Swiffy 7.3 doesn't work with older swiffy files - google-swiffy

I've been using swiffy5 to convert flash files with simple animations into swiffyobjects. Google has recently updated swiffy to version 7.3 which is incompatible with the swiffy5 runtime file. Swiffy objects made up until now are also incompatible with the swiffy 7.3 runtime file. Is there anyway to convert flash files using older versions of swiffy?


How to check Xcode 6.4 code after switching to Xcode 7

I have saved a version of my app code that runs on XCode 6.4 and made a copy and converted it to work with the latest XCode 7 beta.
The problem is Xcode_6.4.dmg was auto-installed using the App Store and I don't have that file available and I can't download it because it is installed from the App Store. I have some the beta versions but not the released.
Will I be able to run my Swift 1.2 code somehow as a baseline to whether a bug existed before the transition to Swift 2.0?
Download Xcode 6.4 at http://adcdownload.apple.com/Developer_Tools/Xcode_6.4/Xcode_6.4.dmg
You can manually keep any number of Xcode versions in /Applications. Just name each one uniquely before opening them.

Swiffy runtime.js huge file size

I'm using google swiffy, and it require to embed "runtime.js".
which is very huge file... size about 410KB.
I'm using v7.3.0 version...
Is there any earlier smaller versions...
or other alternatives.
You don't need to embed runtime.js - just link to it from your html, like this:
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/swiffy/v7.3.0/runtime.js"></script>
That link should already be in your swiffy HTML file.
But, if by "embed" you meant "link to", Google's servers deliver the runtime fast, so the size shouldn't be an issue. But if it is, you could try linking to an older, smaller version of the runtime (e.g. version 5.2.0 is 280K). But then, an older version might not render your swiffy correctly.

KineticJS-saveImagedata() , Problems updating to new kineticjs library

I used kinetic-v3.10.4.js for almost all my work.
Now the requirement changed and I need to add few more functionality that are available in newer versions.
So I started using kinetic-v4.0.1.js.
I made a sample file and it is working fine but few functions like saveImageData();,DetectionType.etc. are not working in 4.0.1 as they have been updated and instead of saveImageData(), createBufferImage() is the new function.
I am redoing everything with kinetic v4.0.1 now.
I can't find the old example in the website that was using createBufferImage() for image event detection as it has been updated to 4.3.3
So anyone having any old example that help in pixel detection/image detection with 4.0.1
How about searching from archived internet contents, archive.org

How do I open project version 1.0 with xcode 4.2?

I downloaded this Xcode project(version 1.0 as in contents.xcworkspacedata) from here
When I try to open it, got this error:
Failed to load project at '.../Lesson31_OSXCocoa/Lesson31_OSXCocoa.pbproj', incompatible project version.
How do I open project version 1.0 with xcode 4.2?
You're better off trying to find a newer tutorial, or just studying the code as-is, without expecting to build and run it.
Judging by the modification dates, this code is almost ten years old. Even if you can get a modern version of XCode to open it, there's no reason to think that the headers, libraries, etc., that it needs to compile and run will still be compatible. Moreover, ten years is a long time in software terms. While some of the content might still be applicable, it certainly won't be anywhere near the cutting edge (which itself won't be new by the time you've mastered it).
All that said, if you're really intent on working with that project file in XCode 4.2, the best way is probably to convert it the same way a continuously developed project would have: XCode by XCode.
You can download older versions of XCode from Apple here (requires free Apple developer account).
Some older version will be able to import that file and update it to a newer format.
Assuming you don't stop at that point and use that version of XCode, you can repeat the process with the updated project file and ever-newer versions of XCode until you've arrived at version 4.2.
Relatively easy to make a new project and add the appropriate files to it. Took less than 10 minutes (had to update the code in a few places). Note that I didn't spend much time cleaning up this old code - quite a few deprecated warnings. But it runs and works. I have Xcode 4.3.2 installed but hopefully you'll be able to open it with 4.2. Here's a link to it: Lesson31.zip
Note that the process for doing this (so you can do it for any others), is to create a new Mac OS X Cocoa Application project, add the files (except main.m) from the old project to the new project, and then add necessary libraries to fix link errors (OpenGL Framework). If there's a nib then you can open that in Xcode and copy the window with view and controller out of that project and paste them into the .xib file created with the new project. Then fix compiler warnings/errors as necessary (add a few (char*) coerces, remove reference to std::ios::nocreate which doesn't seem to be available, etc).

How do I get wkhtmltopdf to produce PDFs with selectable and searchable text?

I've installed wkhtmltopdf on Mac OS X via homebrew and I've also tried compiling it (along with the patched version of Qt) by hand. In both cases, the PDFs it generates do not contain any selectable, copyable, or searchable text. Instead each page seems to be its own monolithic image.
However, the binary version for Mac OS that's provided on the website does produce selectable text. But it's an older version (0.9.9) and does not support some of the newer features in 0.11 rc1 that I need.
How do I get newer versions to produce PDFs with selectable and searchable text?
Currently there is a bug in the queue of that project for just this case.
Unfortunatly, the recent binary for Mac OSX (0.11-rc1) still has this problem
You can get a older (but newner than the original poster's version) version (0.10) that does work here.
Ensure the body element has a defined, non-zero height.
