Get Item Text with Persits Asp.Upload - vbscript

I need help with the component Persits's AspUpload. I need a simply method to get item text from form. I read the manual online but i think that the method presented is not good. In the manual the used method is:
For Each Item in Upload.Form
Response.Write Item.Name & "= " & Item.Value & "<BR>"
I need to get the item.value from item. I already know the I try with this code, but it doesnt run
var1 = Upload.Form.Item.Name("var1").Item.Value
The error is:
Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'Upload.Form.Item'
I've found a solution but i don't like it
For Each Item in Upload.Form
if Item.Name = "var1" then var1=Item.Value end if
Do you have any more elegant solution? Thanks

Admittedly the documentation isn't the clearest but Upload.Form is a collection the documentation says;
To reference an individual form item of the collection you may use a 1-based integer index, or a string corresponding to the NAME attribute of a text item of your upload form.
So you can access it like most collections in Classic ASP
name = Upload.Form("var1").Name
value = Upload.Form("var1").Value
As long as var1 equates to the NAME attribute of the HTML form field element (INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA etc).


ASP.Classic Getting value from input to POST parameter

Please excuse me if this question is dumb.
I need to get an input value and pass it in a POST parameter like follow:
SQL = "[proc_Happy]" & Request.Cookies("UserID")& "," & Request.Form("MYINPUTFIELD")
I have tried hardcoding MYINPUTFIELD with (it worked!):
SQL = "[proc_Happy]" & Request.Cookies("UserID")& "," & 54555152
My input in the asp page looks as follow:
<input type="number" name="MYINPUTFIELD " id="MYINPUTFIELD" value="<%=MYINPUTFIELD%>">
Things I have tried:
Getting the value with JS - failed.
Is your input field in a form, i.e. is it between <form...> and </form> tags? If no, that's your problem right there. If yes, what does the <form...> tag have in it? Does it say method='get'? If yes, then your inputs are being put in the querystring, not the form object. For Request.Form(...) to work, your form needs to say method='post'.
If you need this code to work with both form methods, you can do something like
dim MyInputField
MyInputField = Request.Querystring("MyInputField")
If MyInputField = "" Then MyInputField = Request.Form("MyInputField")
'make the "OMGSQLINJECTION!!1!" people just go away already
'(note to such people: he's using a frigging stored procedure.)
If Not Isnumeric(MyInputField) Then
MyInputField = 0
End If
SQL = "[proc_Happy]" & Request.Cookies("UserID")& "," & MyInputField

Logic not working with List items in Applescript

This is a very strange problem I could not understand it, the code is very clear as you can see, I don't know if I am tired or could not see something... please tell me why I am getting False as a result, while it should be True, I have a list with one item and it is the exact one in the variable
property forbidenFolders : {"/Volumes/USERS/"}
set ff to "/Volumes/USERS/" as text
my isForbidenFolder(ff)
on isForbidenFolder(SelectedFolder)
repeat with i in forbidenFolders
log "forbiden folders: " & i
log "actual folder : " & SelectedFolder
if i = SelectedFolder then
log "this folder is forbiden"
return true
end if
end repeat
log "NOT forbiden"
return false
end isForbidenFolder
result here
That's the reference trap.
The syntax repeat with item in list iterates thru the list with references e.g. a reference to item 1 of list, a reference to item 2 of list etc. rather than the item itself.
To be able to check for equality you have to dereference the item using contents of
if contents of i = SelectedFolder then
When i is set to the item of a list in a repeat loop, you are getting a reference to the item. You need to coerce it into a string for your comparison.
if (i as string) = SelectedFolder

How to create description object model at runtime in uft/qtp?

thank you for taking a look on this question. Just wondering if there is a best approach to create description object model at runtime. My code fails
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Browser(...).page(...).WebButton'
'create a description object for Browser & Page`
Set WebBrwsrDesc= Description.Create
WebBrwsrDesc("application version").value= "Internet Explorer.*"
If StrBrowser<>"" Then
End If
Set WebPageDesc= Description.Create
' 'Based on the type of object, execute the condition`
Select Case StrObject`
Case "WebButton"
Set WebBtnDes= Description.Create
WebBtnDes("html tag").value="INPUT"
end select
End Function
I am making a call from action
CreateDescObjAt_RunTime "Account Login","Your Store", "WebButton", "", "Account Login", "Login", "" And this is failing. However if I un comment this line & comment problem line, it works
Could you please help me with the right approach? thanks
If you want to set a generic browser and page you can simply use a statement similar to the line you have commented:
Dim objPage : Set objPage = Browser("class:=browser").Page("title:=.*")
The line above will create a page object that you can work with.
Check the parameters being passed to your function to make sure you are correctly identifying your browser and page.
For the part of your actual object, which you want to create at runtime, you need to create a Description object, then look for the ChildObjects of your main object (in this case, your page) and store it to a collection. After that you can check whether or not your object is found. So your Select Case part would be something like this:
Select Case StrObject
Case "WebButton"
' This is just a description of your object, not your actual object
Dim descButton : Set descButton = Description.Create
descButton("html tag").value="INPUT"
' In the following statement you are looking for all child objects
' of your page that matches with your description, and storing it
' into the collButton collection
Dim collButton : Set collButton = Browser("class:=browser").Page("title:=.*").ChildObjects(descButton)
If collButton.count > 0 Then ' Now you are checking if any object was found
' There are many ways to get the button object that you want.
' Here I'm just assuming you want the first one, but you could iterate
' into the collection to make sure you have the right one
Dim objButton : Set objButton = collButton(0) ' I'm getting the first item, which is in index 0 of your collection
objButton(0).Click ' This object already have the whole Browser().Page().WebButton() identified, so no need to use it
MsgBox "No WebButton found. Please check your Description object"
End If
' Your other cases...
End Select
MicClass of a Webbutton Can't be button. It should be WebButton
' You are using following
It Should be : WebButton
'Anyway Describing Description Object
Set ObjButton=Description.Create
Set ObjButton= Browser().page().ChildObject(ObjButton)

Adding both text and an ID value to a VB6 combobox

I am currently trying to add to my VB6 combobox using the AddItem method. This works, however, I want to display text in the drop down but I need to pass the ID of that text.
Is there a way to accomplish this by using the AddItem method?
It can't be done in the AddItem method but it's fairly easy to do it immediately after, using the NewIndex property, as long as the ID is a numeric value:
With Combo1
For i = 16 To 34
.AddItem "Item " & i
.ItemData(.NewIndex) = i
End With
As the ID was not numeric I didn't use the solution above.
I had to create a type that had a "desc" and an "cod" and then create an array of that type.
I then used the ListIndex of the drop down (populated by the array) to get the element value which contained the id.
Private Type T_arrType
cod As String
dsc As String
End Type
dim x as integer
x = cbo.listIndex

Is Nothing comparison gives type mismatch

I am trying to check if the 'Listivew.Tag property is nothing'.
I used to do the 'Is Nothing' check universally for all scenarios as first check to avoid errors
Can someone explain how to do it in VB 6?
If Not .lvwLocation.Tag Is Nothing Then
str = str & IIf(Len(.lvwLocation.Tag) > 0, " and u.location_id in " & .lvwLocation.Tag, "")
End If
Gives error 'type-mismatch'
Nothing is a valid value for Object variables, and Is is the way to compare object pointers.
But a VB6 control's Tag property is a String, and VB6's String type is not an Object; it's a primitive type. That means a String variable can't be assigned Nothing -- its emptiest possible value is the empty string. (And an Object variable can't be assigned a String value.) For strings just use the same equality/inequality/comparision operators that you use for other primitive (numeric/boolean/date) types:
If .lvwLocation.Tag <> "" Then ...
In VB6 it appears that using Is Nothing to compare Objects works, Every other data type that I tried did not. In .Net Nothing represents the default value of any data type and will work like you expect.
Dim test as Object
If Not test Is Nothing Then
End If
Since it appears the data type of th Tag property in VB6 is a string. I would use something like:
If .lvwLocation.Tag <> "" Then
End If
