How do I get wkhtmltopdf to produce PDFs with selectable and searchable text? - wkhtmltopdf

I've installed wkhtmltopdf on Mac OS X via homebrew and I've also tried compiling it (along with the patched version of Qt) by hand. In both cases, the PDFs it generates do not contain any selectable, copyable, or searchable text. Instead each page seems to be its own monolithic image.
However, the binary version for Mac OS that's provided on the website does produce selectable text. But it's an older version (0.9.9) and does not support some of the newer features in 0.11 rc1 that I need.
How do I get newer versions to produce PDFs with selectable and searchable text?

Currently there is a bug in the queue of that project for just this case.
Unfortunatly, the recent binary for Mac OSX (0.11-rc1) still has this problem
You can get a older (but newner than the original poster's version) version (0.10) that does work here.

Ensure the body element has a defined, non-zero height.


osx mac id3 tag finding the actually version #

Numerous mp3s. All have id3 tags. I want to know what the tag version is on a specific mp3. I do not see this information in iTunes. So, I do not know if it is 1,2,2.x, etc. I also have MusicBrainz as an option, but still do not see id3 version displayed anywhere.
Q) Do either of these applications display id3 tag version information? Are there simple command line programs which will display tag version on all the different versions? 2.x, 2.x+1, 2.x+2 etc...

Unable to run firefox extension

I'm new to Firefox extension development, friendly speaking it's first day, I had followed the following article in order to start with Firefox extension development: How to develop a Firefox extension.
If I download the example from above given link's tutorial and try to install, it is installed perfectly but, when I update that example (just updating its name to the new extension name, where it is necessary in all files), and then install, I get the following message: "X could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox 15.0.1." (where X is the name of my extension).
Strange behavior same code one is installing fine and other one giving error.
Any idea where it is going wrong and what is causing this?
The problem is that you forgot to adjust the compatibility range in install.rdf so em:maxVersion is still saying 3.1b2 (meaning Firefox 3.1b2 - a rather old version). You should change that into 15.* if you want to support the current stable Firefox version or 16.* if you want to support the current beta versions. You can also change em:minVersion into something more meaningful: I doubt that you will verify whether your extension still works with Firefox 2.0.
As to why the extension installs if you don't change the extension ID, this is more complicated. First of all, there is a soft override mechanism for the compatibility ranges which allows extension authors to change the compatible version range without releasing a new version. In this particular case Firefox will check for extension updates by requesting this address or a similar one. The update server tells it that version 1.0 is still current but adjusts maxVersion to Firefox 8.0 - this value will override whatever is specified in install.rdf.
But that's not the end of the story. The compatibility check mechanism was changed significantly in Firefox 10, the default assumption is now that the add-on is compatible with newer versions even if that isn't specified explicitly anywhere. The requirements are that the extension doesn't opt out of lax compatibility checking, doesn't contain binary components and is compatible with at least Firefox 4. The original extension is compatible with Firefox 8 thanks to the soft override, with a different extension ID it is only compatible with Firefox 3.1b2 however (it isn't hosted on so the update server doesn't know about it) which means that the lax compatibility checking doesn't apply to it.
For reference: the behavior described in the previous paragraph is controlled by the extensions.strictCompatibility, extensions.minCompatibleAppVersion and extensions.minCompatiblePlatformVersion preferences.

Internal links with wkhtmltopdf?

I have created a PDF from several web pages using wkhtmltopdf.
Is there a way to link across pages, for example from page 10 to 15.
I tried creating an element with an ID and then an anchor to link to it, but this does not work within the same page or across pages. It turns the link into an absolute URL and tries to open it in a web browser.
I solved this issue by updating the binary that I was using.
I was using 0.8 and switched to 0.11.0 rc1.
Ensure that it is built against QT (the latest binary at is.
And then just to be sure enable internal links:
when you call the conversion
i had this issue after installing pathced version of QT
i had wkhtmltopdf 0.9.6, than i also switched to 0.11.0 rc1
then worked fine!
and no need to use --enable-internal-links. you can just turn off this option by --disable-internal-links* by default its on.
Internal links appear only to work correctly in certain builds for certain platforms. With the latest WkHTMLtoPDF 0.12.5 releases the unix builds are OK (at least for Centos and Ubuntu) and internal links are generated correctly BUT windows builds DO NOT work and leave broken links. I don't know why this is and have commented on GitHub accordingly.
Also when multiple html input documents are used any 'internal' hyperlinks between these are broken (all platforms). In other words cross input document links are NOT fixed up. This would be a really useful feature addition (particularly when generating massive reports) but sadly does not appear to be supported as yet.

libpng warning: Application built with libpng-1.2.26 but running with 1.5.2

I have a problem on my mac when trying in R to produce png images.
I am getting this warnings:
libpng warning: Application built with libpng-1.2.26 but running with 1.5.2
I am running the R 2.14 version using the R-studio GUI.
I am not excatly sure about the libpng problem. When I am doing locate libpng-config I'm getting several hits, some with libong-config12, some with libpng-config14, some without nay numbers:
ayeroslaviz:~ ayeroslaviz$ locate libpng-config
When doing which libpng-config I'm getting: /usr/local/bin/libpng-config
Is there a way to uninstall older versions of libpng or update the paths to the right version. Unfortunately I am not even sure, what thesource of this warning, so I hope I gave here all the needed information.
I would be grateful for anyone who gives me a hint about how to solve this problem.
Fortunately, you're using a Mac, so there's a simpler (but not documented) method.'my_filename.png', type='png')
Note that the image you want to save must be the currently active quartz window.
If your code still works, then don't worry about it. The fact this this is a warning rather than an error message means that there might be a problem, not that there definitely is a problem. IF you don't want to see the warning, wrap your R code in a call to suppressMessages.
This problem could occur because RStudio (or some other library you are using in your project) is using in-built libpng libraries (v1.2) and when the application run, the version installed in the system is v1.5: If this is the point, you could try to upgrade RStudio libpng libraries or downgrade system libpng ones.

What is a product version? why it changes randomly?

What is a product version? why it changes randomly?
For example. Firefox new version is v.3.6.7. their previous version is v.3.6. my doubt is why they don't use v.3.6.1 instead of using v.3.6.7. Is any specific reason behind this kind of versioning. or they give it randomly.
Each product chooses the versioning strategy differently, but it's usually something styled in the following manner:
major version (big API / behavior incompatibilities; huge new features); example - iPhone 3 vs. iPhone 4
minor version (minor new features, speedups, basic API/behavior is unchanged and usually backward compatible); example - iPhone 3 vs. iPhone 3GS
release version (bug fixes in a specific minor version)
Version control tag or build identifier to quickly match the version string to a version control tag.
Any of those do not have to be sequential in number - versions can be skipped for any reason.
my doubt is why they don't use v.3.6.1 instead of using v.3.6.7.
They did release all the previous ones: Mozilla Firefox 3.6
