Does Make expand recursive-variables before exporting them? - makefile

Given a Makefile:
ifeq "$(MAKELEVEL)" "0"
0 ::
1 ::
#echo 'foo is: "$(foo)"'
And executing, we get:
$ make foo='$#'
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/myname'
foo is: "1"
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/myname'
$ make foo='$#' --environment-overrides
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/myname'
foo is: "0"
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/myname'
So we have here a recursive variable foo with the value: $#, which - of course - expands to the name of the target. Now, we have two options here:
Either, Make expands first the variable, and then export the variable to a sub-make.
With this "logic", when Make runs the first makefile (MAKELEVEL = 0), it will build the target 0, Hence: expand the variable foo(and its value:$#) to 0, and then export - this already expanded value - to the sub-make.
This result, with the sub-make running its makefile, with a variable foo that has the simple value: 0.
This is in-fact the case, when we run make --environment-overrides, as you can see in the second run of the makefile, in the example above.
Another "logic" is, for Make to pass the value "verbatim". That means, with no expansion!
Hence all recursive variables will be still intact, when passed to the second Make.
For this logic, only the sub-make is allowed to expand its variables recursively, hence: any recursive-expansion will be done in the context of the sub-make.
In our example above, that we had foo with its value $#, if we are to follow this logic, Make will pass the value $# "verbatim", with no expansion at all, so the sub-make will effectively see a value $# for its foo variable, hence: when expanding in the context of its target, that happens to be 1, it will recursively expand foo(and its value: $#) to 1.
Actually, this is the "normal" behaviour that is evident in the first run of makefile, as evident in the example above.
So, for a lack of clear methodology, we are left to conclude, that this behaviour of either expand and then export or export and then expand is inconsistent.
That is, sometimes Make will choose the first method, where sometimes it will chose the second.
In our example, it was a command-line option (--environment--overrides), that acted as a deciding factor, as to what method Make has to choose.
But, can we really justify, that these - seemingly - unrelated features (i.e export/recursive vs. environment-overrides), will end up to have such a dramatic effect on each-other?
(Versions note: 4.0 and up).

make does export foo in expanded form, as can be seen here:
#echo "'$$foo'"
$make foo='$#'
However, to pass its argument to sub-makes, it does not use the environment directly -- instead it stuffs everything into the variable MAKEFLAGS. And there it passes foo unexpanded:
#echo "'$$MAKEFLAGS'"
$make foo='$#'
' -- foo=$$#'
To be clear: the sub-make does import foo from the environment, but that is then overridden by the setting from MAKEFLAGS.
When you specify --environment--overrides, that means that environment variables take precedence over settings in the makefile. The GNU make documentation does not explicitly specify what happens to variables passed in via MAKEFLAGS in the presence of --environment--overrides, but apparently they are overridden too.


Accessing exported variables in a shell function

Is there a way to make use of exported variables in shell function without the need for sub-make?
Take the following example.
.PHONY: buzz
$(info buzz)
$(error finish)
.PHONY: fizz
fizz: $(if $(shell echo $$FOO),buzz,)
$(info fizz)
$(MAKE) fizz
If I run the fizz target like so I get the following output.
$ make fizz
make fizz
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/jshbrntt/test'
Makefile:8: *** finish. Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/jshbrntt/test'
make: *** [Makefile:13: fizz] Error 2
As you can see only the second run of make fizz had the shell function expanded and cause the buzz target to also run.
Is there a way to make use of exported variables in shell function without the need for sub-make?
Remember always that GNU make functions such as $(shell) are evaluated while the makefile is being parsed, not when make runs recipes (refer to section 3.7 of the manual), regardless of where in the makefile the $(shell) invocation appears. make determines which variables are exported based on its own environment and the combination of all rules and export / unexport directives in the makefile, potentially including rules and / or directives generated via $(shell) and other functions. In this way it ensures that it is consistent about the environment used to execute recipes.
Although it is conceivable that make would expose expose intermediate forms of its export list to the $(shell) function (and its documentation doesn't clearly specify whether it does so), as a practical matter it would be surprising for it to do so, and your experiment shows that it does not do. And although the manual does not explicitly speak directly to the question, it should be noted that its documentation of export, etc. is in a section entitled Communicating Variables to a Sub-make.
Personally, I recommend avoiding $(shell) (and $(wildcard)) altogether. If you do use $(shell) then I recommend reserving such use to outside recipes. Inside recipes, use shell code directly. This is clearer, certainly in terms of makefile semantics (what is evaluated when), but often in terms of the actual code, too. For your particular example, that might look like so:
.PHONY: fizz
#echo fizz
#if test -n "$$FOO"; then echo FOO found; else echo FOO missing; make fizz; fi
In all current versions of GNU make, exported variables are not sent to the shell function. There are some very nasty recursive behaviors that can happen (what if you write export BAR = $(shell echo $$FOO) ???)
In the next release of GNU make, make variables will be exported to the shell function.
However, there's never any good reason to use shell in a recipe. The recipe is running in a shell, so you can just write the commands that you want directly. So if your example is accurate in that you want to use this facility in a recipe, just take out the shell invocation:
.PHONY: fizz
#echo fizz
#test -n $$FOO && echo FOO found || echo FOO missing

How do you use (GNU) make's "simply expanded" variables in build rules and not get the last definition?

I have a complicated set of rules I need to write to generate a rather large number of "parameterised" output files and thought that, rather than expand them all out by hand, I could repeatedly "include" a template file with sets of rules and use (GNU)make's facility for allowing "simply expanded" variables to avoid the pain.
(In the past I've always been using the "recursively expanded" variable approach, so this is new to me)
As a trivial example of what I thought would work, I tried putting the following in a Makefile
#echo expect A, get $(Targ), Target is $#. Params are $(Param1) and $(Param2)
#echo expect B, get $(Targ), Target is $#. Params are $(Param1) and $(Param2)
#echo expect C, get $(Targ), Target is $#. Params are $(Param1) and $(Param2)
The eventual plan was to replace the rules with an include file containing dozens of different rules, each referencing the various "parameter" variables.
However, what I get is...
prompt> make A
expect A, get C, Target is A. Params are Pc and Qc
prompt> make B
expect B, get C, Target is B. Params are Pc and Qc
Essentially, unlike each rule's target, which is picking up the intended definition, the $(Targ), $(Param1), and $(Param2) in each rule's command is instead being run with the final definition.
Does anyone know how to prevent this, i.e. how do you force the command to use the definition at the time it is encountered in the Makefile?
Simple vs recursive expansion makes no difference here; regardless of which you use you'll see the same behavior. A GNU make variable is global and obviously can have only one value.
You have to understand when variables are expanded. The documentation provides a detailed description of this. Targets and prerequisites are expanded when the makefile is read in, so the value of Targ as the makefile is being parsed is used.
Recipes are expanded when the recipe is to be invoked, which is not until after all makefiles are parsed and make starts to build targets. At that time of course the variable Targ has its last set value.
Without knowing what your makefile really does it's hard to suggest an alternative. One option is to use target-specific variables:
Targ := A
$(Targ): LocalTarg := $(Targ)
#echo expect A, get $(LocalTarg), Target is $#
Another option is to use constructed variable names:
Targ := A
Targ_$(Targ) := $(Targ)
#echo expect A, get $(Targ_$#), Target is $#
Apologies for answering my own question, but I now realised it is possible to solve the issue I was having by running make recursively.
E.g. if the parameter variables for the rules are Targ, Param1 and Param2 then
#Set up "default" values for the parameters (As #madscientist points out,
#these will safely be overridden by the defs on the #(make) commands below
# define N (==3) templated rule(s)
#echo Run Combo_a $(Targ) $(Param1) $(Param2) $#
#echo Run Combo_b $(Targ) $(Param2) $(Param1) reversed $#
#echo Run Combo_c $(Param1) $(Targ) $(Param2) mixed again $#
#Enumerate "M" (==2) sets of parameters,
# (Except if we are already recursing because unrecognised targets may cause
# it to descend forever)
ifneq ($(Recursing), Yes)
#$(MAKE) Targ=Set1 Param1=foo Param2=bar Recursing=Yes $#
#$(MAKE) Targ=Set2 Param1=ray Param2=tracing Recursing=Yes $#
This then allows N*M different combos for N+M typing cost.
eg. (removing messages from make re recursion)
>make Set1.a
Run Combo_a Set1 foo bar Set1.a
>make Set2.c
Run Combo_c ray Set2 tracing mixed again Set2.c

Make variable that is only passed from the command line

I know that I can pass variables to a Makefile in two ways:
make <target> FOO=bar
export FOO=bar
make <target>
and that both of these will make a variable FOO available in the makefile with value bar.
However, is there a way to require that the variable only comes from the command line? I want the passing of variables to be explicit in order to avoid certain potential overlaps of environment variables, so I want to ensure make only receives the variable if passed from the command line, and to disregard it if it's only set in the environment so that the value it uses must be defined by the user when calling make.
EDIT: I realize after researching it a bit more that environment variables are not actually accessed the way I thought they are, they're actually used within make as ${FOO} so as long as I don't define FOO at any point in the makefile, its only set value will be from the command line (as noted in this answer).
These methods to pass variables to GNU make aren't equivalent.
Variables that come from the environment don't override the assignments in makefile, unless make is invoked with -e option. See variables from the environment. This is because depending on environment variables is poor practice in terms of build reproducibility (someone forgets to set the environment variable and the build is different):
It is not wise for makefiles to depend for their functioning on environment variables set up outside their control, since this would cause different users to get different results from the same makefile. This is against the whole purpose of most makefiles.
Variables that come from make command line do override assignments in makefile, unless override is specified. See the override directive.
Hence, the recommended practice is to explicitly set all your variables to their default values in the makefile unconditionally, so that only the assignments from the command line override them.
As far as I know, there's no difference between ${FOO} and $(FOO), regardless of the way FOO is defined.
If you're using GNU make, there's a function origin that allows you to make the distinction: it will return command line for a variable defined on the command line and environment for a variable exported by the environment (more info in the manual)
with the following Makefile:
foo ?= foo
#echo ${foo}, comes from $(origin foo)
make prints foo, comes from file
make foo=bla prints bla, comes from command line
(export foo=bar; make) prints bar, comes from environment
expanding on #Virgile answer, you could add the following kind of check at the start of the makefile. It is a lot to repeat for each variable you wish to check, although all such checks could reside in a dedicated makefile that is then included from main makefile
foo ?= foo
# check origin
ifdef foo
ifneq "$(origin foo)" "command line"
$(error foo: must come from command line)
$(error foo not defined)
#echo ${foo}, comes from $(origin foo)

Why doesn't gnu make's "override" pass through to sub-makes?

Note: This question was originally posted as a rant by a now-deleted user, but there was a valid question behind the rant; this is my attempt to provide an answer.
Given the Makefile:
ifeq "$(MAKELEVEL)" "0"
# Override the command-line specification of "foo".
override foo=replaced
export foo
#echo outer: foo is "$(foo)"
# Variable 'foo' was "exported" from the top-level Makefile.
#echo inner: foo is "$(foo)"
The expectation is that export foo will cause make to export the value defined in the override declaration. But it doesn't:
$ make -s foo=original
outer: foo is replaced
inner: foo is original
The expectation is probably reasonable, but it turns out that this is not the way Gnu make works. It could well be that the make documentation could be improved to clarify the process, but the hints all seem to be there.
How variables get their values
A variable can be set by the programmer in three ways:
On the command line with a var=value command-line argument
Explicitly in the make file
From the environment
The above list is the normal priority order; the first definition found in the list "wins". However, you can use the override directive to swap the priorities of the first two methods. (You can also use the -e flag to make to swap the priorities of the last two methods. The -e flag is required by Posix, but its use is discouraged and it does not interact will with override.)
How variables are passed to sub-makes
make is very similar to a shell in that the environment is used to pass variable values. If a variable is marked as exported, then its value is placed into the environment for any processes initiated by make, including sub-makes. As with the shell, a variable is marked as exported if its definition came from the environment or if it is explicitly marked as exported with the export directive. Variables are also exported if they were set on the command line.
However, there is another mechanism by which variables on the command-line are passed to subprocesses: the MAKEFLAGS exported variable.. MAKEFLAGS contains (most) command-line options as well as all of the command-line variable overrides. If make finds MAKEFLAGS in the environment, it merges the settings in that variable with the ones actually specified on its command line. That means that command-line variable settings in a make will also take priority in a sub-make.
Since command-line variable settings are passed through the MAKEFLAGS variable, they are not subject to any changes in the makefile. A makefile can unexport or override a variable set on the command-line, but that will only affect the value (or presence) of the variable in the environment; it does not remove or change the value from MAKEFLAGS.
So if the intent is to override (or modify) a command-line variable both in the make itself and in the environment of sub-makes, it is necessary to use both an override and an explicit modification of MAKEFLAGS. (As explained in the make manual, MAKEFLAGS is actually recursively composed using the MAKEOVERRIDES variable, so we actually modify that variable.)
ifeq "$(MAKELEVEL)" "0"
# Override the command-line specification of "foo".
override foo=replaced
MAKEOVERRIDES += foo=replaced
#echo outer: foo is "$(foo)"
#$(MAKE) -s
# Variable 'foo' was "exported" from the top-level Makefile.
#echo inner: foo is "$(foo)"
And now we get the expected result:
$ make -s foo=original
outer: foo is replaced
inner: foo is replaced
Real-life application: dealing with whitespace
The primary intention of overrides is to allow the makefile to append words to a variable possibly provided on the command line. The example provided in the gnu make manual is insisting that CFLAGS always includes the -g flag, even if it were specified on the make command line:
override CFLAGS += -g
Passing the append through to a sub-make needs a little caution; in particular, the obvious:
won't work because the whitespace inside the CFLAGS variable will not be escaped when it is added to MAKEFLAGS; the result will be that MAKEFLAGS will look something like this:
instead of the desired
-- CFLAGS=-O3 CFLAGS=-O3\ -g
If the value assigned to CFLAGS on the command line included whitespace, the whitespace is escaped in MAKEFLAGS. The particular escaping mechanism used is not documented, and Posix only requires that there be some mechanism; apparently, Gnu make uses backslash. It would be possible to manually backslash escape the whitespace, resulting in something like this:
# Don't do this either
MAKEOVERRIDES += CFLAGS=$(subst $(space),\ ,$(CFLAGS))
(The definition and use of space is based on an example in the gnu make manual.)
But it is actually easier to just use an append assignment in MAKEOVERRIDES, which is undocumented but appears to work. It works on the command line, too.
override CFLAGS+=-g
Important Note as of make v4.1: A bit of testing revealed that the above stanza will only work if CFLAGS (or some other variable) is actually set on the command-line. I reported this bug as Savannah issue 46013, with a very simple fix in the bug report. In the meantime, if you really want to do this, use the following workaround:
override CFLAGS+=-g
# This line is necessary in case there were no command-line overrides.
# In effect, it produces a command-line override, although that value
# will not be passed on to sub-makes.
MAKEFLAGS += dummy=dummy
Update May 19, 2019: Today I was informed that a fix for the bug referenced above has been committed, so it should be fixed in the next gmake release.
First of all, I want to point out that your suggestion to add to MAKEOVERRIDES, is dangerous!
You simply turn a recursive variable into a simple one, you will always get false results, if recursive expansion is done.
I can not believe that you got up-voted for this clearly wrong "suggestion".
And note this:
You can not even fix it with a quoted assignment, like MAKEOVERRIDES += foo=$$(bar)!!!
But, let me return to the main point of your post.
And, with which, I couldn't disagree more.
One simple example would be, if you run the very same makefile, that you have:
This one is copied verbatim, from your post:
ifeq "$(MAKELEVEL)" "0"
# Override the command-line specification of "foo".
override foo=replaced
export foo
#echo outer: foo is "$(foo)"
#$(MAKE) -s
# Variable 'foo' was "exported" from the top-level Makefile.
#echo inner: foo is "$(foo)"
And running in any modern version, 4.0 and up:
# Sub-make does NOT get the value from the root-Make's command-line.
# Instead, it "inherits" the value from the root-Make's definition in the Makefile.
$ make -s foo=original -e
outer: foo is replaced
inner: foo is replaced
Now, given your assertion above:
However, there is another mechanism by which variables on the command-line are passed to subprocesses: the [MAKEFLAGS exported variable.][3]. MAKEFLAGS contains (most) command-line options as well as all of the command-line variable overrides. If make finds MAKEFLAGS in the environment, it merges the settings in that variable with the ones actually specified on its command line. That means that command-line variable settings in a make will also take priority in a sub-make.
Since command-line variable settings are passed through the MAKEFLAGS variable, they are not subject to any changes in the makefile. A makefile can unexport or override a variable set on the command-line, but that will only affect the value (or presence) of the variable in the environment; it does not remove or change the value from MAKEFLAGS.
You should get:
outer: foo is replaced
inner: foo is original
In other words, we should get for the sub-make, the value defined on the command-line (original)!
Because, you said yourself:
A makefile can't unexport or override a variable set on the command-line.
So, here, when we empower the environment over the makefile, which means that the makefile has less "power" in the total scheme of things. Right?
Sure, for such a case, you assertion will hold even stronger.

How to prevent make from communicating any variable to a submake?

I am unable to prevent make from communicating any variables to a submake. I've read the manual and I've followed their advice (resetting MAKEOVERRIDES and MAKEFLAGS) but it's still not working has I think it should.
Consider the following prototype Makefile:
${warning $(MAKEOVERRIDES)}
${warning $(MAKEFLAGS)}
${warning $(VAR)}
echo done!
If I make VAR=10 none, I get the following:
Makefile:2: VAR=10
Makefile:4: 10
make -f Makefile MAKEOVERRIDES= MAKEFLAGS= all
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/adriano/sandbox/makes'
Makefile:4: 10
echo done!
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/adriano/sandbox/makes'
Meaning that make is communication VAR to the submake. Is this the correct behaviour?
I've tried unexport VAR and bash -c make ... without any luck.
EDIT: I've modified none's recipe to: bash -c "echo $$MAKEOVERRIDES $$MAKEFLAGS $$VAR" ; make ...
This way I found out that VAR is actually being passed through the environment that make creates for the commands to be executed and not through the other variables (the other variables are also passed this way to make).
I think my question now is: how can I create a fresh shell/environment to run my sub make?
EDIT: Someone asked why am I trying to this; I'll try to answer to that here.
I have a "module" which uses a variable named CONFIG. In order to build this module I need to build another partially unrelated "module" which also uses CONFIG, but with a different value. The problem is that when I try to build the "sub-module" CONFIG contains the value of the "super-module." I could specify CONFIG when making the "sub-module" however both modules use many variables with the same name and trying to specify them all would make the modules tightly coupled which is something I cannot afford.
How can this be so difficult...
This is wrong:
These variables (MAKEOVERRIDES and MAKEFLAGS) are set in the environment by the parent make to be passed down to the sub-makes. Setting overrides on these values inside the recipe won't help, because make has to set the environment for the recipe before it actually starts the commands in the recipe (of course).
You have to override/remove these values in the parent makefile, so that those changes are seen by the parent make before it constructs the sub-make's environment:
$(MAKE) -f Makefile all
There's no perfect way to do this. However, you can play a trick that will work most of the time:
unexport $(shell echo '$(MAKEOVERRIDES)' | sed 's/=[^ ]*//g')
The first line tries to unexport all the variables in MAKEOVERRIDES and the second line resets MAKEOVERRIDES. There are a few issues with this. One is that if MAKEOVERRIDES is empty, it will use "unexport" by itself which unexports everything. That can be easily worked around by sticking some bogus variable before the shell function. The other is that if any variable's value contains whitespace, the expansion will consider it a variable to be unexported. That's probably OK, but it's odd.
I can't think of any better way to do it.
You don't really say why you want to do this. Have you considered doing something different, such as running the commands where you want to have a "vanilla" environment using env; for example if you want to run a command with a limited and specific set of env vars, you can run:
env -i PATH='$(PATH)' LANG='$(LANG)' runMyCommand --with --my arguments
Unfortunately some versions of env use - instead of -i; check your man page.
Alternatively, you can try to start a login shell which will re-read the user's shell setup environment from scratch:
/bin/sh -lc 'runMyCommand --with --my arguments'
EDIT: It's difficult because what you're asking to do (restrict the environment of the sub-make) is tricky.
Luckily based on your description, it doesn't seem necessary. Make has a hierarchy of importance for finding variable values. The command line is the highest level (well, there's override but we'll ignore that). After that comes variables set in the makefile itself. And last and lowest comes variables imported from the environment (well, default variables are even lower but we'll ignore that too).
So if your goal is to allow the variables in the sub-makes to not be affected by command line variables given to the upper-level makes, then all this rigmarole of getting the variables out of the environment is not necessary. Variables set in the sub-makefiles will take precedence over the values in the environment. So all you have to do is get rid of the variables set on the command line, which I've already shown how to do above, by setting MAKEOVERRIDES.
