the left of the decimal point. This isn't a price, it's a mistake. It's the upper limit of what double-precision floating point can represent.
In other words, you're getting the equivalent of 0xFFFFFFFF or something like that, but interpreted as a floating point number.
That's right at the top of the range of "doubles". In Python for example it's converted to the special float called "inf".
The graceful way to handle this one might be to treat it as infinity
you could strip out extra decimals using regexp
>> s =~ /\.\d\d\d(\d+)/
>> s.gsub($1, '')
=> "1.797e+308"
